I got it, a thread!
I got it, a thread!
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Dutchposting is going to make the greatest comeback of the century when the PC port comes out.
Can't wait.
The Virgin Arthur vs The Chad Dutch
What the fuck was his problem?
lads, imagine if you will, what those huge sweaty sandbaggy gazungas must smell like after weeks secluded at shady bell in the middle of mucky and humid af buttfuck swamp. and many days going with out showering.
imagine lads.
Old and drunk and riding high off of vague past achievements of violence that people don't really care about anymore.
He didn't sleep with Chris Redfield's sister.
Watcha wyant, Artha?
Just completed the first bounty mission, and I am HATING every moment of this fucking game...
Why didn't I activate a cheat so that damn trophy didn't pop...
is there anything more satisfying than going up to that little faggot jack marston and shit-talking him to his face until he runs away in tears
I expect to see all of you in the threads, boys
Was RDR1 Dutch a meme? Or was he just hardly there?
What was the exact moment Dutch lost it?
Was it when he bumped his head?
all the anti PC fags will pretend its a shit meme that was never funny now that its not part of their sekret console club
happens with literally every delayed port
Go fucking play it what the fuck is wrong with you
I don't know Dutch, this doesn't seem like a good idea...
Way before that, fucker was unhinged in chapter two going by his speech notes. I'd say it was a combo of killing that girl on the ferry and living in the mountains.
Forced meme but still makes me laugh.
have a little F A I T H
He's part of the last act after you deal with Williamson and Escuella
this picture speaks to me. Do I have autism?
Your pusy
Faith? Oh just like making it to Tahiti!
>You play as a white man who is deceived and manipulated by a greedy schemer with a large nose
What, precisely, did Rockstar mean by this?
Dutch posting is one of the best things to ever happen to Yea Forums.
Dutch is based and redpilled though
Fuck off retard, he doesn't have a hooked nose. Big nose doesn't always equal kike. Strauss was the token hymie and even gave out loans to people he knew wouldn't be able to pay them back with insane amounts of usury on top.
Glad this didn't get GOTY.
The Dutch are notorious crypto-Jews
Dutch could have maybe held on longer or have never gone crazy if Arthur didn't get sick. The weaker Arthur got the stronger Micahs influence grew.
oc pls r8
But Micah did nothing wrong user
Dutch is Dutch/English his parents are from Rotterdam and Lincolnshire he says this at a campfire story
You know, for a game that's gotten a lot of praise for it's characters, Micah is a really fucking 1 dimensional bad guy.
He did betray them all in the end. So there is that. He also might make abominations of sewed up animals and people in a shack.
Hosea died like such a bitch
>Believing anything that Dutch says, at any point, ever.
Can you imagine?
>I'm afraid
My eyes were wet at this moment without really crying
Do you lads think Charles found happiness in Canada?
That's the point, you're supposed to fucking hate his ass
He doesn't go fully mental until after the trolley crash head injury that's when he loses it
Yea but he’s kinda of a pathetic evil than a straight up evil
That mission made me so mad. Hosea and Lenneh in one wombo combo.
Epilogue is better than the main game imo
He's the only person in camp that no one likes Arthur and Hosea are baffled as to why Dutch likes him
I forgot about lenny dying there to. What an awful thing they did to him.
How the fuck does Uncle survive for so long?
I agree, mainly because it feels more like a western since you're in the west. They drew things out with Dutch for too long in the main story. You can tell Dutch is a lying piece of shit whenever you arrive in not-Louisiana.
He's a conman not a fighter he barely comes along on most of the violent jobs
God, a man can only hope, user
Sometimes, people are one-dimensional. And the reason why Dutch liked him so much, Micah was the only one constantly sucking Dutch´s dick.
Don´t care, he brought the most shitty arc into the game with his reddies sob story. It was worse than the goddamn island.
Dutch was always bad.
Just finished a fic of Sadie pegging Arthur lads.
Thats kinda gay user
Dutch is resistant to his asskissing early on you can see Micah in camp trying to get the Blackwater money location out of him, it's only after he got a concussion or something he becomes susceptible
The whole theme of the game is that people don't change but become more of who they really are. Dutch was always a piece of shit.
I insist this thread 404s
John's just a better character than Arthur, no matter what the memers are saying.
I think there was always a certain level of hypocrisy behind what he was doing, romanticizing his gang activities as the last bastion of freedom in a corrupt and modernized world, but I think it's when Hosea died that he really lost what grounded his moral compass. After that, it was just a long cycle of pointless violence leading to nowhere.
Wait what? Where do you find evidence of Micah being behind that creepy taxidermy shack? If we’re thinking of the same one?
What is your most commonly used weapon loadout?
>Dual Schofields
>Repeating Shotgun
This. Arthur's only real good story arc is how he helps out the widow and her kid seeking redemption for killing her husband earlier.
Nah it worked on him the whole time. Everyone else could tell that Micah was a genuine piece of shit and common criminal that didn't fit in with the rest of the gang, and yet he got to stay simply because he knew what to say to appease Dutch's tremendous ego.
at no point, for no reason arthur became asshat for no reason heres what i mean
>shoot up thousands of people
>b-but muh old fag lady who also attacked dutch, how could you??
>kills thousands more
>m-muh over the line, how could you drown italian faglord?
>murders all families just like that
>w-when did we stoop so l-low?
total nigger
dual schofields in story and a lemat in my right hand and schofield in the left online
Do you think they'll announce the PC port this E3 or wait a couple years like with GTA? Also I hope they end up adding the option to buy and manage your own ranch in one of the future RDO updates. Ever since the end of RDR1 I wanted to take care of my own western farm in a vidya, and 2's epilogue certainly didn't help. You made us CEO and VIPs in GTA, let us run a ranch damnit!
I thought both were just as good. If anything, I´m pissed how little appriciation John showed Arthur.
They will probably wait the same amount of time they did to announce RDR1 on the PC
full of shit, your the only 1 dimensional here
How come John never talks about Arthur in RDR1?
>good and evil bar
>kill everything that moves and rob mofos because I want to see what happens
>bounty hunters annoyingly pop up randomly
>dead eye and kill em all
>go to back to camp
>come cunt says to me "hey arthur there's rumors of someone going around killing everybody ummm?"
what the fuck was the point
I thought the old lady in guarma was so fucking stupid, and they completely forget about taking the gold bar Dutch gave the lady back off her corpse! I was standing there the whole fuckin time like “Why can’t I pick it up? WHY”
Robert Duvall?
Did you not see their tearful goodbye?
I'm going on the warpath if online cucks out single player DLC again.
I’m a bad man, Mary-Ann...
>man with lumbago says he's "feeling stronger every day"
John just doesn't like talking about Arthur there's a little interaction with Jack and Abigail talking about Arthur saving them
I did terrible.. awful things..
He fell off his horse which caused him to forget
>try to play good
>story missions have you killing people that don't deserve killing
Really, what is the fucking point?
>roleplay as a bad guy.
>Start a mission
>Howdy mam have you met my friend colt?
>you attacked innocents
Same here. My Schofields in SP are black with pearl grips and gold inlays and the other is silver with ebony grips and black inlays.
I tried MP while it was free on PS4 but there's nowhere near enough in it for me to bother paying for PS+ just yet.
Yeah. Maybe cause the VA for him stays in almost the same range.
You're not meant to be pure good until chapter 6 Arthur does whatever it takes to help the gang, you can't max your honor until chapter 6 anyway so do the bandit challenges and stuff all you want.
This is RDR2, you´re delusional thinking this is Chernobyl, someone take this faggot to the infirmary.
before the game even starts
I got it, Yea Forums. We're gonna make counterfeit Yea Forums passes. Get mobile IPs range banned. drive up the demand them *voice crack* SELL SELL SELL
check the shed in his final hold up in the mountains
>tfw the wild west died
I just want to ride along the Chisholm trail with my trusty Peacemaker and my loyal horse
Shit doesnt make sense. Why did Micah betray everyone and fuck up the heist? They could have gotten away rich then and there, instead he wanted to drag this shit out.
Dutch is more of a cult leader or a used car salesman than a Jew. I honestly like how much Rockstar put in walking the player thru the plans of Hosea and Dutch.
There's always an element of danger or lack of oversight that was missing in V's well planned heists.
what exactly was Dutch's problem, for real
A lot of it is still empty and you can open carry. We're still free user
>tfw when no thicc drunk gf who will pass out halfway through while i bust a stealth nut in her
Yeah...Sounds wonderful. Yeah, I got nothing to lose, but...
Ya'know, the newfags, and the lurkers and the players, I mean I'm afraid I have to insist, we gotta let 'em go! Because if the jannies come back here they will ban EVERYONE.
Listen to the casefile and last podcast on the left series on Jonestown and Jim Jones. You'll quickly realize how perfectly R* captured a cult leader with socialist ideals
I miss RDR 2 threads from last year
The melancholic music playing as the old timey photo style screencaps scroll past in the loading screens make me feel things
The law was closing in on him, his plans were failing, and people either died or abandoned the camp.
Montana is larger than many countries in the EU by itself and it's fucking empty. You can do it, user. This is a wonderful country.
If you go back to the camp Micah has in Big Valley during that coach robbery mission you can find a wanted poster of Dutch and a newspaper clipping about his past. He was playing many angles he wanted the reward for Dutch possibly and the Blackwater money.
>let a friend borrow the game for a while
>gets past chapter 1 and says he really likes Micah
He's going to be in for a shock.
Alright, you convinced me user
Looking at some cowboy LARP associations and lever actions right now.
Yea Forums what is your opinion of this conversation between Dutch and Hosea
Cowboy action shooting is cool
>is Dutch
For me, its West Elizabeth
The comfiest state
There's an Irish guy called Irish in RDR1 and you kill his buddies Welsh and French
b-but muh mountain dew awards
>Going to the professors lab as John
This and Ace Combat 7 had some sexy ass clouds
Did the robot kill him?
I N S I S T ?
>didnt win the one that mattered
jack is so annoying in the epilogue, I wish you could shit talk him as john
I urironically want to go to Tahiti on holiday.
Yeah and it's gone
he doesn't talk about anyone but dutch, javier and bill in rdr1, even though charles and sadie helped him a lot too.
they simply didn't plan the story this far back then
West Elizabeth has alot of diversity one minute you're in a forest and the next you're in the great plains with buffalo all over
>he's a common man
Bull fucking shit. Hosea himself always mentions that in his hayday he was more deadly than all the men in the camp put together. Also he's the only other one beside Micah who has his guns facing forward, so the man had superhuman reflexes to draw opposite like that.
Yeah, the one where fortnite got the award and/or the one where rdr2 won like at least 70% of all awards
>You need some help in there?
I thought his antics were funny in the intro and that he'd be a comic relief. I'd never been more wrong about something.
I'm sure the bump did something, but he was always shit, and his desperation combined with recklessness finally got through to Arthur and John
>charles gives me that whole spiel about not massacring buffalo for material wealth
>I go slaughter entire herds so I can get like 5 fat cubes for a handful of explosive slugs and some furs for a nice vest
Best mission in the whole game and series coming through.
In RDR1 there's only like 20 Bison left in a single big herd they literally go extinct if you kill them all
>not the final mission as John
Nah. The whole John epilogue just sours the Arthur and gang storyline.
I like John, but I just felt kind of burnt out by the end because I didn't give a shit about Micah anymore and didn't think he was worth risking everything that we had built up during the epilogue for.
Sadie dragging me on her murder field trip and killing Micah's unarmed ex-companion in cold blood didn't help.
It’s sitting on a mountain in the northwest of Ambarino even 4 years later.
>music was in sync with the horses
>only had original gang members while the Rat and Kieran stayed behind to demonstrate just how ruthless they are when one of their own, a child no less is in danger
>Dutch giving battle orders like a true leader
Best high point of the game
>When the OG theme kicks in for the first time
whats the best way to level in RDR online?
stranger missions? i cant seem to find gang hideouts which suck
also why the fuck arent their purchasable wagons for hauling pelts and corpses, that would be so amazing.
John goes after Micah to avenge Arthur nothing more he had to do it to pay him back for his sacrifice if at least a little
sniping birds with varmint rifle
the skybox in RDR games makes my iron become big iron
Yeah, the volumetric clouds is really impressive. The way they just roll across the sky like real clouds is really cool. My only gripe is that the weather will sometimes change from blue sky to overcast within a second, and that there's no option to match in game time to a real time 24 hour clock.
The game looked incredible even on my regular PS4. I loved riding my horsey around just exploring. Too bad there wasn't much to do.
John is done with it all at that point but as soon as Sadie says she’s found him John knows he has to do it for Arthur. The last thing John tells Arthur is that he’s his brother, and he tells Abigail that they owe the ranch and everything to his sacrifice.
And its also part of John's nature to use violence. Almost every situation he has to resolve in the epilogue is done through violence, even if he does so reluctantly. Its simply a part of his character.
>Instead of a singleplayer expansion pack we get a dogshit tacked on multiplayer
>Just you left is it?
>Yeah, just me
>Dead eye into a kino ass cinematic kill cam
God damn, i love this game. I love this setting
>LeMat and Evans are locked to MP
>all new guns will be locked to MP because TakeTwo wants to repeat GTAO with cowboys
What hat is that?
Man, i just want my fucking online heists
You’re right. Even in the beginning of the epilogue they’re in hiding because John killed a guy who he writes in his journal “just for looking at me funny.” I almost wish we could have more insight into Arthur and John’s childhood together. I know at first it was just Dutch, Hosea and Arthur, who was the fourth member? How soon after did Dutch pick up Arthur? I like thinking of Arthur being a tough big brother figure when they were younger.
I been kIllin... Animals....... for no reason .. it's like I can't control myself..
like I'm in..... in a ..... a VIDEO GAME
There's still a chance considering RDO is dead in the water already
There was an user who claimed to be a Rockstar employee who posted a lone post in a thread ~1 month ago thanking Yea Forums for all the love and how he's glad they loved the game. He also gave some insight into an upcoming UN2, that sounded pretty plausible, but i don't remember shit about it.
yes I know it's probably fake but I like to believe that post has some truth to it because of the guy thanking people for the enthusiasm
Prison Guard hat, I think
I use the lancaster, dual silver cattleman's revolvers with long barrels/ sometimes a Mauser, and occasionally the good ol double barrel shotgun
Benjamin Byron Davis
>That said, I think there are pretty notable turning points for him. One of the things that’s interesting about the structure of the game is that Dutch keeps encountering men who occupy the states that Dutch imagines he wants to occupy.
>He encounters this sort of queen in Catherine Braithwaite, and most notably when the game gets to Saint Denis and counteract with Bronte, you find this very sort of strong figurehead who is both law abiding citizen but he’s also a king.
>So I think if there is something that contributes to his decline mentally, if that’s the way to describe it, I think it’s the realization that this dream that he has of creating this utopia that all the gang can live in peace, he sees other people that have gone in that direction that they become corrupted to the point that Dutch does not want to be.
>I think he finds himself rather shocked, and I think in that constriction of the reality that he can’t quite have the life that he’s been promising himself and his followers, he starts to unravel.
Red Dead Redemption 1 has a better soundtrack
John joined around the same time as Arthur but he's a decade younger so he was 6 or 7 years old and Arthur was 15 or 16
wait what how do you know this
I think I killed all those buffalo
It has a more memorable soundtrack for sure
Deadman's Gun and Compass are incredible
>Dutch, for me… the Dutch that has Hosea by his side is a very different man than Dutch when he doesn’t have Hosea by his side.
>As for is he a good man… if you can find room for forgiveness in the heart for someone who will kill a woman’s son in front of her…
>I definitely think he’s a principled man. I’ve seen this response from people playing the game they have this interpretation of Dutch that he’s just cheating everybody and scamming everybody all along. And that’s not something that agrees with the way that I view the character.
>I think that he’s actually quite sincere and he’s not as good as he hopes he is at getting things accomplished.
exploration? yeah, otherwise? no
now I knooooooooooooow the only compass that iii neeeeeeeed
There's an achievement for it
>and now I knoooooow
>the only compass that I neeed
>is the one that leads back to youuuuu
There's an achievement for it
>trying to grow out Arthur's beard
I'm at a level 8 beard but holy fuck does this shit become tedious at times.
But GTAO's weapons were added to the singleplayer so your fallacy fails
only when the game was re-released.
Only the first few guns in the first year or so were, the later ones were MP only.
>first mission out with him literally has dialogue about him killing bandits that morning
Come on, user.
Does anyone actually like Bill?
Cool blog faggot
felt pity for him
Red Dead 2 has a much bigger one alot of missions have completely unique tracks you never see reused again and old favorites like youtube.com
This was a really good game, huh.
I'm playing God of War atm, and it pales in comparison.
I can't wait for PC version and (hopefully) mods. More realistic survival would be cool.
the actor
Fuck off with your "buy a building for ten million dollars and pick up supplies every 2 hours" bullshit. Online was a mistake, R* should have stuck with single player, and God do I hope they give us some dlc
that reminds me
>tfw no Survival/Hardcore Mode DLC that disables auto aim, has AI use throwables, and increases damage inflicted on the player
might be the greatest shootout song ever
absolute 10/10 in every context
You can disable autoaim you know
yeah, I don't know why I included that there. i even play with it off. my bad.
I insist.
>Dutch leaves Arthur for dead at the oil factory
>Arthur doesn't even mention it
The Pinkertons are nothing by RDR1 Edgar Ross founds the Bureau of Investigation and the FBI is even worse
You some kind of time traveler? EFF BEE EYE?
>no way to get Gila Monster or Pecarary skins as Arthur
>tfw No DLC where you play as Uncle in his early days where he was know as "The One Kid" and live out his crazy and outrageous adventures by getting shitfaced in a bar, sleeping with married women. Robbing said women,and getting either chase outta town by the husbands or fighting your way out
I like Uncle i want to play as him
his VA is dead and he has 2 VAs as a result in RDR2.
Herbalist challenge 9 too New Austin has unique plants. You can do Horseman van horn to blackwater as Arthur with a top tier horse.
VA died mid recording. Mount Hagen is in the game as a memorial to him
i don't give a fuck about the challenges. I want the skins. Fuck you invisible sniper.
Do you think we're gonna get another Undead Nightmare, or do you think they're gonna make something even more wild, like a tolkienesque fantasy or Arthurian legend
That's Landon Ricketts' VA, not Uncle's. You're thinking of John O'Creagh, and all his lines were redone with a new VA
Don't think there's any loophole methods they patched them all. You could delete your game data and reinstall to 1.0 version to do the gitch.
You’re the reason why rockstar cuck is out of a story mode dlc
God damn that really sucks but there is James Mcbride that did all of the work and voice, but just imagine
>Jack cant sleep and he doesnt want to wake John and Abigail
>Uncle is still up and jack tells him he cant sleep
>Uncle wants to help jack so he tells him some stories of his past to get him to fall asleep
>All of his crazy adventures as the one shot kid
now you imagine that one pic made by that one artist of that rdr2 woman that they rescued in the first act who doesnt cut vegetables for living. hot as fuck
King Arthur would be fucking badass
Pirate Arthur please!
>all his lines were redone
No they weren't. And no I'm not thinking of ricketts
>they brag about 52 unique weapons
>literally just RDR1's roster of firearms with the only new guns being the Varmint Rifle and 1887 shotgun, the rest are just gay reskins of the knife and axe
slightly disappointed desu
wanted more customization too, like peep sights, aperture sights, case hardening, side shell holders, etc
>No mexico
That'll be in the SP expansion pack which will be a straight remaster of RDR1 with the new engine and gameplay mechanics
Why the fuck would you make Arthur look like that?
I forgot that he's lefthanded so he actually is the only duel ive lost in this game because I didnt see his hand moce
It was also the point where they lost control, burning down the mansion got them kicked out of YET ANOTHER region and cornered outside San Denis, and from there the only way Dutch saw forward was a suicidal bank robbery and getting snookered by a crime boss that was smarter than him
By then the escapades were just Dutch getting revenge on everyone that made him look bad.
One conversational anecdote does not make something the theme
It does when it keeps appearing and repeated over and over at key moments in the game
>is Dutch
It makes sense why he would see "civilization" as a dead end. The Dutch were some of the earliest colonists and were making bank until the English stole their colonies. The Dutch bought Manhattan island, called it New Amsterdam until the British seized it by force and renamed it New York
The Dutch played by the rules and bought their way into the US only to have it stolen. By proxy, maybe Dutch felt he was denied his family's legacy and sees no point in trying to live honestly.
Oh wait a wiki says his father was a Dutch national and "Dutch" isn't his legal name:
Dutch is basically:
>Cowboys! Oulaws! American Robin Hood and his band of merry men, stealing from those who deserve it, and giving it to those who deserve it more (us)! A big dream and an open road... free...
Arthur/Hosea/America is basically:
>Maybe like 15 year ago in the truly "wild" west, but now with laws and rights and systems to enforce those laws and rights, it's no longer cool to just murder some random civilian family as collateral in your quest for greed/greatness. You chase the infinite macguffin of money, with the promise that "enough" money will somehow lead to freedom from all responsibilities/consequences, but we all know this is just not true, and no matter how loud you sing LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER MY NOBLE OUTLAW FREEDOM with your fingers in your ears, it won't stop the inevitable systems controlling the country from eventually cornering you, trying you for all the "innocent crimes" you've committed in life, and executing you like the actual criminal and murderer you are, if you don't change your/our ways soon
And Micah is basically:
>Fuck that, I'm with you Dutch! WOO YEAH OH YEAH outlaws! We're the real noble and free ones with the power, not those evil "government" fools who don't know how the world really works, unlike you, Dutch! Say, where did we hide that recent stash again...? Just askin' for uhh... security reasons.
i didn't really notice how great the lighting was for this game until this mission, there was something about it that really popped out to me
Went through this mission using two fancy sawn-offs loaded with slugs.
It was a good choice.
I think it was the part during the 1st chapter, the snowstorm at night where your lamp cast all these cool flickering shadows through the flurries and trees that really first impressed me about the lighting.
When he starts siding with Micah for some stupid reason
Man this game is gorgeous user's
is there anything more satisfying than getting the slomo kill shot with the semi auto shotgun loaded with explosive slugs and the body parts start flying through the scene?
There's a still a chance. If nothing is announced around E3 that is when I will ose hope
the light in the final area where they camped in the forest was very impressive too. the way the light broke and scattered through the trees was really nice.
I can only hope to god that R* are teasing us and they want to make a sandbox pirate game.
Ubisoft dropped the ball (they even did a survey that overwhelmingly resulted in people wanting a NON-ASSASSIN open world pirate game, but ignored the results), and if R* can take the reins on that one, then they could actually make a big explorable world that is worth exploring (lots more dangerous fauna to document in the new worlds) and coming back to for things to do (raiding other ships, making successful transports across the sea, becoming a trader of goods or slaves, etc.) unlike the beautiful but rather dull world of RDR2, where one quickly finds themselves with nothing to do but kill other players online, to get money to buy things that they either already have, or make no difference because all they can do is kill people for money in an endless cycle in a world seemingly frozen in time.
>those subtle tan-lines
I'm not gay but I would suck his dick as bros
I've actually got a lot of shit to do post game, but i haven't touched it since the day i saw the true credits. i lent it out, now that i think abou tit. I'll get back around to it someday, but it need more time to build up the urge. fucking amazing game, though - not the best, but truly a pleasure to sink dozens of hours into
I honestly think that Molly gave him syphilis because of how ragged he looks in the first game.
One of the few games that actually made camping out and hunting animals actually pretty fun.
The fishing minigame sucks though, rotating the thumbstick at a trillion RPM is gay.
after the guarma missions i had a severe itch for rockstar to do a pirate sandbox game. i actually enjoyed black flag though, its mindless fun despite it being in that stupid series
It really doesnt though. One time with Rain Falls. Another with Sadie. Rain Falls doesnt even fucking know Dutch and Sadie doesn't buy. John does to be fair
I wouldn't want zombies because it isn't 2010 anymore, but I definitely want a horror supernatural DLC
Maybe something that involves werewolves, vampires, or even native american folklore creatures would be great
Arthur comes back as a vampire to get revenge on Micah and Dutch.
Native american and early settler spooks would be fantastic, they're very rarely done in videogames.
The voodoo zombies in the bayou were cool too.
>half a year since RDR 2
>no word on single player DLC
>RDO "content" is pretty pathetic
I swear they must be working on GTA 6 or something
I live in louisiana so i don't have to imagine.
It's like living in a sauna, underwater.
not that guy but i never once cut arthur's hair, changed the style a couple times but i didn't make it shorter. felt that suited his character arc by the end of the game
I let him keep his mountain man beard after the diagnosis, felt more in character
its kinda easier if you hold the right analog stick like a fishing reel and set the controller on your lap. also, i dont think going super fast helped that much, its usually an endurance battle with the legendaries.
also, did anyone else know you could steal and operate the steam powered fishing boats you see out on the lake? its not easy, but its possible and they fucking move like magic
I hope they go more with Butchers Crick/ Brood inbred cannibals. I mean there's a satanic pentagram that lights up at 3:00 on the dot underneath the floorboards in one of butchers crick shack. They have so much shit to play around with for Undead Nightmare 2 material it's insane.
Murfree Brood were creepy as fuck
>mfw I stumbled on their cave hideout way before Arthur and the gang moved up there
Purged the fuck out of those freaks with my pump action and molotovs
im guessing the next red dead game will be about the gang before the blackwater disaster?
It's not a pentagram.
Look where it's located on the map.
Right below the R.
It's rockstar referencing themselves.
First come PS5 and Xbox Two ports, then after their release PC port.
They might surprise us by releasing it at the same time with next gen console rerelease tho.
They should just do an entirely new set of characters for the next one. Maybe have some of the minor characters from RDR1/RDR2 for fanservice.
When he shot Heidi McCourt
I hope they set it in the actual heyday of the wild west
gimme those delicious black powder guns
That’s a mighty fine RDR thread you fellers got
Where’s the Redemption in that?
I’m going to dump some of my screenshots
And then Molly and the rest of the gang slowly start to distrust and dislike Dutch. Dutch would rather be praised by a man he knows is a parasitic sycophant rather than be criticized by a man he loves like a son
RDR2 on a technical standpoint is probably the best game ever made.
Gamewise Its probably the best game ever made
Last one is from the launch day, it’s still my favorite
Mac Callander sacrificing himself so everyone can get away? Ends with Milton mercy killing him as he struggles to breath as his chest is reminiscent of swiss cheese.
Should I start a 3rd playthrough, boys? Or should I finish Days Gone first?
Keep at it user it takes real life time134
I'm not much of a zombie guy, so the setting just doesn't grab me as much as RDR2
Well you can't have authentic poker in Days Gone so I'd go with a third playthrough.
Keep chugging hair tonics. You'll see beard growth with each mission if you keep drinking hair tonics.
That's the point. John disregards Arthur's last words and goes back for revenge which sets him on a path to killed by the army. Just like how Jack dooms himself after he kills Ross. The point of RDR is that there is no redemption.
That silence before the shooting started was chilling
Dutch as always crazy it's just Arthur and Hosea kept him on track. Minus Hosea but with Micah Arthur just wasn't enough to keep him going.
I think Bill was shit on too much, but he's still an idiot
Dutch went crazy after the constant failures which led to his men getting killed. Saint Denise bank robbery was the tipping point because he watched Hosea get executed like some lame horse.
Dutch is just ass at planning every job with Dutch goes to shit but when you rob a bank with fucking Bill all goes just fine
Dutch is too stuck on trying to plan a big KEIKAKU DOORI kind of robbery which is always too complicated for its own good, but the robbery in Valentine was also easier since its a cowpoke town and not the biggest city on the map.
Robbing an armed escort bank boat and a city bank is way bigger risk than some dusty shithole like Rhodes with maybe 2,000 dollars.
It might be bugged. There is a video on YouTube that shows the beard and hair growth of Arthur and John over time, and mentions running into a bug that's solved by holding down the shoulder and trigger buttons during the splash screens of the game, it does like a cache clear and fixes boards. It worked for me because I was stuck at 8 now its maxed
This is actually a good idea
>Burning lady comes in
The game implies he was always unhinged from the beginning when he killed that mother on a ferry. He was already suspicious of everyone in chapter 2 including Arthur. It's just the bump on the head that made all of his true nature come out and made him too far gone. Which is why more people started leaving after
>There are people in this thread, who's Arthur was clean-shaven with max hair length.
>There are people in this thread who let Arthur grew a disgusting, lice ridden and unkempt beard.
>No large ass werewolf expansion where Arthur comes back from the grave
>No cryptid hunting
Also Arthur's journal notes that they had enough money to buy a ranch and retire but Dutch said it "wasn't the right time". So then they robbed a ferry at blackwater, under Micah's recommendation.
I feel attacked
>buttoned up collar
We need to revive the tranny Dutch posting
Long hair and thick mustache are top tier and I'll fucking fight you on that
Blackwater is DLC. It's time to close Van Der Line's chapter and open a new tale trough a new Red Dead title. I want my 1970's peak Wild West goddammit.
The exact moment Dutch lost it happened prior to the game. Arthur explains that it has been a long, long, long time since the gang actually helped anyone. (You could say Sadie was 'helped' -- I guess.)
When exactly that was isn't really mentioned. Later on in RDR John says that they stole only in order to help people but that period didn't last forever. By the time of RDR2 they were already a notorious outlaw gang of killers and thieves.
>Rescue Micah from jail
>Immediately genocides an entire town on his way out and brutally murders someone who had his guns
>Arthur didn't even so much as mention this to anybody
>go a tiny bit off the script on any mission and get a FAIL message
>sometimes the game won't even let you pick the weapons you want before a shootout (had to kill enemies that were very far away with a shitty revolver once)
For a game that praises liberty, it really shackles its players when they want.
I want vampire Arthur who was bit by the Saint Dennis vampire. When he dies on the mountain he awakens as a vampire. Now it is his job to survive and figure out how to deal with being a vampire. You can feed off of animals to have less hunters after you but the blood won't give you any bonuses, or increase the hunters out for you by hunting humans and getting stat bonuses.
I thought Dutch does take it off of her.
Red Dead Revenant aka expanded Undead Nightmare as the main story and premise. It's Weird West Horror like Deadlands, Jonah Hex, and Hunt : Showdown where Americana folklore beings and Tall Tales critters roaming around. You play as a man named Reid, a survivor of slaughtered Rangers. The Strange Man from RDR series will appear and play a pivotal role in this game.
The game is pretty
I think you need to read that again
Hosea and Dutch respect eachother in a way that stops this from devolving into Dutch shouting over Hosea for disagreeing with him like it would've been had Bill said what Hosea said, the explanation Hosea gives for why the Southerners did what they did would've been ignored and discredited by Dutch had it been said by someone he didn't absolutely respect like Hosea.
Also it's really ironic how Dutch, a murdering lying thieving outlaw's the one contemplating the whole abstract philosophy shit about, "why man so violents?"
It's a good one though, since for once Dutch doesn't go full turbotism about muh daddy muh fuck the South, and it shines a light on Dutch's innate lack of self awareness.