Black Cat?

Black Cat?
More like Black Thicc.

Attached: TheBlackCat.jpg (1920x1080, 107K)

>male ass

>i am a retard

Attached: Marvel's Spider-Man_20190417214309.png (1920x1080, 2.12M)

streamlined af

Attached: Marvel's Spider-Man_20190111204152.png (1920x1080, 2.72M)

fuck off plebbit


god I hate progressive culture. everything's the same bland, boring, forgettable rubbish
I guess that's why it has to co-opt everything

go masturbate

how are those images progressive?

he is just talking out his ass

>the post

Attached: 1477445199974.png (697x768, 177K)

I've had a great time playing Spider Man, but haven't been craving playing it again since. Are the DLC things worth getting back into it?

>Female character has a good ass
Incoming shitstorm.

>concept art of something that came out half a year ago
there's nothing incoming

not thicc whatsoever that is an average body of a healthy female

>redesigning a sexy woman in a skin-tight outfit into ugly, generic tacticool garbage isn't progressive

Attached: you wretched woman.png (308x314, 173K)

She looks good in that art, but her face looks like a man ingame


i dont think you know what a man looks like

Attached: Marvel's Spider-Man_20181111104409.png (1920x1080, 2.82M)

>literally regurgitating shit he reads on /pol/ or Yea Forums
Have an opinion for yourself for once that doesn't rely on the buzzwords others taught you.

More like made for Black Dicc