He’s in boys
He’s in boys
wow ah can' fookin belief it m80
Literally who
>shitty camera resolution
>in a fucking gif of all goddamn formats
>ends too quickly
>tweet hasn't exploded
are you even trying OP?
i was i was as happy as that kid
Push out a better leak, nigga.
I didn’t make it. I just saw it first from this guy because my friend showed it
Fake as shit, my dude. None of the new character reveals were never that to the point.
OP posting his own tweet to viral it confirmed.
Sakurai already said that the DLC characters won't have cinematic trailers like the ones in the base roster. I'm truly sorry you wasted your time making this, OP.
I fucking wish, but the more i look at it the more i can deduce it's made in Source FilmMaker.
>nintendo characters in the dlc
lol, you're going to get shitty 3rd parties pardering to the west shit taste, or japan's shit taste, both of which no one actually wants instead, gaijin
if this is fake, which it most likely is sadly, i'd still like you to make more kino porky animations, fucking Stevefags are already ahead in that degree
nobody in the west wanted Joker, Plant or Inceniroar either you worthless nip
I wish, but no
Nice reading comprehension, white pig.
I know it's fake but
>giygas isn't animated
>at all
did the person that make this actually ever see what Giygas looks like in Earthbound? He's constantly undulating and distorting, the graphic there is just the raw image the game has stored before it distorts it
Really? I figured that first part was supposed to be a animated painting like in the Krool trailer which is why the animation here doesn't look good
it’s all a ruse
Nah, if it was supposed to be that TV thing from the Krool trailer animation would of been more "tweened" because if i remember correctly the characters are just like jpegs that shift around a little, this one has full on movement. Also at the end am pretty sure that's just that voided map for SFM with light shining on the other characters. The lighting around Ness completely gives it away that it's SFM, i don't really have any way to prove it, but SFM has a very recognizable lighting system, unless you photoshop the fuck out of it or whatever. If you use SFM you can instantly recognize the basic lighting in that video.
What i'm saying is it's your fault we got Joker and bullshit like Robot, worthless otaku gook.
>have the power to record something in 4k HD quality very easily
>only record a single second in the shittiest 144p quality known to man
Why do you retards even try? Better yet, why do retards continue to fall for it?
>why do retards continue to fall for it?
who in this thread fell for it
But Joker did get a cinematic reveal.
Not to say this is real though.
>Human ness
>Giygas isn't tiled/repeating (porky also leaves soon after so he shouldn't be there)
wait a minute?
Remember this...?
I looks like the mother style, but I can't make out who
Can someone tell me what the fuck is happening in this frame? I think I can make out paula, but i can't tell what the other shapes are. They don't look like poo or jeff.
I cant find joker in there.
Someone repost he gif so i can have a laff!
Ninten, Annie, and Teddy, maybe?
Holy fuck man, Porkyfags are reaching Ashleyfag levels of delusion
>tfw wanted Porky, Ashley, and DJ Octavio
I knew they were unlikely but I still want them.
Tweet got SCRUBBED! I think it’s real.
Can't wait for PapaJewnose to make a 10 minute video to say it's probably fake.
Tweet is still there fag
this garbage fake as fuck gif has been making the rounds on the internet for the past week you slowpoke but Porky's making it in anyway
>expecting motherfags to actually play the games instead of watching a few clips from an e-celeb's playthrough
Dude, fuck off. I click on the link and it do nothing! Sorry I’m not good of computers!
did you try copying the text and pasting it into the url bar
Yes that worked thank you. But this is not look like smash gameplay. Maybe they are making new earthbound game. were serious?
Uh, if you're that new to the internet and computers in general, this really isn't a good place to be, friend