Thoughts on Haunter?
Thoughts on Haunter?
Is Ash's Haunter still hanging out with Sabrina?
Didn't expect his cameo in the new death stranding trailer. An pleasantly surprised
Best middle Evo
Gengar is cuter
A lot of the "evil" looking Pokémon are cuter than the deliberately cute ones. The OG Ghost trio look like big happy dopes, Arbok looks happy most of the time, Houndoom is literally just a Rottweiler with horns, etc.
Kawaii uguu rats gets old and I can just imagine a Gengar being happy to see its trainer and doing something cute like high-fiving them or something.
Fucker is horrifying in hey you pikachu
Never should have evolved.
I have no idea what he is supposed to be.
I used to like Gengar better but as I've got old I really like Gastly and Haunter a lot more. Gastly is the only one that actually makes sense to be poison type and Haunter looks like an actual ghost with its wispy tail and floating hands. I can can appreciate Gengat being a fat purple imp but as a ghost it feels weird.
>there is no reason to hit women
A fucking ghost, nigga. What did you think he was supposed to be?
what about the other ghosts who look different?
its design is gasty
It blows my mind how people could look at all the amazing pokemon and choose something boring like fucking Eevee as the pokemon they would want to keep. Getting a dog or cat is basically the same thing.
I still think Omanyte is the fucking cutest shit ever. If I could have a giant ammonite to cuddle with I would.
unironically my favorite pokemon. Weird to see a random thread about him specifically
If there was any merit to not evolving Pokemon I'd still be playing the franchise. Haunter and Ivysaur are two of my favorite Pokemon but I really don't care for Gengar or Venusaur at all.
i prefer Haunter so i was actually relieved when it didnt evolve
mfw i knew gengar fags were hoping for an easy in game gengar trade
I am not a gen 1 fag, but I do think that Gen 1 definitely has the most solid and consistent designs in its roster compared to other gens. Not to diss on the other generations at all, in fact the majority of my favorite pokemon don't even come from gen 1, but I do still affirmly believe that it has all around great monster designs with absolutely zero shitty ones.
Indeed, horribly gatsy
> with absolutely zero shitty ones.
Grimer and Muk are literal piles of shit, user.
And Ditto is also one that is just pretending to be something else.
>zero shitty ones
>Mr. Mime
c'mon user, I like Gen 1 too, but let's not get crazy here
as usual middle evo is best
Different types of ghost, theres more than one.
Infants like Haunter.
Boys think Gengar is superior because of his natty gains.
Men grow up and accept Gastly, a floating psychic attack cloud, is the pinnacle of aesthetic.
literally invincible
>insert leaf green in bottom of DS
>find lv 16 gengars in the haunted house
This is how I coped with not getting a gengar from that bitch
>actual ghostly tail
>mouth that would take a chomp out of you instead of stupid toothy grin
>creepy floating claw hands instead of useless stubby limbs
no wear near as good as snorunt
>Cutest - Arcanine
>Workout Partner - Nidoking/Feraligatr
>Shoulder Rider - Sandshrew/Murkrow
If you disagree well then that's nice but you're fucking wrong
>Cutest - A-
stopped reading there, cactus coming through
I hardly knew her
Best boy.
Its Japanese name is just Ghost. Worth knowing!
>Workout Partner
>not Machamp
Imagine how many gains you'd get trying to keep up with a fucking Machamp. You could lift as much as you want with no fear since Machamp could effortlessly spot you and it would push you to new PBs every day.
Literally my favorite Pokemon in the game. Ghastly is too simplistic, Gengar isn't ghostly. Literally number one fucking Pokemon in the entire series and if you disagree you're a cumguzzling faggot invalid. This is a scientific fact.
What's wrong with it?
>Wake up, still dark out, air is nice and cool, might go for a run around the
>I guess its a full body workout again.
>Finish up, suns up, time to scramble some eggs and
>Well I guess it's oats and whey for breakfast. Again.
>Looks like we're out of food, better run to the grocery store
>Grab cart, go to the deli section and see if...
>Well I guess all I'll be buying is oats and milk
I'll stick with the sort of dinosaur and the sort of alligator, thanks. I don't want to leave humanity behind.
I don't. Can I get a quick rundown?
think of all the gains though
He might just mean how "Copy" is garbage, because almost no pokemon are weak to their own type moves. And the fact you need to waste a turn doing it. Or the fact his design is a pile of silly putty. Or maybe it's how he didn't have a use before breeding.
i'd like him to lick a pussy
It would have been cool if Haunter and Gengar had been two different lines from the start.
Also Ninetales should have been ghost.
I find Magnemite very cute for some reason. It's always been my favorite ever since I was a kid, but I'm not sure why. It being a cyclops probably has something to do with it
>Machamp Height 503 (1.6 m)
I don't know if I can be seen in public with pokemanlets tho
those are excellent designs fool
depends entirely on what you're fighting, transform/impostor also copies stat changes, so if you throw out ditto on something like a gyarados after a couple dragon dances you have a very real chance of flooring their whole team
Gastly, Haunter and Gengar are all good but Misdreavus is the true pervert's choice
>>Mr. Mime
>he doesn't like the Mime