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Why is she drinking a jug of semen?

It's "Cloudwine", an alcoholic beverage.

Wanted to marry Caska when I started the game. Discovered that witch waifu was the best option. I don't regret a thing.

Selene's best girl. She needs more porn.

dropped the manga as soon as it turned out their "true forms" are a bunch of busty highschool girls

She ordered it. Why would she order something and not drink it?

Whats the translation?

What exactly is going on in this image?

Look at what's in the guy's hand in the upper left, then look at her left hand.


After you beat the Dragon, you technically marry whomever you had the best relationship with. Talking to the most, giving the most gifts, escorting to a destination. Mercedes loves an item named cloud wine (which she is drinking). The fan community determined that it's because her role in the game is to be a disgraced wanna-be knight, that is spared in a duel by a devoted and talented, but crazy knight.

She-goat in the MCs thought bubble is crying, thinking that the marriage ring is given to her out of pity and because shes weak, MC is telling her to stop crying and to take the ring.
Hes thinking in the bottom left that this isnt what he expected, Selene, best girl is bringing her more food and just says "more".

She needs some fucking eyebrows is what she needs

I beat Daimon the other day with my pawn, it was fun.

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It's her beloved's special brew of cloudwine.

Selene is also trying to kill her since that's a poison consumable on the tray, which is understandable since the Arisen has given both of them marriage rings.

She has eyebrows, they just blend into her eyeshadow really well on her model.

>With my pawn
Hmmm. I beat him last night with the Avalon sword (UR Dragon Offline) and using the upgraded Gouge ability on his second form's face.

I never thought I would have to combine so many items to survive, but I brought pretty much my entire inventory of items and beat him.

good eye! first time I notice

I'll always love that face Selene makes in that image.

Is there a physical copy for the switch or is it just digital?
Can't find it anywhere.

>Selene's trying to kill her and the Arisen's given both of them Marriage rings

Holy shit, never noticed. Thought Selene was just there to server her more food and shit.

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If you forge/craft more arisen's bond rings they function the same as the original one so this arisen was trying to build a harem.

Ended up with Reynard
Had some gay kissing during end credits...

Only a real man's game would make you prove you're not gay.

Holy fuck. I need to finish my playthrough if I can make a harem.

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You still only get one beloved, though if you do Selene's sidequest she moves to your house regardless and Madeleine moves to Cassardis in post-game if you do hers so you can end up with those two plus your actual wife.

>According to The Faith pawns aren't mentioned and thus don't appear to aid the Arisen in ancient times
>Implying that one of the Seneschal long ago created them to help the Arisen along his way
Any other neat things like this you guys found out about?

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Pretty sure that was my second playthrough.
>time to kill dragon!
>wait, I haven't finished Reynards quest!
>gotta do that now!
And then my arisen was gay.

Jahy-sama is better anyway.

Both in my little hut?

Selene will be in your house with your wife. Madeleine will be in the inn.

Dragon's Dogshit is the worst pile of garbage Yea Forums has ever memed me into playing.


Never knew how much NPC dialogue changes throughout the game until I bothered talking to everyone in my most recent playthrough. Sucks that such cool lore is stuck behind such terrible presentation and an empty overworld even if that is part of the charm.

>no bulge


Anyone got pics of pawns for character create?

>there are people who play this game erotically

You are all ruined for marriage. Begone, thots.

That my father loves me deeply.

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Go look up /ddg/ in archives.

It's make from "nut" and harspud "milk". The she-goat likes cloudwine, so if you don't wan't your arisen to be gay you can always drown her in it.

I don't understand how there wasn't blood in the streets after the whole she-goat thing. The strong independent woman of color is utterly humiliated when it comes time to actually fight.

But not a word from SJWs. Not that I'm complaining but I'm just baffled given that they go ballistic over far less.

SJW's only care about bitching about popular things such as 1) popular western games and 2) anime aesthetic japanese games. Western aesthetic japanese games that aren't popular do not even appear on their radar.

The complaints I saw were that girls get thongs and breast plates whiles guys are more covered. Not really too social justicey, it annoys normal people sometimes.

Most of them probably never got that far

who's the goth cutie?

It's a trap, his name is Cletus.

I'm more annoyed that the guys don't get to wear the thongs and breastplates since they're some of the most powerful clothes/armor at endgame.

She's too cute so they can't self-insert, if it was an ugly white bitch they'd complain.

>that tummy

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>all female team
>The Ancient Quarry

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I just now noticed Selene has a mouth...looks weirder now.

Unrelated but I'm starting DD on switch, which class is the most fun?

Is there any girl in video games who embodies "only attractive in fanart" better than the she-goat? She's not really hot at all, has a rather boyish figure and ugly hair. Only Berserk fans who lust over Caska would really find her that attractive. And Caska isn't that hot either.

no one complained that you can fuck a child?

t. closet pedo

I personally like using strider. But any class is fun, except IMO mage since it implies standing still a lot.

Why would you order semen? I cannot imagine paying for cum in a restaurant when it is usually free..

oh, that's what they told you it was? i'm so sorry sweaty

Strider's the go-to "fun" class. It gets massive bonuses to climbing and it has the most fun spammable ability, Helm Splitter, as well as getting access to bows. Also a fucking dodge roll.

A lot of people get tricked by Mystic Knight, Warrior, and Fighter. In general, these are boring classes. Any class that doesn't use daggers doesn't have a dodge roll, which makes combat very sluggish. Blocking is fine, but it doesn't make up for the lowered mobility. Hence the fun classes are Assassin, Magick Archer, Ranger, and Strider.

Mystic Knight especially can be deceiving because you look up endgame videos of heavily-geared people and it looks really cool, like you're doing one perfect block and it annihilates the enemy, but in reality MK's perfect blocks are all fairly weak and are heavily reliant on your stats. You'll finally start using them and you'll realize how clunky and slow they are.

They're all fun. I have the most fun with Strider for it's unique dagger skills and innate fast climb speed and damage increase while climbing, and Sorcerer because spells are fucking amazing in this game. But honestly every class has something going for it and they all play differently enough to warrant checking them all out. The vocations you can learn as you level them can be equipped cross-class so there's incentive for switching whenever you get bored. Stat gains on level up are different for each class but you get such a huge amount of your stats from gear that it is negligible.

Dragon's Dogma has to be the most overrated game on Yea Forums

>all male team
>Rotwood Deposiotry

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Not overrated enough for me to try it.