What is the stupidest game design you ever saw?

What is the stupidest game design you ever saw?

Attached: Juno_-_gala.png (1000x2000, 681K)

any "draw a girl, call it a boy" character

Pic unrelated I presume?
At least until I saw those heels, same shit with that mercy skin in OW, half a shoe looks stupid

What is this even from?

artist source, I know the character but can't put my finger on the source

dear diary

the feet were cute

sincerely yours, user


Oh right, thanks user

>account suspended
the hell happened

I noticed that too. No wonder I didn't see his shit on twitter recently. Newgrounds still up though.

Do you mean game design or character design?

why not both

Got mass reported due to loli content

Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Gacha in a single player game that they don't even make money off of

Trials games always do the thing where you don't get the objectively best bike until near the end of the game, meaning you have to go back to the beginning and replay all the levels with that bike again if you want to even try and get leaderboard viable times. It really is just unnecessary padding

He made a new one btw. @SpicyBardo

Someone post the giant pizza cutter sword


The FFTA2 guy with the pizza sword

This. What were they thinking when they made fat women and short men? Is it some kind of cruel joke?

ah cool thanks