Saddest part of this is they have had the difference explained to them multiple times

gee whats the difference between a game with a good story and one with a piss poor one that just a modern politics strapped on to it.

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That's a pretty okay bait image, but I'd add some real examples to the "good" side so the non-examples blend in.

>well-written politic (good)
>agenda-pushing politic (bad)
this is not complicated man

People are bothered by identity politics, not by anything with broad themes that tries to convey a message

the people who posted that in a decision i had took it seriously as a good point
they likely can't tell the difference

>Deus Ex
>no politic
>Metal Gear
>no politic
fuck off retard, at least say it's politics and social commentary and not identity politics and racism and shit, fuck that shit.

Not exactly. The difference is the 'good' ones criticise politic ideas in a way that interacts with the gameplay or narrative, and the 'bad' ones adopt ideas uncritically in a way that doesn't interact with the narrative beyond implicit assumptions within the game's fiction. For example...

Bioshock: Consequences of Randian individualism applied to an isolated society

Deus Ex: Consequences of unregulated corporate growth and authoritarianism.

Overwatch: We put diverse characters in it and make them kiss because we think that's good

MK11: We dressed our females up more because we think that's good

Obviously the first two have way more politics going on that those first two points, but yeah. I reckon it just comes down to meaningful criticism.

>actual politic(war, humanity)

>gay, lesbian, Feminist

oops, reddit spaced the fuck out of that.
I'm not used to writing more than one sentence per post on 4chin.

so retards are really that fucking mad about a fucking arcade ending

Some games on the left dive deep into politics though. Half Life 2 is basically a copy of 1984's criticism of socialism. Bioshock is mocking objectivism. Deus Ex says all kinds of shit. Even Modern Warfare 2 has Makarov and Sheperd commenting on how America has soldiers everywhere around the world.

>pretending to be me to debase my claim

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>pretending to be him despite being a new IP

Attached: eat shit.jpg (400x505, 94K)

1984 is not a criticism of socialism, it's a criticism of totalitarianism. Did you actually read the book? George Orwell was an explicit supporter of democratic socialism.

The games on the left also have politics though. You see, having politics or political commentary in a game isn't the problem. It's when you make that one of the sole aspects of the game, for example, making the game as "diverse" as possible as a political statement.
Deus Ex gives political commentary on globalism, trans-humanism, and the destiny of mankind. The games on the right aren't saying anything, rather they're reflexively political.

This is the first time I've ever been impersonated on 4chin, feels weird desu.
thank you for defending my honour.

It's not even really that though is it, since the Party doesn't give a shit what the proles do

>Good politics
>Politics I agree on

>Bad politics
>Politics I don't agree on


Good politics:
>stuff that matters

Bad politics:
>stuff that doesn't matter
Being black, a woman, a tranny, or an unholy combination of the three aren't relative to humanity on a macro level.

Yeah, I realized I fucked up after I made that post. I meant to write a criticism of Soviet society or something to that effect. I'm not much into politics, but I take it INGSOC is not meant to be a literal criticism of socialism? Just more of a name placeholder (such as how North Korea calls itself "democratic")?

If you're alienating a large part of your customer base with your shallow virtue signalling political commentary then it's pretty bad politics.

I know its bait but
>No Politic
It shouldn't be that funny but it was. 7/10

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I believe the idea was to illustrate that the party *supposedly* served the proles, but only insofar as the proles couldn't affect meaningful change. As in, threaten the party's dominance.
It's been about 10 years since I read the book though, so I could be totally off.

>metal gear good
>bioshock good
>CoD good
This has to be b8.

>Deus Ex
>No politics

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mad about a black guy and girls in a fighting game

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Le ebic rational male confesses their biased and hatred filled opinions. I'm just glad that you fucks have to hide in this shithole to express your opinion.


>drank the identity politics kool-aid
>is proud of it

It's exactly that - it's used in 1984 the same way the Nazis called themselves 'socialists' in real life. NaziNazis are national socialists, Ingsoc are English socialists. That's the analogue.

>politik that work in story
>politik that is distracting and annoying

your either a troll or have no clue what your talking about

You'd be surprised at how mainstream these opinions are tranny

>metal gear
>no politics
based retard

Which is why Orwell was a hack and you shouldn't read him

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That's the joke. The difference is that people respond well to attempts at meaningful political commentary, not empty political messaging.

the ones on the left focus on the game world's politics
the ones on the right are attempting to make statements about current day politics one helps the story the other kills your escapism

>gets put on blast
You poor soul, I understand it's hard having a brain addled with fluoride and estrogen. Just keep coping until you make it.

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>fsfhehrfwfc I HATE NIGGERS IN MY VIDEOS GAMES : the post

'I don't agree with him therefore he's a hack' seems a bit naive. Is criticism of totalitarianism only important if a conservative does it? I'm not sure how many of those you'll be able to find.

this but unironically

>Being black doesnt matter

Incel detected

at least make an attempt to have a decent bait post

Attached: thisisbait.png (625x626, 66K)

>Uses politics to explore how people of different ideologies would react to [an alien invasion/an objectivist utopia/the aftermath of a nuclear war/the threat of nuclear war/a future where everything is augmented]

Not him, but Orwell is a hack because he utterly ripped off Huxley, yet imbeciles give Orwell the time of day and Huxley is nary mentioned.

No, it actually doesn't. No one besides upper-middle class white people and jews give a fuck if you're a nigger. The rest of us have more important things to worry about in our lives.

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>The rest of us have more important things to worry about in our lives.
like getting a sub

>gee whats the difference
>modern shitware are the former and not the latter
Sure, bud.

Left: Incel power fantasies

Like whining about how brown people are taking your jobs.

so what this thread is telling me is that all fighting games are political

He's a hack being he was a propagandist pushing for an evil ideology. He was a Trotskyite, and Trotsky was worse than Stalin. 1984 is a completely ridiculous strawman criticism of totalitarianism. Animal Farm is pro-Trotsky propaganda.

>politic related to the game world (good)
>politic relating to the real world (bad)
this is not complicated man

ok so let me get this straight

>Game has generic white guy on the cover: good
>Game has anything else on the cover: bad

Honestly if there's one thing the internet has taught me, it's that there is nothing on this planet more fragile than a white man's ego.

Ironic that you claim we're the hateful ones when you liberals spew endless hatred of those you don't agree with.

I'm gonna keep on saying it until some of you fuckers agree.

This is the difference between explicit political CRITICISM (left) and implicit political MESSAGING (right).

>but criticism is still messaging
Yes, but the motivation is different. Criticism addresses political ideas and their flaws, like how Bioshock criticises Rand's philosophy. Overwatch including gay characters is nothing more than a statement of approval for certain politics.

You should change it to

Poltical matters done right vs political matters done wrong

I'm interested in understanding the psyche of someone with such blatant cognitive dissonance that they would acknowledge the problematic nature of flooding society with poor third-worlders (who happen to be brown) who then flood the labor market and reduce the quality of life for the natives, while this person also adamantly crusades for their right to do so. It truly is baffling.

>game literally calling out how ridiculous libertarianism/objective is isn't political
>global conflicts with Russia isn't political

so much stuff is political but you retards have no perspective

Wow an actual plebbitor admitting to being unable to adapt their muscle memory to single spacing.

MW2 has anti nationalist messages pop up on your screen every time you die.

go back to pol and dilate tranny incel

I think we've hit buzzword overload

>He was a Trotskyite
I'm not sure about that. As far as I remember, he was of the 'USSR is not real socialism' type. I do agree that 1984 is heavy-handed and not very realistic.

seething and copepilled

I don't get the people who say "YOU ONLY LIKE IT BECAUSE YOU AGREE WITH IT!" when there are some people who still enjoy bioshock when it does a piss poor representation of Randian objectivism, same with many other games that have a fanbase despite having the wrong criticism of ideologies they are supposed to represent.

>The difference is the 'good' ones criticise politic ideas in a way that interacts with the gameplay or narrative, and the 'bad' ones adopt ideas uncritically in a way that doesn't interact with the narrative beyond implicit assumptions within the game's fiction. For example...
What you mention has way less to do with the political take and more to do with gameplay complementing story.

In my opinion the best use of politics in fiction is if ideas are presented but don't overtly push any of them from a single perspective.
You can have the player or main characters choose to follow one idea, but don't show that ideology as some perfect solution because that's not how reality is.
Political issues are extremely complex and interwoven like lumps of tangled yarn. When writers simplify them it comes off as really cheap and immature.
I'll admit haven't played the first entry(I did play through a lot of HR though), but the original Deus Ex from what I know really just boiled down to "corporations bad" .
I don't disagree with that stance, but if true serves as an example of this over-simplification, and in that sense it's no different from how a game like Overwatch presents its political themes.

also funny trivia in the multiplayer you explode cash when you die which was a social commentary on military spending

Is there any games that is about Stirner Egoism?

Attached: Spooks.jpg (753x800, 170K)

Why is /leftypol/ obsessed with this guy

>why is leftypol obsessed with nihilism, anarchism, and postmodernism

you sound like the smelliest, most unemployed fuck I've ever seen.

If I get dubs everyone in this thread has to commit suicide

can anyone give me a quick rundown of this?
every time someone talks about it its always

Interesting, I thought that was a weird aesthetic choice but was too dumb at the time to even think about that.
Never thought they'd put the effort for something like that in a CoD title.
Are there any other CoD games that explore the ideals of war in a cool way?

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Overwatch is a team shooter, it's not about deep plot and exploring complex questions. They don't even hold fast to the bad/good teams in the lore, it's whatever combos you want.

Given such a format "diversity" is better. When it's all about crazy fun options I WANT some green nigger and a robotranny and other stupid wacky shit instead of just a bunch of white guys and one token black like team fortress. It's not about appealing to the powerful purple lives matter lobby, just providing more variety.

sadly I don't think so mw2 seemed to be the last time they tried anything like it

"Politics" = doody bad opinions I don't like

thanks for highlighting ops point

I mean the entire Black Ops series is based around not knowing who you are actually fighting for.

Don't be racist towards blacks, dude.

>A game of Thrones between a mad king and the largest Empire in the world.
>Humanity without limits destroys itself constantly trying to find improvements to what they already had and you get to pick through the ruins.
>The remnants of humanity fight like rabid dogs to save themselves from total extinction.
>A false flag attack leads to war between two of the largest super powers in the world.
>American exceptionalism, fanatical patriotism, and unchecked militarism will lead to our downfall.
>The military complex and nuclear arms race have put the world under the sword of Damocles.
>Government bodies and corporations control the world and media, and anyone who tries to fight against it is labelled a terrorist.
>Hnnnnggghh, hnnnngggh gurl gud, gurl stronk, I'm cuming hnnnngggghhhh, I sure hope nobody finds out I'm actually a fucking rapist/pedophile/sex pest/abuser. hnnnnnggh

Gee, I wonder why people like the left more than right.

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why do these zealots and retards like you pretend like californian non white signaling is the same as og devs having political themes in their games ?

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commenting on some shit is not the same as inclusive revisionism that shit like ass creed do.
in general the very form in which you tards engage these leftist products shows how low iq and ineffective you are. no wonder the gaming landscape is such a dumster nowadays

the best rundown on anything is to look at the private life of these people and judge wheater or not you should download any of their memes into you brain.

so the redpill on stirner is, he is trash. but not for the reasons you (the leftist zealot or the rightist mongrel) think.

I like how you think user, If only most people understood this we would not have literally child minded adults posting /pol/ memes every minute.

Ok, so.. the left is politics done organically and with resonance, and the right is politics done hamfisted and poorly? I guess when it comes to politics, the left just does it better.

>we would not have literally child minded adults posting /pol/ memes every minute
A lot of the problem is rooted in rapid digitization.
Information now moves faster and in bigger amounts than humans can digest and if they want to keep up with the world compromises are made, usually in logic and meaning.
It forces people to behave stupidly and try to get into the overall discourse faster rather than thinking about the consequences of their words.
A lot of that is why memes are able to be so pervasive.

If it weren't for the Death Stranding bait threads taking up so much of the board's attention this thread would've become a battlefield and I probably wouldn't have even bothered.

Ethnic diversity is one thing, but sexual orientation and "gender identity" bullshit is something else entirely in a game that's at least ostensibly supposed to be about wacky shooter hijinks or some shit like that.

I think the difference is the politics in the left doesn't feel forced.

What this guy said.

>deus ex
>not relating to the real world
>modern warfare 2
>not relating to the real world
>even the themes of metal gear and bioshock
>not relating to the real world

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>>but the original Deus Ex from what I know really just boiled down to "corporations bad"
You clearly don't know a lot about Deus Ex then.

Oh no no no

How much of this is actually in the game? How is the game itself impacted by any of this? Why do people care?

Make them all gay, I don't give a shit.

I admitted that my main experience with the franchise was from Human Revolution in the same sentence.
The overall point still stands though, just used Deus Ex to illustrate it.

>Metal Gear
>Deus Ex
>No politics

This is bait, right?

OP used bait and has a pretty basic view of the issue, but just read the thread.
Critiques have been made.

Shitty bait but here's the distinction: the games on the left have the political theories play out in a narrative as part of the plot. The games on the right have shitty, shoe-horned characters to appeal to a current popular political trend of identity politics, which are not interesting in the least and have no intellectual merit.

>alienating a large part of your customer base

only the retards so its fine

>being so insecure you have to explain yourself after leaving spaces between lines
holy SHIT grow up retard

>actual politics

>>How much of this is actually in the game?
Not much.
>>How is the game itself impacted by any of this?
A lot of people stopped playing as Soldier 76 after the gay/bisexual reveal. I stopped playing the game entirely, too much faggotry with what already happened with Tracer.
>>Make them all gay, I don't give a shit
The problem is that everyone else does, and the inevitable slapfighting that occurs afterwards. You avoid all of this by simply not mentioning the sexuality of the characters most of the time and if for some reason you have to, you don't make them faggots or trannies because most of the people who are playing your game are neither.

>I stopped playing the game entirely, too much faggotry

You're fuckin' weird bro.