Game has real life consequences

>game has real life consequences

Attached: points.jpg (1753x2480, 921K)

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Hong Kong is cyberpunk now. Lads, I'm so proud. I can finally experience nightwalk kino in real life.

don't we have a similar credit system? only difference is online shit

HK doesn't have this you moron

made a translation for those unfamiliar with china

Attached: 1559174604410.jpg (1753x2480, 1.01M)

>"Insincere" apologies for crimes commited.
Looks like the deck is stacked against them already.

>cheat in a video game
>not allowed to get plane tickets
China everyone

>you cheated not only the game, but your country

>cheating in online games

Attached: 136772200156.png (1080x1059, 808K)

>You may have won the game, but I have won the game of life

Social credit is unironically necessary when most of your population are incapable of thinking for themselves and the only thing they understand is reward & punishment.

>Moreover the system could also rely on information obtained through video surveillance systems with help from...
>...facial recognition technology
How would that work in China?

>and possibly, political
no fucking shit
this reads like an apologist plant

I've heard it put that this is to prevent white collar crime, with the rise of capitalism in China, and that the restrictions on stuff like travel is to keep people from laundering money and booking it out of the country

It's shit that this that makes me glad I was born without a sense of empathy. "Normal" people are funnily enough far more cruel than any sociopath could ever be. Only people delusional enough to believe they are the sole justice in the world could implement something like this.

The chinese have the best facial recognition programs in the world.

He's making a joke about all chinks looking alike.

>Performing a heroic act.

Is it really that corrupt? Can't I be a good boy and just get good boy points?

Literally nothing wrong with this. I hope Trump implements it in his 2nd term to make trannies seethe

Silencing protestors is heroic.

This is from that Black Mirror episode with the redhead of Jurassic Park reboot.

Systems like this in general are made to punish than to reward

Kinda. Social networks instead of chinese communist party.

Thank god I can balance out the -300 social credit points of being a legitimate IRL tranny by talking about how great it is that we're spreading democracy to Palestine on facebook, giving me a net +200 social credit points.

I unironically want this in the US

Honestly I feel something like this should be implemented everywhere, but a more toned down version. So not the anti free speech stuff nor matters that should be private, but most other deeds would be okay.

I thought China was against helping strangers/heroic acts though? There was some type of law that made it to where you are responsible for the stranger you help, hence those liveleak things where passerbys don't do shit for those who get injured?

>heroic act
will they finally stop and help the guy that got ran over by 3 cars and a bus?

You heard wrong motherfucker. They use it to punish anyone the establishment has a problem with. Xd Xiaodong has to ride slower trains because he insults “magic martial artists” and beats the fuck out of them on TV.

The secret is that being a good boy does not get you a significant amount of points. It's an oligarchy in disguise. Do you seriously believe that you'll be judged the same way that the son or daughter of a rich politician or executive would be judged? Or will it reflect literally every other justice system implemented in human history and end up with your financial worth determining what you can and cannot get away with? Look at all those dudes getting decades of prison for drug dealing while people who fuck over the lives of millions of people and directly sabotage our formerly great nation with white collar crime and corruption get what is essentially a slap on the wrist. Or when hollywood actors cry on camera and get acquitted by a stacked jury.

Cheaters never prosper.


Great, let's allow the govt to be moral stewards for everyday life, what could go wrong?

I mean, as fucking absurd as it is, I can guarantee that system will make life better for them. That being said, China is a hellhole with a million other problems. Literally one of the worst places in the world to live in.

Their will be a few "model citizens", mostly celebrities like whatever the chinese equivalent of Oprah is with perfect scores for people to aspire to, but most of the top scores will be through bribes and government connections. Most people will be stuck just above baseline. The systems setup to punish anyone the government doesn't like while legalizing and federalizing a version of the recent college admissions scandal and fixing job hiring to favor the new upper caste the system creates.

>posting positive messages about the govt on social media

Attached: 1529572677914.jpg (250x250, 16K)

>600 to 1,300
Why use completely random numbers?

people are dumb animals that need to be controlled. this is a good thing

kill all chinks
fuck china
fuck tim sweeney
fuck epic

>let's allow the govt to be moral stewards for everyday life
That's what they already do. But I think assisting people should be encouraged. I don't mean crazy vigilantes, just some extra incentive to get people to stop and be eyewitnesses for things like car collisions, helping stopped cars, reporting animal abuse, etc.

They're probably avoiding unlucky numbers or some shit.

Im not one for political crap but I feel every country should have
Free public housing for all
Free healthcare
Free education
A morality system that takes care of the weak, rewards virtue and punishes immorality

Being Batman should 100% be encouraged

You have empathy. You're very clearly putting yourself in others shoes by saying that.