Apparently Sega and Atlus are going to reveal something related to Catherine Full Body at E3
Apparently Sega and Atlus are going to reveal something related to Catherine Full Body at E3
Speaking of Full Body, is Atlus going to bring the Joker DLC or that wasn't announced for the west yet?
I don't think they announced yet Joker was coming or even confirmed any of the DLC for the West so maybe it will be that. I just can't see them announcing a port for Full Body at this event maybe another game.
after they fuck up the West game on ps4 to praise tranies???
fuck pls stop
Uncensored edition to be released on PC, XB1 and Switch.
I'm currently playing through the game for the first time. Am I a brainlet or is the game fucking hard? I'm trying to use the techniques but I'm having a hard time spotting situations for the fitting technique
I cancelled my pre order the other day.
It gets easier the more you spend time with it.
Catherine: Full Booty hi def porn game tie-in
Ports to other systems, it wont sell regardless
never ever
Seething. Have sex, virgin incel
Probably going to go over everything they censored.
I swear if they make the PC version of full body a totally separate game that costs ANOTHER 40 bucks, Sega will fucking burn
Practice, and you will make the game your bitch
I love how the murderous black sheep sound like niggers, great attention to detail, atlus. kudos.
What do you mean "separate"? There is literally no way they can add-on DLC or update Classic and they would lose even more money if they gave it away for free or a discount with how much Classic costs and how much content is added and such. Also, Full Body is 60 dollars at least in America unless they drop the price for PC if it comes out a while later.
I don't believe it coming on other systems because of the way it is sold on the vita. What I mean is that I think that Full Body was funded by Sony so that's why it's on vita and PS4.
Without a doubt a free upgrade for owners
Catherine's my favorite girl because I'm in love with laura bailey.
Where's my free upgrade for Royal since i bought P5 on PS4?
windows and xbone ports, please stay surprised at what we do for every sega game because atlus waited until now to work to the same standards
come on, consolenigger. You know youre stupid enough for them to milk your wallet several times in a row by selling you the same shit. Sadly, PC players arent as easily fooled
That's literally what will happen. You're completely retarded if you bought Classic on PC when it released, knowing Full Body was already on its way
>being a dubfag
>waifufagging a dub """actor"""
>PC players arent as easily fooled
You're right, now buy your gun skins and hats
Every PCtard who got Classic did so to "stick it to the man" thinking Full Body would never come to PC or would take forever so bought it to rival the sales of Full body in the west despite it coming out soon
i bought it because if i only buy games that respect me as a customer i don't get to play atlus games, but i regret it because of the pozzed credits
They gonna announce that they removed the anti-trans texts and that an update with the same changes is gonna come to the japanese version. Atlus thinks this is big and would be great publicity for them and the game. Don't expect anything else
>arguing this on Catherine of all games
>where the dub was considered to be far superior to the JP voices
Argue this for P5 or anything else, but it's the rare case where it's no contest. It's like Cowboy Bebop or something
PC is getting the uncensored version.
Just you wait till the part you hear the phrase "you were suppose to run". I Almos rage quited
You're talking a lot of smack, consolenigger. Shouldnt you be out preordering another 'walking simulator 5000-same as before!' before the sale window expires? Oh, also, remember to renew your sony cocksucking licence-they allow you to suck their cocks, so you gotta pay for them for access this month as well!
Switch port.
Why do you think this localization is taking so long?
I finished the game, where does that come in?
>but you have to like X dub because it's a GOOD DUB(TM)
this delusion only exists among dubfags and fencesitters that can't think for themselves.
>bwaaah sony
>bwaaah consolefags
Why would they announce a Switch port for an Atlus game at E3? Have they ever done such for an Atlus game port at a Western event and never even at a major part of the event?
That's going to be the "surprise"
Getting this one free/JP import since they gave in to trannies for western release.
Even more when the PS4 release date is right around the corner
they had to coerce big boy troy baker to come back to a weeb game
says the port beggar lol
if real atlus tells people to watch E3 it's a switch port, if only atlus USA does it's something else
I bought classic cuz it was $20 and I wanted to experience the original game not some version with all the extra characters and dumb shit
This is at a fucking after party event, no way Atlus japan would promote it for the special announcement
You can technically play the original game in Full Body
Meant for
>no argument
>meme response
Like clockwork
Stay butthurt, consolenigger
I haven't played it since I got the Platinum a couple years ago. Where the hell in the game does that happen? I don't remember anything out of the ordinary
The localization is taking this long because Atlus USA is a piece of shit. They take forever on literally everything they do
>Why do you think this localization is taking so long?
Because Atlus USA are made of lazy niggers, just look at SMT IVA translation
Maybe a bumped up release date by a month or so.
Not him, but I'm not a fencesitter. Dub is objectively better - although your brain is trying to compensate for its lack of Japanese dick size, so you won't be able to understand that.
Atlus USA is taking long because Atlus doesnt let them work on it until it is released + Atlus USA is taking out all the "offensive" shit
Did it already release?
>where the dub was considered to be far superior to the JP voices
>tfw own the PC version but haven't played it yet
did I fuck up
Nah. If there were the case they'd go to the PC Gaming Show
Another tranny! This time it's Qatherine.
Not him, but bad japanese dubs do exist. It just seems like people give them a pass since they "can't understand it". But you don't need to understand a language when concerning sounds/performances.
>Sega and Atlus are going to reveal something
Toby is pregnant, Erica is the father
>It's even more censored
It'd be nice to see what they had to adjust to avoid the light but it ain't going to happen. At best it's probably getting ported.
I bought it on PC knowing very well that Full Body was coming because
1. I wanted to experience the original game
2. In my opinion a re-release isn't a replacement for the original. For example
REmake and the original RE are different games.
I'm guessing it's probably a demo for the western release since the jp version got one
That's not really E3 worthy
>E3 worthy
as if E3 hasn't been shit for 10 years
even dorito pope's event has been better for game news
>pozzed credits
And yet it never fails to give us huge announcements.
>Dub is objectively better
oh, you're a settingfag. lol.
changed "Eric Anderson (EricA)" to "Erica Anderson"
this is the credits change described in IGN's full body article but it was already applied to classic
I'm not getting it since it's censored now. Shame since I liked the first game.
How many times must we teach you this lesson old man?!?
This is literally fine. We call them Erica for the entire game. It would be like getting to the credits of Final Fantasy 13 and instead of listing her name as Lightning they listed it as Clair.
it's the motive for the change that makes it bad. it wasn't changed for being logically superior, it was changed because it offended people. japanese full body reorders it but it doesn't remove "eric". this is a change made for the west because only the west cares.
Why the fuck is the A in "Erica" capitalized?
You can skip the added content in full body
Why ruin the only decent exploration of adult relationships and 30s crisis masculinity in video games with a guy in a dress?
>localization for 2019.
pretty sure is that, if theres gonna be a PC version, it would be in 2 years from now.
I wish the vita version got a translation patch. It’s a perfect handheld game
Just sayin' but if you want to avoid the censored western version, the import is currently about $40 rn
>Hiraoka: “Shin Megami Tensei V is still in development. However, because this is Atlus’ first time developing for Nintendo Switch, we need to experiment a lot.”
No switch ports until they finish SMT V
A sequel obviously. Exclusive to playstation, of course.
Yeah, not like the original ever did.
Just try and visualize where techniques would go, try stuff out, and don't be afraid to spam the undo button if you fuck yourself over.