Was he right?
Was he right?
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i bet his lawyer called him a retard
B p
I never got this. He says except fan art but I thought it was just a piece of fan art. Either I can't read or don't remember the full context.
>literally "original character do not steal"
>on le B^U self insert man
Yeah because why would that kid want to use anything by fuckley out of everything on the planet?
>I’m gonna make sure it’s done right
I’d put it under the supervision of somebody else then you absolute fuckhead
Timmy "B^U" Fuckley is deluded in thinking there's artists worse than himself
This is a joke, right? It looks pretty much exactly like his style
>Done right
One of the most assholish things I have ever read. Really amazing.
I actually thought that was his drawing but just done even lazier. I have no idea how he functions with his head that far up his own ass
Did anything become of this?
The full context is something like this from what I remember:
>be B^Uckley in the year c.Current Year - 14
>working on making CAD Animated Series
>some faggot posts a clip of a flash animation starring the CAD characters that he made for a college project or something
>Buckley goes apeshit on him and writes the litigious wall of text pictured, since the fanimation would potentially distract from his own animated series and potentially cause retards to conflate the two
So yeah, it was about an animation rather than just a drawing, so Buckley's ire is more justified.
>When you claim to know copyright law but don't know it
>potentially cause retards to conflate the two
If I were that kid I'd delete it just so I wouldn't be accidentally associated with the shitshow that was the official animated series.
>so Buckley's ire is more justified.
No, it isn't.
Also I should point out that the aforementioned "Well you fucked up" wall of text was written on his forums in the thread where the guy had posted is fan animation. It was later copy-pasted onto that shitty fan art by some chucklefuck here for some reason.
Notice how I didn't say it was completely justified you mouthbreather. Also webcomic artists were always kind of funny about anyone making animations of their work without their permission from what I recall.
I guarantee it didn't. It was probably just a fan paying homage. Well, I'm sure he WAS a fan.
Where is the loss edits
Buckley's art is trash, so no, no amount of anger towards his undeserved fans is "justified." He should be thanking them for paying his shit comic any attention at all.
it's hilarious because for scholastic purposes, it's fair use
now distribution beyond academics is copyright infringement
He isn't even 0.1% justified you autist
Also it's not my fault if webcomic artists are entirely ignorant of US copyright law. I can make all the fanart and animations I want. Suck my dick.
Do you think anyone bought these?
Imagine decking out your 360 with some lit B^U merch
I liked when he drew Link shittily and someone here shopped the same paragraph next to it.
This is a good one
>I can make all the fanart and animations I want.
you can do it all within the comfort of your own home and this is called private use which justifies a lot of things such as vcr tapes according to sony v universal
distribution of fanart can cause misrepresentation of product which can lead to a lawsuit
at the same time, throwing a shitfit over fanart is really autistic
Didn't he plagiarize some random artist's goth chick ?
At least he had a girlfriend and had sex unlike you faggots.
It's really my fault for coming to Yea Forums in the first place and not expecting you tards to AKSHUALLY me with your nitpicky non-points. I was just trying to explain the backstory. Continue wallowing in your own shit at your leisure.
This abomination is what happens the minute he isn't dragging and dropping shit.
says the virgin
Why would I have a girlfriend if I'm a faggot?
Chad Link
imagine thinking this is praiseworthy
is he capable of drawing anything not at 3/4 angle
Is this real?
Yeah he did, and then he tried to deny it before owning up to it and changing the design I think.
he'd first have to be capable of drawing
>is he capable of drawing anything
Woah what the fuck why did is he drawing someone else's character wow that's illegal
he got permission
I like how he threw this shitfit but then used the Swedish Chef in one of his videos.
Whatever happened to this moron? Did he off himself yet?
I miss the old days of the Annotation Station or whatever it's called now.
I want to go back...
Its much worse
Oh god.
It's like a fucking modern art.
This one's my favorite
every tiem
>people throw money at B^U
Oh what a world we are living in...
People paid like 20 bucks for this shit back in the day
Some """"episodes"""" are like a minute long with the rest being the opening and credits.
>that blind ferret
>cringey as fuck animated CAD
God damn, this took me back to 2008 Yea Forums.
Every hack webcomic artist has a Patreon where people gladly give them free money, it's insane.
That Jeph Jacques guy was raking in like 9k a month last I checked.
Sweet Jesus, I can draw too. Just give me an idea for webcomic and I'll make it and rake in patreon dosh.
>buckley is still making webcomics and he's actually making ends meet off patreon
what the fuck, i was hoping he moved back to his parents like dobson
why do the good buckleys end up dead but this one can't sing, can't draw but here he is, the same beat-to-death lulcow as ever. alive and kicking.
>he moved back to his parents like dobson
I'm sorry what?
It's a wonder how he does it. Who the fuck is giving him the time of day? I mean the only time of day I'd give him is a knockout punch to his jaw.
Make a comic about Tails getting retribution for being trolled. Totally original concept
I'm still fucking LIVID about CAD the annotated series being completely nuked from Youtube.
Fucking cunts ruined the best part of 200X Yea Forums
Removing annotations was a mistake
That's what I mean, that series was some of the funniest community effort to ever come out of Yea Forums