Claim your PS1 hidden gem. Do it quick!

Claim your PS1 hidden gem. Do it quick!

Because I'm claiming Einhander, Elemental gearbolt and Skullmonkeys

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Other urls found in this thread:

I claim Panzer Bandit
Gran Turismo or Metal Gear Solid.

Mad Panic Coaster.

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Speed Punks. I would say Klonoa, but many people on Yea Forums know about it. Plus Yea Forums does Klonoa threads a little differently.

>Gran turismo & MGS
>Hidden gems

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final fantasy 7 xD

tetris with card captor sakura
sexy parodius

Misadventures of Tron Bonne

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Sled Storm was amazing, and I loved the soundtrack

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Claiming Azure Dreams

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Playing as Sephiroth and Tifa is a blast

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also harmful park and into the hunt


Yeah I know, tank controls. Fuck off, that soundtrack and atmosphere aged like the finest wine.

Crisis City

Claiming Gungage

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Valkyrie profile

Based and gobbopilled

god it’s so bad but i love it

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Tomba was awesome you faggot

Threads of Fate a.k.a. Dewprism

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You cant claim three you fucking dildo

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hogs of war

but for real tho the psx had no soul
armored core and FFtactics probably the most SOULful games on the system

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must suck to be proven wrong within two minutes

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Jade Cocoon

ps1 had soul sorry you missed out

imagine being this wrong
And I know the combat is shit, but fuck the graphics + music in this game is 100% pure soul

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Ape Escape, Micro Machines V3.

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Rosco mcqueen

Legend of Legaia is mine

Alien resurrection

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that roguelike mode is unironically great as well. Basically like 2 games in one

I claim Jet Moto.

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Fuck this game was amazing

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>remake never
it still hurts bros

claimed Dino Crisis

bushido blade and battle arena toshinden since no one mentioned them

bishy bashy special
r type

hated playing as the girl, and every time i revisit that game i always quit at the witches house where they make you play those horseshit sidescrolling segments

I was about to post this one, you son of a bitch. Give it back.

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i ended up picking a copy in japan for about 5 bucks and then forgetting it wasn’t compatible with ntsc systems. still a nice paper weight though

all mine suck it fags

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Front Mission 3

Legend of Dragoon

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This was my shit

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No, but you can have this game

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Wipeout 3 Special Edition

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You'll never take it from me

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Legend of Legaia. Best jrpg on the system, bar none.

the only reason I will defend the vita is that godly version of wipeout it got.

Bombing Islands

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The west hated this thing when it came out because it was super dated by 2001
but it's a really comfy, pretty game now

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Serial Experiments Lain

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Battle Hunters motherfuckers

Fine, I get Jet moto 2

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Adventure of Little Ralph. Reminds me of Magical Pop'n.

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The OP song always bring nostalgia.

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Claiming this amazing game before anyone else does.

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Looks like I made it in time

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Patrician taste, my friend

I fucking loved this game, missions were hard as fuck and i never killed the final boss, but the multiplayer was so much fun

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Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver

claiming unholy war. would have claimed devil dice but this nigga already got it

I have claimed Sheep Raider as my own, don't dare try to take it because you'll only tire yourself trying.

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The Dungeon Rpg

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all three of them died 10 minutes after this picture was taken. their dicks exploded and they had eternal bleeding

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Either this or Armored Core Project Phantasma.

Also a good choice.

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Great taste. All my other favorites are taken as well so that just leaves pic related

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based and good tastepilled

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ace combat 1-3

Oh it cannot be!

Mine since azure dreams was taken

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Hot wheels turbo racing

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This and MechWarriors 2

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This is a ''hidden games'', not ''comfy PS1 games'' thread. Love it.

Fuck you, Klonoa is mine.


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dat intro...
dat character select...




Ghost In The Shell
Robo Pit

Motherfucker this is the real gem out of this entire thread so far


Better than Pokemon, Digimon, DQ Monsters, Monster Rancher, SMT, etc.

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mine, all mine

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A man of culture. The game's a bit too easy, however.


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Oh thank god, I made it in time.

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Ridge Racer Type 4

Great taste buds

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I claim Guardians Crusade

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Not one single person has said Koudelka... I guess it's true, Yea Forums really doesn't play video games

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I tried to play it, but the battle system and the track that plays during it killed it for me.

NOBODY said Blasto!?

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Alright, i get Bugs and Taz: Timebusters instead, but sheep raider is the best

How many people even know Sheep Raider here on Yea Forums?

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oof thanks for the blast from the past, user

Good taste

you guys dont know SHIT about platformers, apparently

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Because it sucks

fucking based, nice choice

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THANK YOU. I had to post another game, but I was really hoping my Yea Forumsros wouldn't let me down.

Get on my level

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isnt that on the mini console? cant be that obscure

To this day, I couldn't tell you what the fuck anyone in this game is saying.

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For me, it's this season's issue of PSU

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>How many people even know Sheep Raider here on Yea Forums?

i played it on pc a year ago because of these thread, gets posted a lot in these kind of threads.

got anymore good railshooter recs?

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Based. That’s what I thought of too.


Well, what did you think of it?

>assholecuntjackass OP picks not 1 not 2 but 3 fucking games
screw you

i know it as Sheep Dog n Wolf, loved it as a kid

Wild 9

Jade Cocoon is the one for me.

claiming builder's block
aka: landmaker

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wew, thanks user. i always have a memory of this game but could never think of its name, i only played it a few times.

Silhouette Mirage!

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Fucking based. Also claiming Kula World.

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I thought it was amazing, I always held lost time time as the best looney tunes game but after playing, idk, I can't think of many games like it, it just nails the feel of being a cartoon.

fun levels, its a lot of fun learning how to approach them.

I didn't finish it have backlog-itis

Claiming Firebugs as my hidden Gem. I tried to emulate it recently but the ROM had no music so there was no point.

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Only played it as a kid so don't know if it stacks up

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I always thought this game was cool

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I would've liked to see where a sequel would've taken this IP. Perhaps it would've gotten more difficult as the franchise grew.

>Batman & Robin
>0 results
How do people still not realize how amazing the game actually is deep down?

is that the one with the open work city?

Fuck yes.

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Fuck, guess i’ll take the first one.

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The harem of girls was the best part

I choose the Net Yaroze games, the pinnacle of early 3D kino

Arc the Lad 1+2

Relatively large city, random spawning crimes (just generic small fights but still) 3 characters to choose from each with a unique, driveable car and unique movesets and stats, multiple different crime scenes and which crime will be active at a given time is decided randomly, you have to piece clues picked up from the previous crime scene together to find out what the crime is.

I can understand not liking the game because it has tons of faults, but God damn is it a fucking gem to me, I can't look at it and not just see all the genius in it.

My favorite aspect of it is the randomly selected crime scenes and clue system, if you don't know the game you'd have to pick up all of the various clues and put them together to have the game straight up tell you where the next crime will be and at what time, but if you know the locations in the game and have a bit of ingenuity, you can take any one clue and figure out where the next crime is.
e.g. one clue has a specific company logo on it, you know the place that uses that logo is the next crime scene, or there's an actual photo from inside that store, you recognize that location and go there, that's the next crime scene.

It's an amazingly ambitious game for just being some licensed movie bullshit.

post more games lads

never heard of these, what's good about them?

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>start klonoa
>see gem on platform
>cant reach
>cant bounce on enemies
>"maybe I come back to it?"
>see cliffside needed to progress
>cant reach
>experiment for 5 minutes til I figure out you can double jump while holding an enemy

Felt like a retard, I guess thats what instruction booklets were for. At the same time its satisfying to figure out what to do without handholding like modern games

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God fucking dammit PS1 had so many great fucking games. Even if the N64 got scrappy ports, they always ended up downgraded. Saturn was fucked due to Race Wars between East and West, among hard as shit development ability; the PS1 truly was the overall winner of that generation, since EVERY motherfucking developer got on that train instead of the others.


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Rescue Shot, a lightgun game that to this day I still think I might be the only human being who has played it. Enjoyable although way too easy.

All mine.

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I actually didn't mind the combat.

This is my contribution.

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Sweet I get the best version of Uncharted Waters 2.

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Fancy Mel's


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I had no idea there was a ps1 version of this


Shit, I'm too late

The most kino net yaroze games are 2D though.
Small indie games done for the playstation, distributed through demo discs. Blitter Boy and Rock n gems are legit great.

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JP only unfortunately, also on Saturn. There's also a 5th gen Gaiden game involving the same characters where you can play as Khayr Ad Din's adopted son.

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Based. Check out Klonoa 2 when you finish that one. Probably one of my favorite PS2 games.

I have a near mint copy of this that I've been tempted to sell so many times, but I just can't bring myself to.

Not exactly a "hidden" gem, but definitely an EXTREMELY underrated RPG.

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Vib Ribbon fuckers

Easy. Also one of the best co-op on PS1. And no one played it.

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Good taste

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Overrated nostalgia shit that belongs in the same small baby toy aisle as Level 5 garbage

I wish they would have modeled this more closely after WarGames, but aside from that, patrician tier taste my friend.


Another one. 11/10 couch multiplayer as well. Fuck Worms 3D, and fuck Team17.

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the reboot was pretty decent, will we ever see hiryu outside of MvC again?

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The majority of the games in this thread aren't hidden gems tho.

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the psx had like five hidden gems in total, we gotta prolong the thread somehow

loved it and had to get it after playing the demo years ago

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I hope they have a better art team if they ever do make a sequel.

I think it owes its "popularity" less to number of units sold and more to the fact that it was very popular on early PS1 era demo disks. I think I had at least 5 different demo disks with that game on it.

My goodness. This brings back some of the best memories. Must pop it on so I can play as the ninja again

Horrible game.
Only redeeming factor is that guy that died.

It's funny how the intro was completely changed in our slavland. Those goddamn pirate translators.
The voice was very deep, grim and serious, and the music was replaced with some tense military propaganda orchestra. Sadly I can't find it on youtube.
My mind was blown when I played original.

I claim FF7. No one steal


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Kill youself

Can I claim Tarzan?

Does that spider have a knife and grenade launcher

That's crazy, I had no idea. I only played the NA PS1 version. It's kind of funny though, I recommended it to friend who purchased it when it came out for PC and not only was the gameplay totally different, it gave his PC a virus. I looked it up just now to make sure I wasn't creating some false memory, and nope, the retail version of the game came with a virus on it.


can somebody name a ps1 game about like fighter jets rancing? it was pretty fun but i cant remember the name

Slavs did strange shit like that from time to time for no specific reason. For example they put Seek And Destroy into Syphon Filter 1 intro, and Push It by Static-X to Time To Kill intro.

don't claim 3 you bitch, wanted Skullmonkey
based choices too

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I do what I want bitch niggas

Also, claiming Striker 1945 as well.

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Hogs of war

This game sucked
Sequel was objectively better

A few years ago I wouldn't have considered Evil Zone a hidden gem but nobody talks about it anymore so I'm going with that.

>any remaining artistic talent
Pick one and only one. It's just too much to ask for these days, user.

There was nothing bad about it. I have yet to find an adventure game that tops it. Also, what happened to whoopeecamp?

>tfw I played %95 of the games posted itt
and I loved them. PS1 was the best console ever


Star Ocean 2's sprites are so beautiful. Love the expressive characters.

>Also, what happened to whoopeecamp?
Tomba 2 sold like shit so they disbanded.


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That's a very nice price

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Hands off fuckers

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Isn't the one in the middle the guy that has that youtube channel about eating weird things?

Based, levels were so good

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Ace Attorney still looks pretty.

At least The Great Ace Attorney lead artist.

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Well, unlike Tomba 1; Tomba 2 sucked balls, it's like night and day. Sprite games to 3D, never ever.

that's cool i'll take nightmare creatures 1, cause i never played 2.

I miss those demo disks

I played a demo of it, except it was called "Sheep Dog n Wolf"

great fuckn game but i still liked worms too, sorry friend

My nigger
I still listen to that fucking soundtrack

Who owns the IP?
Na fuck you, they were both fun repectively

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yeah, with the dlc it becomes super version of the ps3 game

you're both a motherfucker and the realest nigga i know

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>200 posts in
>no one's mentioned Ninja: Shadow of Darkness

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then you pick it you stupid whiny bitch baby faggot anime rp shitter

Fuck off, nigger, my reaction folder got deleted and that's the only image I had to represent my current emotion.

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For me its pic related

goat level design with shortcuts, why arent shortcuts a thing anymore
>those death scenes
absolutely based, 10/10 game in every way
underrated coop kino
>the final shotdown for the shit island
overrated to shit

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>vagrant story
What kind of world are you living in? It's hardly rated at all but even with that aside holy shit you've got some bad taste in games.

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>hardly rated

Its a fucking Square game you deepshit, ofcourse everyone knows about it. And the vocal cult following it has just jerks off over its art style which is admittedly quite nice.

Shame the game itself is a chore, you are literally navigating the menus for 99% of the game, even the most mundane common fight requires you to navigate through two minutes worth of menus.

But hipster 2deep4you shitters are gonna be hipster shitters so have at it.

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Which one? There is one correct answer.

yep youre my niglets
You're dope too

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i don't know exactly how hidden it was, but _nobody_ knew about this shit growing up, and most people i talk to about it have no idea either.

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>this game was the reason Neversoft was created, and the basis of the engine for the THPS series

crazy part is that it was a good game in it's own right

OoOoO, Sir Musashi! I've been waiting for you~
>tfw used to beat the preteen meat to the two scantly clad villain girls in the instruction booklet

My niggas
I pick the demonized Alundra 2

Micro Maniacs

My nigga.

Metal Gear Solid

Balls to the wall hard and spoopy at times.

The most underrated JRPG

If only this becomes a thing...

I liked it but not as much as 3, 2 sucks gorilla cock with its buttload of stealth missions

Good shit, it might have been a B tier title but it was pretty cool, the alien asthetic and general theme were great.

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Too late. Goddamnit

Fuck you, Tomba 2 was great

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