>MHfags have been paying almost full price for shitty expansions for the last 15 years
defend this MHcucks
Monster Hunter Thread
MHfags have been paying almost full price for shitty expansions for the last 15 years
Other urls found in this thread:
because the expansions are always filled with content
>play too much world
>lose my gu skills and cart all the time
Am I meant to really care about elderseal on a greatsword?
pls add zappy dog
No furfags allowed.
Opposite for me. Always need to readjust to World after playing on a 3DS too much and can't roll a roar to save my life for a while.
Nope. Only monsters it could be beneficial on are Kusha and Lunastra.
But really, just go with raw anyway.
So he's pretty much confirmed at this point right?
If he's not I'll be very surprised and weep womanly.
Nope, elderseal does fuckall. Supposedly reduces rage timer, but if it does, it's not noticeable at all. Killing faster reduces rage timer as well.
Narga is in, so Barioth should be in too.
As well as Tigrex.
I've never played a MH game on my life and I just got world. Is insect glaive a good weapon? I also like the axe/sword one but I suck with it.
All weapons are fine except for Dual Blades
Just find what you like, stick with it for a while, then experiment with the other weapons
It works out when NA doesn't get the original version, so we get the expanded version without paying twice.
narga and tigrex are literally in, barioth and giggi should be too
No, that's Blood Borne
I’m barely starting out World and just beat Anjanath, how long until high rank?
Rathian X.
A bit. maybe like 3 hours.
a few hours if you rush it
tigrex is already as good an confirmed in exactly the same manner narga was in the initial trailer
??? Dual blades are the most satisfying to play though and encourages you to learn how to telegraph monsters attacks properly and dance around them so that you can exploit maximise the hits you get in in the right hitzones
it would be sinful not to have barioth, im surprised he hasnt been spotlighted yet
I want to fuck Rathian.
No, We've only ever GOTTEN the full game + Expansion, we never get the base game, only outcry is MHX
I want to die inbetween Rathian's thighs.
Fuck off, Seregios.
Care to demonstrate why?
He better fucking be, or else i'm gonna send a very angry tweet which they will ignore because i'm not an e-celeb to Capcom
Damn, that fast? Took me a day to reach High Rank in 4U and GU. How much content is in World anyways?
They're fine as long as you aren't one the retards who just mashes attacks and ruins mid fight sleep bombs or stunlocks teammates who probably have better DPS on a knockout or knock down. In my experience all dual blades users are idiots. Somehow even worse than longsworders. If I could filter weapon classes automatically from quest searches and SOS, it would be daggercels.
not much, it's an HR game and they removed the village/guild split and key quest system so you can rush to HR pretty fast
Fuck off. He's just a good boy and I like him
Started playing MH World 2 days ago.
Any good early armor in particular I should get? I’m not upgrading anything right now
Honestly at this point World has a decent chunk of content. Especially if you actually want to do stuff like Extreme Behemoth, which is more challenging than anything else in a mainline game (even more so solo).
Oh, look, another Switcher SNAKE.
Kill yourself!
Low rank armor is literally worthless, just occasionally make new pieces of whatever for slightly more defense. Youll hit High Rank pretty fast, and should get armor from there.
whatever works for you, try not to spend to much time getting low rank armor because its going to get outclassed pretty fast once you get to high rank
>not much
Really? How big are the other games? World is my first MH game and it feels like there is a lot to do
Make the bone chest piece when you reach high rank
Alright thanks, I take it I should rush the story missions instead of farming the low level stuff then?
I hope not. I don't want my favorite monster to be ruined by World. Fuck that.
the recent G games have about 2-3x the monster count and something like 5x the amount of quests since they have the village/guild split and much more optional filler in general, Iceborne should bring the monster and quest count up a good bit though.
Yeah get to high rank ASAP
You'll have to do all the optional quests anyway, might as well put them off until you can obliterate shit
Should always just fart about at your own pace but if you're having to choose between farming something in LR and continuing, pick continue. The second you hit HR it'll be outdated anyway.
if you're still in LR, just focus on skills for your armor, and do a minimum amount of upgrade to increase your overall defense if you feel you're taking too much damage.
I haven't played recently so I'm not sure if they added transmog to mitigate clownsuiting.
take it at your pace, if you're having trouble with earlier stuff don't try to bumrush past it and get some more powerful gear but if you feel confidant then go full speed ahead
I cna't resist my nature!
nope, instead you get a shittier saber tooth fanged wyvern that will literally just be ice Odogaron
are there any other images of the G rank armor/new weapons?
Is this shit ever going on sale again? You guys got me interested.
A few. I think so far it's Rathian, Odogaron and Anjanath that's been shown as well as the layered you get (the long coat seen in the trailers). Should show a few more alongside the next few new move reveals as we go.
assuming you're talking about pc, chrono had a sale recently so there's some cheap keys floating around on keysites and if you don't want to use those the summer sale is coming up in a few weeks
also emulate p3rd or something in the meantime
So the slinger can now be used while moving, and you can attack to monsters? this will probably be a nice addition for SA which lacked defensive options
I haven't played since Extremoth but I hope SA isn't changed that much, it's in a nice place and was an easy solo on regular Behemoth
Thanks user.
Attach* to monsters
I played 90 hours of this and got tired of it. Yet I spent 300+ hours in the psp games. I dont know why.
you can now use the slinger when your weapon is unsheathed and one of the new slinger shots is a thing that grapples you to a monster to do a zero sum discharge-like move for every weapon
who hype for ice anjanath, ice odo, ice rathalos and blizzard bageljuice?
>tfw you got World for free on release because some user dumped some multi use review code for PS4
Every weapon gets at least one new move and some get a gimmick to do with the slinger as well, like how Greatsword slinger shots have more stopping power. They haven’t shown anything for Switch Axe yet but it’s got at least one new thing.
Why are these fag devs so lazy when the games make so much money?
Then they should buff ZSD since it was always never used endgame and got you killed without mantles
you're a funny guy user
The grind for rare stuff was a lot harder and I think just focusing in on the boss and not the environment adds a certain element to the game that makes you want to play it longer. Or maybe you were just a kid with nothing better to do back then idk.
Tigrex can fuck right off for all i care. Diablos already fills its charging retard niche.
I think monsters are really hard to program and animate. It's just a lot of work to put it all together. It's not like an MMO boss with no collision detection
Oh and the gameplay was faster and harder.
The happy autist is coming whether you want it or not.
You're gonna get Tiger X and you're gonna like it you little bitch
This is true but I really give MHW props for Extremoth. Very challenging and a ton of fun with friends. He's not even that different from regular monsters.
legit tough fight, wish some of the other fights were as hard.
Safe to add this on the list of good music from World right?
I still think these are better though
these fucking grab attacks are going to be retarded
you're waay too fucking fast now
I miss flat surfaces with clean monster fights. Fucking hate all these vertically with objects blocking your way everywhere
I feel so fucking retarded going back to GU from World. It takes me 2 hours to adjust and start doing well again in GU.
don't worry user, they'll just have even more monsters spam aoe attacks and have dot auras to compensate :^)
>Lagiacrus never ever
it's not fucking fair
Not in World but MH6 probably.
>Underwater combat never comes back because capcom listened to the loud minority
It was universally hated. Fuck off contrarian faggot.
which monster would you hug?
They probably fixed the neck issues ages ago but decided to hold off on putting them in World and Iceborne since they were finished so late.
fluffy bunny
People who weren't retarded didn't have problems adjusting to it.
>bowcuck steals your stuns
Don't worry user he'll come in as a later update monster. He'll be the PMS lunastra to Narga's
world teostra.
I hope you like AoE
>hammer isn't the best weapon at KOing AGAIN
I'll always love the Hammer just for the moveset and how it feels but come the fuck on
Underwater was a shit mechanic
Lagi's gimmik was literally so shit capcom chose to never speak of it again.
What a garbage flagship
If we say our prayers and eat our veggies it'll happen. Someday.
Hammer mains are so pathetic, lmao
Hey buddy, i think you got the wrong thread, the faggot club is two blocks down
honestly is there even a reason to do KT now with Master rank weps coming?
Can't say something like that without posting your weapon of choice.
You need to get your Kjárr collection up for flex points.
not really, same with why i didn't fucking bother with beating AT nerg five times for his armor. Fuck this inflated health fucker.
Not really. Sadly I fully expect them to add a MR Kulve or equivalent with the stupid relic system cause they still think people like it.
Not grind, but it's nice to see what you get. I imagine that some of the better ones can carry you through the Master Rank story easily, especially since it's balanced to be taken right after beating Xeno'jiiva for the first time.
I play SA.
Shiny gubbins are never worth torturing yourself with it when you're not enjoying it.
I miss the hope windows but the ears are cute.
Eh alright I can respect the use of swagaxe. Don't understand your vendetta against hammer users though.
I don't exactly have a vendetta against them, I just don't see why they still think "the head is mine" applies to hammer when some weapons outdamage it, outstun it, or just do both.
I like it but I'm gonna miss the waist. That ribbon made the whole thing.
imagine paying to play monster hunter world™ and its expansions when dauntless exists for free on the EPIC gaming store!
I didn't play World yet, and I'm getting the bundle/version that comes with both World & Iceborne, so this works out for me.
That's fair. "HEAD MINE" mentality has always been really annoying. I can kinda understand it thought since unfortunately the hammer only shines when attacking the head for 95% of monsters. I always just gem in a point of Flinch Free when online though.
>start goldenmama persuit
>3 randoms join
>hunt starts and go ham as usual
>getting lots of damage in
>5 minutes pass
>look around
>try hard randoms just stand around sniffing feet *cringe*
>one keeps spamming dont hit *yikes*
>mfw im the only one doing damage
>this is only the first persuit and still have to do the rest
>being trolled in monhun by shitters
Seregios is the superior pinecone
I just started playing again recently after I played 20 or so hours with bow and started a new char but with the great sword. It's a lot more fun than just shooting. I am at the coral highland atm any tip for greatsword?
>literally no hitboxes: the monster
It's genuinely HARD to be hit by Steve.
>sitting through all the story shit again
How do you do it? I could barely stand it the first time.
More enjoyable fight but in terms of characterisation I like Bazelgeuse more. He’s just such a cunt, not because he’s horny for Rathian but just because he can.
Imagine using SA and not knowing when to zero sum
I unironically like the kulve fight but hate the first stage and siege mechanic
Fighting her pursuit level one is pretty pointless though
Which weapon is the shitter's choice? Multiple answers are accepted.
longsword and dual blades
If you hated swimming you are most likely sub 80 IQ
SA and Hammer because they're both braindead to play.
I remember that thread, I still can't believe it was legit and nobody got banned. I wish I made more accounts and redeemed it more, I only sold two accounts.
Bowguns, and maybe ls
Charge Blade
Insect Glaive
Dual Blades
It was some crazy shit, it was at like 5am too
>SA is braindead
How the fuck is the weapon with some of the longest attack commitment braindead
>World is NuMH
>Generations is classic
imagine thinking this
If you used proper weapons like lance and hbg then underwater hunts were great. But if you were one of those shitters who "mains" a weapon and it wasn't one of those two then I can see why you'd hate underwater hunts.
The only correct answer
Which weapon do cool people use?
lance and gunlance
Since everything is tankable in World until temp kirin. Tripaxe users are all shitter teenbros who only use the weapon because of the "cool explosions".
Lance, Gunlance, Bow, HBG, LBG and Charge Blade.
140 huild quests are harder. Behomoth aint got shit on 140 rajang
Shh, Gen/GenU was their first game, 4U at the absolute earliest. They don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about.
Eh, I am skipping everything I can fuck unskippable cutscenes
World lover here, Tri was my first game. The series as a concept never felt complete until World, and I absolutely hate Gen/U
Gunlance. It's the only weapon that attracts neither normies nor tryhards.
Patrician taste
I mostly try to combo bonk the head but I also spineroony dooney golf swingy the legs and super donut wheel kerbonk a monster's whole body.
I main S.A. as well but it's not as fun as kerbonk club imo.
Boomerangs, Kicks, Shadowboxing and maaaaybe Slingshot.
World is my first MH as well. Always hated the first one on PS2 but decided to give the series another chance when it came back on Snoy's station 4.
Anyway, I play dual blades because I like fast paced battles but I feel like I'm missing on MH if I play this weapon like if I'm playing Devil may cry or something.
Should I go with a bigger meatier weapon like Greatsword? I just feel so fucking slow with all of the other weapons I've tried, Lance, GS, Charge Blade...fuck it's all so slow and that's what I hated in the series in the first place haha.
Try lbg. It's different but you're still highly mobile.
I would go with SnS but apparently they're not that good in MHW, Iceborne kinda seems to correct that a bit with new moves, we'll see.
Also I play dual blades because I always loved that kind of gameplay, not really because it's easier or a weapon for noobies.
For instance, in Dragon's dogma I would play dual dagger assassin. There's even a move that looks like the dance in demon mode.
>just did the geralt quest yesterday
>used the given HH to do the quest
>triple cart
>said fuck it and switched to Hammer for the first time
>cleared the first time, no carts
And to give some background I've done probably over a thousand quests with the former in both World and 4U and practically never touched the latter. Why the fuck is HH so underpowered? They keep touting it as a team based weapon but how the fuck is a weapon that can't do nearly as well alone supposed to be better to use in a team than 4 players with weapons that can easily outpace it solo? Have I really been dealing with a mediocre piece of shit this entire time? And why the hell haven't the devs done anything to buff the weapon in any reasonable capacity if this has been going on for so long?
Rank the fated four faggots
Mizutsune > Glavenus > Astalos > Gammoth
Glavenus > Homos
Wish he was in Warrudo
Dinovaldo > Raizex > Gamuto >>>>>>> tamafaggo
you switched glavenus and mizutsune retard
>SnS getting actual moves that don't involve backhop spam
World is saved
Now I just need confirmation that they adjusted monster behavior/stats accordingly so they don't continue to be punching bags that a 4 person team can stunlock to death in 3 minutes
Same. Kulve is really fun fight from stage 2 onwards but it’s ruined by having to do it over and over again just for the chance of maybe getting the weapon you want.
There was never really a point, a 5% damage increase with a min-maxed set to fight monsters that were already easy was just something they threw in to keep the core autists playing
Give me the Magalas already you hacks
I don't understand the appeal.
>make that art look like god of war so more more normalfags can come in!
>yes sir!
I have never hunted Kulve because I knew we'd be getting G rank eventually and it'd just be waste of my time hunting unfun shit like gachamommy. Yes I'm that cool.
Yeah why would a monster hunting franchise be similar to a franchise that lets you kill monsters? Does everything have to be this way with you faggots like, oh Imma make everything into an us vs them thing, east vs west, muh camp vs their camp. Just enjoy it you stupid homo, this is the most innocuous shit ever, like who gives a shit what the cover of a game looks like. Its just art depicting the characters in the game.
I got the game for free with my gpu.
t.butthurt worldsperm
>Team of hunters vs flagship
Literally every box art.
Haha you know he's right. They even plastered the handler in the middle of TV ads to tell normalfags that it was "okay" to play the game because she wasn't a misogynistic design.
Literally every single Monster Hunter box art is a hunter or group of hunters facing a monster you mongoloid.
same, I've been playing at almost 200 hours in 4u after 500 hours of world and now that I'm starting to go back for iceborn i get carted by tier 2 tempered
Reminder that the new Hunting Horn and Hammer moves will be posted in 4 hours.
color scheme
i'd even say they're aiming for the normalfag skyrim fanbase too ;)
look at this normalfag libcuck sjw faggot nigger tranny redditor Hillary Clinton cover, am I right fellow channer?
>Don't like World
>Don't like GU either, but I like it better than World
I wish I could find people that would play 4U or FU with me.
>worldbab pretending to be an elitist
>muh sparkly colors
>Male version gets OW THE EDGE mask
>female get cat ears with face revealed
how is this fucking fair? I want cat ears too
As a HH main the songs for the Kjarr horn make me sad, damage output is decent enough though. I just really wish they gave me a reason to stop using Deep Vero desu. I kinda want to use other horns but the combination of songs and raw damage make it straight up better than every other horn not to mention with the right build you can completely negate the fact that it has -30% affinity.
Underwater Combat 1000% could have been fixed and improved upon. They were fun despite the horrible controls and incredibly atmospheric.
>They were fun despite the horrible controls
Been playing since FU, I dunno how people are bitching about bad controls
Yeah, Seregios is the only Monster I’ve fought without getting hit without trying.
Still a great Monster. Amazing design, weapons, and armor.
I don't get the hate for underwater combat. I can't say that it was great, but it worked. My main problem with it was that it was god awfully slow.
Exactly, Monster Hunter has improved a ton over the last couple of years. I don’t see why they can’t look at all the problems that people did have with underwater combat and then remedy them.
I agree. I think they don't wanna do it, cus they dont want fans to flip out over it. I can see it being fucking amazing, especially with slinger and zip points. FLUID vibes
Post Your Favorite Map
>Flooded Forest
Super atmospheric and comfy. I love the rain and I love the colors. The night version was serene.
Fights in it really felt like climatic epics. Your feet stuck in the mud, powering on against a beast which actually belongs in this enviorment.
>Slinger underwater
Fuck, that sounds so good.
Royal Ludroth is fleeing, grapple on to his tail as your violently swishes around in bottomless dark depths.
You let go, surrounded by complete darkness, you fire a lighting pod out of your slinger.
Slowly brushes by a massive, mysterious, and daunting scaly object
You pan upwards to meet glowing red eyes. The Abyssal Lagiacrus has found its prey.
>Underwater mons have grapple points on their tail when fleeing
>enter chase mode
>its like mounting but /faster/
my cum
I've lost it
Just wear it anyways, socket in some useful skills and look good.
Is there anything more soulless in monster hunter than pic related?
Only retards play HR games.
Doesn't the PC transmog mod work for other players? I'm using Rathian pieces right now
Completely unrelated to the thread at hand but Rajang was designed and created even before the Tigrex or Nargacuga, what the fuck ?
I always assumed he first appeared in FU when he actually was in Monster Hunter 2 Dos on the PS2.
Fucking based
Rajang is a nigger.
Fuck tri for introducing the fatigue system
Thank god Generations despite its numerous flaws at least had the decency to introduce a mode in which monsters couldn't be exhausted
My main gripe with MHW is that everything at end-game is locked behind short-lived timed events. Why is this the case??
I'm in my 30's and work, have a wife+kids, and i can't keep up on all the limited time events and stuff. Why can't they alow me to enjoy the arch tempereds and whatnot without logging in daily like it's some kind of MMORPG shit?
Fuck you Hammer needs that delicious exhaust damage.
>Crab armor
For me, it's the jungle from FU. The music is so good that it made monsters like the Kut-Ku to be actually threatening. Still I have flashbacks of the G rank green plesioths
Will mh demos ever be as fun again? All I remember from Worlds demo is OP lbg mines.
me too, that's why I don't feel bad about paying $40 (plus tip) for Iceborne
US actually got MH1 + MH Freedom as well as Freedom 2 + Freedom unite for 2nd gen, and Tri and 3U for third gen.
Eh, I had my share of fun during the multiplayer demo, especially seeing people getting dragged around by anjanath's humongous broken hitboxes. Surprise Nergigante was great too, but the sets were lacking and rocksteady was silly.
Not really. On the other hand, everyone should probably get used to the idea of Master Rank KT ahead of time.
The still swamp
I find it funny how mainline insisted on using the low/high rank Frontier music for 2nd gen maps since FU. Here's the original Jungle track used in Dos and F2.
Also the other two MHF ones for reference
>tfw other games haven't done rank-specific music for the maps
And I fucked up, here's the right HR5 one.
not a huge fan of MHW, but man the game benefits immensely each time it is ported to consoles (or PC in this case). i always loved monster hunter but to an extent on handhelds it felt more like I was fighting the handheld control scheme and camera more than I was the monsters themselves.
While nobody else can see it I modelswapped a few layereds with regular armours I like. Sometimes it makes people look very dumb because of their layered setup now using completely different parts but that's okay, they can't see how silly they look.
Misty Peaks.
new Iceborne weapon abilities (hammer) reveal in less than an hour
i want more chad move from the Toot Horn
>Sunken Hollow
>Volcanic Hollow
Goddamnit now I want to see what the could've done to the G rank music of areas like misty peaks, primal forest or jurassic frontier.
Wonder what they will give it
God I miss the helmet...
It fucks with their abilities. Getting an elderseal proc on Vaal while his big dumb AOE is active will make it not active anymore, for example.
It's not worth it though and it's double not worth it on a great sword.
>defend this MHcucks
That's pretty easy; you could sell the original game and buy the expansion with almost the same money you bought the original a year ago.
Now with World it really is just an unavoidable scam.
Please give me something good for the doot.
Consoles were a mistake and so was World and thist urd
They held back in releasing Vergil armor/layered armor because they are waiting for the new weeb move of the LS
Does it even do anything for Lunas annoying heat aura
It's called gameplay. Ever heard of it?
Ruined pinnacle, 3rd gen volcano, castle schrade, ancestral steppes
>monsters couldn't be exhausted
Good job making the most useless weapon even more useless.
Who here ready for the C L U T C H C L A W
Legit so excited for that feature, that alone makes Iceborne worth it for me.
15min before 2 new weapon abilities reveal
I honestly don't like it, seems like it's a further homogenization of the different weapon movesets by letting them do shit other weapons can do, like how everyone can stick onto the monster for a finisher when it was just a SA thing before or how SnS can now use it to do jumping attacks when that was always IG's thing.
Probably, but it's been months since I played and I don't think I ever bothered trying elderseal on her.
Fighting Duramboros there was peak comfy.
Spin to win, Dat drop kick tho
No New moves besides slingshot shit
feel bad for hammerbro
>Ice laviasoth
Don't tell me that leak is going to be true again. Man fuck this disappointment.
Imagine unironically playing MHW on console.
you was right my friend
>Paying almost full price for an expansion the size of the base game.
Whoa you really got me.
>start SOS
>3 randoms join
>hunt starts and go ham as usual
>getting lots of damage in
>3 minutes pass
>look around
>try hard randoms just standing around
>[A communication error occurred]
We've known about him for like 2 weeks already how is this news to you?
Should have played on pc bro
Most of World shitposters don't even actually play the game, nothing new.
What was the leak
what leak
Like that was any different in any other MH game that is not GU.
The one that said half the monsters are going to be shitty recolours and there will only be like 3-4 new monsters and maybe 4 or so old monsters that are reintroduced.
Hunting horn drops a small bubble of healing? So bubble of crit also 99% confirmed then, just like the items we already have.
so basically all they're introducing for Iceborne is a grappling hook mechanic to casualize mounting?
bowguns and bow
Dude, I was expecting a leak, not something obvious which has already happened in World
you can only mount with the hook when the monster is exhausted
I guess its more like the switch axe "mount" where you can get knocked off by any attack or roar. Mainly because every video seems to show it on a stunned or exhausted monster to prevent exactly that
I don't have the image, but it's been posted in almost every MHW thread for the past month.
Only ones I remember were ice laviasoth, ice barroth, ice kushala, rusted kushala and a red legiana. Maybe an alternate anjanath too.
Criticism thread for actual fans
Autism the thread. Thats beyond normal MH autism.
solidus kek
>apologists already triggered by a mere jpg
yike x2
It's just that time of day.
user you can't deny that thread is garbage. It doesn't matter if you like, dislike, or are indifferent to World, that thread is just autistic.
how can you use the slinger or clutch claw while holding the lance and gunlances? Can your armpit hold it tight enough?
It can, if you saw the trailer. They show it there.
Sometimes, I wish Expeditions were instanced areas where there could be other players if you were doing them online. Like you go into an expedition and you see that there are 2 other hunters also exploring the area and doing gathering things or collecting tracks. And people come and go from the instance.
Oh boy, I can't wait for 90% of the people that already suck ass at using the HH to be in the background NOT hitting the monster even more so they can blow some gay ass bubbles.
this one?
>Hunter's Oasis art as part of the base moveset
For fuck's sake this is the exact opposite of what this weapon needed, why give shitters yet another excuse to do anything except attack?
Pretty sure that's not what they said, just that it doesn't work when the monster's enraged.
jfc I just want push to talk already. Why isn't push to talk standard already?
When's the last time you played the game? That shit was patched months ago.
I swear I could never find that. It says "keyboard only function". Does it not appear if you play with a controller? Because I do.
I always hear about this kind of HH player and maybe it's because literally no one plays HH but I've never once ran into one. Are you guys sure you're not making these people up in your heads?
Not him and I've never seen it, but I wouldn't put it past the average MH pub shitter. Maybe it has something to do with region?
I've only ever managed to find one and it was a bit of a shock because of it's mythical unicorn status. Might be more of them if there were more who actually played the weapon in general.
I'm a HH player so probably biased but I've only seen it like once or twice out of the couple dozen other horns I've played with. It's either a LR problem or like maybe just a NA/Euro thing
Guns are so easy to use in mhw its all i see people use anymore
any weapon i dont like
Well, if you use the skull of a monster as a sound box the healing would give you (and your team) a lot more sticking power.
I've had them, thinking they can just "support" by buffing teammates and chugging healing items with Wide Range 5 instead of contributing to killing the monster faster. It made me even more mad when we failed the quest because they carted twice.
I've played a good amount of HH myself and actually attack the monster so they have no excuse not doing so, if you hit the head frequently enough you can get some stuns too for the team.