>video game has """dragons""" in them
>they're actually wyverns
Why is this allowed?
Video game has """dragons""" in them
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It's like when you see a japanese kid in something made for white people. It's basically the same.
Who cares?
This used to bug me too but then I thought
if we had IRL some giant fire-breathing lizards that fly, I too would call them dragons without giving a shit about their limbs
inb4 retards saying "dragons don't have to have 4 legs!!!!1"
>Game has a wyvern
>It's actually an amphiptere
inb4 retards saying "dragons have to have 4 legs!!!!1"
Akatosh has 4 legs, it's only his children that have 2
Predicting arguments by samefagging wont stop them from coming
Dragons have to have 4 legs
This is a wyvern. Say something nice about it.