Why haven't you fags jumped ship onto the true monster collecting franchise?

Why haven't you fags jumped ship onto the true monster collecting franchise?

We have monsters, waifus, waifu mons, non shit plot, edge, 10/10 gameplay, difficulty and SOUL.

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>Implying I didn't play all the games in that genre

How would you compare the two, user?

Nocturne is alright, Strange Journey Redux is better

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How can Pokemon women even compete?
Sabrina and BW age Caitlin come close

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I'm talking about SMT.
NOT shitsona.

Real chads like Megaten as a whole instead of drawing party lines like an elitist faggot

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no multiplayer

Playing Q2 right now, lads

I've played just about anything not in Japanese

no it's not, you're a faggot if you do so since it means you can't critique for shit. Only real chads will critique what megaten game is good or not and I think gaysona is POS game and should never have been done

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Already played em all
Got a switch for V but no news

And I think your opinion is dogshit
Choke on your own shit taste

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>shitty persona game

Fuck Amazon.
I preordered the special edition back in February and no early drop

Just pirate it lol

>all these brainlets thinking that SMT and Persona are the same
That's like saying that the Stadium games are the same as the main line of games.

I play both and enjoy the SMT games more. I'll be getting both Sword/Shield and SMTV, though I'm more excited for the latter. I hope one day Pokémon has a game with its own alignment/endings.

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When will we get a good monster collecting game that isn't japshit?


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Devil Survivor 1 was pretty based. Devil Survivor 2 shouldnt have gotten an anime.

>I’m only allowed to enjoy one particular mon series

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My nigga. Devil Survivor was fun as fuck.
Not OP but I got tired of how stale Pokémon was getting and flocked towards SMT. Never looked back since.

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Can you imagine if they made an official apocalyptic Pokemon game, where everything has gone to shit and you're trying to survive and do whatever is the story goal of your MC?
>These stupid badges...
>They're worthless now
>*throws them away*
>The new world is calling me
>*camera zooms out to the sky and shows fires and ruins everywhere, dead humans and pokemon, some wild pokemon killing on or feeding on humans, and humans killing pokemon*

Would be edgy as fuck but I’d enjoy it.

I honestly think it'd be a hit

Who needs human girls when you can have demonfus?

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Are they going to translate the rest of DDS books?

I thought the start of Pokemon Colosseum was going to go all Mad Max on us.

The Espeon and Umbreon in the side car were too adorable though.

There’s books?

As much as I hate to admit it, at least Persona's recent popularity made people look into SMT.

I really hope Atlus isn't releasing SMTV around the time Pokémon comes out, they'd literally be shooting themselves in the foot.

Is Nocturne one of the ones with randomised demons?

>I thought the start of Pokemon Colosseum was going to go all Mad Max on us.

literally a major plot point in PMD: EoD/T/S

>tfw no Pixie gf

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Can't get into these or persona for the life of me. Intros are way too long full of pointless dialogue, too many fucking words and scenes, they never end. These are more like teenager novels than anything I don't get it. Final fantasy at least just gets to the fucking point. In these games you do a battle, do a tutorial, dialogue for 30 minutes, battle your hand held on, more dialogue. Fuck just let me play the game.

This is bait, innit?

SMT are good RPGs but poor monster collecting games
The appeal of monster collecting games is to have a variety of party members suited for different tasks, and the ability to train ones from your first encounters to endgame potential.
In SMT you just replace your demons every 5 levels since shitty demons will always be shitty unless you completely autistic and fuse down, passing down high level skills to your Pixie, and even then it'll still be shit
Like I said, they're good games but hardly fill the same niche

Tell me when there's a monster that throws poop

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persona 3, 4, 5 all terrible with way too much shit slice of life crap. Except I actually got far enough into 5 to enjoy it a bit but not enough to finish.

I thought you were talking about SMT for a sec there.

Isn't SMT the same type of game though? Persona 4 makes me wanna gouge my eye out with the amount of dialogue


>slice of life
Yeah, no.

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Who needs a monster that throws poop if there's a demon that literally shits all the time?

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That’s not critique you mong, it’s just your opinion that you haven’t backed with anything

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>gives you Metatron

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That’s just Yea Forums in a nutshell.

>volume 1 2014
>volume 2 2017
I doubt the publisher will still exist by the time they get around to the next one

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SMT games take place after the apocalypse. In Nocturne all of humanity beside five humans are dead.

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Yeah I guess it’s SoL if you live in a country like Georgia or Laos

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And sometimes during.

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Get out of here newfag go kill yourself



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Rapefag, pls.

SMTIV got me into the series and I've actually been playing older entries. I do want to play Nocturne though. How do I into Soul Hackers?

Would people be so anal about what is called SMT or not if persona didn't exist?
It just seems people only obses over that only mainlime is called SMT when it comes to persona.

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No, because if you call DeSu or Devil Summoner or anything SMT nobody makes a fuss about it and know what you're talking about it, people just bitch about it with Persona because they want to make it out like Persona doesn't deserve to be lumped in with other MegaTen games, not because they're actually wrong.

I'm sorry but Persona is just bland shounenshit.

Why did they fuck up Titania bros.

She was so pretty now she's so ugly

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>non shit plot, edge, 10/10 gameplay, difficulty
Imagine actually beileving this

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smtchads have every right to be elitist

You act like there any good SMT games. Only I, II and SJ/Redux are okay to decent

Oh, it’s you. Kindly fuck off.

>but Persona is just bland shounenshit.
Wow, just like SMT

Have you actually played the games?

Why are you pretending to be a "chad" when SMT is as worse as Persona?

Yeah and they were shit. Do you even know what shounen means?

Not even the guy you responded to, dumb fuck. You’re that autist who keeps sperging out over Press Turn and whatever.

>Shōnen, shonen, or shounen manga (少年漫画 shōnen manga) is manga aimed at a young male target-demographic. The age group varies with individual readers and different magazines, but it is primarily intended for boys between the ages of 8 to 18. The kanji characters (少年) literally mean "boy" (or "youth"), and the characters (漫画) means "comic". Thus, the complete phrase means "young person's comic", or simply "boys' comic"; its female equivalent is shōjo manga. Shōnen manga is the most popular form of manga.
I don’t think you even know what shounen means.

Press turn is objectively bad but what does that have to do with pretending SMT isn't the same level of flawed like Persona.

Yes, and SMT is Shonen as it is aimed at teens. You know there are blood and dark imagery in lots of Shonen manga right? Not everything is One Piece

Fucking called it. Sperg out about Press Turn somewhere else, you bloody autist.

That is very poor gameplay.
go back to r/megaten jarin

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Fuck, I thought the translator actually wanted to keep going with the project.
Yeah. Yu Godai got ill during the development of DDS and had to leave so someone else(Tadashi I think) took over. She wrote the books with the original story later on, called Quantum Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner but only two of them were translated, the translator is pretty bro and used to answer question about it on twitter and reddit

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Port of Nocturne for ps4 or switch when???

One Piece doesn’t deal with end of the world scenarios, apocalyptic calamities, killing your own friends, shaping the fate of the world with each choice having its own consequence, etc...

Why? You are the one pretending Nocturne is good. Do you really want this thread to be about debunking the myth that Nocturne has good gameplay or is difficult?

How so you know r/megaten likes those games? Maybe you should stay there. And yeah Nocturne gameplay is really terrible.

I know, that's what I just said

Every time you sperg out in a SMT thread about Press Turn, the thread almost always goes through a shitstorm. It’s pathetic as fuck, man.

Neither do most shonen for that matter.

Probably because SMTfags can't handle truth when their shitty gameplay is called out for being the casualized trash it is

Yeah SMT is unique, it's still shonen though.

i fell in love with the whole series back when p5 came out. replaying smt4 at the moment

Again, I don’t think you know what that means.

>when normalfags can’t even get into it without bitching about the difficulty

No you don't. You literally think that because it has dark imagery that somehow makes it a series only for adults. Are you serious? Tell me, is Devilman media a shonen or not?

Why is press turn bad? It rewards you for building a good team and punishes you for building a shit one

What are these normalfags? Reviewers bitch about everything.

Both those and social media fags in general.

>didnt include nocturne at all
lul, this is your very swayed/biased opinion

>It rewards you for building a good team
*sucks your dick. In actually good games proper team building is simply something that devs require you to do to beat it, not trivialize entire encounters.

Nocturne is worst in the entire series. Rather play if.. then that piece of shit

Fuck you and your gay Haram of “friends” that just get in the way

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Yeah, they bitch about anything.

>when Ronde and NINE exists

Ronde isn't SMT and NINE isn't in English

The only time press turn was incredibly broken was in SMT Nocturne because of things like dark/bright might which isn't in other games with press turn. Enemies can abuse press turn as well so it's an even playing field for you and the enemy

>implying reviewers and social media fags aren’t normalfags

At least Nocturne doesn't have you run in circles for 64 moon cycles you fucking contrarian

Using the phrase jump ship when reffering to getting onboard with something is pretty fucking weird, that phrase is usually reserved for leaving or abandoning things

even though i dont really care how you would classify it, i don't really think it would be considered simply as shounen. while it isn't really hardcore adult themes, it sure is filled with themes not belonging into shounen. it is difficult if we go by the age ratings of the games, which tend to fluctuate between 12+ and 17+. genres and other classifications are far too indistinct nowadays, you can't just classify something as complicated as a game to just one of those

I started playing Nocturne years ago and never finished. I'm going to restart. What do I need to know going in?

The only time press turn isn't broken actually is DDS on the final boss and the optional boss
>Enemies can abuse press turn as well so it's an even playing field for you and the enemy
You literally aren't on a even playing field. In other games you are on a real even playing field. Press turn makes it work that whoever goes first is the winner (the player 90% of the time). There's a reason back attacks are cancer since they let it have a trial and error situation everytime you enter a dungeon for the first time.

i like how every demon treats me like an ass

They are, and they bitch about everything. Are you dumb?

It's especially laughable when those same people recommend DDS when someone asks how to get into the franchise.

At least in other games you don't have to suffer a mindless repetitive system that's all about looping multi crit builds over and over

DDS is a good place to get into the series since its the only "good" press turn game

Based Based Based Based Based Based

The real point is, calling a game "shonen" is retarded when that's a term for manga

>the only "good" press turn game

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That’s my point, you stupid fuck. If the system really is as casualized as you claimed it to be then, logically, they shouldn’t complain about the difficulty at all. Do you even know what a normalfag is or can you not just read, you failed abortion?

>doesn’t even have Fusion or Negotiations, two of the main features of the series
Never mind, you’re retarded as fuck.

It's definitely not Nocturne, or 2. fucking sure as hell not IV. Final maybe.

Yeah back attacks suck but you shouldn't get wiped out by them unless you have a bad team and your demons don't cover each other's weakness. The real advantage is knowing what the enemy's weakness is. Then it allows you to take care of the enemy swiftly since an AI is less likely to target a weakness of yours. Why is the ability to finish battles quickly a bad thing? Random encounters in an RPG are usually tedious and pad out time in RPGs so I don't really understand why going through them quickly is a negative.

i hope smtv has raidou like gameplay

right you are

Fusion doesn't make the series special and most games don't make Negotiations good. So Yeah, funny how the farthest away you get from mainline the better the game?

not this faggot again

smt isn't a monster raising game
demons are seen as tools and are presented that way via game play

Holy shit, you’re a faggot. Tell me, what other games do you know use something like SMT’s Fusion?

Who the fuck cares about negotiations? They're shit in every fucking game.

If you actually invest in video games the system is casualized. It lacks more mechanical depth than SNES games. Normalfags bitch about P5 and that game is a joke.

>It lacks more mechanical depth than SNES games.
Such as?

Rapefag’s decent compared to the Press Turn autist.

>Who the fuck cares about negotiations? They're shit in every fucking game.

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Name one game with good negotiations, faggot.

You can easily die to back attacks, and you have no way to counteract it until minds eye. Traversing though a area and dying due to getting instant hama or having a weekness exploited (only first time around) due to no fault of your own is not good game design.
>Why is the ability to finish battles quickly a bad thing?
Fodder encounters should not be a fucking time waster. The whole point is continuing draining your resources while every battle feels like a tug of warm, and it doesn't do that. Once you go first you always have the advantage and the enemy can't do shit about it

Pokemon breeding

Pokémon breeding is it’s own special brand of autism, honestly.

every smt game, i like feeling like shit when talking to demons

No INT, VIT and MAG no longer affect physical and magical defensive, no armor or guns, no equipment at all, no 6 party members, no front or back row, no MAG management, etc

All of them turbonigger

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you're both retards. neither is shounen despite featuring teenagers

Can't deny that, once you have a taste of balltism (look it up) then you know you're in for deep shit.

Some of the responses are flat out hilarious.

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Soul Hackers, Final, Nocturne (well if they fucking said what the talk skills did)

Soul Hackers, Strange Journey, Apocalypse, Raidou 2.


>Persona is not shounen

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They aren't shounen because they aren't manga

yeah, it's aimed at 25+ year old japanese businessmen who had no childhood. everything else is secondary

So like One Piece and look what we got.

the only reason why Persona isn't T or E is because of fucking Mara

since it's not classified by manga standarts, it isn't.

it's not shonen manga because it's not manga. games can be shonen, just not shonen manga
>so like one piece
no that's literally aimed at children. it's in shonen jump

tell me, why does anyone fucking care?

No, shonen is a term for nothing but manga.

I've rarely died to a back or surprise attack. SMTIV and IVA makes it even less likely cause your protag can die and you can still command your demons. There are plenty of passive skills you can acquire later that null your weaknesses. Even if you get your own weakness exploited, that's just the game encouraging you to fuse your demons into other demons so that doesn't happen again.
Also I'm having trouble understanding your argument. You're telling me that battles shouldn't be a time waster but that battles should drain your resources and feel like a tug of war, meaning they should be longer?

*and animation

shonen is a demographic you retard. it quite literally just means young man

Still waiting on DeSu 3

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better luck researching next time, user!


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>gets btfo
>b-better luck next time

Yeah for manga you fucking retard. God I can't stand ironic weebs using terms whenever they want. How many words are you going to kill like waifu, and shonen?

still part of the same series, even if it's a spin-off

have you been scrombled?

thats just wife bastardized. it has no meaning except TO ironic weebs.
and if you heard a jap say "young man's(shonen) video game" you wouldn't say um no sweatie thats actually just for manga because that's actually retarded

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even the mobile game has good negotiations

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>actually responding to Press Turn autist

Tough words coming from a guy with no shoulders.

don't confuse the structure and meaning of your own example sentence, lol

Whoo! Flynn is our messiah!

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Be yourself, man!

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Is KMT worth playing?

Don’t be mean.

I love my friends

the best way to love something is to let it go
t. dagda

Based and Strangepilled.


This is another reason why I enjoy the series. The overall dialogue of demons, and their interactions with humans is pretty damn entertaining. You don't get to experience shit like that in Pokemon.

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Join you? 350 macca and not one macca less

It's great.

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IV and Final fix the system with back attacks since enemies are on screen and you only get a back attack on the overworld and you have a low AGI rate. Really this just means that you have a even easier time at the game, Since every battle you always have the massive advantage over the enemy
>Even if you get your own weakness exploited, that's just the game encouraging you to fuse your demons into other demons so that doesn't happen again
Which will only happen the first time around in the beginning, that's the point. You get to a point fog breath and Sukukaja (Final stops this thankfully) and smirks completely cover your weakness always and you always go first so there's no even playing field. You always get the advantage.
>You're telling me that battles shouldn't be a time waster but that battles should drain your resources and feel like a tug of war, meaning they should be longer?
There's a difference between being a time waster and engaging in tactical battle. You go in, spam weakness, win, get out. Repeat until boss. That's fucking boring and waste of time because every battle falls into the same loop. In other games random encounters feel like a tug of war becasue enemies actually fight back and you have to pay attention. You can't just span fire and get a extra turn when leads to another extra turn, you always have to be on guard for what the enemy has in store since the battles are in phases and you are actually punished for bad team building due to being easily wiped out. That's the major problem with press turn, you are given a extra reward, for being something basic you are supposed to. Getting a crit is a benefit of extra damage, not a entire turn that allows more damage. You can't just fuse a invincible team member and watch a bosses turns disappear as he hopelessly tries to hit you to no avail. It trivializes until fights, what's the good in that?

>jap say "young man's(shonen) video game"
And no one says that you fucking retard

Momunofu is too based.

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MT II is great.

Either way, this argument is flawed since the same weakness spamming still exists in other JRPG series. They don't require any extra "focus", because at the end of the day the same overall concept applies. You're making it sound like random encounters should be life or death battles, but they really shouldn't be, nor should they be difficult either. You've been going at this for quite some time, and nobody truthfully agrees with what you're saying. Let it go, user. If you're displeased, cool. You're not going to convince anyone that the combat is any less flawed, since people enjoy it. Hopefully SMTV will improve shit for you.

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There’s no way they could get away with this shit today.

Sadly, yeah. Especially after how they changed a lot of controversial dialogue in Catherine Fullbody, because of "baaaw offended trannies".

Just got to the 3 pyramids. This game is cash

I don't think thes particular oberon is recluitable, that's the Fairy forst where you face Girimehkala

From what I heard, that incident was a shitstorm and a half.

What a worthless fucking post.

Wow, rude.

Could they get away with this?

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>this argument is flawed since the same weakness spamming still exists in other JRPG series
The weakness spam in those games aren't automatic wins so no? When you are massively overpowered yeah but not during regular gameplay. And they really do require focus, you cant go in blind and expect to just win without playing attention in SJ, Etrian, SaGa, DQ, etc especially when you have no way to just negate incoming attacks during regular encounters.
>You're making it sound like random encounters should be life or death battles, but they really shouldn't be, nor should they be difficult either
Yes they should, challenge is the core of video games. If you are simply wasting your time what's the point? They have random encounters there for a reason, you might as well fucking remove them if they are pointless.
>and nobody truthfully agrees with what you're saying
Because SMTfags have only played press turn garbage and if they played anything but this shit maybe they can stop overhyping it as the Magnum Opus of jrpg combat. The actual truth of the matter is if Atlus keeps pushing this garbage they will always be below many other jrpgs.

You’d better hope that Altus are releasing SMT V at all.
It really hurts to be honest, guys.
Shin Megami Tensei’s explosion in popularity among ‘hardcore gaymers’ as well as Persona 5ms success show that SMT could have been marketed well to gain a substantial audience and become a big franchise, but Altus just haven’t done this- and they’re gonna fail to do this again with SMT V.

It was pretty bad, yeah. Atlus caved in. I'm hoping they can still keep up the dark humor in these games, though. Less gender memes, but that's not a major loss.

I’ve played a lot of turn-based games and SMT combat is still one of my faves. The amount of customization it allows for when it comes to the demons is fun as fuck, especially since I love mythology.

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>could have been marketed well to gain a substantial audience and become a big franchise
It already has a decent fanbase, there's no need for this shit to get bigger

>Persona fans of today play SMTV
>"Aaaaaa it's too fucking hard!"
>"The philosophy in these games are in no way as engaging as bonding in a high school setting, to make a memorable, comfortable, experience."
>"It's too dark! This triggers my anxiety and depression!"
So yeah, I'm not looking forward to V's release. I'm going to be annoyed as shit. Especially if Atlus caves in on the opinions of the newer generation of players, and tries to alter the feel of the games entirely.

SMT combat is not only press turn. There are good SMT games, then there are bad ones

Such as?

I think people often exaggerate the series population, or sales being awful. IV alone sold 600k. I'm sure SMTV could easily break a million, and proceed to become even more successful. Be less pessimistic, guys.


>Because SMTfags have only played press turn garbage and if they played anything but this shit maybe they can stop overhyping it as the Magnum Opus of jrpg combat.
Thankfully I have played other RPGs and press turn is the most fun out of all of them :^)

>Atlus caves in on the opinions of the newer generation of players, and tries to alter the feel of the games entirely.
They won't and Atlus has always made games for Neurotypicals

>I'd rather suck nigger cock than join you ramirez you fucking spic
Strange Journey was made in a different time

>Atlus caves in on the opinions of the newer generation of players, and tries to alter the feel of the games entirely.
This sentence literally doesn't mean anything. Go graph it, you'll see.

Devil Summoner
Majin Tensei II


I'm sorry for your shit taste

>Devil Summoner
>Majin Tensei II
He asked for SMT games.

playin Strange Journey for the first time as my first megaten game right now
holy fuck chosing an alignment is hard, it's probably the hardest moral dilemma I've ever felt playing a game

dragon warrior monsters was the best monster fighter

pokemon had potential, yet lacks the same options dragon warrior monsters had

Damn, you really showed me. I'm gonna cry real hard tonight.

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And I gave it to him. Those are just extras, people use MegaTen/SMT nonchalantly all the time

Law or bust

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Mot will let you win whenever he feels like it

yeah you could, these demons are obviously meant to be charatures. not everything is >muh political boogeyman

>rehashing the same game concept and monsters over and over again but slapping an affinity to it
No thanks I'd rather have a new Devil Summoner Game

>use Sukukaja
Damn, so hard.

And the weakness spam in SMT games don't amount to automatic victories either. Especially on higher difficulties, so again, no. I've played various RPG's from Golden Sun to Xenoblade, and you're making it sound like the random encounters are any more challenging than SMT's random encounters. The difficulty was honestly the same, or less so. You keep bringing up other JRPG's, but you aren't providing any examples of what makes them so engaging, or challenging. You truthfully spew contradicting information, and nobody is agreeing with you.
>Yes they should
In what world are random encounters of all things meant to be, challenging? You either have to be an absolute casual, or have zero understanding of the gameplay to struggle or find random encounters challenging. In most JRPG's, the challenge comes specifically from bosses.
>B-Because muh SMTfags
Bud, breath with your nose, not your mouth. I'm sure most of the people in here have played other JRPG's, and may even find them more engaging than SMT's combat. You automatically assume that everyone thinks Press Turn is better than most JRPG's, because you've seen people say they've had more fun with said system over others. That doesn't equate to them thinking Press Turn is the greatest system of all time. I personally enjoy Xenoblade more, but I still find Press Turn fun and will defend it. Either way though, continue throwing around essays that people will likely ignore or meme on. This is my last response to (you).

I'm law now but I kinda want to get back to neutral, I'm afraid Mastema just want to fuck me over and enslave mankind
then again I don't trust humanity enough to let it fix the earth alone
leaving thread I don't want to get spoiled

I don't remember seeing anyone saying that Press Turn is the "Magnum Opus" of anything. I've seen people say it's fun, and praise the overall gameplay like Demon Fusion, and etc, but never any seriously long responses talking about how amazing PT is. You personally sound obsessed, when nobody really gives a shit. Disliking it, isn't going to stop people from enjoying it in return. Do you plan on convincing people that it's shit, or something? It ain't gonna work.

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Honestly, this. Personally, I just love talking about SMT whenever.

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I see this image, everywhere

It’s a pretty comfy image.

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All these constant threads are fucking things up, and inviting shitposters here

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>playing Soul Hackers
>Talk to demon
>Starts telling me about hes playing a game and hes at the part where he runs into a guy carrying a weird gun thing full of demons in a building
>realizes his life is literally a game and runs away shocked and scared

made me chuckle desu

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>Tfw no other game can match SMT IVs atmosphere

IV was so perfect bros then IVA had to go and fucking ruin it

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>"Psst. Bro, you got a life stone?"
>Gives life stone
"Thanks, man. You really saved my ass. Here's a life stone. See you around!"

You mean this one?

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Well IVA is nothing more than a side story for IV, so it's not really that deep. The atmosphere doesn't really disappear because of the new party members, either. It's still as dark.

>And the weakness spam...
Yes they do? How is the ability to go ×8 In a single turn not make battles a joke? Also higher difficulties don't change. Nocturne has simply 2x damage, 3x traps, and fixed back attack. IV and Final change player damage priorities but not enough to change you winning the moment you go first. The damage penalty is like 40% which is nothing. The thing that makes Final actually good is the agi penalty, Sukukaja no longer breaks the game during bosses which allow you to negate all incoming damage.
>providing any examples of what makes them so engaging, or challenging
The initial fact is that battles aren't a one sided track. There's participation from both sides, you rarely get that from press turn because you go first you, you win. No exceptions. You can't just blast away other opponents in a flash like with press turn since battles are in phases and not complete separate turns. You just spam the same three tools in every battle. Only endgame content has so many resistances you'll go for a multihit crit build rather than elemental weaknesses, it's braindead. With no distinct attacks without the need of snowballing and degenerating in turn loops that are just spamming the same physical in order to spam more crits to maximize damage output.
If mainline keeps on pushing this garbage mechanic it will never evolve. you don't even get attack types that feel weapons feel varied and unique with lots of different ranges, strengths and effects; compare to press turn having fixed weak/medium/strong/severe attacks with single/all/random targets for each element. It's all very limited.
>In what world are random encounters of all things meant to be, challenging?
In real world. What's the point of random encounters if they aren't engaging the player?
Also that's a complete fucking lie. Yea Forums has gone on and on about how Press turn is the Magnum Opus in any jrpg or SMT thread. The large majority here very do much believe that SMT is the pinnacle.

You haven't been jrpg thread then.

>side story for IV
It takes place in an entirely different timeline with a completely different ending. Side story is a bit of an understatement

Based coping ESL-Poster

It's true. They act like nothing is better.

IVA is still the better game

>SMT IV is about some people literally discovering a whole new world right under them and exploring it completely clueless with no prior knowledge and overtime uncovering its secrets and finding their true ideals through their travels
>IV A is about some kid and his band of friends who generally have up beat and cheery attitudes to everything because "YAY FRIENDSHIP!" while they explore the world I've got to fully uncover overtime in the previous game

IVA soiled it

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yes kek

And IVA is still better since now it's playable

Am I the only one who hated IV and IVA?

Nice projecting

What projecting?

I adore SMT, but calling it a monster collecting game is extremely dumb. Demons are nothing but tools to be cast aside, sacrificed or fused. Making your favourite demon viable requires massive amounts of autistic fusing (unless said demon is based Daisoujou or Black Frost, those are already perfect)

You're assuming every smtfag who likes press turn is an elitist who thinks it's the best battle system ever. And everyone else in the thread is calling you a dumbass cause they've played other games and have never claimed it's the best battle system out there

That's only because the main cast of IVA grew up in the hell of Tokyo

Why have SMTfags gone to obnoxious territories? Are these just Nocturne zoomers?

Nocturne is like 16 years old dude. Its a boomer game. SMT IV is zoomer core

Zoomers can play old games to try to fit in.

>Making your favourite demon viable requires massive amounts of autistic fusing
It depends on the game really. In Nocturne for example Mitama's give insane bonuses, so you can keep the same demon as long as you want, doesn't really require lots of time to do unless you run of stones and need to go hunting.

"obnoxious territories"
What are you even talking about? This OP is either an intentional false flag to rile people up, or some idiot who just finished Nocturne, and thinks SMT is the best monster collecting game or whatever. Stop taking shit so seriously, dumbass.

Then why did OP start with 10/10 gameplay? And how does that change jrpg threads where people pretend press turn is the greatest combat of all time

Look at the other SMT threads. They aren't any better you dumb faggot.

>what is shitposting?

I like Apocalypse because I can make Flynn my bitch

>Muh JRPG threads
You lack awareness, user. Just because a couple of people in those threads are praising Press Turn, doesn't mean every SMTfag in these threads inherently finds it the greatest system, ever. A few people, don't speak for the majority. I'd personally like to see more get implemented to the combat, or adopt a more Devil Summoner style again, but that's just me. Opinions differ, genius. As for the OP, who knows. He's probably false flagging. Stop taking everything so literally.

To be fair, some shitposter from discord openly admitted to making, and derailing SMT threads purposely a couple weeks back. I think his name was Ryan, or something

And cuck him as well by breeding Isabeau right in front of him.

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Not this shit again. It's Robby

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Did you play p2:is and ep ?

>a couple
Besides the point is they will never stop using this system which should have been left to a spinoff like DDS. Every fucking game has this shitty boring ass combat, not like Atlus does anything that isn't SMT or Persona now and all their other games are fucking dead.

Looks way more interesting than generic woman in a green dress

I don't know what to tell you, other than stop playing the games. Nobody is forcing you. Feel free to continue the flawed debates though. I've stated my point. A handful of people don't speak for the majority, and I'm sure there's plenty people here who find other JRPG combat more interesting than Press Turn. Sperge less, and get some air. I don't think anyone agrees with your rhetoric.

user, he has autism. I don’t think that’s even possible for him.

I never use this meme but for once it's painfully adequate : Get laid instead of sperging out over video games.
What a pathetic fuck.

Or they could make the games better and not so braindead. Is that so hard to do? The only "flawed debate" here is pretending Press turn is good.

Pass me the double cup, Robby

Speak English

You're not making any sense

Please go outside and stop sperging out about turn-based JRPGs on the Internet, dude.

If you don't care about video games why are you here? Why have normalfags infested/v/ so much?

Speak for yourself, you sound new here

Not at all but nice projection

>playing turn-based games that aren’t Pokémon, FF, or Persona
Think before you speak.

No projection here, friend. It sounds like you aren't familiar with the board. Keep coping though, Robby

Why do you automatically assume it's Nocturne fans?

How much edge?

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Normalfags doesn't mean regular person you fucking retard

Nocturne's press turn was fantastic, I thought. Making buffs and debuffs useful was great. IV made them useless and that really fucking confused me for the first 10+ hours. Once I learned to just give all my demons AoE elemental spells and nothing else, I breezed through the entire game with no speedbumps.

Normal days don't play SMT, troglodyte. It's niche enough as it is, and I doubt most people have heard of it. Normalfag JRPG's would be Pokemon, Final Fantasy, and Kingdom Hearts.

>Normalfags doesn't mean regular person
That’s literally what it means, you dumb fuck.

No there's a large amount of projection coming from you and you keep going at it. Is this a coping mechanism for seeing the truth that press turn is bad and you can handle it? Must be

>Seething this much
Yeah, you've been outed. You've already embarrassed yourself enough, and you can barely form proper sentences. It's time to leave.

I could not care less about that. I meant more like my cute companions getting lynched or pulling a Bloodborne on me where no matter what I do I will fail to save literally anyone.

I'm just shitposting, though, and I'm in no way taking you seriously lmao

No it doesn't you fucking dipshit. How many words are idiots like you going to missconstruct? Never mind that SMT is becoming the defintion of normal with Persona 5 seeming into it

>Normal days

>being this retarded
Yep, you’re a newfag. Shoo away, dumbass.

>No it doesn't you fucking dipshit
Leave Yea Forums and never return.

Nocturne's press turn was fucking awful, how is making buffs and debuffs OP good? Nevermind that not only you can spam AOE physical in Nocturne as well as only two sections of the game have demons blocking Physical. Nocturne is just poorly designed as all hell.

Yes they do. A neckbeard can be a normalfag

anything that has my boi jack frost i'll play

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you literally have the option of going full edge and killing your friends and your dog for the sake of siding with Satan.

is the ultimate chaosfag wet dream the dog is the best girl believe it or not

You're definitely new here, and it's incredibly apparent. Keep seething though, mongoloid. I'll crack open a cold one and enjoy the games, while you continue to shitpost like a hurt child, though. Also..
>Implying Persona and SMT are remotely the same
Yeah, you fucked up. Embarrassing.

Seething at what? Why are SMTfags so afraid at Confrontation

>He's never played the Hardtype Mod

That's fine. I'm glad SMT threads are so easy to derail

Please go back go reddit and stay there. Next time learn proper words.

It does you literal shit eating retard. You want to know how I can tell you are new?

yeah the anime was bland but at least best girl looked cute

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>implying I’m the one who needs to go back to Plebbit
Fuck off, newfag.

I did and it makes Nocturne decent. It has major problems like the vanilla game does but at least enemies get turns in now. Way better than that piece of shit that is the base game

>Nocturne's press turn was fucking awful, how is making buffs and debuffs OP good?
It gives more variety than just spamming attacks at least?
>you can spam AOE physical in Nocturne as well
Sure but by the time you get pierce they start tossing girimekhala and other reflect physical demons into every other fight so you can't always.
>Nocturne is just poorly designed as all hell.
I had a far better time with it than IV and IVA at least, and considering how shit the fusion mechanics in Nocturne were, I'd think that says a lot.
Not to mention smirk is the single worst addition to SMT to date.

Yes you fucking do. At least this confirms SMTfags are all from reddit who invaded, as there needed to be more proof for this.

>You want to know how I can tell you are new?
No, because I've been here since late 2006 so I can already tell you're talking out of your ass.

>not Yea Forumscore
Fucking newfag.

If I have that option then I will assume I have the option to rip his digestive system, shit down his gaping mouth and wipe my ass with his tongue. Guess I'll start with the Gameboy games and go from there.

No user it's true that I been here longer than you. But keep using words like seething and cope. Its just the nu-Yea Forums way of saying the same shit the past 14 years.
>Implying Persona and SMT are remotely the same
>SMTfag doesn't have reading comprehension
What a surprise

You didn't even properly explain what changes make it more engaging, so I'm thinking you're lying, user

They could, if they couldn't then they would have taken those negotiations out of Deep Strange Journey, which they didn't.

>the Oni in the AR mode from the mobile game asks you to look at his timbs

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It will release, the doomsaying surrounding it is retarded. They wouldn't market it to a Western audience regardless just like they didn't market P5 to a Western audience, and like P5 I'm sure it'll do fine despite that. ATLUS just don't care about their Western audience and that's not changing.

You said
>SMT is becoming the definition of normal with P5 seeming into it
Which made no sense because the two series are completely different, and P5 has zero influence on the games. So again, follow your own advice and gain some reading comprehension, you obsessed child.

>It gives more variety than just spamming attacks at least?
No it doesn't? Sukukaja just has it so you can negate all incoming attacks during bosses. You literally spam the same moves all fights.
>Sure but by the time you get pierce they start tossing girimekhala and other reflect physical demons into every other fight so you can't always
>a fucking boss
There are only two sections on the game that shut down physical for some encounters, the Obliesk and the Tower of K. That's it.
>I had a far better time with it than IV and IVA at least
That's on you, Final is objectively superior to Nocturne especially when the stats in that game actually work.

Nobody who plays any SMT, regardless of their opinion of Persona, says any of those things except for maybe that it's too hard. You don't even kill your friends until towards the end, SMT is usually plenty lighthearted and P5 even touching on suicide, even if it wasn't prominent was far likely to prompt any complaints of triggering depression than anything in any SMT. You shouldn't make up people to complain with in your head.

No you haven't, it's quite easy to quite

Nocturne is Yea Forumscore, maybe SJ. Not SMT. You think people here played 1 and II? Get real

>Not SMT.
>Mentions Nocturne and SJ
Thank you for confirming that you're an actual retard.

If you played it you would know. The changes to the magic degradation being gone makes it much more viable, in addition to better physical attacks and scaling with it. Lunge is no longer the worst more in the game with like a 43% hit rate. The added HP and stats do a lot to encounters, they can actually get a turn in now and makes expel skills good.

SMT the series is not Yea Forumscore that is true. If it was Yea Forumscore it wouldn't cirlejerk around one game. You can't say Fallout is Yea Forumscore if people only talk about New Vegas.

It is true you fucking retard. P5 was a big boom and will definitively drive interest in SMT V

SMTV is vaporware, though. Everyone knows it's not releasing lmao

>Obliesk and the Tower of K. That's it.
Also the diet building and the 5th kalpa which have girimekhala in random fights. Sometimes 3x Giri at a time.
Don't fight me on this I literally just finished half the tower of kagutsuchi in NG+ five minutes ago. There's plenty of variety, at least more than IV and IVA.
>That's on you, Final is objectively superior to Nocturne especially when the stats in that game actually work.
Oh, stats again. I guess skills don't mean shit to you.

>I'm too stupid to tell what's good and bad so you shouldn't do it.

>Also the diet building and the 5th kalpa which have girimekhala in random fights. Sometimes 3x Giri at a time.
Don't recall any Grimekhala on the Diet building but do remember in the Kalpa so I'm mistaken on that one. Though that doesn't really change the point, majority of the game physical AOE spam runs supreme. Also there is not more variety. 400+ demons beat out 100+. That's just wrong to say.
>I guess skills don't mean shit to you
Both IV and Final have better skills than Nocturne. That doesnt make any sense

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Because persona 4 is cuter

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Need I say more?

And yet, it's still inferior to the prior Persona games in just about everything, except maybe gameplay in terms of P1/P2

Persona is Megami Tensei though.

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