Animal Crossing

Only the BEST villagers are allowed in this thread

Attached: -Olivia_-_Animal_Crossing_New_Leaf.png (309x599, 135K)

Other urls found in this thread:

posting my best friend

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Attached: Scoot_NewLeaf_Official.png (311x483, 148K)

did he die?

Attached: DQDwG7ZVQAAiXgz.jpg (932x818, 95K)

Never sweat. Never rust.

Attached: Ribbot_NewLeaf_Official.png (295x463, 155K)

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Make him a villager.

Attached: 20190331_131311.jpg (1960x4032, 968K)

Fuck off Vinny

here's my best friend and my wife

Attached: 0m.png (465x302, 105K)


Attached: animal_crossing__beau_by_rosethorn_rosey_d7tbd9j-pre.jpg (766x1043, 79K)

How is this cartoon cat so sexy?

Hey user!
Waste an hour on this will ya?


Attached: .png (297x477, 156K)

Attached: 200px-Kyle_NL.png (200x395, 76K)

Also, my best man for the wedding

Attached: Erik.png (488x488, 25K)

Olivia does things to my dick

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Attached: mitzi (15).png (500x500, 609K)

Attached: Hazel_HHD.png (121x174, 15K)

>wears colorful clothing
>furniture haphazardly placed about
a cockatiel or even a parrot villager would be a nice addition to ac

Attached: Sun-Conure-5.jpg (250x250, 6K)

Well fuck, I messed up my post. Well no matter, I will still marry Pecan.

Attached: Pecan_-_Animal_Crossing_New_Leaf.png (367x471, 211K)

Attached: Cyrano.png (418x503, 186K)

Attached: misadventuresofbonbon.jpg (1080x1077, 142K)

Attached: snooty expectation.jpg (1280x950, 82K)

Attached: snooty reality.jpg (1280x950, 112K)

forgot the music


Attached: Tabby.png (325x600, 235K)

I'm gonna take the risk and stock up on a few Animal Crossing cards. Get em while they're sorta cheap before the new game gets revealed causing the prices to skyrocket.

I did this too. I have most characters I could ever want really. Some characters are already pretty damn pricey if you want specific cards rather than random packs though

Best waifu coming through

Attached: Ac_A125.jpg (167x234, 34K)

Thanks for all the letters Pekoe

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I feel like it’s cheating to use those. I dunno, some of the excitement of Animal Crossing for me is seeing the neighbors the game gives me and rolling with it.

They really need to make the dialogue good again though.

What are you guys hoping to see when they reveal the new Animal Crossing at E3?

I hope we're not the mayor anymore
They can make Isabelle the mayor since normalfriends like her so much

Been my main man since the beginning. Accepted him as a tranny, and I accept him now as a repressed tranny.

Attached: Bobdance.gif (301x464, 510K)

something something roommates something something i want to fuck tiffany

My man

Attached: Jacques_HD.png (488x488, 25K)

Olivia is like the femdom villager or something I swear, she always insults me and then teases me and makes me do things, sometimes for her "boyfriend" like wtf Nintendo are you trying to make me a cuck???

how long has the dancing bob meme been around and is it the origin of the Hat Kid dance

Attached: 6e1[1].gif (296x296, 1.13M)

Actual friendship system. Villagers gradually change how they talk to you the more friends you are with them. You get to hang out and actually do stuff together, like minigames and activities.

More places to travel to and explore. Wanna find exotic bugs? Travel to like a rain forest or desert.

Also let me decide where the villagers can place their houses. Or at least give us the option.

Long before that tranny game was around

Attached: 1557273355622.jpg (370x370, 28K)

Enhanced customization. Instead of making a shirt that looks like a jacket, let us make an actual jacket or hoodie. Also allow clothes to layer.

Attached: bob.gif (500x281, 324K)

Rasher and I understand each other.

Attached: 200px-Rasher_HHD.png (200x371, 78K)

plague rat

>Olivia is like the femdom villager
Not Ankha?

Okay user I did this just for you
This is only my opinion
I think there's some villagers missing from here too. One of my favourite villagers, Fauna was not there. And there's no chickens!

Attached: 1529001944587.png (768x3520, 3.52M)

Two different types of femdom.

Punchy is the best.

Attached: -Punchy_-_Animal_Crossing_New_Leaf[1].png (289x599, 150K)

I dunno man. Pecan has been with me so long now that I just can not imagine playing this game without her. I would drop AC2019 in a heartbeat if it was revealed she wasn't in the game.

Attached: tumblr_ooefqvFvN01rv1nxto5_500.png (500x571, 127K)


Did Olivia really rape him?

Attached: Mira_HD.png (488x488, 31K)

>Purrl on A
Mi negro

Attached: 1465567660340.gif (375x375, 1.99M)

Ankha has a sense of royalty a woman who would have total control of you with only power. On the other hand Olivia is more manipulative.

>More freedom of movement
>Better more interesting AI, ie villagers do more things than just walk around aimlessly while indoors
>more dialogue
>rolling log
>some form of exchanging drawn pictures with your friends
>ease of meeting and adding new friends

Attached: tumblr_ordd0bEUtv1vxgzevo3_1280.png (800x1000, 160K)


A town file that requires internet but is able to be shared with your friends

Gorillas, huh.

Am I retarded or is Jacques not on there?

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I uh didn't even realise that
I wasn't trying to be racist...

There does seem to be a lot missing from that list
Jacques is another I would have ranked highly but didn't see him

best villager coming through

Attached: Lucky_-_Animal_Crossing_New_Leaf.png (331x538, 143K)

Oh man, how cruel ... You wouldn't happen to have any examples, just as a coincidence, would you?...

Attached: unknown-4(1).png (519x834, 153K)

>that old ass porn comic where Olivia sneaks into villager's house, pins him down, starts strangling him, straddles him and rapes him, then cries after and they cuddle for a bit

A list without Agnes is not a list worth having

Attached: tumblr_ooefqvFvN01rv1nxto3_500.png (500x580, 78K)

I'm not an expert at this but other archetypes I've noticed include,
The female playing a motherly role
The reluctant Femdom
and others I can't seem to remember.

>Olivia sniff the villager before raping him
hottest part desu

how will nintendo ruin AC Switch?

Hopper was my best bro in the original AC.

Attached: Hopper_NewLeaf_Official.png (374x505, 169K)


>no Kabuki
I knew Yea Forums had bad taste but holy shit


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behold, my wife.

Attached: Amelia_-_Animal_Crossing_New_Leaf.png (445x567, 179K)

she's a big bird

For you

there are too many to choose from so I'll post a cool guy now that I personally like, d-d-d-dude!

Attached: 8-16-4-30-21-0-9m.jpg (620x720, 58K)

My best friend/wife

Attached: Robin_NewLeaf_Official.png (283x508, 131K)

just search Pecan and the filename and it should be your first result probably. He hasn't drawn more Pecan though, I've looked everywhere you can imagine for more pictures of Pecan

Attached: 2lewd_by_hybridprojectalpha_d8div5p-fullview.png (1024x635, 284K)

on topic post to bump the thread

joey niggas WW@

Attached: Coco_-_Animal_Crossing_New_Leaf.png (284x581, 150K)

constantly disappointed with the severe lack of female human on villager porn out there

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My favorite in Wild World. They really turned down her personality in New Leaf and she just isn't the same.

Attached: emeraldgang.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

holy fuck, souce?

Attached: Fauna.png (571x761, 346K)


Attached: 424.jpg (854x859, 176K)

Rate my neighbors

>Wolf Link

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all good except for spoilers

This. hmofa is superior in every way.

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Fuck you, I'm a hardcore Zeldafag. How can you not want to be neighbors with the birb?

Attached: D63VmJTVUAAq6ay.jpg (1200x850, 123K)

shit taste, might as well out yourself as a full blown furfag while youre at it

forgot my totally obligatory image

Attached: 3f4d194d907099c6b1e3bcfd38971e6e.png (502x418, 65K)

hey guys, my 3ds broke a few months ago and I've been meaning to emulate the first game in the series to get myself ready for AC switch, would that make sense?

stop ignoring me. i need sauce, now.

Attached: akr.jpg (960x722, 286K)

Sure user.

You're taste is shit. Unless you're a girl, then it's only slightly better than shit.

So no Ankha yet huh? This board got filled with faggots so fast I didnt even realize.

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Ankha is an overused slut.


Ganon is the only Zelda villager worth a shit

Ankha is basic bitch furry bait that exposes non-AC fans

Fuck it, this thread made me turn on New Leaf again. Anyone want to visit? I have amiibos I can scan in if you want special shit

Attached: 1543022624365.gif (487x560, 898K)

Holy shit I am so fucking sick of Ankha. I just looked up Animal Crossing on pixxiv and like 40% of all goddamn art is just fucking Ankha. Holy shit these people are such unimaginative fucking pricks. God I hope she's missing in the new game

Attached: tumblr_ooefqvFvN01rv1nxto4_500.png (500x737, 140K)

I used to have all 4 but that was too much. Apollo is already an adequate cranky villager

Ankha is the town bicycle. She's a cumdump. Absolutely no one thinks of her as anything more than as fap material. She's just a massive gaping cum soaked vagina the size of a hallway.

Fair enough, Apollo is a total bro.

im tryin to keep this artist under wraps before normalfags report her art again and get her stuff deleted

I'm also an Eagles fan so it's good to have one around

Attached: BEUD.jpg (419x610, 190K)

Sorry dawg. I used to love touring people's towns, but my 3ds is completely fucking broke now. My joystick is so overused it barely works, one of the buttons keeps sticking, and the sound is permanently on the loudest setting.

Attached: 1396330050.hlavco_dd230.png (1000x710, 182K)

so what, is it some retard uploading all of her shit to tumblr instead or some website that actually allows porn?

twitter, she draws a lot of lolis and female on feral

on twitter i'm guessing? god fucking damnit, when will artists finally realize that mainstream social media isn't a good place to post porn

stop pretending to be me

Attached: 1887747.jpg (368x427, 85K)

What do?

Attached: 94a57429a831f4c9dde5925d98029361fa19a531.png (1000x2277, 99K)

>on twitter i'm guessing? god fucking damnit, when will artists finally realize that mainstream social media isn't a good place to post porn
japs are batshit insane and completely fucking retarded to make up for their artistic skill, so probably never

Catch fish.

well if you're gonna be a stingy fuck about sharing, at least make a folder of all her work so you can dump it on imgur for the rest of us if she gets taken down for using twitter like a complete fucking retard

im double retarded user, i completely forgot about her pixiv 12201574

What do I do with these numbers?

Thank you. Didn't expect it to be her actually
Don't tell him

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Bros help my Animal Crossing withdrawals are getting worse by the day. I need my comfy beautiful AC Switch

Attached: 1559093953994.jpg (1024x633, 79K)

thanks, that will do it for me!
here's my favorite loli artist as thanks 170597


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Attached: 74292187_p0.png (800x600, 239K)

this artists stuff makes me laugh but i honestly cant tell if theyre actually into puke and vore or its just a big funny haha joke

Attached: file.png (488x488, 138K)

why are mice the worst villagers

bonbon is cute

Attached: 1457012904081.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

More dialogue and new character episodes, a 3rd-person camera, a larger map, cooking, houses for every special NPC and with having every store and facility in the town itself, along with a more melancholic feel like the Tom Nook teaser suggested.


Pocket Camp HD

Go grab some oranges and a clock.

wish you could order pizza in AC games

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severe lack of marshal in this thread

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Wish you could deliver pizza.
I want the next game to give you the scooter from Mario Kart and be able to do delivery jobs for villagers.

thoughts on pocket camp?

having the pizza item in the catalogue and ordering it is a thing, though. you just have to deal with the pizza being stuffed in your mailbox

Attached: harry-in[1].jpg (400x240, 31K)


i fucking hated that guy
would not get the hint to move out
>stupid goatie
>the playing dumb 'oh but i don't know aboudd-id' 'hmmm i jus do diiis and dis my life and nod for addentióne?
>fucking FRENCH
fuck that guy

Julian was fucking based though, for like a month i thought he was a girl and then he started getting more and more retarded and autistic when talking to me and it was great.
I played a lot of the games and have a lot of favourites, but this guy was by far my biggest New Leaf bro.

>have this nice cliff along the beach in my town where everybody lives that looks over the sea
>i live in a spot beyond the river that takes quite a turn but is most hard to get to and comfy near the waterfall
>this guy lives across the water of that point RIGHT up to the tracks near the shitty bridge like a retard wich made me laugh
>in later conversations he actually brought up that he's autistic about trains and love to look at him so it was intentional all along
legend, living the dream

Attached: Julian.png (488x488, 30K)

>thinking he's a tranny
>not just a dude who maximizes laziness in all areas of life, including clothes
He is totally gay though.

Attached: bob happy.gif (500x281, 307K)


Attached: AU2tsw2.jpg (936x703, 61K)

The source, hand it over.

Yes, I'd also like to see so many of the features from the movie like:
>multi-layered towns
>sailing and more water activities
>increased villager count
>unique character episodes for regular villagers
>dual-wielding nets
>more freedom of movement and movement options
>cave exploration
>more shop booths open during festivals and holidays with exclusive items
>a 3rd-person camera
>much better dialogue
>a much more melancholic feel
>realistic lighting, night actually is darker again
>the ability to have a backyard and a front porch
>the return of the observatory, messages in a bottle, and the message board

I could go on, but I'm hoping since they don't have to deal with 3ds hardware anymore that they can actually make this game really good.


Attached: 1471669586689.jpg (716x520, 52K)

make really good features that requires an internet connection and system that can detect when a player changes the time too frequently, making time travel a bannable offence.

Attached: tumblr_p1dw29ADLH1rfn7teo1_400.jpg (400x240, 40K)

I'm glad that Chow came back to my town.

Attached: chow.png (359x390, 96K)

He is the shadow leader of your town

you know damn well that literally none of that has a chance of happening right?

We can dream.

>tumblr phoneposter

Attached: 1521772720836.png (818x670, 518K)

What do you want the shirt to be

It's pretty good for what it is, a bite sized taste of what the real animal crossing is

will always be my favorite

Attached: Dotty_NewLeaf_OfficialRender.png (286x583, 164K)

>no Tasha
fuck off

Attached: tasha.png (488x488, 48K)

do you guys think someone from anytown will be revealed?

for me its the able sisters

Attached: D7t7C-wUIAEQ-Z2.jpg (900x912, 70K)

There's nothing quite like the sweat of a hard working girl

Attached: thesploogepants.png (876x658, 417K)

yes, but new leaf made major improvements over city folk in every aspect except for dialogue and world generation and size despite being on weaker hardware, so I’m staying hopeful.

Get that shit away from me nigga.

Nice choice.

Attached: o1zcnkhqjeo21.png (1058x1058, 219K)


nvm I figured it out

Attached: 4u.png (200x331, 61K)

Best villager period.

my man

These are all good.


Attached: boomer_angus.png (1271x1778, 297K)

>get this asshole on city folk or wathever
>get him again in new leaf

Attached: 1508422613392.jpg (512x288, 38K)


>SF3 victory screen

I want to impregnate Bob

Attached: Witch Bob.jpg (500x530, 227K)

i want to hug dotty

Attached: Kid Cat.jpg (162x311, 10K)

He's great tho

Attached: bella.png (328x506, 140K)

Egbert's my bro. If we're counting special NPCs then it's Sable.

Attached: 7AAC1B45-C9C4-4F73-BAA5-CD60835B2F60.png (1057x1482, 1.01M)

He apparently only makes porn now. It's not very good

>Not a single Isabellefag ITT
Color me surprised

Attached: 1559144195563.gif (200x154, 935K)

I think we all just assume everyone likes her. Don't worry user you can still play all those old games where she isn't there to make it better

Special villagers don’t count

I think the fact that she's hardly ever brought up in "actual" AC discussions around here says a lot about Isabelle and her fans.

Attached: villagerpunch.png (701x592, 15K)

What are you talking about? People cry about her every AC thread.

post Punchy with a bong

whats there to say about her unless you're seething about her existance? She's just a town management NPC. Might as well discuss about the mail bird

More dialogue, and meaner dialogue like the one for the gamecube.

>no more rolling log
>size, scale and overall art style similar to the 2006 movie, or the MK8 track
>huge town (at least twice the size of the first game)
>all the cool geographical features they dropped in WW (
>whatever else NL forgot to bring back from the first game
>free 3rd person camera for an immersive experience
>shops and facilities are back in town
>the city is back, and acts as an MMO-styled hub where you can talk and trade with random players. like club tortimer, you can choose to go there offline if you want to
>height slider, shortest option is similar to the chibi characters from the pre-NL games but slightly taller (think villager from smash)
>more custom design options like pants, shoes, socks, etc.
>SOUL. energetic soundtrack similar to the first game's and focus more on atmosphere like the first game did. let blathers speak again and give sable new dialogue that isn't just copied and pasted from WW/CF. bring back WW's character episodes that gave more insight on the special NPCs' lives
>get rid of the mayor shit because it just gives them an excuse to make the villagers overly nice, and completely goes against the theme of AC being about living on your own. PWPs can still be a thing like in AFe+ where nook built them or like CF's town fund
>give resetti his balls back, have him do crazy shit like forcing the camera into first person or pretending to delete your data again
>isabelle shilling kept to the absolute minimum, rover or your villagers are the greeter again

Attached: C1817D2F-400D-4317-8BCB-509FAE1433DB.jpg (800x450, 548K)

my favorite villager
can't manage to have her move to my town in new leaf
life is suffering

Attached: 1460755199342.gif (400x400, 1.39M)

>that one villager you dont want that wont GTFO

Frobert, his house is where I want The Roost to be in NL and I've yet to place it because of that

>had her in every town on every system
>always moved close to me
>always liked tomboys
>favorite color is blue
Everything works out in the end.

Attached: bb.jpg (600x800, 25K)

this dude is my nigga, the only one left of my original new leaf town and I'm glad that it was him that stayed

Attached: my nigga.png (150x222, 38K)

The highest echelon nigga

Attached: Camofrog_NewLeaf_Official.png (297x458, 114K)