What an inspiring ending!

what an inspiring ending!
very WOKE!

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its kinda ironic the idea that if black people were never slaves they would build a eutopia and yet fashion would never develop out of tribal garbs


His daughter sacrifices her own existence because the timeline that had him happiest didn't have her in it. Give and take .

A number of others run into their own roadblocks like this. Just running in circles cause of cause and effect.

Not Jax though. Everyone he cares about still exists even though he altered some major shit. And on a different continent altogether. They're all still together. Kronika should have asked him to rewrite timelines for her.

It’s kind of ironic that if black people were never slaves the United States would be the utopia.

Can /pol/ still not get over this being one of the best selling games of the series?

Nobody complained when Nightwolf did something similar in MK3.

no, they're seething to this day

I don't play Mortal Kombat and I only saw this ending, but if a black person had the power to go back in time and change history, wouldn't it make sense that they would prevent slavery and make a utopia possible?
Did this ending end in the United States? I thought it was a futuristic African city from the fashion they're wearing.

They do the same in Black Panther. Technologically advanced super city ruled by whoever oogas the hardest booga.

You can build cities, and have air conditioning, but the weather in Africa is still hot. It's why middle eastern fashion hasn't changed much.

>Thinking logically
It will most likely never happen.

Americans don't care about native americans, they only care about niggers and faggots

>Jax's ending is him making the world a better place for his people.
>Baraka's ending is him making the realms better places for his people.
>D'Vorah's ending is making the realms better places for her fellow bug-people
What did Netherrealms mean by this?

The difference is Jax is a proud American soldier, he never showed about caring his race or pushing for we wuz kangz and all that

You could say the same for whites. Why don't they move beyond their religion?

it flopped though

If slavery never happen, how many slave descendants did he erase? If he and his wife is African Americans, how did he even possibly make it so they both are born, meet, and combine the exact right sperm and egg to make Jacqui, while at the same time radically altering everything else in the way he wants?

I mean Jacqui couldn't even save his arms without erasing herself, somehow he keeps his arms and his wife and daughter while radically altering the circumstances of all their births?

add on jewish control of 50% of the world's wealth and america could've been a utopia
thinking black people are only to blame is hating all pitbulls for being raised by the real niggers who make them that way

that's the crazy thing to me, jacqui's ending was actually fucking great and then you have fucking Jax's. like who the fuck ok'd that shit?

You're right. If we never brought the blacks here we'd be great.

this must be bait

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Not like it matters, but this is still a retarded as fuck ending.

Pit bulls are shit inherently, just like blacks. I’m glad we’re on the same page about kikes but pit bulls are equally evil

>Mortal Kombat 11
>One of the highest selling games of 2019
user, Warner Brothers isn't EA. They are willing to make sacrifices if it means a game will make a fortune over time.

becuase they're scared of death and the idea of an afterlife gives some form of relief. the fuck does that have to do with fashion though?

Religion isn’t clothing nigger.

They had discounts to get to that number.

next thread

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>we live in a timeline where there is virtually zero developed native african society
>imagine a world where every major culture was prosperous and benevolent and you could travel the world experiencing brand new awesome foreign shit everywhere you go
I just want to travel to futuristic Kangzland and wear togas and eat fried gazelle or some shit that sounds rad as fuck.

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>sold 20% of MK10
g__ w___ g_ b____

This is some hard coping

this also applies to video game youtu.be/H06BVmkHbVo?t=3654

>It's why middle eastern fashion hasn't changed much.
Or, it's because they're hyper conservative theocratic patriarch states half lf which are impoverished sand people you fucking retarded quadruple nigger

If white's never oppressed them it'd be a utopia.

I want phone posters to leave.

African countries have literally regressed in tech level, infrastructure, and stability since the end of colonialism. The people are partially to blame for their incompetence. Not all cultures are equally capable of prosperity.

this sounds like something you'd see in a blaxpsoiltation movie. Yet you retards are so dead set on a culture war you think this is some attempt at being woke. Pretty pathetic my dudes.

>Implying America would be anything more than a shit-tier country off the east cost of NA if it wasn't for the massive jewbux from the Atlantic Slave Trade

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Because Nightwolf isnt a nigger

we're not in the 70s any more boomer nog
globalist traitors are going to jail

Why do you act like this is some kind of victory for leftists?

it's not a victory it literally sold like 10% of the previous entry

Reminder that niggers were more prosperous in the 50s than they are now

>African countries have literally regressed in tech level, infrastructure, and stability since the end of colonialism.

Africa is growing and growing fast this day and age, regardless, resources drainage, ban from trade, and colonialsm fucked the over pretty bad.

A couple of African countries have managed to get off the ground despite their internal conflicts. Rwanda (yea, THAT country) has pretty remarkable growth nowadays, along with others like Ethiopia and Ghana. I think in a couple of decades we will probably see at least one developed African nation.

audibly luled thanks user

Why is the cowboy the only good new character?

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I really want to ask the developers, what about the IRL salves of today? If they hate slavery so much, why aren't they fighting real life slavers and just hiding behind politics to attack random people over something that happened 200 years ago? What about actual slavery problems in places like India or China?

Same with the modern day feminists, what "womens rights" is a problem in America? Why aren't they in Palestine or Iraq or Afghanistan fighting for woman's rights there?

The war on drugs is a bitch.

>manifests as a white guy despite being Japanese
>electrocutes Chinese people
>tries to stop Jax from ending slavery

Is Raiden /ourgod/?

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They hand wave it by saying it took him multiple tries to get it right.

They oppressed themselves and still do this day. Fuck a dumb nigger


Scorpion ending was better.

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>They oppressed themselves and still do this day.
I don't understand how someone could be so blaantly racist, yet not understand maybe there is a group of people that feels the exact same way hat he does that are in power?

My question still stands. In fact, I can go even further. What about the Mesoamerican slaves? What about the Indian slaves? Do they not matter?

The US had two options and failed miserably: Do segregation right or breed them out of existence.

That and literally paying people to not work and not get married. Subsidize broken homes, get more of them

so retards are still mad about this

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