World of Warcraft home thread.
What Class and Race will you roll?
I will go for an Orc Warlock.
World of Warcraft home thread.
What Class and Race will you roll?
I will go for an Orc Warlock.
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ALSO, pls tell me why you roll for this Class and Race.
Tauren druid because I want to roll a druid but I'm not homosexual
Troll fire mage because I like the convenience of conjured water and portals, plus raptors are the most badass mounts
Gnome lock probably. I don't like the idea of traversing orgrimmar without flying, it's a nightmare of elevators.
First post is the best post. I'm legitimately starting to believe the Activision marketer allegations. This game is fucked up beyond all repair. Not only garbage like sharding realms, but the community itself is the same trash that ruined the game in the first place.
>vanilla org
Catafetuses should not play Classic
Blizzard paypigs are like beaten wives still in love with their husbands.
Big if true. But either way I'm already familiar with SW. It's just Home.
I will pay my idiot cousin to quickly level a rogue for me and gank you bitches in stonetalon
I thought I would be priest… can't decide between undead holy priest or troll resto shaman.
based druid chad.
i need help picking a class anons
druid pros - first class i hit level cap with in BC, tauren starting zone is based, tauren animations/mounts are also comf to me, don't mind being a healslut/innervate bot,
cons - don't want to be le flag runner in wsg, world pvp as a healer seems kinda boring, not really familiar with how to play druids effectively in duels ( i just know they can 1v1 pretty much any class if you play them well enough)
mage pros - by far the class i'm best at in pvp/pve, female undead mage has pretty decent animations, going pom pyro spec at 60 sounds hilarious for wpvp, aoe grinding means easy to farm gold
cons - i've leveled two mages on nost/chinkshope so part of me wants to experience something new in vanilla
warlock pros - currently leveling one on chinkshope for fun and really enjoying it, almost no down time and they are really broken in pvp, also would enjoy playing as an orc lock
cons - no experience playing the class so don't really know how to 1v1 properly, would take time to learn to play the class effectively
Did Blizzard fuck up Classic already? I saw that one Webm of some player getting added to a party then about a dozen other players just magically pop out of nowhere, they used words like sharding and stuff like that but I had no idea what they were talking about. Is that like cross-realm?
locks are playing the game in easy mode, you'll learn the class in no time
for the first weeks there will be layering, which is basically sharding but you stay in the same layer all the time. they said they will abandon it when server pops stabilize
Female gnome warrior
Human paladin or orc warrior depending on which faction my friends are going for. Probably not going to raid at all.
even when it comes to 1v1? i feel like they would get buttblasted by rogues and warriors or is this not the case?
redpill me on druids boys. been debating rolling one, but i dunno if i'll enjoy spamming healing touch at 60, not having a normal rez, and needing to keep like 3 armor sets with me at all times. but playing on northdale as a mage they're all slippery as fuck and incredibly annoying in pvp, and it seems like they can switch roles pretty easy while leveling. i'm torn.
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick:
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
Should I even attempt to roll an Enhancement Shaman, or skip Classic altogether?
>He posted it again
Do it if you want user. You'll need a cool guild to raid as enhance though.
Ah yes, home. Exactly as I remember it.
Depends what you want. Do you want to have a fun time messing around Azeroth and potentially be the chosen "Nightfall" guy?
Skip (((classic)))
>Ui cancer again
I would gladly accept blizzard blocking addons entirely. Even though I will be guilty of using questie.
I see, I was a bit worried there.
if you dont care that much then I wouldn't give blizzard money. If you have no other games though and want comfy fun journey then play your enh shamen. There's still ways to be useful if you're a good player willing to take 1 for the team and put the effort in.
then shut the fuck up retard
Orc Warlock.
Best class is in the game and Orc cause FUCK STUNS AND FUCK YOU
Human prot warrior. Also fuck assmongoloid.
there is nothing more comfy than being an orc warlock.
i know the +5% pet damage is not much but its just so cooooooomfy :)
>Addons didnt exists in vanilla.
Based retards.
I think I'll go as a quiet Tauren this time. I usually go Human. I've been feeling the outdoors lately too so I'll roll as a Shaman. So Tauren Shaman it is.
> Even though I will be guilty of using questie
Stopped reading there.
Dwarf Warrior
>plays with UI addon
>Complains about the UI addon
Holy shit you faggots are cancer.
can't decide between ud priest, ud mage, orc shaman
want to raid and do group pvp
I don't plan to raid, it's too time consuming.
I just want to try to trick myself into the feelings I experienced when I discovered the game way back then, but I know it won't be remotely the same, even with nostalgia googles on. I just want fun times with my friends just like I had back then.
No vanilla addon was nearly as good as Elvui or Weakauras
Weakauras shows splashes on your screen when you need to cast shit.
Vanilla addons casted things for you.
If you got friends playing classic it will be the same regardless of what non-meta memery you decide to embark on. If youre gonna play classic solo without anyone and decide to go enh. it might suck, unless you find a nice guild. And by "nice" I mean kind and decent.
Nigga what the fuck are you smoking? Vanilla literally had auto rotation addons.
posers btfo
Guess you havent heard of ModUI. Weakauras wasn't even needed back then because mechanics were so piss easy.
"Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
World of Warcraft, mountain mama
Take me home, country roads!!!"
You don't care about WoW.
You just want advanced level escapism because you're balding, underemployed, and have given up hope of ever finding fulfillment in the real world.
Instead of worrying about leveling up your Orc warlock, worry about leveling up yourself IRL.
I was in the same boat except disc priest. Started playing on a private vanilla server and fell in love with priest again.
When I say I'm going to re-watch the LOTR trilogy for the 10th time, they say "It's a good movie."
When I say I'm going to play Classic WoW, they say "It won't be the same."
>implying the virtual world isn't as real as this one
Yeah. Anyone with half a brain knew this wasn't some magic portal to 2004. "You can't go home again" is true because home isn't a place it's a time. Vanilla was a time of wonder and innovation. Did people really believe the same team that failed to make retail fun would some how be able to recapture the wonder if your youth?
>when i say i'm going to rewatch something good people say its good
>when i say im going to replay something bad people say its bad and you have nostalgia goggles
>this means they're hypocrites!!!
it's real all of it i didn't want to believe but we didn't listen
Classic WoW is like the Star Wars prequels, just because the sequels/expansions are worse doesn't mean they weren't also shit.
Tauren Shaman for me.
>playing 'classic'
>playing retail
It's dead and not coming back just accept it, guys
GOnna be a fem nelf rogue because Fuck You
>playing as females in games
tranny detected
can't make this shit up
>tfw already got the real retail experience multiple times over on various private servers
If people cared this much about playing Classic for the experience then why didn't they just play a private server before this was announced?
Because autists like me dont like the idea of playing a fake bootleg version of a game
If you're a half competent player you can do any(every)thing preraid. Tank, heal, dps? Yes. You're also the only other stealth class which is extremely useful while leveling and with your heals you're at least as good at soloing elites and bosses as a rogue.
In PVP you're the best flag runner (after 30). That's all.
Once raiding starts you're a dedicated healer except for a handful of bosses where a feral can offtank. There's also the rare case where if you have excellent ping and speedrunner-level autism you can try the furor-wolfshead-crowd pummeler rotation and spend literally half a day before each raid farming a level 29 boss for a bag full of "consumable" weapons. Doing this a cat druid can keep up as a dps in the early raids. Wouldn't recommend unless you want the challenge.
You'll never be the best at anything (other than flags), so roll something else if you want to be the top of a chart or make world firsts or whatever. On the other hand, there's no competition for your raid slots so you'll be riding along with those poopsockers anyway.
theoretically if your good enough you can 1v1 anyone except a rouge who preforms a perfect stealth opener but you can detect stealth so you have a better chance than most to stop it
Except I went "home" back when Nostalrius launched. Same feeling as back then. But this isn't Nostalrius, these are official servers, made by the same people who ruined this game in the first place. Don't know why anyone would trust these retards to do anything correctly.
its fun, go engie and take jumper cables to BTFO faggots that complain about you not having a res. It's always satisfying. Carrying multiple armour sets tank/healing etc is basically impossible if you also want to have some consumables on you, so go a hybrid spec if you're thinking of doing both.
>Tauren druid because I want to roll a druid but I'm not homosexual
I want to roll druid too
but I like alliance zones way more than horde zones
how can you have nostalgia goggles for something you've never played?
*shhhhhhhhhlllk* *sluuuuuuuuuurp* hey sockhead, all you gotta do is conjure us up some water and it's hook line and sucker *slllllllllllllllllllllllsh*
Sell me on pvp servers. They sound great on paper, but the only one I ever played on was so imbalanced that it sucked for both sides. There is not a time where all of the high level alliance areas weren’t under attack. On horde side everyone just complains about long ass ques for bgs and all they can do is camp and gank on end to rank up.
PvP with just two factions just seems destined to fail. Unless immensely lucky, the population on any server will always sque one side or the other. These imbalances only tend to get worse over time. On the higher pop side you might as well be playing on a pve server. On the lower pop it’s just an exercise in frustration.
stop being a little bitch
Ah yes... Realm #3... Server #17... Layer #3... Shard #2.. Asmongold Raid #4.... HOME.
warrior-prot, not sure if Tauren or orc. Any input appreciated
it's fun if you go full poopsock when the server launches so you can keep up with the other autists and not have to worry about getting ganked by higher level players, but if you're a casual or plan on leveling slowly then it might become a pain for you because there are no pvp rewards during the first phase/instanced pvp so there won't really be much in terms of pvp for people to do besides ebin world pvp and griefing lowbies.
Druchad tip #5
You can solo boss kill multiple instances for easy pre bis. You can kill 5/6 trolls in ZF on a fresh 60, sunken temple trolls for chances at dragon fingers or the godly +healing stuff to sell even.
Orc warrior. I had a Warlock in tier .5, legionnaire title and the mount but was always jealous of the chad warriors with their bad ass gear. Also Fuck being a candy dispenser and summon Bitch.
Doesn’t address any of the problems with just two factions. RvRvR is peak pvp for mmos
I've been saying this since they announced official servers. Every response has been blizzdrone defense force in full delusion.
>it'll be just like 2004!!!
Yeah blizzard is known for making good decisions and listening to the community's suggestions lmao
any boss kill counts as an instance lock, you'll still hit the limit for that hour if you reset too many times.
Troll hunter or troll shaman. Mainly going for pve content but playing in a pvp server if they give us options.
Orc have godly stun resist, but tauren have that 5% total health racial. That's 5% total health AFTER gear, bliz only nerfed it to before gear in 2008 or 2009.
Rolling Rogue will make me miss being a Hunter and soloing Mara.
I wouldn't consider this method for farming but it's faster than setting up groups/travel time and waiting for runs to start when you can just run past everything and kill the bosses for the items you want.
A druid will definitely make more consistent gold doing other farms for sure but it's a nice little caveat knowing you can do stuff like that.
or hunter soloing DM tribute
That bow looks cool as fuck but the speed makes it useless
Coffer runs are pretty alright
also if we are being honest rogue makes an assload of gold pick pocketing RFD or BRD. Extremely easy to do
>can't reset instances like on pservers
The entire instance gold farmers just got JUSTED
Was gonna roll Dwarf hunter but everyone is a fucking faggot on Alliance Northdale so I might roll Orc hunter instead.
>blizzard is known for making good decisions and listening to the community's suggestions
Everytime I feel a smidgen of sympathy for their current disaster, I'm reminded of all the 500+ threads telling them they are making a mistake. Only for them to add that mistake in several more patches and expansions, and have waves of players quitting.
I really just want to heal and throw buffs at random passerbys when I'm questing.
Troll priest seems like a pretty cool combo, so maybe that.
blessed druchad, please grace us with some more of your wisdom
I've had a hell of a time trying to decide. Shaman, Warlock and Hunter all sound like a good time. Mage sounds cool too but I know there's going to be a million of them. Shaman has cool class flavor and you can be more of an offensive support than say a Priest, and both Warlock and Hunter have fun pets and abilities. Playing Hunter Pokemon-style and trying to collect every pet could be enjoyable as well. Curse my indecisiveness.
Obscure Druchad tip #23
The elite centaurs outside of Mara can be efficiently grinded from 31-42 in the span of a couple hours. The strat to kill them
(Moonfire + Wrath + Entangle) Then walk a couple yards out of their bow range, then repeat. You should be able to kill them relatively quick for 1.2k exp a piece. After a couple attempts you should be able to get it down.
The area itself is very low traffic even during a progressed server. The method should work unless entangle damage breaks too easily on moonfire ticks so we'll see.
i like the male animations
females are pretty ugly lookin tho
Priest but can't decide on fem human or fem nelf
he's samefagging you idiot
I really hope streamers don't ruin it
Orc Reston shaman, slow level to 60. Skinning, herbs, fishing, cooking, making gold, heating dungeons, doing quests at my own slow pace...we’re going home lads.
It wont be as good as you remember! Everyone will minmax, they wont use the built in chat. Nothing can be discovered because its all documented already. Whats the point?
Why isn't that trannies get so upset when you call them a tranny
what druid do you roll if you are homosexual?
I don't play female characters so that's fine
>horde class poll
>alliance class poll
Female dwarf hunter, probably the only one on earth.
I bet female dwarf is even less played that female tauren.
>not wanting to be a short and thicc qt
why is it that the majority of WoW players have shit taste?
Tauren have significantly more auto attack ranged and a great stun, and Orc stun resist is really overrated.
Resto shaman fucking sucks
just pick a non streamer server and you'll be fine
they will all be quarantined into 1-2 servers max cause they will want to play with each other
I dunno, I saw quite a few female dwarves on Northdale this past week.
haha i love this meme is so true
>Female dwarf
yeah I never remember seeing 1 (one) back in the actual vanilla days
how to spot a retail WOD baby
>they roll druid shaman druid dps for vanilla
shamans are garbo in classic
legit the worst class in classic
B-but thats where he ended user
stopped reading there
Enhancement shamans aren't terrible in PvP, earthshock interrupt and windfury procs with a big 2h can be formidable.
The skill ceiling is low though, and in PvE they're forced to be third rate healers and totem babysitters.
yes but its the only viable spec outside of making meme videos recorded in 480p 15 years ago to upload with an aggressive metal soundtrack showing 5 crits lining up with a 3 minute cooldown that happens once in a bluemoon
shamans are just a windfury totem in classic, which is sad because salvation is really significantly better for pve.
very based tip indeed
>Enhancement shamans aren't terrible in PvP,
they arent good. ele is also better for dueling outside of orgrimmmar. neither are good though
get 2 shot by rouge get 3 shot by hunter
get 4 shot my mage
get ass fucked my warrior
but atleast u get to win duels
except every snowflake douche (especially in eu i have noticed) is going to be rolling their unicorn gender race this time around
I've only played horde so I think I'm gonna take the opportunity to make an alliance character. Gonna try out priest dwarf
>meme videos recorded in 480p 15 years ago to upload with an aggressive metal soundtrack showing 5 crits lining up with a 3 minute cooldown that happens once in a bluemoon
240p my man
ele is good and doesnt go oom with good gear
>with good gear
YES LIKE EVER OTHER CLASS WITH with good gear ....... THIS with good gear THAT
>and doesnt go oom with good gear
well, actually...
elemental destroys BGs and is definitely on the top end of the tier list for PVP with more potential to exist outside of RPS than most the other classes
hand of ragnaros on enhance > anything elemental
Aim high, you should play with an ultimate goal in mind
yea not happening keep dreaming piss boy
broo can you give me a list of bosses to solo?
imagine someone unironically picking a ranged class. Yeah because that's going to impress anyone. lmao like girls look at a guy and go "oh i'm so turned on at how you hide in the back and throw gay little spells away from any harm, while the tank is up there smashing monsters in the face and taking hits like an actual man."
honestly if you choose anything other than a warrior you may as well let tyrone rail your girl from behind while you play make believe as a spellcaster. imagine being so beta even in a fantasy world.
pic related is how others react
it changes them from going oom in 10 sec to outlasting many opponents who can survive their damage
no. once you get into late game gear other casters outscale shamans. maybe when people are in blues and greens and the average person has 3k health but once the health pool goes up to 5k and other classes can hit just as hard or harder then ele falls off entirely because they dont bring any utility outside of their damage (for ele its mediocre outside of the 3m cooldowns)
? 31-42 in a couple hours
nope, you will still lose most times to bis warriors who would get blown up by a bis ele shaman
Nice reddit repost
BEST Yea Forums thread
Do I have to farm for top tier gear if I wanna PvP? I never tried classic PvP but I'm interested as long as it's not a bunch of people in BiS gear facerolling everyone.
yea not happening keep dreaming piss boy
so many shit retail players or private kittys
godman classics going to be shit
>as long as it's not a bunch of people in BiS gear facerolling everyo
ahahahahahahahaha he doesn't know
enhancement is horde ret. Shut up and roll ele/resto
This is a big poll used from a youtuber. You may be surprised that there will be A LOT of Warlocks this time. Warlocks are kinda shit early on though, so that may weed out the shitters before level 40. Also its only until getting tier2 do they really start to become powerful.
This poll alone has made me delay on going warlock personally.
Lord Incendius can be solod by druids and rogues wearing a full fire resist set and he drops the ace of elementals at a 2% chance along with the usual essences and stuff. You can do 10 resets an hour and it takes you maybe 5 minutes to reach and kill him in BRD. Used to sell the aces for 200g ea on kronos, not sure what they'll be worth on classic.
>fotm classes all sit at ~11-12%
isn't this what usually happens when people poll?
Reminder to retail babys
Hybrid classes suck
Why tf is lock fotm? FUCK YOU STAYSAFE!
youre either a retard talking raiding or youre trying to deflect people from picking shamn, ele is easily in the better half of all classes/specs (even peaking in top tiers) for any aspect and tier of pvp
Orc Hunter for me, bro.
what class will you roll instead if not lock
theres no reason not to roll warlock if you dont mind the class and you have found a guild that will take you along as they progress
warlocks arent bad at all before 40, theyre still probably the strongest for 1v1 dueling
>tfw hunters are soon going to be seen as the niche special snowflake class played by a select few cool dudes
>meanwhile warlocks are going to become the new basic bitch noob class literally everyone play
Druid can do troll bosses in zulfarrak, the trolls in sunken temple for Atal greens as a fresh 60.
3/4 Mara bosses (princess, goblin, plant) in average prebis
Theres some.
3 months is way too long
if the summer heatwaves of last year happen i think i'll kops myself before release
You'll be seeing a ton of warlocks just because everyone knows about warlock alts now.
>Keep your lock at 20 for ez soulshards
>Set hearth to optimal soul shard farming spot
>When raid night happens half the raid logs onto their lock alts, a main warlock will summon one, the rest will summon eachother then the real raid
>each alt will use their soulstone CD on another person's main for free battle rez's on progression walls.
I've rolled lock since retail vanilla. Get off my class.
This poll is not for alts dude.
Zervim in DME mostly because druids can decurse and you can survive his damage while wearing MC gear or anything slightly worse. You can farm thorium doing that decently.
Just a reminder that if you use discord as a primary means of communicating with anyone in the game outside of MAYBE guild members (Because people used Vent/TS back in the day let's face it) you're a faggot, I shouldn't know what some random faggot's voice sounds like on the server, type that shit out like a man
This is doable, fight is made easier with any kind of companion summon since he'll often sacrifice that so you can still keep beating on him.
shut up and gibsme summon and candy
Streamer privilege killed the Artifact hype and it will kill the Classic hype too.
how do i find a guild that doesnt have a discord infested with lonely 4chanfags
>ele is easily in the better half of all classes/specs
but it really isnt
There's gonna be so many retards playing paladin on release and trying to be retribution.
Just like you found a guild when you were a young lad.
You're gonna have to actually talk to people and do dungeons with randos you find champ
you would fit right in with the discord trannies, how are you so fucked that you cant even fit in with THEM
>Being this obsessed with mentally ill people
FF14 is a few doors down buddy, some people just like looking at cute things, they're not mentally ill and want to be cute
Ret isn't even fun.
>oh man here comes my auto attack!
>haha, missed..Surely this auto attack will hit!
No crusader strike is gay.
The hell are you talking about? Their burst starts good and gets better. 3 second cast without a slow scales phenomenally. And they're mainly a support/healer, so longer fights(which you don't get later on, retard) would just be advantageous.
>shamans don't bring any utility
seriously, what the fuck are you smoking
>People link me his stream when he starts Sekiro
>"No I'm not switching from my keyboard"
>"No Subs are dumb, reading is hard :("
>Stop watching when he predictably starts getting extremely pig headed as his simplistic strategies don't work on certain enemies
I’m so torn bros:
Orc warlock
-just running the standard op race/class combo that will get me into raids and do well in pvp
Dwarf/tauren warrior
-not sure how shit leveling warrior is because I only played classic for about a month when it was current
-the idea of being kited by anyone and/or needing a pocket healer sounds awful
-garaunteed spot in pve being a tank is a huge plus and I love tanking
Undead priest
-shadow for pvp sounds like a blast
-not sure how disc is endgame
-I’ll be stuck being a healbot 90% of the time is a huge negative, I don’t mind healing but knowing that’s ALL I’ll do is a huge turn off
UD Rogue I think just because first half of classic is going to be so wpvp centered
Female human paladin so I can be a locked and plugged sissy gay healslut built to service human male tanks
Playing warlock effectively in pvp is literally just spamming fear and dots. You can presummon succubus or felhunter beforehand and get even more utility if you know who you're gonna fight. Orc warlock is fucking great because stuns are one of the biggest weaknesses of warlocks. Drain life is also exceptional in battlegrounds. Also curse of tongues deletes healers.
it's about gear
wait for TBC if you want that babby playstyle
this is why many people will quit Classic.
Most people forgot the massive amount of time investment required just to compete.
WoW becomes like a second job.
is there a single carebear faggot besides me rolling PVE damn
What classes don't get raid slots at all?
>Weakauras in classic
Oh no, people will finally have mastery over their two button rotations, classic is dead!
doesn't take much effort to clear a vanilla raid
I will roll.... off the cliff.
I'll have about 10 slots in my raid where I don't really give a fuck what you do. The content really isn't so challenging, and half the people in a raid back in the day literally just existed at best. At least until Nax, never did that but I'm pretty sure you can't get away with as many useless fuckers there.
The first problem of classic raiding is logistical. Imagine a raid where 10 out of 40 people can be literally dead weight and still finish and get loot and stuff. Now imagine everybody in that raid knows they could probably get away with being the slacker. On top of that, dozens of them are zoomers with even less attention span than kids 15 years ago and a whole internet of phones and streams and distractions they could be tabbed into during your raid.
Don't underestimate the challenge.
theres almost no reason to bring enh/ele shaman and ret paladins but most guilds bring 1 because its the gms dogs girlfriend or something
even for nightfall, theres no reason to give it to them over a hunter or warrior
endgame you only bring 1 hunter and its usually a nightfall bitch
most guilds prefer 1 feral and its probably the offtank not even DPS
you can fit 1 boomkin in with the casters
you bring 1 shadow priest and this is the most guaranteed shitty DPS spec aside from offtank ferals
all healers are brought and in-demand, but you generally want druids the least
the druid crit auras for feral and boomkin are argued to not even be worth it, but even top guilds still dont mind 1
so there is nothing that is truly unplayable, but playing the shittier specs is still playing on the hardest difficulty
I didn't think it would turn out this way but Female Night Elf Priest on an RPPVP server if there is one.
>Don't care about DPSing
>Male model doesn't work with the personality I'd use for a male nelf priest (kaworu and those guys.png)
>Mind control shenanigans in PVP+shadowmeld
Of course if RPPVP doesn't exist then Male Nelf Warrior tank.
>endgame you only bring 1 hunter
world buffs are absolutely broken and will carry a boomkin to relevance
like you're going to do more dps at 60 than (if) you get to 70
>Tipsout gets Verdant the Everliving nerfed
>4channel cucks clap
pssh warriors are gods at 60 when they are geared, best tanks and competitive DPS, shit on kids in PvP too, druids are niche but viable, I have a ton of fun playing one fuck you
you do know other classes get class book upgrades to their main damage spells. shamans get a higher rank strength of earth. in longer fights they are oom if they start healing
Mages get into raids pretty easy, yeah? I can't decide between mage or priest.
We'll just have to see what the range is like at launch. I hope it's not super gay telekinesis shit though.
good mages should be near the top of DPS, a little under geared rogues
also, lol if you think anyone will ever let an elemental shaman into a high end raiding guild to get the decent items. have you also seen the shaman gear and how its itemized? maybe if shamans had proper gear instead of retarded itemized shit with mp5 and strength, and they could actually raid as elemental and also had a class book to upgrade lightning bolt/cl then maybe they would be good late game
Reminder that zoomers are necessary and should be welcomed into WoW Classic community. Elitist are cancerous faggots pretending to be good at a 14 year old game.
Donate to my stream
My name is Asmongold
Ok thank you bye bye
fuck classic when is bc/wotlk coming out again
A retribution paladin tries to join your guild or raid. He says he can do respectable dps. What do you do?
Either Orc Warlock or Undead Mage. Can’t decide.
do we need 2 threads now? one about the game and one about asmongold? seems like it. you fags can't stop thinking about him.
tell him sure just be prepared to heal if we need another healer.
This. It’s hard enough in fucking RETAIL to get a competent raid group together and you only need 10-20 people depending on the difficulty.
I'm leveling a druid, my friend is rolling rogue. We did the same strat on Elysium with him opening on random people and me staying stealthed until he's at 10% and popping out to heal. The amount of asshurt we caused was unreal, and it took Alliance entire raid groups to flush us out of questing zones because we would spend literal hours stealth ganking anyone we saw.
Never got around to raiding or late game dungeons. The leveling pvp was too much fun.
Zandalari Paladin
Your clearly a fag who wants to rammed. Why don't you just post your ass so we can be done with it?
Actually based. World PvP in vanilla was god tier. So many great memories of fighting alliance 1v1 in the dunes of Tanaris while leveling my Warlock.
lets just pretend i posted something off of r/femboys, ok
Who's ready for 3 hours of looking for a tank followed by 4 hours of wipes only for the group to fall apart as the tank disconnects right before emperor?
rate my pre-60 ganking build
are there any major adjustments i should make?
Is warrior tank the most "free raid slots waiting for you everywhere you go" class in vanilla?
If not, what class should I pick if I want free raid slots everywhere I go? Is holy paladin a good alternate?
Who the fuck's watching streamers play classic? Or if you got in, following those fags around. I'd be testing stuff to try and break it.
Is 2handed warrior dps viable in pve?
>watching streamers
I wasn't watching this happened in game chat.
Fuck I can't decide between dwarf or night elf priest.
Dwarf for fear ward obviously but every priest on the server will be dwarf anyways so that won't be a problem in raids
Night elf because I love goofing around with shadowmeld
this is incredibly underrated
except pathfinder is genuinely good fuck you
Also use forgotten realms as a setting because golarion is pure tumblr trash
Warrior TANKS get free shit. Warrior dps has to sit on the bench praying that an actual dps is sick for the raid.
Mage comes in second because everyone wants water/food and portals.
>boss parry on private servers was 5.6%
>on classic beta it's 14% and confirmed to be correct
Go with what looks better aesthetically to you. Racials be damned.
dude Fear Ward though
dude elves though
but yeah go dwarf if you want
qt femgnome warrior or good ol' human warrior for their racials?
cant wait to be a twink healslut
it sounds like you'd rather be a gnome
I would. But lacking that +5 sword/mace skill racial frightens me for some reason
you get escape artist instead
Doesn't the +5 sword/mace come out to be like +1% chance to crit or something? Pretty fucking negligible.
Pokémon GO to the POLLS
>but I want my weapon skill
No. It's shit. Never minmax for PvE at the cost of PvP. PvE is easy. Period. You can clear it with anything, and the only thing that additional minmaxing in PvE does is decrease your clear times by an insignificant amount. You dealt 2% extra dps and the boss died 0.2 seconds faster. Literally irrelevant. The boss would've died regardless, and you would've gotten the same loot. All you gained was a couple of seconds and a slightly longer epeen.
Being optimal is only relevant in PvP. You're not trying to reach a set level in PvP after which you can complete your objective. Stronger is always better in PvP. There is never a point where you're strong enough because the challenge is infinite. That is why you minmax for PvP at the cost of PvE.
So you rolled a human and are done with your one hour of raiding a week. A mage attacks you, and like always, frostbite procs. While you're stuck in a freeze, slowly dying to the mage's spells, you wonder: "Why the fuck did I roll a human?". Because if you hadn't, the mage would be dead, and you wouldn't staring at a gray screen right now.
Not sure which matters more in the endgame, though. It will be my first time getting to 60 in vanilla and I have no idea what to prioritize
We're going home...
But when are we going HOME?
Warrior so I can execute myself rather then having to see home threads.
rogue shill scared of stealth detection
escape artist is better for PvP
specialization will be better for PvE
Both deficiencies could be overcome pretty easily just by getting the right gear and consumables, and I don't feel like that's something a lot of people are going to do even though it's pretty much a solved game.
You will probably be fine with either choice.
free spirit and bonus rep > crutch-ward
don't @ me
you dont get free raid slots as a warrior
all you get is whispers asking if you're a tank for some shitty 5 man nobody cares about
play a priest if you want to get your dick sucked
yea not happening keep dreaming piss boy
whos the bigger buttslut, paladins or priests?
Are you stupid? How are people's hp pools relevant to raiding? It's obviously PvP.
red pill me on the value of fear ward outside of meme encounters like bwl
Also what this means in numbers:
Tank threat is ~10% lower.
Fury/prot warriors dualwield tanking will average about 0.84 parries for every boss swing (assuming normal boss attack speed). This results in the majority of boss swings being sped up by 40%. This is without taking possible buffs into account. WF will increase the amount of parries by a decent amount, for example.
Warriors actually using a shield, and those with a prot spec (opposed to fury/prot) will be affected less, but still affected.
So make sure you roll alliance for salv.
It lets your tanks be lazy pieces of shit and not stance dance when they should be doing it anyway to build more rage
What you fags didn't hear? WoW classic is fucking garbage.
>Why yes of course i play a Rogue..- Why of course i'm going to be a jerk and only attack you from stealth when i know i'm going to win and steal all the loot from the locked chests for myself in dungeon runs, how did you know?
Is feral (furry) druid really that awful? I've never played a druid before but i want to try it for fun.
>Dungeon chests
>1 magebloom
>3 pots
>random green
>1 silver bar
wow man your rich
I'm alliance and don't want my team to be filled with humans gimping our odds, while the enemy team is full of orcs and undead.
With melee especially you should not be rolling a human. Escape artist will help you that much. If you're playing a rogue, you can't just sit in a mage's nova, waiting for him to gain distance on you and then blow you up with shatter crits. Escape artist means that you don't have to blow imp. sprint or vanish for that particular nova. And unlike sprint/vanish, it comes with only a 1 min CD.
On a warrior it's similar, except you don't have anything to break roots with in the first place. You can't realistically blow a FAP every single time. And with a warrior, everyone is kiting you with slows or roots. Even the rogues kite you.
With mage/warlock, it's a bit less important because getting out of roots/slows isn't as crucial, but it's still better than perception. 5% int is also better than 5% spirit.
With priest you're getting your shitty priest spells over fear ward, and a perception instead of stoneform. No point.
>Is warrior tank the most "free raid slots waiting for you everywhere you go" class in vanilla?
Free raid slots? No. Free dungeon slots though, certainly.
warlocks will hate your guts in BGs even more than normal, and you can dab on other priests and eat their fear if you cast it right before, plus stoneform is OP and basically dwarf priests win at life
still don't know what class to try out
that's some decent loot though, especially while levelling.
Hop on lights hope and test out a few classes.
Shit taste.
Godlike taste.
counterpoint: fuck gnomes
It's viable, a 40 man raid can take one feral to offtank some stuff and do mediocre DPS (but better than warrior OTs) when not needed, plus bres and innervate are always nice. It's a fucking bitch to farm all the gear needed to tank though, you need dungeon blues with random stat rolls "of the monkey" which can take forever to get, and Breastplate of Bloodthirst which requires the Hide of the Beast.
not to mention you also need a full cat DPS set for when you're not tanking
the feral druid should be in a group with 4 rogues to give them the crit thing.
Unless you are on horde then the rogues should have a shaman in their group for windfurry totem.
counterpoint: fuck a gnome
Objection: hell no
The more important thing is that you need to convince your guild to take you. The general consensus is that feral druids are shit, can't tank raids, so you can't just pop in as feral and think that they'll accept you.
but yea I can't decide which I wanna try out first
That's why you need to be geared out the ass with all the pieces I was talking about, although I did it on private server so not sure how it will be on classic. General opinion so far seems to be that mobs and bosses do less damage, at least in dungeons, but there's the increased parry and stuff like that so it remains to be seen. With decked out gear I think MC/BWL and ZG/AQ20 will maybe be doable, less sure about AQ40/Naxx.
They should all play one one server.
I wonder what it's like to be worshipped like this, for fucking no reason to boot.
>MM in my MMO?! fuck the streamers its their fault!
>even though the same thing happened back in vanilla i still want to complain about anything!
>Blizzard confirmed hit cap and parry ratio not correct on pserver
Pserver community got BTFO once again guys, it just keep happening.
It also means fury warriors are going to have much lower DPS, and with progressive itemization they will probably sink in the bottom on DPS charts for a while.
Classic will be a whole new experience.
Locks are strong and low pop, good utility too.
Only thing is that gnomes are garbage
Dwarf warrior,
Because the horde is a bunch of primitive niggers who live in shit
what say
fury will be tanks now instead
Playing druid in pvp is fun as fuck, you're constantly shifting, moving between forms, kiting and charging as needed, it's a true hybrid class.
While levelling you can tank every dungeon easily, just make sure your healer isn't under leveled. They're not great in raids and premade BGs but both of those things are a chore anyway so who cares. They're absolutely based in wpvp.
I haven't checked. Was the Beta as fucked up as the doomsayers were saying it was going to be? did nuBlizz fuck it up or has it been fine?
also undead priest or warlock, flip a coin.
Don't make a druid just because they're the sole hard counter to your class. Mage is their only 100% matchup.
Leveling as horde and I've seen very few so far
Class rotations is like 25% of what weakauras is for. It's basically an addon for making and sharing addons now. It can do pretty much anything.
How viable is not raiding in terms of world PVP/not getting shitslapped? I don't think a person who doesn't raid should be on par, of course, but I am thinking of going rogue. I raided everything in vanilla except for Naxx and I was a mage, so I don't know how well you can gear up sans raid gear. I just don't have it in me this time for Job 2.0, but I love everything else about the game.
I remember some of the PVP blues being pretty okay, and using some shit from AV rep.
Nice servers Blizz
Trying to decide on what professions i'll roll on classic. Playing Warlock, intent is to PvP a majority of the time, with Raids mixed in for gear upgrades. My main professions will prob be Tailor+Engineer. However, No Fucking Clue on how to efficiently level with them.
I know I probably want to start with skinning just to sell for extra income, but don't know when I should drop it. 40? 60?
Or should I take Mining and save stuff up for Engineering when I respec it later?
Should I pickup Tailor from the start for bag upgrades and sometimes random gear upgrades since warlock is gear reliant? Or just buy bags and quest/dungeon and wait till end game and just buy gear or level tailor at endgame for robe of the void?
>Max Income?
Or should I just take Skinning, keep till 40, then swap for Tailor, and take Mining till max and save/sell shit, then swap to engineer at cap?
it's fine. Blizzard had to make an announcement to the private server fucks that "no, these things are not broken. They are working as they did in Vanilla".
There's sharding, but they say each shard is serverwide and holds the same amount of people as a vanilla server (3k?) and it's only temporary to prevent Blackrock 2.0 from happening.
I couldn't even play the game right for like 3 weeks back at release.
This thread reeks of /r/classicwow
And i thought the vg general was bad
So when do i have to sub to get in on release?
this post reeks of newfag
go back to /vg/ and fucking stay there
Hrothgar Thamaturgist
Because fuck you
The only thing that matters for fury dps is the 1% increased dodge chance. Mostly irrelevant.
bro they even spam on the dead LB realm, horde side
the server is garbage
Bros... is this true... I thought the game was balanced....
Undead Rogues*
yeah plenty of goldsellers that are chinese and its annoying as fuck, they also refuse to group for quests and go around in big groups taking fucking everything
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? To me it sounds like original SOUL HORDE
>be warrior tank
>see someone lf1m tank for instance I want to do
>lfm myself and start my own group instead of joining them
>fill in 3 minutes while theyre still looking for a tank
I'm sorry, but if looking at this makes you think of dicks, that's most likely because you're already a raging fag and what race you play doesn't really matter in this case.
>t. zoomer
they are good in bgs for sure. they make great FCs
the old graphics were really bad...
From my experience on Nost you're really better off taking two gathering professions for money.
Crafting professions will not be profitable while leveling, also fucking everyone takes skinning so skins will be borderline worthless. Remember that getting a mount at 40 is absolutely not a guarantee, you'll probably not be training half your skills to save gold.
Personally levelled to 60 on one character before starting a new one with Herbalism and Engineering because i wanted to do wpvp while leveling and was fine with taking it slow.
better than the modern disney shit
mad as fuck. Go choke on a buzzword, newfag
Nah, every fucking retail fag going to roll hunter after getting tired of slow leveling
What's the deal with druidposting? Why are they suddenly so popular that everyone wants to be one, regardless of endgame viability? Nobody is talking about warlocks, hunters, shamans etc. It's all about warriors and druids these days.
That shit is mega gay
your bags will be fucked
Bank. Alt.
>waaah I lost Asmongold
get fucked kiddo
I'm completely aware that vanilla had addons and I'd still prefer if all addons were disabled. Blizzard should just tweak the UI with some very minimal quality of life improvements and leave it at that. Addons are gay and completely unnecessary.
special snowflake class
fag's wanna be unique rather than picking a class they enjoy
gnome are the best race for pvp as roots are the bane of a warriors existence and escape artist is a short 1m cd which is really short for the racials.
Human if you want to be a dps warrior or plan on going heavy into grinding reps
still gonna have space issues unless you get lucky with bag drops
if you can push a fight to longer than 15 seconds you win against anyone
>Lord Incendius solo
I used to do that for shards in vanilla with my warlock
Why? You'll be selling it all off.
druids are based and fun to play, also viabke at 60
>pvp or just roll an arms warrior. enhance is a meme in classic, but at least you're better than cat druids and ret pallys.
actually right
who are you quoting?
Only as healers for raids or maybe off tank, you can forget feral dps being viable at all
PvP they are kings
undead is an objectively better racial
how are they better then them? they dont beat cats in dps, maybe not rets as well
Raiding is just a chore you do so you can pvp better.
I used to play arms/fury warrior in vanilla, and Im feeling like doing it like I first did all those years ago. But I cant even remember if DPS warrior was viable in late dungeons/raids? Or sohuld I just roll pure dps?
>rather than picking a class they enjoy
But I enjoy druid, the fuck is your point.
I'm actually trying to decide on what other class to roll but I can't think of a single one that seems interesting
Paladins are boring, warriors are boring and annoying to level, mages locks and priests are clothie ranged which I just can't get into.
Shamans and hunters I mixed feelings about, don't know enough about them.
Rogues are shit and there will be too many of them anyways, gearing up a character for ages isn't fun
I actually really hate the way racials are in vanilla.
undead are pretty shit for warriors, you dont need anti fear when you have zerker rage
for horde you go tauren for the 5% hp which blows anything else out for tanking in pve
or orc for rage which is 25% extra damage which lets you blow people up in pve and pvp faster
He's referring to the large influx of players wanting to play druid as they were underplayed in vanilla and even private servers. Druids are pretty fun tho
I pick dwarf rogue. Because 90% of Horde players are undead rogues. And nothing cucks a rogue harder than another rogue that is immune to poisons. The best part is getting their salty whispers saying "WOW BET U FEEL REAL BIG ABUSING RACIAL" as though WotF isn't the sole reason they pick undead rogue.
I also spend the first month of every fresh server camping the Stonetalon den and making every Horde cuck seethe with their 15 minute corpse runs. :-)
>suddenly so popular
they gained a lot of popularity after vanilla
so its just circling back now
Source? Not doubting, just curious. Fuck melee dps, I'm gonna be a caster this time around.
anyone else thought this was a bird?
It doesn't really affect melee dps because bosses don't parry from behind. Just tanks.
Does 1.12 have the 3 second "internal cooldown" on Wind Fury procs?
For poison removal you have this shit anyway (has a 3s cooldown only), and it's just one class
>paying "ganker tax" of several gold per gank
Can you use that when blinded? You can use Stoneform.
>wtf u tak leather from rouge I repot u now
How do you respond?
>Warrior is best tank and DPS as well
Haha funny
>implying a DPS cuck would be allowed to voice an opinion in my group
Loot that vendor trash and be happy we are letting you complete your quest, r*gue.
Paladins wearing non-chain/plate was a thing for a long time. It's the entire reason the armor system existed to begin with.
I still remember it... Like it was yesterday...
>he didn't have intelligence gear as a warrior to learn weapon skills faster
>he didn't switch to low stamina high spirit cloth gear as a warrior to regen faster out of combat
not going to make it
Paladins aren't affected by spirit retard.
>implying you don't have 5 second periods of not casting anything as a healer pally on level 13
Most based answer
using t2 gloves lmao
Lad I hate to be that guy but I sincerely doubt retail Classic will be anywhere near as fun as Nostalrius was. Small server populations, SJW thought police controlling chat, sharding/layering, etc. I'm just glad I got to experience it in its prime.
>rogue for fun ganks, bags full of posion, lockpicking
>warlock for shards, SUCC and FREE* mount
*not actually free
>druids for WG
>priest for a healslut
cant decide my dudes
Is this guy in GM island or what
a true patrician.
Not even joking
>Breaking up with my BPD girlfriend of 4 years, can't take it anymore.
>Quit my complete shit-ass fuck job of two and a half years so I can move away
>Moving in with mother and stepdad who live in a town I always have wanted to
I'm so fucking ready
Probably not. Loved the chaos and genuine interactions there.
And the NEET playerbase, was pretty great while it lasted.
>Breaking up with my BPD
good plan
Brilliant how they've decided to brand it """Classic""" and only say the word "vanilla" once, at the Blizzcon reveal.
It's so easy for everyone to pretend they're getting the real thing. Everyone's forgetting about layering, like it isn't a big deal at all. Like it isn't the utter antithesis to what vanilla is all about.
Why do we still have these threads when we aren't actually getting what we asked for, or what was even advertised? Am I going to die alone?
It isn't vanilla WoW, so why would they call it that? Classic is a rerelease that approximates it, not a time machine that brings you back to vanilla times. Also layering is only temporary
>rerelease that approximates
>not a time machine that brings you back to vanilla times
This was never what was asked and this phrase is only used to disingenuously discredit people with legitimate concerns.
>layering is only temporary
Back in my day computer mice had two buttons and a fucking ball underneath. We didn't even have optical sensors. The ball would gather dust and you would miss your headshots in CS 1.5.
misclicked a quote there, classic boomer mistake. i'm getting old lads and that is a good thing
there is also no reason for layering other than their lazyness to merge servers later, imagine ruining the whole thing just for that
I'm not sure what your point is? It is not going to be 1:1 with vanilla (which I would like, fyi).
>want to roll a druid
>not homosexual
you sure about that one
i played shaman in classic after my warrior was banned. i rerolled to rogue thats how good shaman was in melee.
a fresh 60 green/blue rogue does 200% more dmg and fun than a blue/purple shaman.
hoping for wf is the most frustating gameplay experience in wow
god I wish human females were real
hunter has like 2 reachable weapons for normies.
the hunter bow from mc quest
and chromaggus x-bow
wow that sure is fun looking forward to like 2 different things
>classicfags want to go back to +4 stamina +7 spirit instead of these cool effects on armor
Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
this, it's literally just server merging but with extremely abusable and intrusive at-will transfers and no naming conflicts
>strip every class of 2/3 of their previous kit
>homogenize talents
>remove the special effects from most pre-Cata items
>mfw all of those are trinkets and in classic those kind of fun effects appear on all different item types.
nah only stoneform removes blind when you're actually blinded
>mfw all of those are trinkets
They clearly aren't, retard. You can see DPS and sockets.
a lot of vanilla items have neat effects user..
blizz added those effects to try and make some vanilla like gear
and even then straight up stats are still better in bfa lmao
don't care, it's retail shit.
>make a wrong statement
>get told
>i dont care i am wrong lol im still right :D
Dumb Wojak poster.
>This results in the majority of boss swings being sped up by 40%.
This sounds like it could be really bad for those feral tank dreams.
>a lot of vanilla items have neat effects user..
Yeah, like Tidal Charm, which about 0.004% of players will get to try.
lol funny pic
I want to be a lock in classic because I like using dots, also shadow bolt is a cool spell. I'm excited bros, always wanted to experience vanilla.
I feel like everyone wants to roll lock though, more than mage it seems.
It'll increase time before dps can start but shouldn't effect a feral using an mcp badly since maul will be hitting every 1,6 seconds during it.
Go hunter
>meanwhile warlocks are going to become the new basic bitch noob class literally everyone play
not once they have to deal with soul shards its not
Im more attracted to the right one, did i catch the gay?
>world of procraft
>Orc Warlock
It's all I've ever played.
you play alliance if you are homosexual
vanilla had items so cool and OP Blizzard literally removed them from the game because of their coolness.
Wait until they find out about having to grind for soulshards.
You don’t use dots in raids. It’s only shadowbolt spam.
thumbnail looks like that wojak has a sick mullet
That's fine by me. I'll probably just be doing mostly pvp.
>tfw prot warrior
>tfw going to farm 96+ BRD lava runs for ironfoe
>tfw not going to invite a SINGLE ret fucking shit
I can’t wait for all the angry whispers
>tfw gonna play a human male warlock to be a special snowflake
feels good man
Classic dont show enemy buff durations, unless target has detect magic, a mage-only spell which exsists soley for that purpose. WA gives option to track any shit on activation.
>trigger enemy buff bubble
>create aura
>put 12s timer on it
Should I explain further why this shouldnt be allowed, my dear reatred mop babby?
>gee bill your guild lets you raid with SEVEN rogues?
>onscreen gold meter
Ironfoe isn't even good for Prot.
>no consumables on hotbar
You realize Weakauras was first created in patch 1.05 right? It was named Powerauras at the time, which was changed to Weakauras after Blizzard changed the API to nerf Powerauras in TBC.
Your entire point is asinine, this addon literally existed in 2005, and it was able to do significantly more at the time.
Where my dwarf pallies at?
Gonna be peak comfy.
>hold my monster
Engi/mining can make some money.
Iron Grenades cost 1 Iron Bar, 1 coarse blasting powder, and 1 silk cloth to make. 1 grenade vendors for 10 silver. And each craft gives you 2-4 grenades. Just farm Arathi Highlands. It's pretty easy.
It's not really worse for bears. Bear attack speed is 2.5s, or 1.66s if you're popping MCP. Something like TF has 1.9s attack speed. If you're running fury/prot, that's 1.46s with flurry up. If you're on horde, then you have windfury procs getting more parries which isn't a thing for bears. If you're doing dual wield memes, then it's even worse.
Ironfoe’s proc rate is halved on private servers, and it’s still bis until Naxx
it's rogue item
[citation needed]
Druchad tip #27
Depending on how entangle works in classic you should be able to effectively grind from 31-41 in a couple hours off the elite centaurs outside of Maradon
Wrath + Moonfire + entangle. The centaur will run towards you after being hit, you then Moonfire and immediately entangle. The centaur will then use a ranged attack, all you do is just walk out of the range 30/35yrds. Wait for a couple ticks from spells
Then repeat. Each kill should take 25-30 seconds starting at 1.4k exp per kill. Area is very low traffic, should be the only person there.
i had a perma ban in classic aswell because i called someone "kanake" on some german server.
today you can fall people faggot niggers and the worst that will happen if some gm looks into a report is a 3hour chatban.
game is dead
As a Rogue you are much better off getting Dal Rend set in Sword spec. Or getting Dal main hand and Trash blade offhand. Ironfoe is for Fury Warriors.
Kill yourself wowfags
Undead Rogue and with the world being populated because not everyone can skip to end game and sit in towns all day in queues, I will slaughter every member of the alliance.
Except female Night Elfs, I'll wave at them. Unless their a hunter then they die too.
This. But I'll kill female nelves if they are partied with a male character.
*sees you in stealth with human racial*
nothin personnel
okay Elliot Rodgers
Combat Rogue viable for PvP?
Planning on reserving supreme, Rodgers, or gentleman
I planned on making a shaman as well, and now am playing priest on northdale and love it. I'm also confused, funny we're all in the same boat. I'd rather not do resto sham tho and want to be a heavy pvper
I haven't played in TBC so I don't remember and guides on the internet seem to only talk about max level.
How is your profession cap compared to your level cap?
How much engineering can I get to 19 and why?
What about at level 30?
I played the stress test, got to 10, ran to org from Tirisfal and I went from seeing 50+ people in the Undercity to seeing literally 4 people /who in org.
What the fuck is this garbage? I had a feeling there would be Nu-Blizzard sprinkled all over this shit but why is everybody okay with this?
Is it possible to aoe farm on classic? Aoe farming was OP on private servers due to private server pathfinding and netcode.
Probably the worst leveling tip I've ever heard of. This is what happens when nostbabbies try to talk about classic.
Gnomes thanks to their +15 engineering trait can get gnomish death ray at lvl 29 while others need to wait until 35
Should be able to aoe farm yes. Mages, Druids, and warlocks (annoying to do) can all do it.
I'm gonna guess that mages will be fighting each other for control over farm spots which might be hellish, but you should still be able to farm BRD arena
Druids can aoe farm packs that basically no one else in the game will touch. Elementals in felwood and WPL have an assload of frost resi so pretty much pointless for mage, and they carry pretty nasty debuffs. They can also just do brd arena (with mostly prebis gear)
Warchads can aoe farm but it's slightly more awkward, a lot of void walker saccing, but it doable with their aoe spells.
*laughs at your damage*
What is the engineering profession skill capped at?
Is there a base of X and +Y per level?
5 base and 5 per level? Then gnomes get their +15 which happens to get them gnomish death ray at 29?
I imagine night elf rogues and undead rogues just /nod to eachother in stv and then go and gank their respective prey
Except 8.2 weak auras have completely different functionality to 1.05 power auras, collosal braindead retard.
100% faster than questing if it works. I'm talking 31-41 in 5-6 hours.
It doesn't because pservers are garbage. They made the mob elite when it was supposed to be normal, but kept its hp as if it was a normal mob.
human or gnome warlock
Sap Lock, Kill Pet. GG
nah, there are level breakpoints that makes them available at a few set breakpoints
lvl 35 is the minimum lvl to learn Artisan engineering, gnomes can just get that particular item in pvp bracket 20-29 before others
Pretty sure the dots broke Entangle pretty quickly, which is why you only used it to run away or keep a second mob off of you.
only with daggers
>resummons another one instantly
womp womp
>gnomes can just get that particular item in pvp bracket 20-29 before others
Correct. 8.2 Weakauaras cannot for example, automatically downrank your spells to make your healing more eficient, they cannot display textures in the 3d game world, and they cannot show where a boss will cast an ability 20 seconds before the boss actually uses the ability, all of which were possible with the old API.
Weakauras is massively nerfed compared to powerauras.
you know he can like .. change specs right?
The initial Moonfire cast typically breaks entangle, I've been watching druids testing beta and it appears that entangle practically never breaks during the consecutive dot ticks. Was watching a guy killing the pigs outside RFK doing the method with no danger or effort required.
Non-snowflake tip #1
Roll a mage and enjoy geting server first 60 and epic mount aswell soley by AoE grinding.
Anyone else sneak into other guilds' chat channels? There's always obvious channels to be found, like "[(abbreviated) guildname]heal".
I think you could add passwords and have a channel admin, but that was buggy as hell in vanilla so we didn't use it.
Bonus points for just chilling in the channel.
Heh, notthin personnel
No no, I know that, I mentioned it.
But why do +15 engineering skill give them access to an engineering item others do not have acess to.
I asked if the engineering skill was capped per level, and you said nah, so in what way and how is it capped?
aoe grinding what? brd is dead on arrival, DM doesn't exist. what else would you grind? good luck grinding in the world with wpvp being only pvp in phase 1
Wasn't the case of kucknos or chinks hope. Nost on the other hand 100% fucked up their damage values, their ranged attack only hit for 20 when it should've been 250.
t. Killed them on my priest to level.
It's capped at intervals, because you need to reach level 35 to learn Artisan. Until then, you're stuck at 225 max
I liked archer when it was more active in MoP and not it’s current iteration where it’s more based on fewer but bigger hits. Was vanilla archer fun?
Mage reality tip #1
It will take you 8 months to complete a single tierset because of the 10 other mages in guild
Ironically Ironfoe is bis forever for spelldmg paladins
>so in what way and how is it capped?
here's the breakpoints
>Until then, you're stuck at 225 max
cool thanks
So can you get to 300 at level 30?
Uh honey you DO realize every nigger off the street has been watching teh epic mage aoe grinding videos on YouTube right? I mean enjoy fighting your own faction for spawns with the million other mages attempting the same thing
So you telling me you would prefer using power auras to weak auras if you had both APIs and a choice?
Killing elites for leveling is pointless though. Elite mob xp is 2x normal mob exp, but they have something like 3x the hp.
>So can you get to 300 at level 30?
no, you can start the gnome/goblin specialization at lvl 30 with 200 engineering skill, but you cant get above 225 max engineering until 35. Or so I believe
I personally would do priest/warlock first and then level up a warrior after a while
but that's just me
ah okay so artisan engineering isn't like an alternative to goblin & gnome
you go golbin and then you go golbin+artisan or something like that to get up to 300?
>watching 1 nigger video can teach you how to get to lvl60 in less than 4 days /played on a mage
They're elites on chinkdale when they should be normal. Didn't test their hp on chinkdale though, but like you can see, it's fucked on private server dbs.
world pvp while leveling must suck as a warrior
even at 60 being chased by a warrior was just an odd nuisance
Is that the Simpsons?
Killing elite pigs looked pretty worth it to me, he was averaging a level per 30-40 mins when he started killing them at 27 to 30. Pigs also flee when low making it a bit easier. The only downside was their nature resists so basically using starfire instead of wrath for the rotation.
yes, goblin and gnome spec only allows a few different items to be made from each side, but doesnt affect max lvl engineering. OR as I said earlier, thats what I remember it as
pre artisan gnome twinks seem pretty interesting then
must be fun to be a gnome in the beta
Drood reality tip #1
Drood has lowest loot priority for items desireable by any other real class
>elite centaurs outside of Maradon
>Area is very low traffic, should be the only person there
It's going to be packed when you get there and for the next few months
Link the vod.
On a fresh server it'll be dead
I played PvP server and it was only annoying. Unless you're the kind of person who like to thank lowbies and outnumbered players. If you don't enjoy that, you will always be the one getting ganked.
>On a fresh server it'll be dead
only if you are ahead of the pack
>she's cute
>she has 546 str which is really high
makes me chuckle
Druchad tip #43
You can just sit back and have gear thrown at you while the autists (dps groups) will backstab each other for any chance at an upgrade.
Any average Druchad will definitely be ahead of the pack. Moonfire tagging early on too stronk
Is it difficult plating druid? I've literally never made one before, but i'm planning on rolling one for Classic
This. Took me 9 months to finish my mage t2. Never again fuck that noise
>There is not a time where all of the high level alliance areas weren’t under attack.
sounds cool af
would roll ally on
Never seen a man this based and badass before.
That is if you want to be more than just a flag carrier or a bad healer. You can link your dps or tanking videos as much as you want, but the general consensus is that no one wants druids for anything else but healing. They don't know about some guy that tanked naxx as a bear, and they don't care. They will simply go "tank? dps? uhh I don't think we need one". Unless you make your own guild, or you lick the GM's ass, you will not be tanking or dps'ing anything past UBRS.
Even as a healer you're shit. Hots don't stack and they're shit. You're spamming downranked HT all the time, and other classes do that job better than you. You're there for two purposes: motw and faerie fire. That's why you don't see more than 2 druids in raids. This is, in a sense, a good thing. If loot drops, you're more likely to get it because there are few druids. However, first you have to be one of those two druids. Most of the druid spots are already taken. Druid is the most played class in retail, and streamers like sodapoppin will bring a ton of druid players in, so you won't even get a guild.
In pvp, your sole purpose is carrying the flag. In every other case, you're shit in group pvp. You can't heal properly, you don't have good support, and you can't even dispel magic. In solo pvp you're okay for phase 1, but the gameplay is based on slowly killing your enemy with dots and being obnoxious in general. Once people start getting gear, you fall behind heavily in power level because druids scale like shit.
Druid is literally the worst class in the game and its best roles are flag carrier and subpar healer. Do not roll it if you want to have a good time.
Based and redpilled
Verycoolguy, is that you?
>getting their salty whispers saying
but you can't get their whispers
They make an Alliance alt and whisper their cuck cries to him
>In pvp, your sole purpose is carrying the flag
fucking pve zoomers baka
Based only God tier gamers can play druid.