Why was it so powerful?

Why was it so powerful?

I got to play F-Zero GX in progressive scan widescreen mode and my jaw hit the floor.

Attached: 58A768AD-8A8C-471B-BA3E-464F7D370F26.jpg (1279x718, 96K)

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Power PC

>Why was it so powerful?
out of the 4 from its generation it's only stronger than the DC

It's stronger than PS2


Yes and by a large margin, retard. The ps2 discs could hold more data but that's literally it.

>this sub
Get out. We don't wsnt your kind here.

>It burned Nintendo so hard they never made a powerful console again
What went wrong?

>Yes and by a large margin
PS2 was stronger than the GC, but much harder to develop for

Look at the Star Wars Bounty Hunter interview regarding optimizations. The Gamecube had a stronger CPU for higher framerate and resolution, color, and faster load times. The PS2 could only do anti aliasing and basic mip mapping support at 30 FPS.