Now that TSR is about to be irrelevant: what's next for the franchise?
For the new mainlime title in development? Do you think 'Sonic Team' finally learned their lesson with the success of Sonic Mania? What'a Iizuka doing in the US?
Comfy Sonic Thread Where We Discuss the Future of Soniv
I wish sonic heroes could get a remake but never happening.
A remake that cuts out the Chaotix and Team Rose would make the game so much more tolerable.
Hopefullt DLC for TSR, and Kishimoto isn't allowed anywhere near the next main game, Mania 2 or a new fully 3D game with multiple playable characters for the 30th anniversary
>Sonic Mania 2, bonus that with a larger budget they could work out a deal with Sony Music to get some Michael Jackson music in some form
>Sonic Team is upset at how well received Mania was so they get PWG/Headcannon off of future Sonic games
>Sonic Team announces Adventure 3
>Everyone loses their shit
>Game is shit but people pretend to like it for the Chao Garden ignoring that all the best Chaos are paid DLC
>Game falls to obscurity after 3 months
Why do you people want a new sonic game so bad? You see how sega treats the series. LEt them focus on other games other than you're daily dose of autism. And the last director of sonic even said "didn't want to retread old formulas"
Sonic Mania 2 with all original zones and refined classic gameplay
A 3D game that emulates the classic formula finally comes about and is good
More of the same mediocrity but with Sonic Mania 2 popping up eventually
Sonic Mania is the only game of its kind and Taxman's team never works on a Sonic game again due to Sonic Team's jealousy, refusing to believe that gaijin one upped them
Sonic Adventure remake
Sonic Team shits out another soulless cash-grab with Wisps and Green Hill again.
Sonic Team shits out another soulless cash-grab with Wisps and Green Hill again.
>A 3D game that emulates the classic formula finally comes about and is good
3D Blast came out over a decade ago
Should've meant true 3D. 3D Blast was okay (and both soundtracks were godlike) but it has fundamental problems that even the director's cut failed to fix
>A 3D game that emulates the classic formula finally comes about and is good
I'd say SA1 kinda fits that criteria but it's aged like milk (I still love it though).
new game from evening star followed by a series reboot or sa3
more forces tier shit
something so shitty i can't even predict it
i'd also like a new nights
Sonic jam 2 with all genesis games with taxman treatment and sonic mania adventure exclusive episodes when?
Team Rose are fine in that they trivialize the work to get the Chaos Emeralds, but the Chaotix definitely suck.
this is all I wan't but I don't expect anything good anymore. They will probably have a mario and sonic at olympics next year is my only prediction
Actually that's coming out in November I think, so if they don't have any new games planned for next year I would love to get some TSR DLC or maybe even some ports of other Sonic games
None of my friends want to get Mania for free because they're obstinate in their stance that Sonic is just meme trash. They may as well be zoomers with this outlook.
I have a friend like that who memes about Sonic 2 being the only good game (when he hasn't played it) and won't try Mania
Doesn't help that that's the impression the Sonic twitter gives off.
Sonic Mania 2 with art drawn at 480p instead of 240p. This might even happen.
A 3D Sonic that's just SA2's Sonic stages but with modern Sonic's quality of life fixes (not retarded rail switching, homing indicator, actions on different buttons). This will never happen.
A S3&K release on the Mania engine, mostly because S3&K as released is buggy as shit with terrain collisions at high speed. Never fucking happening because they're not going to just drop the music/make new tracks/use the S&K collection ones because they don't want to even insinuate that there's any situation at all.
Something as half-assed as Sonic Forces again.
Another boost style game, maybe a bit better than Forces.
Mania 2, and it's decent.
In the name of diversity, Shadow is now trans. -Sega 2020
Sonic Rush 3 but with the amount of love and polish that Mania got (I just want playable Blaze again goddamn it)
Literally anything involving the movie's exsistance
Mania 2 and Adventure 1 and 2 remakes
Buy it for one of them, I guess. Let them recruit the others into the autism army.
I wish TSR had more content. Or st the very least, a different variety of tracks. Everything looks the fucking same. There's 3 Casino levels, 3 Egg Fleet levels, 2 Planet Wisp levels, 2 Desert levels, and just 1 fucking ice level. The remaining shit is Sonic Colors/Heroes circle jerking.
I want playable Blaze back as well, TSR is nice but it won't fill the void completely
It's "free" on PS+
Personally I think they did a really good job of making a majority of the stages look distinct, none of the sand stages look alike, and there's three ice stages that all look different. Even the Planet Wisp ones all look different.
However I agree it could benefit heavily from more content
Presentation wise maybe, but gameplay the game is still rock solid outside of a few camera issues.
>Personally I think they did a really good job of making a majority of the stages look distinct
I disagree heavily. Even my normie friends who I bring over to play locally can't tell that we're racing on a different track from the intro preview. They did a terrible job. They have plenty of locations to choose from throughout the series and they picked all the green and brown ones.
Sonic Mania 2 with either all original zones or a bigger distribution of new zones to remixes. (Something like 8 new; 4 remixes) That way, they can keep their creativity fresh and save ideas for future installments, by gradually expanding the new levels. It's also a chance to revisit some of the lesser known games. Have some shit from like Advance or Rush.
Bonus NEVER EVER hope: A 2D fighting game.
Another "meh" Sonic game before we get Mania 2
Same as my fears.
For Sonic Team to be disbanded and development to be handled by a new team filled with talented people. Absolutely no one from the previous team should be involved in the development of the new game.
Depends on the stage really.
Early stages and the Final Fortress ones I agree look similar, but all 3 Acts for Sandopolis, Glacierland, and Rooftop Run look incredibly different to one another, in terms of layout and visuals.
I like the concept behind Chaotix stages (in that they require you to do strange, random things that the other teams don't do), but the execution was seriously flawed.
Most stages should have been more about taking some really out of the way, esoteric path that is hidden or requires incredibly precise movement to reach in order to get to the goal rather than collecting things like it's a Mario game.
Is Rooftop Run the new Green Hill Zone?
Oh. Well then they're just retards.
No, but Seaside Hill is the Green Hill of spinoffs
it's been in what, 2 games since Unleashed now?
Yes. Just Generations and TSR. Nowhere near as many as say, Seaside Hill, which has been represented in each of the Sumo Digital racers.
Man, you're telling me. I'm expecting a Generations 2 in three years or less and it better have Egg Fleet as the Heroes stage this time. I'm tired of the game being represented by its standard-ass obligatory first level -hill stage.
I wouldn't mind that, honestly.
As long as there's no Classic Sonic
I fear for future Sonic games after Forces. Not just for the standard "all the good talent is gone" and "have you seen Sonic Team's track record" reasons, but also because of all the complaints about level length. Playing SA2 again, the Sonic/Shadow stages only got noticeably long later in the game, and Forces' stages were cripplingly short because of their retarded engine limitations, but all the complaints make it feel like they're gonna way overcompensate for the next mainline game.
if they can in the first place, at least
Hey this is a pretty good thread, nice.
Sonic was never good memers are straight trash.
TSR? What's happening?
OP I'm guessing means that it'll be dead once Crash comes out
>Sega ever allowing sonic team from stopping the mania team from developing
This is incredibly fucking retarded because it prints them BIG MONEY. Why would you ever think this
He has a foundation to. Remember that Sega of America and Sega of Japan are two very different entities that have notoriously fucked eachother over in the past before.
People like to think Nip pride is that strong. We all know what that did in the Saturn Era.
Don't forget Phantasy Star Universe
Yeah, so even though it's not confirmed, I really would not put it past Sega of Japan to shut down the mania guys purely out of spite just because the filthy gaijins beat them at their own game. I sure hope that doesn't happen.
Completely unfounded in the modern age. If you think sega will stop a mania sequel or future game made by the gaijins just because of “muh nippon pride” then you’re fucking retarded. It would be like burning money.
>It would be like burning money.
So what they're already doing with everything that's not Yakuza already?
Even if they got it, they would probably be trash at playing it and would just blame the game.
If you ever get your friend to try sonic for the first time, play a drinking game and take a shot every time they don't roll down a hill or say they were going too fast to see enemies
you will probably perish
Especially since Sonic is produced out of America now and while people meme Iizuka and the "TROO FAR" shit, it's clear both he and Hoshino were really into and happy with Mania and working with Whitehead and co.
Yeah, it saddens me when people still mindlessly blame Iizuka for absolutely everything, completely ignoring that Kishimoto exists.