Dudes I need a new gamername for my online vidyas.
It needs to not look obnoxious, no numbers, and fit in both fantasy and scifi settings.
Dudes I need a new gamername for my online vidyas
just do something post ironic lmao, nothing matters anymore hahaha lmao :P
Literally just pick some random name generator.
1 week later the regret kicks in
Your surname backwards followed by the town/village you grew up in/near. There's your fantasy name.
this but un-
Shitbutt Faggioto
just put your name in, if you don't want to put the cannon characters name in.
>cannon character
Like a pirate?
No your fantasy name is your bank card followed by the three numbers on the back.
Nice try NSA
Sticky Mingus
Not even joking though. It works so well that without context, nobody would ever guess you're doxing yourself.
Just put in your name retard
its not that hard
Crocodile Pimps
Robert Paulson
or if you want something funny
Biggus Dickus
Pick a cool-sounding adjective and pair it with a cool-sounding noun. It's not that hard.
Sir Shire-Sire
How about Neville. No, Running Neville. No, Squatting Neville.
come up with a cringe "xbox gamertag" name and then just fuck with the vowels until it sounds like an inside joke nick name
>select foreign language, bonus if not spoken around your multiplayer region
>google a list of words in that language
>select one word that sounds cool, bonus if its meaning is related to a theme of games or character
>mfw been using the same username since I was 16 in games and on platforms/launchers
>never taken, no ironic or weebshit things involved
>doesn't contain numbers or special symbols
Feels fucking great bros
Easy, choose canon name of the character. If there is none just use my name.
Fusion of the "Ocaml" and "Prolog" programming languages
>think up a realistic name for my female character
>make it a Finnish name, because Finnish is kvlt
>get approached by obnoxious horny jonnet
I don't think I thought this plan all the way through.
Like if it's Tidus from FFX, name him Tidus. If the character has no canon name then use my name. If it's a blank slate like in Elder Scrolls game, just use my real name
>Bribe sweaty nerds with vidya gf status for games
>After scoring a couple games, reveal that you "gor a sex change" and want to date women
>Unfriend and repeat process
Praetor of Judgement
Just pick it
I don't know if I feel like throwing away my dignity for doing the "virtual whore" schtick, user.
IIRC the name I chose was something like "Vilma Salolainen"
I’m Finnish and I deliberately use a non-Finnish name to make it sure that other Finns don’t recognize me. I don’t know why it is so, but while most Finns seem to act above-average towards online players of other nationalities, seeing a fellow countryman activates some kind of a hidden spurdo gene that turns them into annoying retards who just can’t shut up.
Take a random drink for exemple idk a coffee and make it your name
or take coke and add a y
Coyke is pretty cool, actually
Just use an actual fake name, Like "John Stephenson" or some shit, I have been doing it for over 8 years now
This is too true, it’s almost as if most finns playing online games have some desperate need to prove themselves if they see anyone else coming from Finland.