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The French bastards are never making a sequel, unfortunately.

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They're working on Spacehulk Deathwing at the moment iirc.

They're making another 40k game.
Wtf? Deathwing came out like two years ago. It's old enough that it got an Enhanced Edition.

This is all we need brother

StreumOn said if they ever do another EYE it'll be a prequel.

A prequel to lore, a sequel to gameplay.

That'd be fine. The archives leave Streumon about 1000 years of potential settings. Syndicate Black Ops already takes place before EYE.

It was okay. Nothing great.

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It's completely unique in the pantheon of video games. This fusion of Deus Ex and Serious Sam has not been attempted before, or since. The incredible atmosphere, the designs, it all comes together fantastically and utterly deserves a sequel.

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Replaying it again atm. Forgot how rare some of the research items are fuuuuuck.

>play co-op with friends
>focus on long range support with rifles
>never get any fucking suitcases because they won't leave any for me
>keep getting those injuries but I can't heal them because lol no suitcases
>by the time I finished the game I did the math and my character was technically at level 1
>"lol why do you keep dying bro like just be better"

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after a week of grinding jian corpses I gave up on getting excidium. I decided to get that cheat map that just spawns a briefcase every 0.3 seconds and it still took a full fucking minute under the briefcase shower to finally get it.

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I just went to that one city map and found a corner in one of the alleys where those pink monster things would always spawn and funnel in, I set up some turrets and left the game idling while watching movies and would pop back in once in a while to grab the shit the monsters dropped

>Deus Ex
The research is all straight upgrades and there's nothing to find or do if you stray off the simplest path to the mission endzone
>Serious Sam
SS gives you multiple weapons and expects you to change between them as enemies and ammo limitations dictate, EYE lets you pick one setup and steamroll 90% of the game with it

It was okay. Could have been significantly better in a lot of ways.

Also, the enemy variety in SS was miles ahead. Most the of enemies in EYE do nothing but spawn and then try to hit you in the face.

>The research is all straight upgrades
Out of all the aspects of Deus Ex, this is what you compare?
>and there's nothing to find or do if you stray off the simplest path to the mission endzone
Are you daft?
>SS gives[...]
I was primarily speaking of enemy counts and difficulty.
>EYE lets you pick one setup and steamroll 90% of the game with it
Play on Ghost and tell me how well that works out, kouhai.
>It was okay
It's completely unique in the pantheon of video games.
>Could have been significantly better in a lot of ways.
>and utterly deserves a sequel.
You're really terrible at conversation, man.

>Most the of enemies in EYE do nothing but spawn and then try to hit you in the face.
As opposed to Serious Sam???????

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Only humans drop suit cases and only if you kill them yourself, no?
Just how many fatal wounds did you get holy shit.

Kleers and Kamikazes demand different approaches, especially when placed together

Small Tyranid and Large Tyranid that shoot fireballs don't require any thought or differentiation at all. They're fodder you kill before they touch you.

I've played on Master with maximum spawns and EYE will never come close to SS in enemy count, variety or threat.

>Just how many fatal wounds did you get holy shit.
We were playing on the hardest difficulty, so it didn't take much to die. And as the game kept getting harder my stats stayed the same because the fatal wounds negated any level ups

>Kleers and Kamikazes demand different approaches, especially when placed together
Equip minigun, S+M1, A and Ding as needed.
>Small Tyranid and Large Tyranid that shoot fireballs don't require any thought or differentiation at all. They're fodder you kill before they touch you.
You mean like Kleers and Kamikazes?
>I've played on Master
>Play on Ghost and tell me how well that works out, kouhai.

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I tried Ghost difficulty once and went back to Master fairly quickly.

>It was okay. Could have been significantly better in a lot of ways.

Yes, and that's why we want a sequel. It was unique and had a lot of untapped potential.

Here you go bro.

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Anyone know how / if I can disable the aim punch? That gets on my nerves more than anything.

is this good?

The what?

E.Y.E is overrated as fuck on this board, not even being contrarian to be contrarian, I played it before it was even on steam and was on some random french website that looked like it was made in the late 90's.
As a source mod, it's god tier, but as anything else like a functioning game it falls flat in almost every god damn aspect.
It's like one of those weird half-life 2 russian mods with the incomprehensible story, but instead of hating it, Yea Forums gushes over it non fucking stop.

not even close. Its a barebones L4D clone with Chaos Marines.

That game sucks, though.

Story's comprehensible though.
>but as anything else like a functioning game it falls flat in almost every god damn aspect.
In what regards?

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>he gave up before he started to really understand the mechanics

anyone miss those 20 player co-op servers

>bought Spacehulk Deathwing to get my EYE fix
>you can't jump

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What's there to understand? You run, jump and shoot/hit things to death. Sure, you can hack things too and use weird ass spells, but why do that when run'n'gun is by far the best option available?

>when run'n'gun is by far the best option available?

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The camera shake when you get hit.

>but why do that when run'n'gun is by far the best option available?
It's not on higher difficulties because you will die.

>another "person cant formulate his own opinions in the hive mind of Yea Forums!" episode

Sorry, I mean't one of those russian mods that try to have a profound story but it comes off as incomprehensible.
But to answer your question
The sword and gunplay are ass
The stats range from "Build this" to "It's shit"
The level design is neat and I like what they were able to do, but it's like babies first attempt at trying to build a level. Sometimes they are too open, other times they are too enclosed, and they are filled with enemies with no rhyme or reason
The enemies are piss easy to take out and offer almost no challenge what so ever
Half the time you'll get lost in a level, not exploring it but just straight lost because you have no idea where to go
>inb4 "lmao brainlet I knew where to go on my 9th playthrough!"

Like I said, judging it from a source mod you can excuse half of these things, but judging it from an actual game standpoint, you realize it has a lot of weaknesses that make it feel like a cheap source mod.

You're allowed to form your own opinions, that doesn't mean they won't be shit though.

That's pretty much it, but i still think it's a game with a lot of charm and very good ideas that were either bad executed or limited because of it's engine, that's why i'm with OP waiting for an actual sequel, considering the developers are more experienced and capable of doing an overall better game

The only spatially confusing E.Y.E level is Mars.

>The sword and gunplay are ass
Are they? Regular sword has a set rate of fire, dual katanas are faster and you can wield a light firearm with it. Damocles feels incredible. As for firearms, the Bear Killer feels fantastic, as do, the Croon submachine gun, the 32 shell shotgun, etc.
>The stats range from "Build this" to "It's shit"
I'll give you that.
>Sometimes they are too open, other times they are too enclosed,
So adapt accordingly.
>and they are filled with enemies with no rhyme or reason
The metastreumonic force constantly antagonizes beings who live in the galaxy, so there is a reason. They all are dispatched the same way, so I don't understand this issue.
>The enemies are piss easy to take out and offer almost no challenge what so ever
Play on Ghost.
>Half the time you'll get lost in a level, not exploring it but just straight lost because you have no idea where to go
But objectives are clearly laid out, or you wander around to obvious landmarks i.e. Mars.

It's not a perfect game, far from it. Hacking becomes moot after a certain point because it's always faster to use psy powers in conjunction with physical attacks (although it's really, really fun to be creative with hacking, like hacking all the turrets and looters in Forgotten Center, triggering the Boss' hostility, only for the Boss to be killed by his own everything). Electric Sheep doesn't make full use of its aesthetic, opting to send the player down into an abandoned street level where Serious Sam style gameplay takes hold. The metastreums, especially after having played Syndicate Black Ops (and any competently made game with beastial enemies in them), leave a lot to be desired. They're really fucking clunky, and it's ridiculous that Synicles use firearms. But I can start it up right now and do some free missions and have a blast because my character is leveled up to the point where I can zip around at high speeds and deal massive damage while still being challenged.