What's your excuse?

What's your excuse?

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4 maps

Boring garbage

No money bro :(

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I won my first game of FFA today

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Not compatible with gamepad.

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It was shit, I got a refund.

seeing the same exact people over and over on US East now. need more maps

I'm playing Mountain Blade currently

im not autistic

Based anime poster, congratz

too scared of racism

dont worry bro, i sent you a game key ;)

I'm NEET with only a few hundred bucks, which is all in cash that I haven't deposited because I'm afraid of going outside, which is why I'm NEET in the first place.

frontline is good

duels have too many chiv vets

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Come play

>Devs still haven't added a peasant only coconuts item that lets you trick people into thinking a cav is behind them

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can't make a cute knight girl

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tryhards ruin it like always

>mfw the Mordhau threads have been top comfy because the waifufags have nothing to jerk off together over and don't spam threads with the same dozen or so images they post in every thread

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Why don't you just like, try harder?
Are you actually upset that you don't win by not trying? Would that even be satisfying?

hold on dude let me just dedicate my life to not enjoying the game so i can get 200 kills lmao
*feint* *feint* *feint* *feint* *feint* *feint*

Can't play as a girl

>tfw you make a trap and reap all the salt after killing and t-bagging someone

Don't you have a whiny reddit post to make where you condemn the people who take the time to actually get good at a game?

hold on
*feint* *feint* *feint* *feint* *feint* *feint*

Not a good enough pc

I don't understand how someone spamming feint is a problem for you.
Why don't you just hit them?
You do realize that the character makes a grunt when he's fully committed to a move right? If someone keeps feinting just fucking smack them for fucking around so hard

I only play to tk now. I use spikes to block spawn. People run over the ramps and fall into my spikes. I also used the ballista on the castle to tk. Sometimes they get mad and kill me every time i spawn. Is that even fun for them waiting for me to spawn instead of playing the game?

it's $30

I hope this is bait and that you aren't really this much of a gigantic faggot.

*sword magically accelerates to 2000 mph and kills me in one hit*

it's not team fortress 2

I also make them walls in the snowy map to block the tiny passage ways on red spawn.

Kill yourself

i should really start using spikes to troll my team

I sucked dick at it and was getting stomped by feints and chambers. I don't haven even a tenth of the time some of these people can devote to hitting gud and was being burnt out by getting fucked on.

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Its called dragging, your weapon is active very early in the swing, if you move your camera so that your character is facing the right direction you can have the weapon make contact with your opponent faster than if you stared directly at them and waited for impact at the apex of your swing

Just want to correct this for anyone who might not know it's wrong. There are at least 7 maps, what he is referring too is Frontline mode. While Skirmish the superior competitive mode has 7 maps currently.

doesnt matter doesnt work

Use the horse and spear. You and tk team mates ez

Why does it work for everyone but you?