Which one do you take
Which one do you take
low rolling and failing to kill an enemy, and taking damage as a result, upsets me more than the missed potential damage.
This. I don't give a fuck about maths autism, I just want consistency.
The second one every time. Bigger number is what I like. Don't care if I hit 10 some of the times, bet on luck to always hit 40.
What the attack speed?
The red sword is potentially stronger than the blue one
make it 1-40 and i still would
the same attack speed
They have the same median, so second one for bigger lucky hit that can maybe get one hit kills that save my life.
Purple sword with fire enchantment is the superior combination
Fuck it i'm going for the blue sword with shock enchant and jump into the middle of a billion enemies. I'm going to crash this fucking game.
mystery box gives you the most value for your buck
and likely blowjobs
On average over time, they'd be equal choices.
Assuming damage per swing is a uniform distribution over their damage ranges, the average amount of damage for both swords is 25. So it makes no difference in the long run, according to the weak law of large numbers.
B and you'd be a fool not to
Blue sword. Consistency is extremely powerful and guarantees you'll kill groups of enemies while grinding at a reasonable rate. If you factor in something like critical hits for 2x damage, then the ranges become even worse at 40-60 and 20-80.
This shit is why had hitting level 30 feel good as fuck in classic Maplestory because you'd get a skill that significantly increases the lower end of your damage range
The box, the box!
I will go for the black dick on a blue gate.
Magic Aegis + red shield is OP.
15 block always is better than the rest by far
I take both. I throw the red one at the enemy before combat and move in to attack with the blue.
for sustained dps and unknown enemy hp, blue
for mobs with
Red sword with shock.
Orange shield with aegis and water.
Tome for 2nd enchant on shield.
Green helm.
AoE threat generation, constant counterattacks, modest self-healing.
Like every other faggot OP who's done this, you've made the same mistake of introducing nebulous mechanics in a vacuum. Damage numbers mean nothing when I don't know what enemy stat blocks and interactions are like.