Has anyone actually tried this?

Has anyone actually tried this?

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fuck you

This seems like a normal chili dog recipe

Will live action Sanic like chili dogs?

I was expecting "your mother will die in her sleep" but it was just a regular recipe wtf

Also that broad is tougher than you niggers juju apparently cause she ain't died yet

Yes, actually. It’s a bit more than I usually put in my chili but it made for a good hotdog.

>fast food
>simmer for 30m/1h and cook for 15m

thats what fast food actually means in a sane world

>Also that broad is tougher than you niggers juju apparently cause she ain't died yet
Did you have a stroke while typing this?

Attached: 1551367021165.jpg (263x191, 6K)

>That moment when you see it

Attached: Unknown.jpg (240x210, 7K)

That would slightly redeem it.


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Just because YOU might not be able to see it, that does not mean IT isn't there.

i noticed he's got five fingers on each hand, and it's sorta bothering me

Lost me at bbq sauce. Hard fucking pass.

chili dog recipe:
cook hot dogs and put canned chili onto them

Cybershell, get off your disgusting lazy ass and go make some videos.

>Cincinnati chili dog
>Its fucking Spaghetti with meat sauce, chopped up hot dogs, and a pound of fucking yellow "cheese"

This is the patrician way

>Canned chili
Come on man, chili isn't even that hard to make. Put a bit of effort in.

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>Cincinnati chili dog
it's missing the chocolate, set the river on fire again, and jump in it