"Die Hardman!"

"Die Hardman!"

Attached: DIE HARDMAN mst3k.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Is he modeled after Bruce Willis?

Is that a motherfucking Suda51 reference

Perish Firmfellow in the PAL version

The only certainty in this world is that a pun is going to be made out his death scene, and that his entire character was conceived for that moment.

Attached: 7867565.jpg (1280x532, 76K)

That mask makes him look like an ape.

idris elba

If only. Dr Strangelove exists. Kojima just likes Bruce Willis.

>that image

here is a (((you))), you earned it


>In a Japanese game
Get this sjw liberal bullshit out of here.

He is an ape.
It doesn't do anything at all.

did you forget hot coldman

Hack Fraudman!

Attached: Bf2Yij9b_400x400.jpg (400x400, 28K)

how do you know he is black? he's wearing a mask

The mask is black.
Therefore he is black.
Learn to see user.

Thank you for using MST3K in something. Love those guys.

Death McRoughman.

Attached: Hot Coldman on Crack.gif (243x199, 2.19M)

>black skull masked character in suit
>kojimbo has mentioned that batman is his favorite super hero
what did he mean by this?

Attached: black mask-batman.jpg (899x936, 109K)

/Pol/ tier autism everyone


It's actually "The Hardman". It's German.

Well no one that speaks German could be an evil man.

Big McLargeHuge-Man


Checks out, sir.

Attached: uussaksalaiset muslimit saksa.png (852x665, 816K)

We put our faith in Die Hardman!

Attached: D7xY6YOXUAE_BfX.jpg (1164x720, 104K)

"Big McLargeHuge!"

is Bruce Willis black?

Im looking forward to the next trailer that reveals The-5th-Elementman