Battlestation thread

Battlestation thread

Attached: 1559107206384.jpg (4608x2112, 2.31M)

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Attached: 1485605164105.jpg (3024x2268, 1.86M)

tidy I like it

Attached: mega desk.jpg (4032x3024, 3.8M)

to much stuff

that chair has seen better days

Zyzz cancels all the other gay shit in there bet you don't even lift faggot

Attached: furfag tranny friend !!!.jpg (10000x5973, 3.64M)

Desk name?

who the fuck names their desk?

Took me a good 30 years but I think I finally nailed it.

Attached: switch.jpg (4032x3024, 1.94M)

As in what fucking desk it is you inbred fucking retard.


Attached: ZZZ2.jpg (1000x750, 180K)

garbage station with garbage phone camera

probably an ikea bekant, not sure tho

Attached: 甘い!.jpg (4096x4608, 3.82M)

I like everything but the cat.

What keeb? What keycaps?

Please do not post mine without my consent user. Thank you kindly.

Please bully.

Attached: 86295767-AC32-406C-84C5-3F3EDE84AC58.jpg (3802x2826, 1.9M)

I legit feel bad for most people on this board

This thread

to close

Fucking retard

I know

Attached: no bulli.png (997x781, 426K)