How do you learn to make pixel art?

How do you learn to make pixel art?

Attached: D6ZyY1ZWwAEgXJS.png (384x256, 3K)

Other urls found in this thread:!U5tBxK5a!0D1bb1aGVFgo3RFZLIMo7w!sMkgXSyK!XTmJxGaDMWd8mOerP4MEZg!n5oGhQCD!xMrDFFEwR0khHdNYjQvzXO9fu97G0STAevqeVszXT0c

Just like make it man. It's not rocket science.

learn to paint

step one is delete that image from your computer and don't look at shit like that again

look at other pixel art and see how they do it, then just keep trying it yourself

practice redrawing real objects like buildings and faces.
its like painting in a way because at first you want to avoid drawing "outlines" (think of them as shadows) until you can portray how light hits the object and learn to shade by using color gradients (like how the tip of the shovel goes from light to a darker teal)
sorry if this is confusing user i just woke up

learn how to draw. that's how you do it.

On a lite-brite?

Dude, I learned Isometric flat design in two days, just look for a tutorial somewhere and start practicing

just copy Hyper Light Drifter, easiest style ever

Somebody post the web of the grill

why do these look tasty?

Are you American?

no, britbong

Attached: 1546762780992.jpg (373x498, 21K)


they're not rock candy

Use Paint and copy Pokemon sprites.

There is a 10 dollar course on udemy that is pretty good for beginners. As far as software goes, check out aseprite. Start off small with a limited color palette. Look up Game Boy games or anything before that and try to recreate those sprites. Aseprite has those color palettes so it's not too hard to get into.

Attached: WaterMelon high res.gif (160x160, 1K)


you might as well be american then

did you make that?

if this is yours, you need to try again. this watermelon looks ugly as sin

Yeah, its just something I made real quick. I still need a lot of practice, but ill eventually get there.


step 1 - make pixel art

>go to ms paint
>shrink the thingy down to where you can draw on it at 800% zoom
>use the smallest pencil tool
>finish your art
>select it and size it up

There you go, here's something I did a couple months ago with that method

Attached: gun.png (725x457, 15K)

pixel art is super easy for inanimate objects and textures
It's drawing humans and other living things that's really hard

don't listen to them, I'd lick your watermelon user

learn some basic art fundies, perspective,anatomy color theory etc and copy from other peoples work for a time, then try to make your own stuff.

Like literally all art, plagiarize.


pixel art is just regular art. There are no shortcuts. I hate to >LOOMIS meme, but you gotta grind out the fundamentals otherwise it will always look like a child's doodle no matter how many pixels it has or not.

Wow it's weird how I decide to get into something like pixel art then bam a thread about it pops up on Yea Forums but anyway seems like you gotta actually learn how to draw things and apply real drawing techniques, it's not so simple as it seems. Part of the challenge is how to represent parts of an image into a lower resolution while still showing the detail as something recognizable too.

Attached: f4007deb-311a-460c-a879-1a480aa91954_car_7x5.gif (900x642, 129K)

post the grill webm
you know the one

Attached: confused cheese.png (504x323, 346K)

A little off topic but why the fuck hasn't Microsoft made a Mjolnir HMD for Windows mixed reality?

Learn to draw, first. Pixel art is just drawing at an incredibly low resolution.

That WebM is fake, though.

Is old game graphics like this considered pixelart? Grew up on those and can't take modern pixels seriously, they all look shit to me.

Attached: wm_snap20110507_111704.png (800x480, 410K)

Attached: grill-pixel-art.gif (670x551, 570K)

modern pixel art is shit because most of them go the lazy or minimalistic route

Attached: 151556210-352-k775022.jpg (352x550, 31K)

Attached: 91C5FE0E-7D54-428E-A59B-6CBBC6F76531.jpg (1280x720, 170K)

The only way to learn and get better is read and do.
There's also these PDFs floating around so you can download them.
I know there's 5 of them, does anyone have them and more?

Attached: Capture.jpg (690x983, 82K)

Learn the fundamentals, then once you've done that you'll realize pixel art is a waste of time and move on to more interesting things.

>what are the fundamentals

read the /ic/ sticky


would iji be considered pixel art?
it was inspired by another world/out of this world and was made to be run in 800x600

Attached: 1554342134722.png (800x600, 36K)

I'm just going to throw this out there, the rind of that watermelon is totally off base.

Owlboy has such amazing environment art, I wonder if it's by the same guy who did the environments for Drawn to Life

Attached: b941274c-2762-4b94-bdef-123502c5b848_rw_600.jpg (512x512, 249K)

i'd fuck that watermelon, user

stop abusi0ng spoiler tags
i hope you get stabbed

It's not.
I wish Owlboy wasn't a shitty game, man. The art is too good for that garbage fire.

I’m enjoying the game. What didn’t you like/

It is? I was just about to buy it. What should I know before doing so?

is that aesprite, I'm gonna try that out.

How far along are you?
Please get a refund before it's too late.

>what is it?
It's a guide that goes over pretty much every little trick you need to know when making pixel art and animating it. Very classy and professional, highly recommend it to anyone that's interested. Get it while it's hot:!U5tBxK5a!0D1bb1aGVFgo3RFZLIMo7w

But more importantly, just start making pixel art you fucking prick!!!!

pic rel is my work btw

Attached: new_londo.gif (388x262, 28K)

I'd put it just below pixel art - it's a paint fill tool mess. There's no "art" here, no pixels subtly defining parts of the body like eyes/nose or hair strands.
The level tileset is very clean and crisp, I do like that. But the player character is a bland mess and isn't as crisp or detailed-feeling. People mistake that lack of detail for old-school style, and they're wrong.
Even fucking Mario had eyes. EVEN E-fucking-T HAD EYES. The Adventure dragons had eyes! Add some outline/detail lines and eyes and you'll be better off.

Murder thyself d/ic/k sucker.

Better than being Afro-Syrian.

step aside

Attached: sodom2.jpg (1000x1000, 271K)

Bacon I made.
Rate its yummyness.

Attached: bacon.png (200x200, 2K)

That looks like shit though.

I pirated it. They just destroyed advent. What didn’t you like?

It's a mediocre Zelda clone complete with two annoying stealth sections. The story is just Bastion but you're locked to the bad ending and literally NOTHING Otus does is relevant to the plot. The "Otus can't attack so you have to manage carrying your allies" gimmick is completely invalidated by the first dungeon turning your allies into scrollwheel-switched weapons. There's an unbelievable amount of cut content including the actual final boss against the pirate boss, who you never actually fight in the game because Otus is THAT irrelevant to the plot and a real backstory for your second party member. The game is so buggy that you can literally clip out of the map just by eating food in the wrong spot.

Good, but looks like it belongs at the top of a flag pole. Also, American bacon is not bacon.

Learn by doing, faggot.

I'm trying to learn so I have art for my geimu. I still suck, but I figured out that if you want to stay motivated, it's better to have a mindset of "Let's have fun with this and see where it goes, and how it will look if I use this block and place it like that" and so on, whereas "I've gotta get good fast so people like my art" is just tense and sucks the pleasure out of it. I still suck but oh well.

Attached: floatingland0000.png (256x256, 2K)

I dont like it and wouldnt eat it.

it wasn't what I expected, but with a little bit of editing.

Attached: aes.png (40x40, 434)

>"I've gotta get good fast so people like my art"
me af

inborn talent

>muh eyes

Attached: out-of-this-world.png (640x400, 3K)

would this still be copyright infringement if you stole the initial image from somewhere

Attached: 1463525564458.jpg (948x720, 157K)

so I guess I should just watch a let's play?

pixel art isn't any diffrent from other art, its just a medium.
You learn it the same way you learn oil painting, or drawing with pastels, or marker pens, or literally anything else.


Ima suck ya cock

Someone refute this if it's fake

Did this in aseprite from scratch for a character design. Something really soothing about placing every pixel manually.

Attached: portrait.jpg (334x490, 48K)

I love shit like this, more games with this pixel feel?

Attached: 1542939395446.png (1920x1080, 978K)


post pixel art you like

Attached: cityhouse001.gif (194x154, 48K)

More or less. The game has some gorgeous art, but that's all it has going for it.
I have a bunch of screenshots I took of unused stuff. For example, there's a few Unused loading zones outside the main map's boundaries. A few spawn you in weird places in existing maps, but two of them crash the game with a missing map name. The only map in the game with the prefix "extra_" is the postgame loredump area that tells you what happened during the ending and why the one plot-relevant thing you did was still totally pointless.

Attached: sanctuary OoB 2-2.png (1281x748, 29K)

So that's how people do it. I was wondering how they made it look so well done like it was by hand but not.

iji does have eyes, i just happened to take that screenshot during a hair flip animation
to me it just sounds like you're an elitist who thinks they're hot shit

Attached: 1539805981190.png (800x600, 33K)

Well, that is a background from Risk of Rain, but in case you already knew that, Monolith has a similar feel to it.

reminds me of my dad

Rain's backgrounds are all beautiful, and I'll have to check out monolith

Attached: 112312.png (928x1232, 41K)

not sure if he has a small smile or that's the bottom of his lip

Its actually surprisingly easy, I'd even call anything within 32x32 pixel size more of an engineering problem than an artistic one, since every pixel drastically alters your object's proportion and dimensions and feature sizes.

user, I like Iji, but it's probably the ugliest of Daniel Remar's games.
HPP looks much better.

It reminds me a bit of "my first game" games you'd find on forums back in the day. Not bad by any means but it's quite flat and inconsistent, something Another World famously isn't.

Just start lmao.

Just do what literally everyone does. Take FF3/6 sprites and models then just tweak them a bit and call it your own.

Everyone in this thread needs to play Touhou Luna Nights.
Despite appearances, Iji's actually fucking fantastic. Also free.

From what I've seen everyone seems to shit on Otus every time he makes a mistake, but finding out that nothing you do has any worthwhile impact makes things a whole lot worse. Is this just a feel bad game trying to lure you in with gorgeous graphics?

Attached: SADDD.png (287x337, 37K)


just pirate it. the gameplay isnt horrible but its not great. Think of it as an interactive storybook where you just fly around

I think Touhou Luna Nights art wasn't that great, but some animations really stood out with how many frames they had.
Gameplay-wise the game was really good, though. I can never get enough of time gimmick abilities.

No, see, the worst part is that the game CONSTANTLY tries to not be a badfeels game.
For example, during a later section you hear all the pirates talking about how "The Owlboy" is escaping, and how they need to catch him before he grabs the relics and run.
It turns out they're talking about Solus, who's spent the entire game doublecrossing the pirates offscreen and that Otus is so fucking irrelevant they don't even know who he is when he shows up.

I think the background art and the enemy/bullet animations are fantastic, but Sakuya's limbs are just too fucking weird looking for their own good.

Attached: R56SX.gif (364x200, 156K)

Attached: 3D2CB712-8E5F-4270-8607-EDC8711CEAE4.jpg (1920x1080, 298K)

As long as the work is edited and being sold in market outside of that of the original work, no. For most working on games like this they'd be protected. A complainant would also need to prove that their original image was used, and a lot of pixel art produced like this would be indistinguishable from any countless other possible source photos unless the photo was explicitly identified by the developer in some form. Mind you I'm assuming U.S. law for this big brained take, I know the EU has much more protective copyright laws but I don't know anything about them other than that their standards are much more difficult for defendants to prove.

A smirk covered by a moustache. Its a tradeoff, you make it more obvious its a lip and you lose the expression at that resolution and color palette. I love that a single pixel can fuck the entire image, its like putting together a jigsaw puzzle.

Just start pissing around in MS Paint and figure it out. Honestly, it boggles my mind how people still think that artistic ability comes naturally, or there's some sort of secret technique they're unaware of or whatever. Import a simple sprite into a drawing program and try to copy it. Or learn to draw normally first like you're supposed to.

Attached: 1407161761321.png (500x386, 311K)

Its a nice image and all, but the tops of buildings always have lights and their absence is distracting me.

as much as people shit on "drawing over" or "copying" something, its a really good way to learn, and by the end your own drawing looks so different that it really is your own.

People in twitter thread where that video was posted tried it and got very different results, just google "aseprite grill" and go from there.


Attached: sword.png (19x19, 233)

Attached: 1447647796253.gif (500x475, 396K)

Not every single building
t- lived in nyc and live in Miami

Attached: tear.gif (322x518, 43K)

You'd have to be fairly petty to bash a beginner for copying something. It'd be like getting angry at a beginner guitarist because they didn't compose Wonderwall.

Another example:
The endgame is that Solus fucks off to the stratosphere with the relics and starts doing something called the "ritual". The pirates give chase, and so do you.
You get up there, and Solus tells you to fuck off because he needs to get the ritual done before the pirates get there, so he doesn't have time to explain.
You keep climbing, and reach a library. Geddy reads one single book and suddenly comes to the conclusion that Solus is using the relics to make owls the MASTER RACE despite this never being implied before and that everyone just found out that all the land is constantly floating into space, where everyone will suffocate.
You get up there and beat the shit out of Solus. Whoops! Turns out the ritual was being done to undo the "Hex", a failed attempt to do (something) which resulted in owlkind getting fucked up and the land floating upwards.
Otus sacrifices himself to complete the ritual despite the fact that there was no reason to stop it in the first place, but now the pirates are here and Solus is half dead because you beat the shit out of him. ONLY OH SHIT, MAYBE IT'S NOT A DEATH BECAUSE IT'S LEFT IMPLIED AND THE GUY SAID MAYBE HE WOULDN'T AND
Then you unlock a postgame area which explains that the Hex was done to stop an infinite timeloop that occurs shortly after Otus dies. He does, in fact, die. Not only that, but the entire game was totally fucking pointless because the loop keeps happening anyways. ONLY OH SHIT, MAYBE THE LOOP IS BROKEN BECAUSE GOING TO THIS POSTGAME AREA CAN'T ACTUALLY HAPPEN IN CANON BECAUSE OF HOW YOU UNLOCK IT
The ending doesn't change at all after seeing the postgame area, so it doesn't even matter.

They should, aircraft warning lights are very important.


>dude I want to make video games and pixel art
>don't even understand perspective or composition

yeah I'm sure your pixel art is gonna look great and not like some generic tutorial bullshit because you don't even know what you are doing and just aping what you hope looks good. however, my point was simply that pixelfaggotry isn't going to make your project any easier (unless it's bad), so why not use an actually non-shit style instead?

Only if they fly that low over those buildings, which they won’t

/x/ here, the answer is pretty easy. You just have to make a deal with you know who.

Attached: 1554085297829.gif (500x545, 263K)

the Sasquatch?

>grill's corner has no discernible edge from the color change
>suddenly gains an outline from shrinking

if you believe this, you are actually autistic


have you motherfuckers been paying attention at all?

Attached: bog.jpg (300x168, 6K)

A pixie?

bit gay

Because Pixel Art can look cool.

Attached: windowkoronba.png (256x160, 4K)

Play Cladun and any similar game that lets you edit sprites

>know how to program
>want to make a vidya game
>process zero artistic skills
How far can I go just by copying GBC sprites?

He's more saying you have to understand what makes art look good in the first place to make good pixel art. While pixel art can certainly mask a lot of beginner mistakes due to its abstraction, not knowing stuff like color theory, how light works, or how to make things look 3-dimensional is still never going to fly.

Attached: doctofinal.png (210x297, 13K)

I was more talking about the
>my point was simply that pixelfaggotry isn't going to make your project any easier (unless it's bad), so why not use an actually non-shit style instead?
>actually non-shit style
in 's post.

Just go look for an artist.

Commission someone to do it for you.


what kind of games would you be able to program?

Yeah, true. I think only certain autists from /ic/ hate pixel art, as a whole people only dislike it when it's lazy and poorly done.


>non shit style

like what, having my game look like a flash movie or cartoon network-tier children's show?

pixelshit is still overall the best approach for 2d games and I haven't seen anything disproving this.

the biggest sin I see indy games commit is using fucking bone rigged animations in 2D games.

it always looks like shit, no exceptions, ever

>bone rigged animations in 2D games
what game does that?

Is dicking around in MS paint pixel art if I only use the pencil tool?

>no exceptions, ever
Alien Soldier on the Sega Genesis.

This whole post is just wrong. Tracing is the worst way to learn and its obvious when someone does it. The whole point of drawing from reference is to learn to capture the form while still preserving proportions. Tracing on the other hand is just busywork, everything you set out to learn has been taken care of and the only thing left for you is drawing contextless lines. All it'll help you is to memorise the outline of whatever you're drawing at that one specific angle.

Sure, it might seem like you can draw it in the future when you do it again from memory, but you'll be nothing more than a shitty human photocopier, try to draw it from a different angle and you'll find that you didn't actually learn anything, you memorised some lines.

There's a reason every art teacher worth their shit tells you not to do it.

This analogy doesn't work because drawing is not inherently temporal like music.
Tracing is not the equivalent of playing someone else's song, its the equivalent of printing out the sheet music and copying that note by note. Might be kinda useful if you want to analyse it, but we're talking about very beginners here, coming back to the art side of the analogy, you have no business analysing composition if you can't draw a cube in perspective.

>People still fall for this
Read section I

>This whole post is just wrong. Tracing is the worst way to learn and its obvious when someone does it.
There is nothing wrong with tracing over something if you're actually doing it with the intent to learn, especially if you're doing things like sketching out the structure beneath something instead of just copying it exactly.

fuck drawing, how the hell do you into foley and sound design

Yeah seriously dude, you need to do both.

Will you buy my new indie game and make lewds of my character?

Attached: Hood.png (470x391, 5K)

make regular art and downscale it

Post your shitty pixel characters

Attached: spooky.png (659x557, 3K)

oh god yes, I need to know more about this character, unf!

Attached: sweaty spaghetti.jpg (480x473, 22K)

do frogs count?

Attached: frog.gif (40x40, 3K)

Attached: walk.gif (50x50, 756)

I made this brick texture a while ago and I'm still impressed I managed to make it look that slick.

Attached: BricksRendering2.png (160x160, 3K)

That means he did a good job.

I posted this on pleddit once and it got to the front page and now millions of people who previously didn't even know what sprites are think this is real and is how they're made.

Only if that's a cute fox under that hood. Also you'd need a story that spins out of control and an actual game to go along with that.

luftrauser is a fun time waster with a similar art design

Unironically play Konami's Pixel Puzzle Collection.

I like it!

That look fucking nice. How did you into texture?

R8 this golem I made

Attached: Golems ROCK.png (300x300, 10K)

thanks they're two years old

Attached: turnfull.gif (50x50, 1K)

Attached: Guy.png (900x1500, 19K)

that one darkstalkers character/10

Just do them. Or meet the Metal Slug staff IRL if you're lucky.

What's his power level?

Attached: troll.png (64x64, 899)

like any other form of painting or drawing
construct, draw basic shapes, fill in the detail
pixel art is relatively easy to get into, because there are only so many ways you can fit things into a 50x50 grid

Attached: sprite_playerrun.gif (28x37, 3K)

That eye looks a little fucky.

nice chode dagger man

It's all about taking your time and trying to shape the chracter or object as best as you can. it might not be perfect but as long as you're sastified with it.

Attached: Duster.png (276x400, 8K)

Midgame mini boss

Protip: avoid using true black for outlines

Eventually it will get to the point where robots can automate pixel art, probably a little bit before they can automate regular art.

be born with a somewhat functioning brain and have access to MS Paint.

really solid, i would make a game with this guy as the filler boss in the tutorial stage

i tried tracing stormbreaker around a minecraft axe, tell me how to make it better

Attached: stormbreaker.png (16x16, 286)


I miss sprites that have actual resolutions. A lot of people take a pencil brush, draw, and then upscale it without it actually being on a grid

Attached: laugh.jpg (256x352, 17K)

>Eventually it will get to the point where robots can automate pixel art, probably a little bit before they can automate regular art.
so now?

Attached: 1541540861582.png (1280x680, 889K)

There's nothing inherently wrong with black outlines when done well.

Attached: 1449465171353.gif (100x100, 111K)

also with practice you can find your style

Attached: Violet.png (532x615, 13K)

I don't understand. You mean the pixels aren't actually aligned to a grid?

Rock solid.

Attached: watermelon.jpg (385x383, 46K)

I genuinely have no fucking idea what you're trying to say, here. That's literally how pixel art works, unless you're trying to talk about higher-res art that uses the Binary Brush, AKA oekaki.

Depends on the art stye. I used it for any object the player could interact with, so it looked like an animated series and things were clearly telegraphed to the player.


It's ok. The shading is really bad and the pose is really stiff. Try looking at 3rd Strike sprites. You see how there's depth in the shading? And the silhouette is really well defined?

Attached: Alex-ts-stance.gif (113x111, 35K)

based game

I think he's talking about how in that particular picture each body part is separate and they move in a higher resolution than what the sprites where made in. You can sort of see "half pixels" where the head meets the body. You see this really often in flash games/animations.

I installed aesprite because of that gif. I looked into it and found it was a hoax. If you try it with the original grill image and follow the steps, it looks like shit.

it's common to downscale large pictures to pixel size as a guide layer to trace, but that shit ain't real

Practice you fucking retard


God I wish I knew how to art, like at all
I look at drawing tutorials but they all seem to assume some form of knowledge when I'm starting from literally nothing, maybe even less than nothing

A-user, is that snake person a guy or a girl? And where are they from? Please answer this is very important to me.

That's just people not using pixel-perfect cameras.

My epiphany came when I realized I was drawing shadows, not things.

Hey hey, people!

cant see shit cap

That's what I estimated, like how some pixels connect slightly outside of a ninety-degree angle. That sort of thing is one trend I don't really admire.

Fuck off

No one cares about your faggot eceleb.

Some characters for my game i made a while back.

Attached: previewcomps.png (852x233, 31K)

That's just people not bothering to make things Pixel Perfect. There's plugins for basically every modern game engine to do that.

We posting our pixel art?

Attached: IMG_20190530_043827.png (988x420, 8K)

>That plant
Is that a Chomper from Plants vs. Zombies or something? Either way, dank.

They look like ghost trick characters.

plant chef looks based

I don't know if this counts but ok

Attached: 1457864126543.gif (500x477, 371K)

Just find a tutorial on YouTube and start from there. Here's a good place to start.
And remember, realism isn't the final step to getting good in art, it's the starting point.

Thank you user

Attached: 1555118683998.jpg (246x256, 16K)

Nah, he's an audrey II parody.
That was more or less the inspiration. its a mystery game I'm still working on.

Attached: Marley.png (407x246, 13K)

Thanks user, I only started to look at the prolouge but I already feel this will be very helpful in the long run. Nice work as well.

Attached: im in.png (160x288, 4K)

what is that?

that looks like it could have been a boss from the original Bowser's Inside Story
nvidia's GauGAN
basically using meme learning to turn MSPaint-tier drawings into photorealistic landscapes

tell me more about detective loli

Spriting is honestly my hobby. Whether I make amazing stuff or not I just feel so alive when I sprite, i don't get that feeling drawing full scale, but the challenge to create functional animations from small scale drawings and working miniscule, always makes me my happiest.

Attached: 1467689613762.gif (500x500, 722K)

user, is your game on Steam or something? I wouldn't mind supporting you if the game's interesting.

Attached: 1526954570913.jpg (352x163, 14K)

You're at Gamestop and this guy smiles at you and compliments your choice of game that you just purchased, what do?

Attached: little man.png (235x310, 4K)

give em a big ol hug

I've got a couple.

Attached: cucmbrr.png (237x207, 11K)

Because technically a WMR set's display isn't far back enough to fit in the visor. This might actually be something you'd want to try and hack together as a DIY thing, because I think it could be done with a custom HMD.

I can see this as an earthbound enemy

you need to have knowledge of colour theory and shading/lighting techniques

Whatever you do with this guy, it's going to be amazing.


Attached: sadasdre.jpg (470x391, 25K)

and this unfinished guy.

Attached: Abomination.png (1976x728, 63K)

Attached: 1555901250113.gif (600x800, 979K)

Probably nothing. I just make stupid sprite shit as a hobby from time to time, and that particular dude was something that came from a file I made like 5 or 6 years ago.

Attached: post dem blue sprites.png (680x548, 30K)

This looks like what Oney would make if he were spriting.

Not sure if that is fake but i use something similar for MMD pictures.

Attached: title.png (680x381, 100K)

This one's like 7 years old. I'll try to find a more recent one.

Attached: sprite.gif (53x65, 18K)

I regret never learning moonrunes

looks like a Gen V pokemon sprite animation

You should still touch it up by hand though. The eyes and lighting, especially on the face, makes it look painfully obvious it's based on a model.

that's sick

That looks complicated af
Been working on some lewd pixelshit for a while.

I can make sprite art, but I can't animate for shit. What do I do? Is there a program that could help?


Attached: de geso vomit.gif (480x270, 241K)

Hi shit taste user.


Don't use programs. I use MS paint for all my sprites, because all you need to sprite is a grid and a good eye, Dont use those auto light and shadow programs, they will never give you accurate results. My advice, create a pixel X pixel grid and create each frame within the grid, and line up the animations.

Black and White 2 were coming out at the time.

You get used to it:

post more user

Attached: shitty sprite.png (118x106, 4K)

wrong, it's MY character now!

Attached: notralsei.png (96x96, 852)


Make her bushier, if anything.

Also the font looks fine except for the lowercase k, I think.

Attached: 1496035535423.png (544x594, 279K)

Attached: uhhhhh thicker.png (224x262, 19K)

Isn't it just the same as drawing regular art?

Attached: 1458953838_YORI 2.gif (171x230, 194K)

Is there any tips to make anti aliasing or cleanning less time consuming?

i see where you got your inspiration

Attached: 246-2465822_27-dec-2016-rpg-maker-mv-ogre-sprite.jpg (820x497, 115K)

Is it possible to get good at pixel art if you're just doing it with a mouse?

Attached: 6ea.gif (782x478, 760K)

>How do you learn to make pixel art?
Pixelcars. I was a bit of a 'popular' member of that small community. However, it died out around the same time that forums started to just disappear or die out. When I realized that was dead, I was pretty bummed out because my works were there. I lost everything from my old HDD as well.
It was a fantastic little hobby. A lot of good people in it.

Attached: 8dbbf6705ac86ff4fb4cb1da7cf149a4.jpg (1000x562, 105K)


I used to be a trainee under Ahuron and SmithyGCN back in the day. Those guys are literal gods in my eyes.

Expected shit but that's really good.

Attached: Snail-Chan Nod.gif (319x327, 845K)

Your local college, which hosts weekly figure drawing sessions with live nude for 3 hours every Saturday?

for me? its BDcraft, the best texture pack.

you had Ahuron and SmithyGCN as mentors? How?! And did their talent get passed on to you?

MS Paint is shit for upscaling though, it adds in new colors even in a straight 2:1 expansion.

Stop drawing porn.

Attached: efc4dceae25a456b5ec0ffdeacdf03aeb08a89dc2bf5d1787b0ed9d2312b12b8.jpg (505x600, 55K)

Thats sprite art.

old TSR forum days in 2001. before they were who they are now.

More like this? With subs pref

sharing old stuff

Attached: volkame_v2.png (560x560, 21K)

r8 my liser bar

Attached: PaintDotNet_sPLleR9Xdo.png (1150x566, 26K)

rate me

Attached: the squirrel from that one anime short.png (1000x1000, 13K)

Look up Derek Yu's pixel art tutorials.

No it doesn't? What the hell are you talking about?

It did exactly that to me recently. I'm using Windows 10.

So what's a good program to make pixel art in?

Attached: 1557449221612.jpg (442x402, 71K)

did not mean to attach someone with the pic

Lisa fan game?

Skewing from 100% to 200% does not change colours, unless you do that "gradient" trick.

Nice art

Attached: 1480816945406s.jpg (125x94, 2K)

I just use it seems like the easiest tool for me

I changed it from 20x20 to 200x200 pixels directly. I'm not sure if it just changes colors doing it the way I did but that's still stupid it would do that.

that's really nice, gz user
Here's some more shit, don't actually have that much so far besides of the one fleshed out scene. Really thankful to all the lads saying it's good cause I've been holed up for a couple of months now working on it in secret and I need the dopamine hits pretty bad.

To all the pubeposters, you should be able to shave it in the final product, but letting it grow past the current level is probably gonna be left for way later cause it's gonna be a pain in the ass to do for a million pics.

Also, face looks kinda derpy in some of these cause I still have some finishing touches to do on em.

ok bro sorry

Gimme pointers, where do I begin?

I've been looking for the original source file for this for the past hour and I think it's been wiped off the face of the planet. I got this from my Instagram. I had to go through a few loops to get it.

Attached: spearman.gif (600x450, 1.96M)


It's weird because your game is porn but it looks like that pixel art style from kawaii artists on deviantart

good shit user

This is the correct advice, you can't do pixel art without first knowing how to draw. You should try to make your own stuff as much as possible and learn from the mistakes of each piece you've made. Regular practice helps a lot too, but making stuff you like is much more motivating.
Beyond that, if you want to animate your pixel art, check out Richard William's "Animator's Survival Kit." If you like a certain style, analyze what you like about it and see how you can introduce that in your own work.

so many hacks
hope your half assed shitty games will never see the light

Start off with replicating NES or SNES game sprites, then attempt to make your own by making a base outline, shrink it til it's pixelated and then everything else should be obvious.

That's how i learned it atleast and kept making pixel art for the past 6 years
>My last art

Attached: IncursionFinal (2).gif (880x880, 2.01M)

maybe i guess

Really liking this, hoping to see more from you in the future

Is it a good idea to shoot for something like one completed piece a day (nothing huge)?

HEY user

(wait for it)


I made this a while ago.

Attached: spearmanbig2.png (940x940, 25K)

Fucking good shit, keep at it user!

Attached: 1558671999740.png (170x273, 33K)

I think it's better to just make a goal of "I'm gonna spend this many hours drawing/studying art a day/week." Good art takes time, and if you rush it you might not learn as much. Conversely, being too hesitant can make you inept at finishing work. As you go on I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out. .

The advice I can give you might not be that useful outside of drawing people, but find some pics with poses you like as reference and try replicating them in pixel art (pics can be real people or screenshots of games or whatever). Don't go in blind though and try to find a style of some pixel artist you like that's got a fairly simple style - not that many colors, with not much anti-aliasing. Depending on how far you are in you can modify the style you're referencing and eventually you end up with something that's yours.
Also maybe limit yourself to working on small sizes but not too small - kinda depends if you wanna be doing spritework or pixel illustrations, but in both cases I'd advise not to go below 24x24 or 32x32 until you know what you're doing.

And what stops you from learning it now?

Attached: 1529250918792.png (200x240, 73K)

>How do you learn to make pixel art?
contribute to Yea Forums collaboration things like pic related

Attached: 1535354694628.png (3700x2516, 3.14M)

Oh, also it can help to be in a community setting since it can motivate you to work and help you learn from others (and them from you). It's unfortunately hard (at least for me) to find an art community that isn't full of shitty gayfags.

Years of trial and error. I used to do lots of pixel art for an online roleplaying communtiy game.


Yea Forums addiction.

Attached: 1556552184157.jpg (400x400, 17K)

And for some fucking reason one of my creations didn't post!

Attached: gashadokuro.png (128x128, 6K)

Yeah, I see. Unfortunately pixel seems to be pretty dead on /ic/ and I have no idea where any active communities hang out (probably on twitter), but at least there's lots of galleries to use for inspiration and guidance.

Attached: 1557735335725.png (421x603, 130K)
Here you go, but I've kinda abandoned it for a while to work on this current thing and get it rolling. When I have something done I'm gonna post it there.

Attached: saffa.png (219x192, 66K)

that's pretty amazing user

>John maden memorial
>Mad Max
>Kiln of the first flame is a GTX 480

This is seriously good.

Attached: 1557887152885.jpg (710x888, 177K)

are you fucking gay or something? she barely has pubes anyway.


>that one pixel that disappears.
fug, it triggers my autism.

The pink one in the bottom bothers me more.

>Older stuff is better then my newer stuff
I still cannot top this, fuck my life. Its takes so long to make this shit in but it's all I can do. Plus, people are so harsh on shitxle art. I'm 25 now and going to rot away with no artistic achievement. Just envy of everyone else.

Attached: akyliossprite.png (201x203, 6K)

Whoever who made this deserve to die.

This got me motivated to do pixel art again. What should I make? A monster or a person to ease me back in or something more complex like an entire scene complete with a background?

Attached: bun.png (450x450, 11K)

your local succubus?

Was working on a FireRed Romhack a while back and just wanted an opinion on these.

Attached: WWPSprites.png (194x64, 4K)

Attached: 1543699590644.png (382x823, 40K)

Attached: 1452639034304.gif (260x187, 156K)

Start super small and abstract.
Pick a 4 color from the Internet, start with 16 x 16 tiles.

First pretend you're making icons for an old game and with your tiny canvas and 4 colors, try to represent items in an abstract way.
- a phone
- a boot
- a mug

Then try to make a couple of tiles. Make a floor tile with a repeating wood panel pattern. Doesn't need to be fancy.
Then make a wall, maybe with a border line at the bottom and middle.
Make one with a window in it, then maybe one with a picture frame.
Make a table to go on your floor.
With these tiles, try to make the room you're in, then create new tiles to represent the other things in your room.
It gets really fun when you keep it small and limited, it's more about portraying objects the best you can under the circumstances, takes all the worry and complication out of it. Try it out, if the threads still up, maybe post a screenie later.
Good luck user, I hope you try this and enjoy yourself.

Attached: man_in_red.png (200x200, 2K)

I just LOVE the LISA artstyle, do you have any tips making it?

I think the artstyle fits, but whatever.

ninja tanuki?

pls rate my pixel shit.

Attached: D7asdqoWsAEFpSC.png (384x384, 7K)

Very cool!

I seen you post something like this in another thread. looks great as always

user that looks really good!
she's cute

my first impression was if you fix the arm and boobs it'll be a solid 7/10, but then I looked closer at the face and sheesh. Definitely edit the jaw structure too, and shift that right eye a pixel to the right.

Nice legs.

Looks nice but doesn't seem like you have any resolution restraints so it's kinda unnecessarily jagged.


Attached: cb.png (275x372, 253K)

This one's pretty old, maybe 2-3 years. I've gotten better, but I don't want to shill anything from my project (just yet).

Attached: Crash (SMB3 Style)ng.png (125x160, 2K)

I don't think arms are supposed to be that long

try looking at this, i've learned a few things from it

Attached: PaintDotNet_dOCgd25XpP.png (307x488, 10K)

Now do it again

Attached: Managebotbig.png (123x99, 2K)

oh also peep this massive reference sheet.
good for trying to fix mistakes and generally make your sprite better in quality

Attached: refined_master_sheet_-_gatokal.png (2919x1882, 955K)

good for you user, i have something similar with lego

i made it again but it thinks its a duplicate

fuck off jesus

shit sprite, Nope

Attached: sunflower manitou.png (384x384, 6K)

I disagree. Starting small doesn't give you enough room to add some of the more important elements of pixel art like shading and line colors. I say start by studying other popular pixel art like Pokemon sprites or Street Fighter by editing them and splicing them together. Once you got it all figured out, start making your own custom art in the same style as the ones you studied. Then difersify your style by taking elements from other styles and the real world and implementing them into your art.
If your projects demand it or if you're comfortable enough, then make the canvas smaller or bigger.
Just remember that placing pixels is a methodical process and to think about what specific colors belong where.!sMkgXSyK!XTmJxGaDMWd8mOerP4MEZg

Thanks user!

a lot of these lead to 404's, but thanks


How is he going to rotoscope a golem though

I won't give you a numeric rating. I will say that you need to study anatomy a bit more than spritework per se. That's where the bulk of the issues are.

I think just by looking at your sprite, I can tell you're a leg man. I'd take those school girl legs and make her bow legged if you catch my drift. The anatomy works down there, but once you get to the torso, things feel... off. One trick I like to do is to flip the image horizontally. If it feels off, that means your sprite is off balance, or something's just... wonky. Her left eye was a big one. Her left arm has got a popeye thing going on. The line across the center of her tits makes her rack seemed skewed. I mainly made adjustments to some of those, without sacrificing whatever your artistic vision.

Whenever you're spriting, flip it horizontally in your program, do some edits while it's flipped, and then flip it back to see if it sticks. Do it a lot and your sprites might feel more... anatomically balanced.

This is what the sprite looks like with just a few anatomy fixes. Note that there's more that I'd fix too... jagged and messy outlines are a big one on this. The colors aren't really quite my taste, but... eh. You probably chose the colors for a reason.

Take my own opinion with a grain of salt. I don't have any formal training in art and just learned it by doing it over and over and over again.

Attached: anatomy.png (384x384, 5K)

Not him but I like those changes. Did you learn by studying/copying a lot of references?


Attached: pixel 2hu by tea basira.png (1200x1000, 632K)

same way you learn anything: practice

I read the translated manual and I still can't understand the first step to prevent it from automatically closing.

Attached: PAR.png (452x152, 8K)

By getting gud at real art and applying the knowledge to pixel art.

i would totally play a game with a completely nonsensical world map like this

I've thought it looked like shit ever since it was released.

All the time I spent with Steve, this is the thing he said that I remember the most.

"Never waste your diamonds on a hoe"

That game was constant trial-and-error garbage

Attached: spr_CptPhil_suspicious1.png (80x80, 2K)

last second save


Color theory.

Shitty pixel art is 100% the fault of colors. Also, fuck your gay ass lazy indie dev pixel art. I seeth and is mad as fuck each time I see some bottom tier effort pixel art on steam store claiming to be retro.

>Pic related
>Hope your mother dies in her sleep if you use #6 for your games.

Attached: various style.png (514x474, 31K)

No problem
Still working on but there's no progress. Colors are so much harder than it appears, I've been trying to get that corroded building look but it's not working.

Attached: floatingland0000.png (256x256, 4K)

by putting a loaded gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger

Hello redd*t.

Attached: gas8.gif (117x125, 132K)

yeah but most of that is learning by doing. you don't learn everything first and then pull off great work. you make a lot of shit as you learn the theory and eventually you'll make something that's less shit than everything you made before. then you keep making less-crappy pieces until you're at a master level. but you'll still see crap and mistakes in them, normal people won't however.

I love you user.

Attached: 1527373358185.gif (600x430, 2.88M)

>will never ever be an update

Attached: 1472210421094.gif (460x448, 1.69M)

oh crap, that's not pixel art - the thumbnail in my folder mislead me

Attached: 1315214426234.gif (412x253, 4K)

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 56K)

>spend 10 hours just to make one tree

Attached: d5sklgx-d7af8897-6a1d-405d-a7f4-3ea60f37adf7.png (175x173, 15K)

the leaves are nice, don't know about the bark though

That bark looks like some sort of conglomerate stone instead of wood, I'm not convinced.
The leaves are decent, however.

>spend 10 hours
You say that as if it means something, art is like that when you're learning. I've often spent 5 hours working on a single drawing that ended up being shit anyway.

Hot damn, this is some intense stuff. There are so many layers to break down, all of them forming a smooth whole. Quality.

Attached: e75f26c1215e6e2baab673a3068ac1ab.gif (734x534, 1.83M)

Get Graphics Gale, start practicing and just keep on tryin' different things. Listen to music while you work. If someone like me can figure out how to make a shitty animation, so can you!

Attached: palette_running.gif (48x48, 3K)

shrink paint down to 16x16, the most popular format for it, and get started. enlarge when done. Don't shade as items are dynamic and move, it will look dumb. Just do what feels right and looks right to YOU. accept criticism if you want others to like it more. so, what's so difficult again?

Attached: MinecraftVolcanoHouse.png (1920x1080, 2.1M)

god damn it I am always late for these threads

Attached: hunter basic combo.gif (1164x450, 152K)

Eyyy, good sense of weight. I like it.
What else have you got?

Got flinch/block animations too? Maybe deaths? I'm intrigued - you don't suffer from ''huge pauldron'' disease or ''combat bikini'' illness.

this one and several others

I'm making a game with these if you're interested

Attached: halberd sweep1.gif (1185x498, 166K)

Engine? Please, for the love of god, don't use anything java or Unity. I love my multithreading. unless your game has very low demands

some basic enemies have been fully animated with stagger/death animations, yeah

sorry to disappoint user it is in unity

Attached: pike formation1.gif (1239x540, 242K)

well, if it's a very light game it doesn't matter. it's a problem when you want to make AA or AAA on Unity. (KSP for example)

nah it's a comparatively light game, you might have some small hiccups though because we plan on having dozens of enemies on screen at once

Unity is a very user friendly engine if you're starting out, after all.
I'm interested, user, I love me some good animation.

> How do you learn to make pixel art? - this one's good as a general all-round beginner's guide - this one is really good if you're running into the problem of muddy sprites and pillow-like shading - this page is about curbing ambition and being practical in your pixelart - how detailed you want it to be, how many colours you want to use, etc - a long and useful series, mostly on background graphics but also character sprites, discussing some little tricks of using small colour counts (taking pixels out of an outline or changing the outline colour to suggest details) - this page talks about hues in your palette, useful to know - lots of incredibly useful information here, from turning drawings into sprites, to keeping your palette while painting your sprites, to subpixelling, lots of handy articles
There’s also an archive of some really good tutorials on anti-aliasing, fighter sprites, chibi fighter sprites, etc etc that were wiped off the internet years back, worth browsing through:!n5oGhQCD!xMrDFFEwR0khHdNYjQvzXO9fu97G0STAevqeVszXT0c

Reminds me of Saints Row 4 I think, there's a bit where you go into a retro beat em up game and it uses your very pixelized model pretending to be a sprite

cool, and looks good. I hope you don't become an arrogant and pompous ass like that Trainwiz faggot. He's insufferable.

i'm not Nope, i'm Hyper.

I hope so too kek

Do you plan on going into devving full time? As a side project?

For the past year or so it's been a hobby project between me and another user. We have a kickstarter planned for october and depending how well that does will determine if it can be a full time thing or not

I personally met the guy, he did an arrogant and I called a friend that works at a far higher level than him to burn him out - he left his nest for 2 months in shame. (trainwiz that is) Want the log I used on him?

the shading is straight up fucked my man

Looks like a tit.

because they're shaped, colored and shaded like PEZ candies

not mine

Attached: az.gif (95x119, 53K)

ha sure, go for it user

Could probably use this technique to make fighting game sprites, although obviously fixing shading and faces by hand.

Oh, gotcha. Best of luck, user.
Do you have something like a dream game you'd like to make at some point that it's too big to go with right now?

/vg/ went very toxic on me because of this, I swear to god /vg/ has to be the worst and most autistic board. R9K is atleast funny.

Attached: Trainwizfiles.png (1890x3545, 3.14M)

this is some good shit user.

I stopped posting on /vg/ quite a while ago, that place is filled with some of the most insecure people on Yea Forums. Yea Forums gamedev threads are so much more wholesome

not only insecure, but also just plain dumb.

It always amuses me how in this age of information ignorance is so rampant and at the same time so vocal.

Now that I think about it.
What would Jesus think of me for drawing porn when most of my work are requests I made for free for people that wanted it?
Would he be mad at me for drawing porn or would he be glad I'm spending my time trying to make others happy?

Attached: 1497183822925.jpg (361x370, 19K)

I got flakked because i argued that comparing fallout 4 to NV is silly as they got different design ideologies and priorities in mind. Am I the antagonist here?

thanks my man

Attached: marina-stand-1-newspriteE.gif (48x44, 8K)

Unironically just copy an image and then trace over it with a sharp colour tool really zoomed in, then reduce the size when you're done.

and don't forget to use " nearest neighbor " while resizing your pixel art in PS

Attached: pixel.jpg (372x374, 56K)

Attached: 1098.gif (140x190, 35K)


I will never be not mad

Draw those cubes, user.

Attached: botata.gif (157x145, 33K)

Go back 15~ years and use BYOND when SS13 was actually good.

Attached: cuphead-gameboy-collage.png (321x289, 10K)

This is some really pathetic whining you're doing. Actually begging a guy to shit on a dude for you, really?

…. that guy is my friend for like 8 years. Only results matter, and Trainwiz's ego was shattered. It isn't like me begging some random.

You think that makes it better? Look at the one-sided nature of your conversation. You heap every insult you can and the guy - who is notably more level-headed than you - just says "he should strive to improve".
I guarantee you that it was your attitude and not your image that made that nerd leave.

Demon never gets angry, but when I inform him about a javalet, unreallet or bethesdalet I do this. one time he was fucking fed up as a javalet didn't leave him or me alone - he went there and did the thing himself. I can't stand idiots and I don't mind the method much. Trainwiz is a fucking disease. It's 2 sided though, I'm the science-y guy and make sure stuff makes sense, also do some writing and muscle if a clan member loses their cool.

Not that user but honestly from this conversation I'm surprised he puts up with you as a friend. The entire dynamic seems very one-sided, borderline parasitic.

that convo was staged, when we talk casually it's nothing like this. I find you borderline schizophrenic if you think you know me or him after one screen.

best of luck user, looks great

>javalet, unreallet or bethesdalet
You still sound like a teenager insulting people who have different opinions.
>It's 2 sided though, I'm the science-y guy and make sure stuff makes sense, also do some writing and muscle if a clan member loses their cool.
What the hell does this mean? What does being part of some game clan have to do with science or modding or trying to put people in their place? Are you the internet police?

If you get me his original image, I'll do it. This is a conveniently good source image, and this won't be a magic catch-all tool.

science is very useful for worldbuilding, I really hope I don't have to explain this to you. I don't actively go to harm people, but Demon lacks that firm attitude that's sometimes neeed so I go talk to the person. 19/20 times that goes without hostility. Also, if you think Java is good, or Bethesda is, you do not know the subject at hand. Finally I'm not the internet police, but I want my backyard clean. if an idiot infects my tiny ''territory'' they need to be uprooted.

>only context we have on you is your word and a screencap
>get mad that we assume things based on what little you give us
I think you're starting to realise how much of a shitter you come off as and are trying to play defensive

Well I found his source image but he seemed to turn the color quality down before doing the modifications in the gif. This isn't quite it lmao

Attached: 10a307bd5f7debea0759326fb86af577.png (629x598, 23K)

as said, I am not fond of idiots, and that guy was using magical thinking (making unrelated connections, a sign of psychosis) see? I can asume like that too.

Attached: shiggf.jpg (352x164, 11K)

>science is very useful for worldbuilding, I really hope I don't have to explain this to you.
Yes, it is. Learning architecture or interior design helps a lot with making levels, I agree.
> Also, if you think Java is good, or Bethesda is, you do not know the subject at hand.
I don't know anything about Java so I won't comment, but this meme about Bethesda being so shit needs to stop. The only reason it exists is because they give the editor so we can see how the games actually work, but every game of every studio is filled with bullshit, corner-cutting and 'leave it there, no one will now', so singling bethesda out for it is silly.
>I want my backyard clean. if an idiot infects my tiny ''territory'' they need to be uprooted.
You're talking about TRainwiz so I asume you mean TES modding. Then I'll tell you: TES modding is not your property; TW may be a faggot (although compared to others like Apollodown he's normal) but you can't just go 'I make the rules and I will say who can be part of it or who can't'.

Cute. Reminds me of ESA.

looks comfy, but are these flowers or mushrooms?

>Gamebryo not bad

… you know how much resources FO4 rapes away, and did you hear about FO76? Lumberyard is the future and other engines are the past. especially gamebryo.

>science in games
yeah, I'm more of a Chemistry nut, if you want non-carbon based life I'll have to do the research (I love it too) to explain that. you need cold and ammonia as solvent for example. I even crafted the magic system with it's own rules that I follow for the worldbuilding.

>TES modding is not yours
oh, no, I said ''tiny territory'' that is my friends and friends friends on steam, and one single thread on 4channel (not that anyone likes trainwiz, so popular vote I guess?) I just want to be left alone in my autism and not have an arrogant fag like Trainwiz come in and fuck up the peace. All I do is chase guys like that off.

Oh yeah definitely. A game with more writing and worldbuilding involved that still has a focus on art. But I don't worry about those ideas right now because this current project is on the verge of being overambitious already.

The reason your friend Demon doesn't get angry is because being angry usually means looking unprofessional and undermining what credibility you have. Unless the person in question is actively damaging his reputation, he'll want to maintain a civil demeanour with copout statements like "I would prefer if he tried to improve himself" because that's what looks best to prospective fans and clients. Artists and businessmen generally lose face if they act like drama queens and usually only do so if they have enough clout or assets (e.g. owning a private company) that they feel they can get away with acting that way. You feel you can use his attitude to dunk on other people you feel deserve it, but by doing so and spreading it in this manner you're making Demon look more like a liability by proxy. I'd say you come off as the biggest liability, but you don't seem to have any employment prospects so it's a moot point.

I fucking despise #6. it looks so awful and low effort

Massive inheritance waiting, I got no reason for employment. about the drama and all, what about that Borderlands Dev? he did that for like a decade and still is ontop of Gearbox? Again, I know demon for like 7+ years, he was like this as young teen too.

this is so autistic and you're mad at agdg for not all siding with you on hating 1 dev LMFAO.
Meanwhile trainwiz continues to dev and progress daily
needless seething

Attached: 1559184070145.jpg (678x461, 39K)

you do know nobody likes Trainwiz and his work is ''mediocre indie dev'' tier right?

I don't mind it. 1, 4 and 12 seem worse to me since they're obvious overused template work.

thanks, what's ESA?
>flowers or mushrooms?
I call them ground dicks

Who here loves Nitrome games?

kek man, better not fall then!

Environmental Station Alpha. It uses a similar resolution and level of colour gradient, its designs might interest you.

No, no I don't know that nobody likes him, and I think that's not true at all.
His work is alright, but I assume that isn't the primary reason for the dislike of him, since the quality of his game is above many other agdg folk. If it was the quality he (you?) was attacking, there would be many better targets.
agdg sees lots of defamation attempts, it's pretty wild. Some people are just that bored I suppose.

Did you see Trainwiz behave though? that fucker REALLY needs a PR guy. He calls people idiots for asking him about bugs and errors, he thinks he's hot shit he worked for an F skill company (Bethesda, he had to place some objects, outsource). Is AGDG a pleasant person? I only got to meet Trainwiz. Do you know Phil Fish? he and train could shake hands

No, I haven't, and I don't think some 1ma dude needs pr when his following is quite small. You seem obsessed with this fella considering you aren't interested in his work. Either way I'm finished shitting up what could be a good thread with pseudo-drama started by a single fixated retard.

>Massive inheritance waiting,
Oh man, you too? I also spend my days in pixelart threads on Yea Forums trying to seek validation from disbelieving anons
>about the drama and all, what about that Borderlands Dev?
The aforementioned 'owns a private company'
> Again, I know demon for like 7+ years, he was like this as young teen too.

Attached: hitoshi-rockman-collage.png (240x482, 47K)

>Oh man, you too? I also spend my days in pixelart threads on Yea Forums trying to seek validation from disbelieving anons

Yeah, I hope automaton can save people from menial, shitty jobs in the future. Obviously passion projects should never fade.

You're one of the good 'uns user, thank you

Attached: when the crotchitizer kicks in.png (216x238, 66K)

You can tell that it's fake because there's perfect pixel placement (no stray pixels) as well as perfect dithering in the final image. You won't get those by simply down-scaling an image.

needs loomis

Pretty sure it's not in the original, so someone edited that just to fuck with people

Just a heads up, this poster is named Ironsides, he’s a tripfag from /fog/ who is a diaperfur and brony who was banned from /vg/ for being just that terrible. He used to worship Trainwiz until Trainwiz said he was an annoying idiot. He lost his mind, tried to get /pol/ to dox him, failed, and keeps getting re-banned from /vg/. He is now obsessed with Trainwiz.

I could still tell it was a grill at least. Though it looks like a grill fused with Pikachu's face.

…. yeah, that's where i got it from. you do know you only got 10% of the story right? /vg/ is a garbage board anyhow.

Ironsides put your trip on please. Nobody ever falls for this crap.

fuck off back to you home, here we like it comfy.

oh yeah I've seen this before actually. looks like the same guy actually made baba is you. yea I like his style

>tried to get /pol/ to dox him
You’re forgetting the best part. He tried to dox him using his steam avatar, which is just a stock photo

Here's what confirmed.

>Ironsides is/was a brony. uses Spyro av now
>Is a tripfag
>Had a squabble with Trainwiz

/fog/ people are the filth of the entire website, and both of these guys are /fog/ people.

hey, they both seem to suck?

You mean derailing an entirely unrelated to complain about your mancrush?
Are you ESL or just retarded?

ESL? what?

You know... if you’re going to try to pretend you’re someone else... maybe you shouldn’t make the same typos you normally do, Ironsides.

Attached: schizophrenia.jpg (400x380, 27K)

Lol, what a way to end the thread. I will say I'm less inclined to side with someone when they drag random drama from /vg/ into a pixel thread for validation

Attached: preview2ninja.png (128x128, 7K)

>When there isn't a single typo that's out of the ordinary for 4channel.

eh? Can someone explain this to me? is this the autism of the generals board?

Do your job and report him. He’s already banned from one board.

Just leave.

Attached: 1544333730437.jpg (235x224, 6K)

Who do you mean? It started with that indie dev and that user, that user asked if he wanted to see something and he said yes. The guys bringing up it's source?

Trainwiz was always chill in the morrowind lore threads, but this guy seems to be severely retarded. I’m not even sure what a TES modder has to do with pixel art.

>Are you ESL or just retarded?
He's Dutch and lives off his rich parents.

I expected better of the Dutch.

eh, the whole /vg/ board is cancer.

Yup it's definitely Ironsides. Hi you diaperfur faggot, when are you killing yourself?

He is legitimately mentally ill in the most severe manner and I honestly have tried to find out where he lives so I could sic the mental health care system/police of whereever he lives on him for a welfare checkup. He really needs to get the fuck off the internet and sort his life out.

Shut the fuck up Ironsides

Be warned that this is another one of Ironsides' trips, he switches between them to samefag terribly.

And this is an alt trip of Ironsides.

that's exactly what they did for KOF13, 9 years ago.

Attached: kof13.gif (179x242, 154K)

shut the fuck up Ironsides

Can't be bothered to go over the whole sprite, but avoid doing stuff like this. It makes the sprite look jagged at worst, and like something you made with a bezier tool at best. And try to avoid the whole "perfectly diagonal row of pixels with the occasional double-wide pixel" thing (the part I circled in green is one example). If you polish the whole thing up, though, it could potentially look really good, so don't be discouraged.

Attached: pixel thing.png (768x768, 21K)

Notice how nobody falls for it?
You’re so stupid you can’t even fool the average Yea Forums poster. Just think how dumb that makes you.

pretty gud senpai

>he deleted the replies

Attached: 1544318172698.png (554x554, 47K)

He does this on /fog/, he thinks deleting his posts will help him avoid a ban.

What an absolute troglodyte

Well that evidently hasn’t worked out huh


Attached: 37650662;288x896bb.png (577x449, 77K)