Got a 3DS and want to know what the best DS gaymes are.
Nothing that's too much of a drag/lacking in grind please
Got a 3DS and want to know what the best DS gaymes are.
Nothing that's too much of a drag/lacking in grind please
Oops I mean the opposite of "lacking in grind". Some grind is okay, but not something thats too grindy
>all the Castlevanias
>arguably Pokemon
>Dragon Quest IV-VII and IX
I loved the Layton's serie desu
strange journey
Castlevanias seconded. Maybe the best DS games.
4 Heroes of Light
Lost Magic
Zookeeper (try the tokaton)
Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?
>Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games
>Sonic Rush
>Sonic Rush Adventure
>Sonic Chronicles the dark brotherhood
>Plants vs Zombies DS
>Drawn to Life
>Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force
>Mario Kart DS
>Super Mario 64 DS
Heartgold and Soulsilver will forever be maximum kino
devil survivor and devil survivor 2
Elite Beat Agents
SMT Strange Journey
Going to add Layton, Phoenix Wright, Mario Kart, Mario 64 DS, Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver, The World Ends With You, Picross (3D as well), Advance Wars, Big Bang Mini, Contra 4, Rocket Slime, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2, Ghost Trick, Hotel Dusk/Last Window, Kirby series, Puzzle Quest. I will try to do a followup with great games that not everyone may agree on or are niche, but that set is pretty much agreed upon as great fuckin' games
Only Zookeeper from this
I'm already playing SMTIV atm. I know Strange Journey got remade for 3DS... Is it really worth playing these SMT games? How are they compared to SMTIV
Rhythm Heaven
This opinion is officially correct
TWEWY and Ghost Trick
dont play the 3ds' demake, the original is way better
Rune Factory 3
Ghost Trick
Alright, the followup will have some games that I feel have the "definitive version" on the DS and will be lacking others that are probably better played or updated on something else (Like Strange Journey). There are certainly some take it or leave it titles here, but I personally find merit in these:
>Dark Spire
>Etrian Odyssey games
>Elite Beat Agents
>Rhythm Heaven
>Henry Hatsworth
>Inazuma Eleven
>Megaman Starforce (Battle Network is straight up better if you haven't played it)
>Megaman ZX
>Super Princess Peach
>Yoshi's Island DS
>Monster Tale
>Mystery Dungeon series
>Mr. Driller
>Pic Pic
>Other pokemon titles (including Conquest)
>Retro Game Challenge
>Trace Memory
There are others but I can't really argue their merit too well. I actually say that the Zelda games on the DS aren't really worth playing. Their control schemes alone make them dogshit.
>strange journey
>better played on something else
It winds up in the latter category of "updated on something else". It's arguable as to which the definitive version actually is due to there being content in the 3DS version that simply doesn't exist in the DS one. I'm not trying to have an argument about which OP should play, just that I am not going to outright recommend it in my list for that reason (I only put EO out there due to III, for example, even though I and II are drastically different experiences than the remakes). The only exceptions were versions of titles which are undeniably the definitive version to play, such as TWEWY.
the best version of chrono trigger