Cliffy b is back

>cliffy b is back
He'll finally be able to redeem himself for Lawbreakers now.

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Lawbreakers was a good videogame

the only thing deader than harambe is cliffy's career

>Harambe jokes
>In the current year
It's really sad seeing people tell jokes about some meme that died months or even years ago

Is it wrong to try and be relevant?

I don’t know why but as a black man, I find cliffy b very racist.

It's wrong when you try and fail.
It is much better to just be yourself

at what point can we discuss forced voluntary euthanasia? the man needs help.

it was the anniversary of the meme. this instance, while still very awful, was not bad for that reason

It's not wrong on of itself to use old jokes. You getting tired of it is your fault to being exposed to haphazard spam of it. What's cringe here is that he said that it was a QTE even and clawed at the floor to scrape up whatever shit reference was similar to Harambe. This guy's beyond daft.

clifford looks like someone who'd say the n word in a rap song. i dont trust like that

I think Phil Spencer needs to buy Cliffy, give him a full studio, access to Microsoft's vast revenue and Cloud tech, and BAM!
Easy 10 million sales in 1 week.

>forced voluntary

Words have meaning, retard.

>big guy 4 u almost 10 years later
Don't think you really get to be an authority on telling people to stop using old memes when you're posting here champ.

>the anniversary of the meme

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euros are waking up, user. go to sleep. catch some Zs before you catch more Ls

has it really been 3 years already!?

Two days ago marked 3 years since Harambe's death, that's why they tweeted about him on that day. Stupid frogfuckers

He should make Jazz 3 if he wants to redeem himself

How has Cliffy not graduated from fucking Newgrounds tier humor at his age?

>Dead meme
Kys Clify b


Lawbreakers was good and the fact faggot ass overwatch won really shows that the majority of gamers have retarded opinions on what "Fun" truly is. Also is Twitter like 3 years behind why are they still making Harambe jokes. Cop on Black shootings are never funny

That's just Ape Out

I mean, a Kaiju game focused on actually destroying the city could be fun.

Whoa, careful with those fresh ideas there user.

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You just know if the kid was black they wouldn't have shot the gorilla, coz for white people we be worth less than monkeys

The kid WAS black

Imagine not being cool enough to know about Rampage and all the Rad Godzilla PS2 and GC games

now THAT was a meme, today we only get wojak and pepe reskin, smfh famalam

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Sorry Reddit, but Harambe shit was stupid even when it was relevant. It was never funny

I don't care about the shit games, I just don't like him as a person. And a game good enough for me to forget how much I dislike him seems far beyond his skill set these days.

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If anything making fun of an innocent animal being slain for a parent not paying attention is quite tragic


t. niglet

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>someone makes a joke
>a thread appears
>people are actually discussing in said thread