Yes, I do medicate my anxiety with benzodiazepines. How could you tell?
Yes, I do medicate my anxiety with benzodiazepines. How could you tell?
Christian Diaz
Hudson King
Nukes. We need nukes.
Jackson White
He's still richer than you'll ever be
Leo Thompson
Yeah, but he's still him.
Lincoln Thompson
god i wish i had some diazepam
Ethan Cox
He looks like he'll be working at iHop for the rest of his life when he turns 30.
Jeremiah Perry
Camden Powell
Anyone else loves when these wiggers die of overdose ? Stupid retards lol
Michael Perry
Is there anything that makes a person look dumber than face tats? You're on full retard mode once you start doing that shit.
Adrian Mitchell
I thought those just make your hands steadier for the Sniper Wolf fight