Healing has been ruined
Other urls found in this thread:
Shut up alisaie you're a red mage anyway
>all this shedposting and doomposting
>tfw my main just got more comfy and fun
I feel sad for those who have not embraced black mage
EPIC general thread!! omg what are you loking forward to in the next final fantasy expansion? bros i am gonna buy so many cash store items and pay for 5 years of $15/mo sub fees!! im sad that the new races can't equip headgear and have non-lore-friendly feet in order to be compatible with existing foot gear tho =/ maybe if i buy more mogstore items they will add headgear for viera??
Why can I still not fuck Alisaie?
Yoshi talks about respecting tranny wishes and shit in-game but doesn't respect my wish to have a romance with this NPC.
>that one RDMlet who has been seething for like a week in these threads
not everyone likes to play overpowered classes
Umm did you not read the most recent announcement from the devs? They are not adding any more characters that appear to be beneath the Californian age of consent, and the planned romance with Alisaie has been axed for ethical reasons
Imagine being so pessimistic that you can't even see the possible bright side because "oh no, muh streamlining. Muh DPS."
>and the planned romance with Alisaie has been axed for ethical reasons
Is this bait or is this actually a thing? link to any info if there is
Underwhelming but can be easily fixed with increased potency
>DRK lost blood weapon and continues to just spam soul eater endlessly
>PLD gets this
Whose expansion is this again?
>Addendum—On Adding Younger-Looking Playable Characters
Among some of the feedback we received were requests for playable characters that resembled young boys and girls. Unfortunately, this is one request we cannot consider for ethical reasons.
With every passing year the debate surrounding moral and ethical issues in games grows more intense, and we do not want to present children in battle or in pain—and posing such characters sexually and taking screenshots and so forth would be expressly forbidden.
In any event, regardless of what our players did or did not intend to do, the fact remains that if a review board were to evaluate such content and determine it were unacceptable, we would be forced to suspend FFXIV’s service. We ask that you keep these factors in mind as we strive to abide by the changing standards of the times.
BASED california destroying weeb games left and right. Enjoying the MeToo treatment, gamers? :)
Just says no playable children, which whatever, I didn't want that. Plus, Alisaie is not a child, she's a teen.
And if you can legally give other people AIDS in Commiefornia, then the age of consent there must be pretty fucking low. Low enough that a teenager can consent.
How fucking gullible can you be?
>story about the Light being too strong
>PLD starts out overpowered and DRK in the cuckshed
>reverses by the end of the expansion
Genuine ludokino.
waaaiiiit a second that can't be the real requiescat tooltip can it?? 50%?? that's a huge buff..
>no teen-looking player characters because players might make porn of sexually mature characters
>our toddlercon race though? that's ok
That would be awesome but you know it's not true
You healers aren't going to quit. You're hooked on the deference
How is MNK ruined it's exactly the fucking same. Yeah, losing Internal Release sucks but that's about the only real negative.
>the planned romance with Alisaie has been axed for ethical reasons
Do you have a single fact to back that up
as a WHM im used to the abuse, but that doesnt mean im not going to keep complaining about it in the hope that yoshi pretends to listen for once.
if you faggot healers want to dps roll a dps you dumb fucks until then use your damage boost on the real dps and sit there like the little cucks you are while i smack by big dps dick against titanias asshole
AST here:
If I can't get used to the card changes (read: simplification), I will indeed switch
Which is a shame
I truly hope that all dungeons start throwing fuckton of damage at me to give me something to do
Yeah but it sure does make for good shitpost material
Holy spirits do slightly less base damage than before, but with the buff they're slightly stronger.
Also they're instant and if something goes super fucking wrong you can pop requiescat and have access to 1 8 0 0 potency instant cast heals that heal you for 900 potency if you use them on someone else.
>if a review board were to evaluate such content and determine it were unacceptable, we would be forced to suspend FFXIV’s service.
So why has this not happened with lalafell, which are literally 4-year-olds who people make rape albums with using mods?
I main SCH but will probably have to switch to SMN
I cannot imagine how boring it would be to level as healer after these changes
What makes you think that guy is a SMN?
>thinking overpowered or underpowered matters
Are you one of those guys who doesn't play the job he loves and just shifts around going from fotm to fotm? That's sad.
Gonna level up ninja first since they are guaranteed top tier with trick attack then level sch. If fights aren't healing intensive it means I still have a free smn
Lalafells are chibis, not children, you god damn moron.
Actual toddlercon cope.
All these buffs and all PLD had to get was a nerf to Cover in exchange, made out like fucking bandits.
>FC members quit over DRK changes
>Friend demo'd his house over SCH changes
Well looks like ShadowBringers is pushing more of my friends away like Stormblood did.
I do play the class I love you fag which makes me different from BLMcucks who only play overpowered meme classes
>I cannot imagine how boring it would be to level as healer after these changes
This. I don't main healer but have all three at 70 already. There's no way I'd level any of them from scratch with the changes incoming
I can't believe they nerfed drk
dark mind was all they had and they took it away
Reminder that the build that was at the media tour was from early April. There were major changes missing, even ones shown in the job action trailer which was made in a separate build. An obvious example of this is when the fairy transforms, it doesn't grant 50 Gauge in the media tour build like it does in the job trailer. Stop freaking out retards.
>It's another "Summoner is broken and better than everyone for another expansion" episode.
>It's every episode.
>Of every season.
Remember to report all healers who DPS.
Which role got the most improvements?
What is the point of nerfing any class in an expansion? Everything is getting power creeped anyway. Just buff everything else.
Neither the development team nor the ratings boards consider Lalafell to be children characters.
i cant believe they ruined mch bros
Do DOT ticks proc straight shot ready now or is it only when you press caustic/stormbite?
It genuinely hurts, but the lack of tank gf over the course of this godforaken game is what's going to drive me away before Yoshi does. That and CoH..
mnk is good, shut up nerd
Yes they both do, lol.
SMNs will find something to complain about don't worry
Ranged dps got improved across the board.
only when you press do you have any idea how fucking busted that shit would be if it procd per tick
Bros I can't decide on if I should remain SAM or move to DRG, DRG seems kinda fun.
I've been drooling over PLD all day and I never even thought about the clemencies under requiescat goddamn
If I want to play something that doesn't have disgustingly boring 123 "combo" spells or positionals am I basically forced to play SMN or BLM?
If tanks got the auto combo from PVP added to the rest of the game I'd play one, until that happens lol fuck if I'm gonna subject myself to that tedium
Healing's only ruined if you were a SCH, in which case might I interest you in all your DPS kit being relocated to SMN's exclusivity
It's only the initial cast not the dot ticks.
Nah, I'm done. I enjoyed all the roles, but it's clear this game isn't worth putting time in anymore.
Hopefully the outrage gets something to happen.
I main MNK and overall I'm happy but I am wary about the healing changes since I also play SCH and SMN. Unless they massively tune up the outgoing damage in raids healers are going to be even more overtuned than they already are.
The post by Yoshida says they won't add "younger-looking" player characters for ethical reasons. Younger-looking. Not younger.
Would you say Lalafell are young or old looking, irrespective of their actual age?
ok so it's not that useful
No they don't retard. Otherwise Yoshi's comments make no goddamn sense.
Remember to give your healers an extra dose of cock so they stay subbed
sssshhhhh user wtf we gotta make people think PLD sucks now
Ohh god we're in the SHED
it's Dark Knight's expansion and warriora are just too strong! Please don't leave Paladins behind like this!
and smn players are still gonna be mad for some fucking reason
Already jumping ship to tanks considering they still have somewhat interesting dps rotations while also focusing on tanking.
>Play the showcase job for the majority of the expansion
>Go back to your original job for the final fight
Kino. You should do this too.
I already switched to WAR and got hooked on IR.
Fuck the changes, fuck healing and hang SCH-mains.
nin is ruined if you are east coast
sam was ruined by making it even more braindead
brd lost their crit songs so fuck them
mch still require good ping and they lost hypercharge
ast cards were ruined
shb fucking suck
I find it very strange that you have not replied to . You must have missed it.
what happened with rdm?
>tfw 2 GAP CLOSERS now
>tfw instacast magic
>tfw sheltron is a fucking shield now and doesn't disappear after one hit
>tfw all this AoE
>tfw all this QoL and fixes to Paladin
Alright that does it. I'm bending over the next healer that runs her mouth about these changes.
Sluts need to learn their place.
I've played white mage since I started playing so I'm used to healers sucking
>Everyone's whinging about AST changes
>Levelled AST to 60 back in HW but haven't touched it in SB
>Decide to try it out again so I can experience the stuff everyone says they're losing
Why the fuck are people upset about losing this shit mechanic again?
I would say you're actually blind if you think Lalafell look like children. Try more like mouse people. They literally have MLP style snouts.
Our time has come lads. who /PLD/ here? I can't wait to push the limits of nu-Paladin and see how much dps I can shit out.
>I would say you're actually blind if you think Lalafell look like children.
Do you think you're fooling anyone? Is there one single person on the planet you think you've fooled?
If you go outside and loudly state "The sky is purple!" will people believe you?
Calm down you frogposting sperg, this thread isn't the only thing I'm doing at the moment.
Lalafell looking nothing like an actual child. They're shaped like stumpy little pears with no kneecaps.
Can only do tk 2 times per fight
i had 5 of my healers straight up leave the FC until 6.0 I wish i was fucking kidding
They're pretty much the same except they now have slightly better AoE and a 700pot followup to verflare/holy called scorch.
>responding to a frogposter
do not do this
They aren't ruined because of no DPS it's that SCH players actual have to tell the fairies what to do instead of healing on autopilot.
my sch and ast already quit the static
Do you think you're fooling anyone when you look at a tiny person with a literal limabean head and the anatomy of a Keebler Elf and say "ThAt'S a ChIlD yOu PeDoS!"
Best job, best animations, as always
>we can't add a young looking player race because uhhh... review boards... or something
>nevermind that lalafell look like literal toddlers
>it's totally not because we're courting the american media, honest
First time queuing for the feast, I have no fucking clue what to do and my teammates can't communicate it to me other than "Focus the Red Mage!"
>Those PLD changes
>all healers are now mostly "pure" healers and put in their place
>DRK will eventually be buffed the same way 4.0 WAR was and if isn't, there are three other tanks to enjoy
Life is good.
Good SCHs never put their fairy on Sic anyways.
so the complaints are other jobs got better while red mage stayed here it was instead of getting better with them?
fucking raiders are stupid
but... that one game... they were broken in that one game... please yoshi......
I blame anime for the dumb idea that healers are submissive/weak when keeping everyone alive in difficult content requires the most attention of any role and has the most room for skill expression in both pve and pvp.
Doing your rotation isn't remotely difficult and everyone has to avoid mechanics
Anyone who left the fairy on autopilot was an absolute shitter the fuck are you talking about.
The pet AI is retarded and just blows everything on cooldown as soon as anyone gets a booboo.
>literal tumblr/reddit capitalization meme
Leave the website. I'm not even going to tell you to lurk before posting, I'm revoking your rights. Get the fuck out. Don't come back.
The RDMcuck is seething for different reasons than the changes, he gets triggered whenever BLM is mentioned.
Ambi supposed to be able to fit 6 gcd's in during wildfire? The ogcd's clip during rapid fire and I've never been able to get in 6
roasties would never allow a teen-looking female race to exist
Now people are flying around on magic carpets, meme cash mounts will never end!
>ThAt'S a ChIlD yOu PeDoS
Take this shit back to twitter.
>all healers are now mostly "pure" healers and put in their place
These changes do nothing to the current state of healers unless the average damage from bosses triples, or MP regen is so bad that they can't afford to DPS in longer fights.
>the "alternating caps to make you look silly" meme came from reddit
Even though it's cringey you're also a fag, that shit has been on the internet since forever.
WHM here, I'm unironically looking forward to playing it
>can finally use Dia
>Holy spam barely changed
>Assize not nerfed
>lilies finally have some sort of gameplay involved
>Benison arguably better
>finally some party utility with Temperance mitigation
I'm just convinced people like you are unironically, factually retarded.
>I don't have an argument, better dodge somehow!
You know I'm right you memeing piece of fucking garbage, eat shit.
Kill yourself back to tumblr.
>Assize not nerfed
this is literally wrong
>PLD starts getting FFT moves
>By 7.0 it's full Sword Saint
Based Yoshi
Why would anyone buy cash shop mounts when we got a 4 seater for free?
People don't understand probabilities and would rather a large payout than a constant stream of small payouts.
goring blade combo potency and DoT potency have both increased as well. hoo boy.
Is the red in the WHM AF more pronounced on female characters or something? The male Lala they kept showing it on you couldn't hardly see anything but white.
>actual information out
>threads get fucking worse
the jannies are right about these threads, i am sorry for questioning them
anyone else planning to go to the next fanfest and beat the shit out of a tranny?
???? drk never get buffed, only war ever get buffed
We waited 2 years for absolutely fuck all
Healers actually have to heal now.
Somehow it's ruined? Lmao
They are upping the damage received why Don you think every tank now has party mitigation and a regen now huh?
I kinda wanna buy it because I love Arabian Nights shit but I have too much respect to spend money on the cash shop.
Mostly because it looks fuckimg stupid. Though so do most other mounts. The best mount in the game is still the legacy chocobo
I wonder what kind of weird ass bullshit you're going to respond with as the reason why you think that.
Less opportunities to weave?
CD no longer reduced by lilies?
Drg is fucking GARBAGE in ffxiv compared to 11. Literal sin.
Less time to ride my dildo
>healers arent going to quit
user my FC just love several healers, some tanks that demo'd their homes and some DPS that just gave up. My static is dead before Eden can even begin, shame really.
Controversial opinion here but I don't give a fuck about trannies
>They are upping the damage received
No they aren't, mr crappy shill.
>use pentathrust
>miss 5 times
Holy fucking BASED
No it didn't
Might need to reread that, user.
>fordola vs lyse.webm
See If encounter design stays the same this doesn't change shit about healers besides reduce the number of buttons they need to press when there's no healing to be done, especially for SCH
Give me a legitimate reason why the fuck couldn't this come back to combo off of syphon strike?
Why did he beat her up?
>why Don you think every tank now has party mitigation and a regen now huh?
Because healers are going to quit en masse and you'll be left with retards on healing duty, meaning someone else has to prevent the party from dying. Now stfu, you obviously don't even play healer.
I'll go to the next fanfest and the beat shit of yoshi until he give us east coast servers and fix drk
Post feet
I have done this. Most fun job confirmed
>Shadowbringers recycling monster models from 10+ year old games
Shadowbringers confirmed for low budget MMO
>We want the Idea Factory Audience.
Final Fantasy XIV players?!
*jaw drops*
*eyes pop out of head*
*tongue rolls out*
*picks up jaw*
*fixes eyes*
*rolls up tongue*
>Shadowbringers confirmed for low budget MMO
Square is a public company and they did reveal that FFXIV is on life support after Shadowbringers (no more expansions) and will be transitioning to "minimal content addition with updates intended to generate stable revenue"
>I play jobs I love but you don't because I'm telling you right now I know better than you
>I actually got 200k MGP the day after the event ended
end me lads
Give me that source. That is amazing shitpost material.
Healing was never good.
I would love to execute some tranny trash IRL real soon.
That shitty ass reddit community is fucking disgusting, are there no better WoW-like sites for ffxiv that aren't full of worthless cunts spamming their pathetic "art" and trannies beating each others phantom dicks?
i hope you typed that out and didnt copy paste because i liked it.
The only real change is not being affected by lilies, which is not that big of a deal considering how strong it is right now
Fuck off pedo. It's because you want to have sex with children in his video game and he knows it.
Healing is only ruined if raid damage is the same shit again.
stop getting mad on the internet
Please tell me Combust 3 is a joke
Bring them into the light and put them to the sword.
stfu tranny lover
Here he is you guys. Good Lord.
So the excitement phase was gone and now we shitting at new changes because *every job si ruined*, right? After all SB was KINO
You faggots are so gullible.
>was super excited to see what all of the healers were getting since they said they weren't adding a new one to fix the 3 we had
>repeatedly said they would fix WHMs lilies and give it way to weave oGCDs other than clipping Stone or Aero's duration
>tooltips come out
>WHM got a revamped lily gauge that gives you an instant Cure2 or Medica1 so we can cast Cure2 and Medica even less than before
>Stone/Glare has full cast time instead of a shorter one like AST and no instant dps spell like SCH so we STILL can't weave without clipping
>Aero3 is gone
>Plenary now has to be used BEFORE the healing spell (still M1, M2, & C3 not even the new afflatus spell affects it) so we can't even hold onto a 30 sec instant heal anymore
>don't even know if the Benision change will be better or worse than what we have now
What even is this job anymore? Why didn't they add any raid utility like Libra or a way to deal more damage like Lance of Atrophy? We didn't need more heals. The same can be said for SCH and AST too. Why didn't they get the PLD treatment? Aside from the Sheltron buff, all PLD got this expac are DPS increasing skills. Nothing for tanking, enmity generation, or defence just damage. What the fuck.
Pretty sure that's an error, none of the other upgraded skills are like that.
Was from one of their last investor reports, I don't have a source
why do you even this nasty shit saved on your pc
It's a beta
Stormblood WAS kino.
only some jobs are bitching and moaning, just look at the thread
PLD is having a fucking field day with these changes, BLM is virtually unchanged and gets some QoL for ice stance, etc.
I hear he's been seething for a lot longer than a week.
>replying to posts asking for source to confirm this
You have to try harder than that user
>ask for source specifically because I didn't believe him
Yes. It's meant to be on par with the other healer DoTs because every healer has the same dps kit now.
Have you guys decided what job you're going through the MSQ with yet?
Considering what happened with healer nukes back when SB came out, there's legit a good chance that is how it'll be in ShB.
I miss her
Its only because healers abused the system and decided to DPS so fucking much. Literally had healers who leave all the healing to the other healer so they can DPS. Thanks dropping like flies in easy dungeons because the healer was to busy doing DPS so he could fap to his parse. Doing DPS while there is no healing to do was fine but people took it too far and now here we are.
I'm pretty sure the potency is probably gonna be brought to 60 since 1) that's an actual upgrade and 2) it brings it in line with Dia and Biolysis, which are also 60 potency over 30s
>not wanting to save a single gcd's worth of mana over like three minutes, giving you two or even THREE whole casts of something over an entire fight
you sound really entitled right now
And people wonder why this game is pandering to retards.
They're not exactly agreeing with what he said. Even one of the posts you replied to said it'd be great shipost material if it were true.
>Ever being Kino
That shit was rushed and by the looks of it ShB might suffer the same in the end if they keep "struggling" to make deadlines.
That implies you had some shred of belief that it might be true. Imagine someone telling you the moon was made of cheese and you replied "source?"
Gullible fuck
I finished MSQ and still can't decide my main job.
>probably just going to do the story then quit
sb made everything braindead and shb made it even worse
>Yeah, losing Internal Release sucks but that's about the only real negative.
Oh you ignorant little child. Removing IR is just scratching the surface. Howling fist is gone because apparently that's just too much aoe power with the 2 new aoe skills.
Steel peak is gone for no good reason all. Fuck you, I guess.
RoW gives GL4 but doesn't let us get a stack of GL quick.
Perfect balance had its cd doubled because FUCK TK and FUCK YOU.
TK kick so useless now, there's almost zero situation where you would use it instead of new six sided star.
And as one last 'eat shit' from the man yoshi-p himself, fists of earth is still in. We lost a skill that played a big role in facilitating our chakra building with IR but good ol' fists of earth just keeps on truckin.
MNK is looking fine too, although I wish they'd do more with Chakra still. That Six Sided Whatever attack looks a lot better than Tornado Kick overall
The healers that dps'd the hardest split it equally with their cohealer
she was too good for this world......
Whatever my static tells me to go as.
I just hit 50 on my alt the week it ended, spent 6 hours grinding GP to get the mount. Fucking sucked, but at least I have it on both of my characters in case I play them.
>on par with the other healer dots
>Dia keeps the 60 potency but extends timer from 18 to 30s
>Biolysis ups the potency from 50 to 60 and keeps 30s duration
>Combust 3 keeps the 50 potency and 30s and just costs 100 MP less
MNK like always, or SMN and swap to SCH for dungeons
But it is made of cheese.
Source: zemonster.tripod.com
>MNK got objectively the best upgrades of any job not counting MCH, DNC, or GUN since those are all-new classes
>you chimps are still complaining
fucking wow
i've been a sch main since 2.0 but I always do WHM first for 1.0 nostalgia reasons.
So many healing spells. Why are there so many different ways of doing the same thing.
Why would you give a fuck about what your static says when you have a fucking month till the raid comes out after launch?
>Tanks dropping like flies in dungeons
Eos could fucking solo heal most dungeon trash and Adlo and Lustrate covered nearly everything else.
>Six Sided Whatever attack looks a lot better than Tornado Kick overall
And that's a problem. TK is outclassed in every way by SSS, why even keep TK at all? Just to remind us never to create a rotation they didn't intend?
>virtually unchanged
New modified freeze and new MP costs both completely shift half of our AoE rotation entirely upside down so not really. I agree with you on single target.
>tfw the new tank you were hyped to play is slotted to be the worst of the tanks by far.
Plenary is better.
Benison is slightly worse on tanks, slightly better on everyone else.
XIV is older now than XI was when XIV first came out. My point being is it about time we got a new FF MMO that isn't shit?
>a month
Was going to do SMN but they killed the tank egi so now probably BRD + RDM or AST (leveled concurrently)
>these PLD upgrades
How can the other tanks even compete?
SCH because I'm not going to let some measly nerfs ruin my fun
>Caring about meta in an easy pve game
It looks actually fun to play so far so I don't care.
He didn't know how to play it, drk is the worst now
So which jobs are not bitching? PLD, BLM, SAM, MCH, NIN? Is that it? Is everyone else whining?
Overgeared experts don't count
Not for 8 years.
My only real complaint is shit like Automaton Queen and Living Shadow being like 20s and 24s long respectively, but at least 5 of those seconds are wasted on the summoning animation, so it's really only out for 15/19s And unlike Bahamut with Akh Morn you can't force them to act early.
Have they done the tuning phase already?
Wait how is this guy getting dps values?
Every job is ruined. ShB is disaster
I don't think I've seen a DRG or SMN whine
DNC, I've been waiting for this class. I don't care if it's amazing or shit, I'm gonna fucking play it.
See no reason why would rdm be bitching.
He's guessing off friend input
basically he's talking out his ass and acting like he knows how this shit is going to play at a high level
MNK looks fucking boring
I'm already over th SCH changes and accepting the good things, like sacred soil having a regen making it worth using now, and despite a crit adlo not being spreadable, is still stronger than not because crit heals are strongeer regardless, shields are now 125% and you're still able to control when you get a crit.
>FFXVII is going to be a moba or battle royale
fuck this earth, I was my comfy slow paced grindan game with FF jobs
Pulling it out of his ass based on potencies I guess
Also we've already seen differences between the media build and the job action trailer so who the fuck knows what the final product's numbers will be like
This but unironically.
Do you remember when MCH was high skill based job in SB? Now it is fucking braindead. Why they removed Gauss Barrel? To pandering for casuals? Gauss Barrel was skill check.
SUM looks okay, initially it looks bad but after sitting on it, it's a little better than before.
Stormblood was a good expansion. ShB is a disaster.
Yes...? The raid won't hit till 4 weeks after the expansion launches, that's standard shit.
lmao every fag/woman tripping over themselves to suck Magnai's dick must have never actually gotten to his part of the game. He's an absolute fucking loser in every way. He sounds like a stupid nerd you shove in a locker, he's weak as shit and does nothing of import, he's a literal incel and his cutscenes are dumb as shit.
I wanna go DRK for story reasons and give it one last swing before hanging up the tank mantle to become a healer.
the RDMs are bitching because people are rightfully calling their class easy and they insist that it's actually a highly complex job that requires you to adapt on the fly or some shit.
Not really. You just get to skip one wind up b3/b4 by combining them into freeze and not have to wait for mp ticks. If it lets you use umbral soul out of combat then that's nice too.
Got it boys, one castrum run pushed my PLD into 70, 3 and a half years in the making and now i'm ready for ShB. Man the 60-70 quest fucking sucked, I almost wished I saved another job for last so I could ended it on a better job quest.
It isn't changing much so if you didn't like MNK before no shit you won't like it now
>MNK got objectively the best upgrades of any job
Listen here, you little shit. I can understand removing HF to an extent. We got 2 new aoe skills so out with the old, in with the new. I can maybe even understand removing IR if I close my eyes and imagine real hard what it must be like to suck yoshi's cock, but there's absolutely no reason at all to kill steel peak. And doubling PB's cd? Why? RoW already got changed to no longer grant a free stack. Were they afraid TK might still be relevant to the job even a little? And why in god's name is fist of fucking earth still a thing? Has it ever saved anyone? Does that 10% dmg resistance let monks save runs when a tank goes down? It's a useless piece of dogshit. It's just there to mock us.
I've seen SMN whine. Saw one saying the job has been gutted to braindead difficulty now and they're considering changing mains because he doesn't like RDM level of braindead.
Feels good to be a Samurai
Monk hasn't changed. I see no reason to complain.
>fuck this earth, I was my comfy slow paced grindan game with FF jobs
>March 31, 2019 Fiscal Year: In the area of massively multiplayer online role-playing games, net sales and operating income decreased compared to the prior fiscal year, which had seen the launch of expansion packages for “FINAL FANTASY XIV” and “DRAGON QUEST X,” but recurring subscription revenue remained brisk.
whose ShB preview videos are worth watching? there's way too fucking many
Did he finally clear God Kefka?
>MNK lost everything that made it unique for 0.1 less second on weaponskills.
>Really like SCH's kit and aesthetic
>Don't like pets
how will the pet stuff work in ShB?
Which of these items are worth grinding for? Keep in mind I'm not a glamour tranny who wants the 100 tome earrings
Dragon sight is still a thing.
Where are you seeing this exactly
BLM and SMN exist in the game
drk, unfortunately
all the rest of the tanks look pretty fun so it's not a complete loss if drk actually ends up being kinda eh
>there's way too fucking many
git gud
Even though this is bullshit, bad healers are still going to do the same thing. Good healers know how to heal accordingly and keep their party from dying while throwing in as much dps as possible. The only difference now is that the dps rotation is less engaging.
>DRG has potencies that match SAM's
>while still keeping most of our utility
What's the matter guys? I thought we were trapped in the cuckshed forever?
Fuck DRG, with every expansion it's getting more braindead. I will need a strong coffee not to fall asleep with that rotation
>SCH forced to heal now instead of being a pretend summoner
Thank god, you faggots were on top way too long
god that gif is hot
2.0 Beastmen Mounts if you don't have them already
I'm not a retarded meta fag so I don't give a shit.
Back when I started playing in Heavensward times, I thought everyone playing Scholar explicitly signed up for a healer-dps hybrid that had even more complexity on top through pet management. But now that SCH and SMN are becoming even more separate from each other it's Scholar rather than Summoner who gets an entirely new kit (that is considerably dumbed down from before), all to appease the whiners who said that the other healers can't keep up. Designing battles to require more healing output would alienate far too big a portion of the mostly casual playerbase, so that's not going to happen. So now every healer is just Combust + Malefic + Gravity and so oGCD heals every once in a while.
God just give me Energy Drain, it's all I ask.
Not enough hot Midlanders in the main cast.
Well that's retarded. Fuck him then.
riding maps, if you don't have them already
dunno what drops from the treasure maps so maybe them if there's some rare shit in there
This is the guy who made the Stormblood Tank Calculator, using the pre-launch potencies, which he updated on launch and every patch. It ended up being fairly accurate then.
Pets are just there aesthetically now I guess, as they no longer are considered targets, so they don't have HP or aggro or anything else. Pets are also basically on perma-obey as they only perform their special actions if ordered to, however they're pretty much immediate..
Eos is the only fairy really, Selene's kit was gutted and she's only cosmetic. Some fairy actions cost fairy meter now.
>They aren't ruined because of no DPS it's that SCH players actual have to tell the fairies what to do instead of healing on autopilot.
We already tell them what to do you imbecile. Now it's just mandatory. Losing almost all of the DPS we had isn't the issue either (as many non-healers love pointing out). The problem is that in exchange we got a heal, an extra heal, a bigger heal, and a heal with shields. Why didn't we get more Stratagems or Tactics? Why is just MORE heals when we're already not healing 90% of the time (and the majority of those aren't even healing spells)? This is the real underlying issue with the new healers. They took our damage spells and abilities but gave us no other way to support the raid outside of healing. We're going to be doing the exact same thing we've done before but now there are even more actions on our hotbars that won't ever be pressed. Not because we want to propagate the "lol green DPS" meme but because we have nothing else to do.
AST is the only healer that's free from this issue and the new Balance only cards make no sense compared to WHM and SCH's job gauges being used exclusively for healing now. Did the the AST designer not get the same memo as the the others? Why aren't the cards all Boles and Minors giving heals? It makes no sense.
Literally nothing except maybe the pegasus mount and brachiosaur minion since diadem content is dead and you don't have them already.
yeah fuck all those fags in this thread talking about magnai bro
Not him but have you been under a rock? Did you just not browse threads at all until right now?
I'm glad I didn't buy the CE or I might be really pissed
You fucking moron Internal release was dropped because it had dub fucking timing with CD's. Also they stated they're going to make up for it. Also, considering now that Brotherhood is much faster to spam.
it's pretty much every thread when RDM is mentioned, It's mostly just one guy I'm sure.
>all these people quitting in droves
lol see you all back when shb launches LMAO
RDM is most likely, but I want to see a complete indepth guide on how summoner will play, it was my main in hw and I eventually dropped it as my hands were cramping super bad with the sheer amount of keybinds I was forced to have along with shitty pet ai.
I'm also considering DRK for dem thematics, but I haven't tanked in an mmo in 10 years now.
you can give it to yourself
SMN is one of the job that artificially praised as difficult one by people from reddit and KB users.
yea pretty much
>Removing DPS buttons forces you to heal???
No they'll just be mashing more Broils where they would currently be refreshing Miasma. Encounter design dictates how much healing actually needs to be done.
>BRD lost one crit song
>BRD now deals even more damage than before
>BRD also has various other songs to benefit the party
Stop being fucking retarded.
Samurai isnt MORE braindead idiot, the rotation is the same but they have more tools now is all
>muh 150 potency energy drains contribute so much guiz
I keep seeing people bitch and moan endlessly that healers are ruined but they never, ever expand on the thought.
What the fuck are you all seeing that I'm not?
>trying to make reason
i appreciate your effort, it ain't gon happen in these threads tho
My boy smn, then blm, then rdm
she's so sexy
gotta go fap now
Summoner difficulty has pretty much always come from having to maniuplate pet ai (which is tedious as fuck) and how harshly you get punished if you die (inb4 just dont die)
the actual rotation is pretty easy
Everything that made monk unique was shit.
dude press things on cd so hard
What new stuff did RDM get? I stopped playing midway through stormblood but I might come back for the expansion
We get fucking Fray which gives us 40% more to our damage. You idiot.
literally removed because it synergized too well
They weren't kidding about wanting to kill synergy this expac
Who on the dev team mains ninja? Trick attack shouldn't have been able to last through the culling but somehow it did and even got buffed.
I just picked up this game and I’m leveling as Gladiator -> Paladin for the short queue times. I want to play Black Mage in end game though, how hard is it to level up the job once I reach cap?
we can't all be a neet like you user
were r da proofs
the tooltip only says "summons ur boy", doesn't actually say how it works or how much damage frey actually does
Another finisher after verholy/flare, different aoe tools, and a scathe.
does she count?
>not really
You no longer pass over to ice by transposing and waiting for a mana tick. Now you just cross over directly by aoe'ing with freeze which already gives you heart on the go. Already getting a heart also means you no longer b4 during AoE. Freeze also puts you at 3 astral ice so you cross over back to fire after like 3x as fast. It's entirely different. How can you even say it's virtually unchanged and "not relaly"? How can a person be this disconnected with reality?
>maniuplate pet ai
Press sic
Press obey
Easy as fuck. No one use pet skills manually.
Or summon Ifrit since damage difference is not so big
is this the biggest brain rotation of all time
This is the worst way to explain fucking anything, and the balance needs to be disbanded for publicizing this crap and calling it a guide.
Best PvP class for solo queue?
None of them do.
Remember at some point they nerfed some shit because they found out players did a ninja rotation they didn't even consider
>BRD now deals even more damage than before
I would PRAY that every class does "more damage than before."
DPS classes are the hardest to level up due to longer dungeon queues, but this game absolutely shits EXP.
God I wish Yotsuyu was sold to me as a comfort slave when she was younger.
it's already made up for, it's now 70% to get a chakra on crit and gl4 gives you more chances to get crits
It's really rotation. You can google jap MNKs and see they use it
dan schneider plays xiv?
>new sprout player
>roll CNJ
>have to use Stone and Aero to deal damage from level 4 until level 72 when they get Dia (not counting Assize)
this means for solo instances they are absolutely fucked and will quit the game out of boredom
Are you serious? That's amazing.
>skip cinematics because I don't care about the story in an MMO
>Suddenly see Alphinaud dressed up and with red lips
>Only after starting Stormblood content did I realize it was Alphinaud's twin sister
>Didn't really pay attention to the names, they both looked like generic elves
Only good story in the games is the Hildibrand stuff. I would play a spinoff FF game of just Hildibrand's shenanigans.
That is horrendously overcomplicating monk
>TK opener
>Rotate your buffs and debuffs ad nauseam
>FoF phase
Boy that's some autism. SB Mnk is clunky but you can really just boil it down to
>Use all your ogcd's during Internal Release + Riddle of Fire whenever possible
>Tornado Kick whenever Perfect Balance or Wind Tacle are available
>Mash the same basic attack rotation Mnk has had since 2.0
>just do the easy version that does less dps!! lol!!!
how hard can you possibly miss the point you dumb fucking idiot
sicfrit is better than sicruda but micro'd garuda is substantially better than sicfrit because you can actually control the contagion window properly
Paladin looks pretty good now, I especially like how AOE now follows the same physical-magical cycle as the single target rotation and isn't just spamming total eclipse.
I really want to do the new jobs first, but something is telling me that if I level DRK through MSQ that there will be more dialogue/lore/etc.
>2 ogcds and inner release gone
we get more 30% chakra and can spam forbidden chakra more often
>TK is useless
you can press it after six sided star for the double whammy
They better be working on headgear for the new races. And not just fucking glasses or eyepatches.
He's a fucking idiot but yoshi didn't just take a scalpel to remove TK rotation from monk, he took a sledge hammer and didn't even bother to smooth out the shit he left behind.
You absolute brainlet, TK rotation isn't that hard. Like anything, once you understand the basics, it quickly becomes second nature.
>potencies that match SAM
I fucking hate the word 'rotation' and almost blame it for the sheer amount of shitters in these sorts of MMO's. Giving people a picture of a list of skills to use in a set order is the worst way to teach someone how to play a job
Skills work by priority. Learn the priority and you don't need to know a fucking 'rotation', plus it's far more intuitive to learn
Doesn't the last lilly power up a massive DMG AOE?
I'm looking at their abilities on Gamerescape and they seem nice as fuck.
The problem with healers is that good healers don't need to heal often outside of using ogcds. Boss damage happens on set intervals so you know exactly when the healing needs to happen. Good healers are able to use this time to do some extra damage to keep things interesting and help the group. The only way to fix this is by massively buffing the amount of damage that monsters do so that time of not needing to heal is removed.
The flaw with this is that it will never happen because the average healer is already fucking garbage. Damage will never be a serious threat because the healers that don't dps at all already struggle to heal through things and increasing that damage will make the game unplayable for them. So we have a problem that can't be fixed because the majority is bad and instead of coming up with a good solution they instead chose to punish good healers so they have less to do and instead need to stand around doing nothing just like the bad healers do.
300 potency scathe that uses 10 white and black mana, new AoE, a weaponskill you can use in place of displacement when it's not safe to use displacement itself, and a new 700 potency spell that you use immediately after verflare/holy
Anything non healer?
They explain it properly elsewhere sperg. That image is basically a joke.
congrats on the most reddit post I've read in months
40% of our damage
>spam aoe single target
>micro'd garuda
Pressing sic/obey is not real micro at all. There is no difficulty.
>nerds mad about tk again
it's like i'm really back in heavensward
Why be a tank if you're just to default yourself to OT?
It's the only place he can fuck children after he got evicted from Disney.
DRG got massive potency buffs on nearly every single weaponskill (bigger than anyone else's potency buffs) and people are estimating that they're near the levels of the selfish DPS while still keeping Litany and Dragon Sight
Apparently it's not as hard as reading comprehension, judging by how hard you fail at it.
Still way the fuck better than those Sony parades, seriously this shows me how more wholesome this group is than them.
The thing is the result of that priority system becomes the same every time with slight modifications for fight specifics. Thus in practice rotations are satisfactory.
We all know why people play tanks.. The queue.
trick didn't get buffed for shit, they nerfed suiton and buffed trick to make up for it, but since nin lost dripping they do 20% less physical damage
nin is going to be weak as shit in shb
>raubahn and nanamo
DRK. I am confident that everyone is overreacting to the changes. All the people who actually got to play the job seem to have said that DRK is at the very least fun, and that's good enough for me.
I wish I was Yotsuyu's personal footrest
doesnt your epic nidhogg dive only do like 600 potency lol
The other option would be to skyrocket healer MP costs so they can't afford to DPS but people would squeeze in anything they can anyways
>we get more 30% chakra
We get a 70% chance at chakra every other gcd cycle, not accounting for any ss melds.
>you can press it after six sided star for the double whammy
And then what?
Great. I get to TK once every 2min.
probably a good thing that you do more than press sic and obey then you fucking dumb cunt
I'll MT. In fact I preferred MT when I got stuck synced to level 50 because Paladin didn't have a full dps combo until 60. However it looks like that's fixed.
Whoa hold the fuck up. You can give it to yourself now? Thank the fuck god.
Not really, match outcome pretty much depends on a healer in high rank.
You can always try playing WAR too, I guess melee DPS too because you have to control burst targets as melee.
easier access to gear, priority in queue, get to dictate pace of dungeons, etc.
it'll be fine
TK Rotation is the worst shit that's ever happened to MNK.
Grease Lightning is a self buff you have to upkeep, not a consumable resource, you already have your FUCKING CHAKRA BALLS for that purpose.
Every MMO in the history of all MMO's do this also. Those Sin eaters look fucking great so fuck off.
Among my group of four close friends, I'm 'the scholar guy', but fuck if I'm not going to just swap to caster DPS or tank whenever I can from now on. I'll still heal if there's absolutely nobody else to do it, but fuck the role otherwise.
nothing in the tooltip indicates that at all, he's talking shit
Because there's a warrior in the party
I don't care what people are estimating, that sort of shit is retarded. I care about facts. SAM has 1250 potency skills and you said DRG has "potencies that match". Does DRG have 1250 potency stuff now?
But it's still the difference of teaching someone to use skills in an order vs teaching someone why they're using skills in an order. You're far more adaptable with the latter and won't fall to pieces when a mechanic interrupts your 'rotation' and you don't know where to pick back up without just flat out starting over
No they don't. I've seen the word document that accompanies it, and it's the thing that convinced me that The Balance is less about helping people learn things and more about writing essays and sucking each other off.
>love SMN
>hated SCH
is this normal? I'm talking about pre-5.0, I've never enjoyed SCH up to this point
How did they nerf suiton?
ye don't need to target anyone else you can just pop it and move on.
Every single class is piss easy, I don't really understand why singling one class out would cause outrage among that playerbase
>You absolute brainlet, TK rotation isn't that hard. Like anything, once you understand the basics, it quickly becomes second nature.
Every fucking rotation no matter how difficulty it is will become second nature once you memorize it.
>It's not hard cause I can do this!
Drawing is not hard for person who know how to draw. But saying "learning how to draw" or "drawing is easy" is retarded. MNK TK rotation is no fun for majority of players both US/EU and JP. It's easy to fail in the heat of battle and lose DPS. It's very busy rotation.
Wrong, git gud
Though I guess with only a month left you don't have to worry about it
What did she mean by this?
user....suck a dick
The math nerds who worked out SB tank dps before it launched aren't worried about DRK. And while a lot of it's CD suite is Magic defense only it'll be fine unless every fight is A9S.
Almost certainly a tank, but as for which one, I have no clue. WAR has the offense I like, PLD has the flavor, and DRK fits the expansion.
Probably going to wind up doing double duty leveling both a tank and a DPS at the same, either MCH or BLM.
180 potency to 100
Read this or watch any of the videos talking about dragoon before blowing it out your ass dumbshit.
I do wish we had more ways to spend Chakra though
She means she didn't learn jack shit because the leaks ended up being fake as fuck.
Why are you still posting this shit after the info is out who gives a fuck
they're two different roles, I don't see why you couldn't hold a different opinion about each
use your eyes bitch twitter.com
Everything being easy only rubs salt on the RDM wound. Managing the feat of being the easiest in an environment where everything is already pretty easy is not a good feeling.
>you already have your FUCKING CHAKRA BALLS for that purpose.
>uh, you get a chance to build some with a crit. so it's rng inside of rng
I'm Main Tank. You better take off your fucking tank stance or I'll fuck you. If I see a fucking enmity combo out of you I'll fuck you. IF YOU EVEN LOOK AT THAT PROVOKE I'LL FUCK YOU. DON'T COME INTO MY RAID THINKING YOU'RE HOT SHIT BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT YOUR JUST ANOTHER SHITTER DPS TO ME.
they are two completely different jobs and roles of course it's normal?
how about you suck my ass DRGcuck? go put your eyes on another mans ass you fucking freak
>even the blandest broad Yshtola is smart enough to make the swap from healer to Black Mage in Shadowbringers
>SCHs spend three full patch cycles jerking themselves off
>Literally cannot shut up about their ebin dps rotation even though it's less complex than a lvl20 dps, or the fact that half their healing is autopilot and the other half is literally FREE and is provided by a skill that gives them functionally infinite mana
>ShB rolls around
>Smashes them into the fucking dirt
It's been a long time coming but oh my god does it feel good to finally see it happen
>job based on getting punished for losing stacks for 3 expansions
TK shitters deserve the rope.
can you retards shut the fuck up about ecelebs for one thread?
I never liked DPSing on SCH, it just felt like a gimped SMN.
There are multiple resources that precisely explain the "priority system," why you do all the things, and the "rotation," the end result of applying all the rules. I don't think there's a way to dumb it down enough for you.
Is this just about the leaks then? Why are people surprised in the replies then?
This was just Tweeted, what do you mean...?
>If I see a fucking enmity combo out of you I'll fuck you.
you've been hit in the head too many times, retard-sama, emnity combos are gone
Just admit you were wrong you retarded fuck nugget, is this really something you need to fucking double down on of all things?
Doesn't even smash them anywhere, SCH healing is now absolutely busted and Chain still makes them a lock-in. They're just going to be """"""""boring to play""""""" now.
>Every fucking rotation no matter how difficulty it is will become second nature once you memorize it.
Then why post a pic as if it's some overly complicated rotation? Fuck off.
>It's not hard cause I can do this!
It's not hard because it's not fucking hard. The hardest part is remembering what ogcds to use in the correct order and even that's trivial when you just think of ordering them by cd length.
She's not even an eceleb you fucking retard. I'm literally just asking a question what the fuck this means.
>Lyse will never aggressively throw your spellcaster ass on a stiff Ala Mhigan bed and ride you nonstop throughout the night so forcefully that you suffer multiple fractures to the pelvic region and are unable to resume your duties as WoL for weeks.
Why live, bros?
At least this is slightly more original than the person complaining about RoF because Monk's job identity is supposedly about going fast
i'll shit down your throat, idiot
50% credit.
i mean it's probably fine numberswise, but giving 15% magic resist to the group as "the anti-magic guy" and having another tank have the same shit but for all damage is kinda insulting
class identity is kind of a meme but it really feels like they don't know what to do with drk outside of "it spends mana i guess"
this person has never set foot in savage or even extreme content.
Its always just been filler to do while Eos does most of your job for you desu
Most jobs are getting better shit while others are losing shit but gaining other additions to balance them out which is fine. Others are getting more QoL improvements like DRK, SMN, MCH.
SB wasn't fucking Kino if you compared it to this. Most of the stuff is SB was utter trash compared to stuff in HW.
MCH, but I need to catch up on the MSQ first, can't wait to kill that doman bitch.
No you see, thats the best part. SCH is still good, but they've lose EVERYTHING that these fuckers refused to shut up about, its the best case scenario.
Fuck off, Yoshi.
>Both tanks have enmity mode on
Now what?
Ninja or dragoon?
Motherfucker I'm talking about that pic, and the source of that pic only. The fact that multiple third parties have taken it upon themselves to decrypt it for the masses only proves my point.
I find leves so goddamn boring. I much rather level my crafter with 150% manuals and crafting ingots or whatever while watching stuff on the other monitor.
Who DRG / SMN/SCH / GUN chad here?
shirk fight
only pleb netflix scholars leave their pet on auto.
You got more DPS in your arsenal also. The lily system will also incorporate more DMG with your AOE's or some shit.
There are literally multiple guides pinned on the balance and they aren't that picture
What the fuck do you want
Yes? One should turn it off so you don't fight over enmity until it's time to swap.
Yoshi: The game is in development and subject to change. Please wait until release to see final adjustments.
>Yoshida's face when
It's not that the TK rotation is difficult, it's that the rotation is a chore. It's just not enjoyable.
Someone explain?
No it wasn't
Just make like 10 of the most efficcient leve item in HQ then run back and forth while watching shit on your other monitor. It's a lot faster than quick synth.
In a tippy-top raid scenario you probably won't be using the WHM Foul much (if at all) since it requires you to use Afflatus and that's a GCD heal which is icky yuck bad you could be slinging Stone/Glare instead. In general play though WHM is probably gonna be the highest DPSing healer no contest, making up for or exceeding the party-DPS brought by AST's cards and SCH's Chain Stratagem.
Do you retards not remember how heavily jobs changed after SB was released?
Must be an anoint.
That's dumb. Lyse is for dunking her stupid useless face straight into the floor then having your way with her stupid half-monkey ass.
DRK it's my main. Been playing DRK warrior classes since Everquest.
Oh god, starting today I need to spam old content synced down to get the Namazu earring.
No not really
What, you mean on their discord? Oh shit you're FROM there aren't you? Haha no wonder you have your head up your ass.
Need to shitpost about something for the next month to pass time.
Most of the stuff didn't change from media tour to launch last time. Why would it change now?
Yeah, they threw sch in the shed for the leveling experience then pulled it back out in the first patch
What was a chore about it? It make the job fun because I was almost always turning on a buff or weaving a ogcd.
>an earring with no stats and does nothing
what a waste
That ugly ass earring doesn't even come with any bonuses.
thanks for telling us you weren't here during the same shit before stormblood
Yoshida's disappointment in dribble-lipped raider theorycrafting is eternal.
>True Thrust is 290 potency (330 when it turns into Raiden Thrust permanently after your first combo)
>Vorpal Thrust is 350
>Full Thrust is 530 (with the guaranteed crit every 45s from Life Surge)
>Disembowel is 320 and grants Heavy Thrust buffs
>Chaos Thrust potency is 290 (with its DoT buffed from 35 potency to 45)
>High Jump is 400 (alongside BotD buffs)
>WT and F&C both 360
>still have our 30-second LotD window where we get three (maybe 4) 400 potency oGCDs and a 550 potency oGCD
All of this on top of B4B, Litany and Dragon Sight
Sure we don't have your epic 1,200 potency meme finisher that you spend 3 minutes building up to, but every single combo weaponskill hits super hard now and our DPS will nearly match yours through that alone.
Yes but I'm a slave to baubles.
To deal more DMG with both? Are you dumb?
Hella ya my nigga
>Then why post a pic as if it's some overly complicated rotation?
Literally MNK rotation.
>It's not hard because it's not fucking hard.
Look at this thread. Look at other threads. Look at forums. No one like your TK rotation. It's busywork. Your do double amount of work to achieve pretty average results.
>The hardest part is remembering what ogcds to use in the correct order
You can easily mess up your ogcd all loss giant amount of damage. You can fuck up PB TK while shifting stance. You an fuck up stance shifts because of lag (stance doesn't change).
I like TK rotation but it's annoying
There's already differences between the media demo and the job action trailer, most notably with SCH's fairy meter
>subject to change
History tells it it often takes multiple major content patches to even make simple potency changes, so you can get fucked.
New art book hasn't arrived yet. Any art of Tsukuyomi in there?
which do you think yoshi hates more: theoryfights or people asking him about lore?
>ninja now has more ogcd to shit out in a 10 second window
I couldn't find any videos showing that you can tether yourself and this guy says it hasn't changed at all
based dragon chad
i've proven this guy wrong so many times, i can't believe people look up to him
nothing changed before and it won't now end of
Our kenki dump hits harder for more than half of those skills you just listed.
>monk pre sb
>oh gee, I hope lowering potencies across the board works out
>monk pre sbh
>oh gee, I hope all these pruned skill don't make the class feel too boring to play
Dragoon's back to being a heavy-hitter with heavy armor now and I love it. I dunno what they were thinking trying to make it into a low-DPS support job when the only game that's ever even slightly applied has been FF9 with Freya's very light party-support.
WAR, PLD, NIN, DRG, DNC, SMN, AST, WHM/SCH will be the meta for 5.0
what's the point of being a class loyalist? lmao just change your class to the OP class
It's pretty much literally the only source of endgame information for any particular job. Very few people are "from" there, they just have a billion members there to read the guides and bis lists.
You saw some stupid image made to illustrate an entire timeline, assumed that was the entire guide, and then left it at that, full of seething hatred for something you don't understand.
Friendly reminder.
My brother.
Can't wait for despair and xenoglossy.
I'm leveling Ninja and as soon as I'm done I'm going to go back and raise my ilvl as high as I can.
I posted that picture on the balance discord again earlier to show how convoluted it is. I really don't like the TK rotation because it's just clunky.
It's not hard, just stupid. I agree with you.
Does he not realize that GNB has more utility than the other tanks?
Bunshin will probably outdamage everything. So we don't need to use ninjutsu in TA window. At least first one
You think you can match 3250 potency in a single GCD? You are a fool!
The Samurai will reign supreme!
As bad as pvp is I'm surprised there is a faggot tryhard group. I just got out of a 24 man and man were they were perfect like bots or something, or no lifters cheating with ACT and discord.
>Sure we don't have your epic 1,200 potency meme finisher that you spend 3 minutes building up to
SAM can literally shit out 3650 potency for twenty fucking kenki in the span of 3 GCDs every 2 minutes (or 2400 potency every 60 seconds).
Unless it's a party dps increase, it doesn't have much value.
Gunbreaker is the Heavensward Scholar of Tanks
>you spend 3 minutes building up to
Why do people feel the need to lie to make their argument? Do they not have resources to build a convincing case with the truth? Kaeshi is on a 1 minute cooldown. SAM also has a 50 kenki spender with 1200 or something potency, it's not just Kaeshi. While I agree DRG is looking nice and I'll definitely be playing it at some point, trying to argue potency with SAMs is not really something you could or should be doing. I main BLM and you don't see me trying to argue potency with them.
The ONLY thing wrong with TK rotation is how tight the timing is. That's it.
>it's busywork
How so? Seems pretty engaging to me. Rotating through buffs and ogcds so that you're almost always hitting one. Better than BURST 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 BURST 1-2-3 etc.
can still weave ninjutsu between weapon skills
>3 minutes for 1200 potency
More like 30 sec but ok
Pic related though...
You got those because heavy trust and pierce down are fucking gone.
pretty sure he does, but even with all the (genuinely very nice) utility shit gunbreaker has being behind 1k dps won't make up for it
I have a feeling that the meta is going to be less pronounced of a difference than in the past.
They lost their aether
As a side note, I think more people would tolerate Lyse if her honkers were bigger.
I think theoryfights since he can at least grimace at somebody at a fanfest asking him if there are gays in the lore or what miqo'te mating is like. On some level (typically the next expac and its job balance) he has to acknowledge autistic theory-crafting and armchair developer mouthbreathing on some level. Usually by ignoring it.
Literally who
xenosys for tooltips, larryzaur for spell effects.
please understand. unique models too much work
Why do my legs suddenly feel ok?
>mch still require good ping
Are you dumb
>people ignoring that DRK now has inner release and can drop 5 bloodspillers
am i missing something or are people still busy sucking PLD and WAR dick
Why does gunbreaker have dmc references in its abilities?
>bunshin, dwad, assassinate, hyoton
at least we will never bhav again I guess...
Heavy Thrust isn't gone. Its buff just got moved to Disembowel.
And yeah piercing is gone, but so is slashing. But for some reason I don't see people screaming "SLASHING IS GONE SAM IN THE KEK KEK KEKSHED xdddd"
when are we going to stop pretending that dps cooldowns on tanks are fun or exciting
Carve and spit is also apparently 600 potency now too.
Heavy Thrust was moved to Disembowel since pierce-down is gone. Holy shit I couldn't be happier that Heavy Thrust is gone, I hated using it because it was the definition of a filler skill and it was mandatory to boot.
Haven't met any DRKs who wanted inner release, but shitter for DRK.
are you? you still need to use your ogcd during wildfire, you arent going to hold them just because
It doesn't.
Does it?
>Meikyo > Gekko > Ikishoten > Kasha > Hissatsu: Senei > Yukikaze > Kaiten > Midare > Kaeshi: Setsugekka
>4990 potency in 5 GCDs before buffs every 2 min
>plus 3740 potency in 5 GCDs every minute
DRK inner is literally just bad version of WAR's
They don't direct crit
because like 2 other classes had a slashing debuff and you would almost always have one of them?
like cmon man this isn't hard to figure out
>But for some reason I don't see people screaming "SLASHING IS GONE SAM IN THE KEK KEK KEKSHED xdddd"
because SAM was always in the cuckshed and DRG has not been?
>AST being a lock-in
Oh no no no no you misunderstood
Everyone is too busy being bored with DRK gutting.
You know what should be gone? Fucking dragoon meter. Why we gotta be sweating 30 secs for cool downs or waiting for the tank to pull.
Well I disagree and I look forward to its removal in ShB.
It's too much shit packed into one rotation while keeping track of mechanics and positionals. Sure, it's fun the first few times but putting in all that work every time I run lvl 70 content is tiring. It doesn't feel like I'm rewarded for the effort.
Most likely, seems like all jobs are going to be pretty effective even before the parse obsession and raid buffs get factored in.
Slashing was essentially useless because almost everyone who needed it had it, except PLD and DRK. And as tanks it wasn't that important for them.
At least it starts at 30s now and not 20
You know what should really be gone?
SAM was never brought for it's Slash debuff.
>implying that's a good thing
Meta is obviously going to be
Who will be the 4th DPS?
>angry sam post
According to Xeno it is.
Have fun with ARR monk
>And as tanks it wasn't that important for them.
absolute retard
Paladin AOE rotation looks so good I can actually use it for dungeons instead of switching to warrior or dark knight.
Will MMOs ever be about going on cool adventures with your bros and not an autistic race to have the biggest numbers?
But he still made use of it himself which is his point. That guy types like a complete retard though.
Get fucking served
Play the fucking game
Get a fucking clue
>other tank has enmity stance on
>I'm a WAR and he isn't
I would like to see them try to keep up.
I heard it was 200 potency per attack also.
You retarded or something? Life of the Dragon starting at 30 means your blood upkeep is completely irrelevant as long as you keep it above 0.
dragoon, sam has no utilities.
it's the same text as dwad, they finally made them consistent with each other
it's effectively 600 now, it's basically both versions of the skill in one
>needing 2 healers when healing is now broken
nobody cares about your fell cleave screenshot macro
have you seen PLD's new DPS rotation? I ain't worried about your puny fell cleave spam
XIV has a massive RP community, what are you on about?
did you miss the part where drk gets five bloodspillers on top of high passive damage every 100 seconds? Or the part where dark arts can be up for literally 100% of the fight?
Right here bud straight from the site
1-3 sam
4-6 brd
7-9 rdm
0 or doubles - mch
Exactly, dragoon became even more braindead than before, might as well not even have a timer because if you run out it means you're retarded.
Nope, thank WoW.
Know nothing about the context but that's a really well-done suplex for a real fight.
If you think the tool tips are perfect, then you were not around for Flame thrower.
>Rotating through buffs and ogcds so that you're almost always hitting one
New monk will probable remains the same, thought I'm brainlet and can't see where to fit TK now. There is should be some trick.
Probably dragoon as the dancer's partner, if I had to guess.
Only time ever ran out is when the tank is taking their sweet ass time to pull the boss or LONG DEAD PERIOD OF TIME BETWEEN PHASES.
Threefold attack
200 potency
3x200 = 600
Flavor text and tooltips in general in this game are retarded.
in his tank analysis video? I'm about 90% sure he just misspoke and was saying that it USED to be 600 pot (with DA)
it would be very weird for the wording in the tooltip to mean "three separate 200 pot attacks in the same attack", they'd just say 600 pot
erp doesn't count, dude.
the changes to skills will mean 2 bhava in a trick on top of those
also dont forget, double kass
Don't hit the button until the tank goes in then. It's not like it does anything besides start up your timer, unlike Ninjitsu when tanks decide to dilly dally after I huton -> hide
Why braindead? DRG looks more fun with more jumps than before
>dragoon became even more braindead than before,
No, the change is pretty neutral. You need to be a mental defective to run low or run out of BotD as it is since Wheeling Thrust/Fang & Claw are just part of your normal rotation.
6 is a hilarious potency, they should have kept it
Basically does that now anyways
Japanese tooltip just flat out said its 200 potency attack by the way, no three fold bullshit.
Not him, but I just checked Mr Brappy's DRK vid, and the tooltip is definitely wrong/ a placeholder. C&S did 9K but SS did 6K.