"Die Hardman!"
"Die Hardman!"
Is he modeled after Bruce Willis?
Is that a motherfucking Suda51 reference
Perish Firmfellow in the PAL version
The only certainty in this world is that a pun is going to be made out his death scene, and that his entire character was conceived for that moment.
That mask makes him look like an ape.
idris elba
If only. Dr Strangelove exists. Kojima just likes Bruce Willis.
>that image
here is a (((you))), you earned it
>In a Japanese game
Get this sjw liberal bullshit out of here.
He is an ape.
It doesn't do anything at all.
did you forget hot coldman
Hack Fraudman!
how do you know he is black? he's wearing a mask
The mask is black.
Therefore he is black.
Learn to see user.
Thank you for using MST3K in something. Love those guys.
Death McRoughman.
>black skull masked character in suit
>kojimbo has mentioned that batman is his favorite super hero
what did he mean by this?
/Pol/ tier autism everyone
It's actually "The Hardman". It's German.
Well no one that speaks German could be an evil man.
Big McLargeHuge-Man
Checks out, sir.
We put our faith in Die Hardman!
"Big McLargeHuge!"
is Bruce Willis black?
Im looking forward to the next trailer that reveals The-5th-Elementman