>Katawa Shoujo General
Katawa Shoujo General
Other urls found in this thread:
I love Monika!
>After losing count
I'll never forgive those insane retards for what they did to Yea Forumsermin Fight Club.
That's really sad.
>has a bunch of 2D CP on his hard drive
What? What happened?
What do they even talk about for nearly 4000 threads?
What's the point of generals for single player games?
Did they at least start working on a sequel yet
They basically dont from what Ive seen, they utter two words out of context or post images of waifus, either that or some personal drama like every general. It has gone full schizo ultra autism mode
>in the thousands
Never gonna happen. O e time they made an April fool's blog post about how they were just going to skip 2 and go straight to 3 though.
Making the same threads over and over again isn't any different you know.
>go to /vg/ because I want to talk about a game I like and there's a general
>post thing about game
>everyone ignores me and talk about wanting to suck european cock and lootbox faggotry
/vg/ truly is the better board
I used to post in /ksg/ many years ago, and I remember people coming to the thread and getting impressively mad at the fact that we kept track of the thread number. Like, not just a goofy reaction image, but they would bitch endlessly about the fact that there was a number in the OP and very angrily demand that /ksg/ cease counting. The general may be pathetic, but the butthurt it created was a special brand of autism the likes of which I hadn't seen before or since.
I was gonna post a picture of best girl Shizune but I don't seem to have my katawa folder any more.
They didn't actually lose count did they?
They did, but only once.
Who cares man, just let them be. Not all of us are lucky enough to have a good life. Most people take so much shit for granted.
/vg/ is a shithole for autistic fucks, user.
It's basically a chatroom/support group
what about Yea Forums
I don't even get how this could happen, did they just stop numbering the threads for no reason and couldn't find anything in any archives?
Didn't they lose track on the count at around 2000 and started all over from 0?
how the fuck do you even lose count when an archive exists
Which general?
I don't think anything but the general exists for them
>Fire Emblem general
>barely anyone there has even played Fire Emblem
/vg/'s dead generals could be a study on the human mind I swear
look at this thing a handful of people (16 if the IP count is to be believed) speaking in the exact same way, using the thread as a glorified chatroom. once the thread hits bump limit, they just make a new one, on and on forever.
far as I can tell it used to be about one of those war games where you're one country and you slowly take over the world, but look at them now
don't let this become your fate, Yea Forums
Did they lose count? I thought it was just reset after the generals switched over to /vg/
Also holy fuck I will never find a visual novel that impacted me as hard as Katawa Shoujo ever again, maybe it was just when I played it or whatever but fuck man
Thought it was silly, but honestly I'm appreciate it. I don't even visit the general but its the fact that it remains the same whilst everything else in my life changes give me a small level of comfort.
I finally played KS a year ago after putting it off for forever and boy I was not expecting the /vg/ thread or the posters in it to be that fucking shitty about everything.
The only place I ever found good-ish discussion about in was on Yea Forums
they just can't count too good
But that isn't /gsg/, is it a containment general for the most autistic elements of /gsg/?
A bunch of generals in /vg/ are just 20 something dudes reposting the same shit endlessly right now.
/tf2g/ is also kind of fascinating, they've developed their own culture to the point that they don't even use the reply feature anymore.
better than Yea Forums though
>in any archives?
They lost count before there was an extended archive.
That's actually a carryover from the Starcraft General.
It's also present in the Path of Exile general.
>game general thread is just OC dicksucking and larping with other OC posters
this makes me want to study anthropology
/lolg/. I posted a simple screenshot of the game and the only reply I got was "esl go home"
also happened to me here. everyone knows the girls and the waifus and all that, but no one played radiant dawn cause it was "too hard".come the fuck on.
At least Yea Forums doesn't have ritualposting within threads
/poeg/ looks relatively normal to me though?
it's the shame shit as basically every other thread on /vg/.
how were they shitty?
esl go home
>all their threads have the suicide hotline in the copypasta
What happened to that general that gets spammed with random bot messages everytime it's created? Boy, seeing that shit was kinda creepy
The origin of the no (You) posting is because "Your post is so bad, it's not even worth replying to" and people expect you to know who they're talking to. It's also present in smaller portions in the Fortnite general, partly at my own fault.
The game is currently at a major low period because it has a big expansion releasing in just over a week so barely anyone is playing and it's light shitposting plus occasionally talking about stuff that gets teased. The no (You) posting tends to flare up about 3 days into a new League (so like Monday the 10th).
I think that was the guild wars 2 general, and that bot actually totally killed it
At some point one must ask, are the suicidal drawn to the threads or do the threads make people suicidal?
>Go to general
>Literal larping, autistic fan fiction and bumps to not get archived
/vg/ truly is a sad place
Both the Guild Wars 2 General AND the generic MMO General. Long-dead because the mods couldn't deal with the furfag's bots. So the entire general disbanded.
Same thing happens in the EVE Online general
From what I've seen, its because their cultures have become so stagnant on the exact same shitposts and memes, that they engage in widespread (You)denial as an elaborate shitpost, and it just sort of spirals out of control from there
It still gets me.
it was random posts from Yea Forums
Was there an actual reason behind this or was it just autism
when i asked in the thread it was something about guild drama
The original KS team hates each other and KS so no
lolg being fags isn't suprising
>Yea Forums discovers a fun new game
>people make threads about it for about a week
>someone starts a /vg/ thread and discord
>it instantly floods with redditors and trannies and stops being fun
Like clockwork. Fuck /vg/ so hard.
quick rundown?
That's because Yea Forums is full of ironic weebs who don't understand what it means to truly have a waifu. There's actual discussion going on there. Here, you have one actual video game thread for every twenty Twitter screencap threads.
>threads about it on Yea Forums now get deleted on sight forever
I haven't been able to go through again after all these years
I think there was some manner of furry erp autism going on.
But then again I don't know for sure.
Allegedly the botter got angry at the general and it spiralled on from there.
Maybe Yea Forums could learn from these generals and also stop responding to at least some of the bait posts on this board
Disabled just like their favorite vidya
>play KS as my first real VN
>play some actual professionally developed for profit VNs
>Try going back to KS
>can't get over the shoddy penciled in character outlines
>never touch it again
>people coordinating posting on Yea Forums in discord
Never cared about inane stuff like that.
She killed millions.
>/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #1214
>people kept saying during release it would become the next /ksg/
>figured there'd be no way in hell that could happen since there's even less to talk about
And yet here we are.
/vg/ users all are mentally ill
>favorite general has almost zero drama and is on topic %90 of the time
>constantly pushed to page 10 by gatcha garbage and generals that devolved into chatrooms
Goes to show that even ironic weebs can be cripplingly autistic
best general in this site
I mean at least the dev of DDLC still exists and teased another game.
It will always completely baffle me how people could become so infatuated with complete non-characters from a 4 hour long baby's first VN
What is a non baby meta harem VN?
same bro, I played it back in 2014 and Hanako's route still reduces me to tears whenever I think about her.
egg or indie?