What went wrong?

what went wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Literally nothing

ur birth

the game is all about hating america
as a girl, i will not be buying this game and canceling my pre-order

Nothing went wrong, it’s perfect


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I'm still waiting for Yea Forums to tell me if I should love it or hate it.

everyone realized kojima is gay

Watch the trailer again and focus on the gameplay

You can do it, user

>watches trailers, pre-orders, cancel pre-order
>as a girl

What's with faggots wanting desperately for games to fail?

Bing Bing


Its pretty much perfect

Nothing went wrong op, it’s perfect

I haven't even watched the trailer once.

Nigga it ain't even out yet damn. I swearcya'll niggas always looking for shit to hate.

What are the chances this ends up like mgsv? Will we be ultimately disappointed once we've played it and all the hype is gone?

Another cinematic third person shooter. guaranteed sales and even game of the year contender. Mountains of press and hype despite the game being medicore at best and will called a masterpiece.

Kojimafags are legit sadder than even the most depraved underage smashfag

>despite the game being medicore at best
oh you played it?

Best selling exclusive(aka only on one platform) game of the decade, mark my words

It's exactly what everyone expected

kojima spent 2 years advertising a walking simulator and somehow people expected it not to be a walking simulator

100% because kojimadrönes never learn
might have to leave this board for a month just like on mgsv launch cos these faggots spam 10,000 threads

This game will get a perfect metascore, screencap this

This pretentious 2deep4u shit better not steal GOTY from The Last of Us 2.

unbased and most definitely bluepilled

Then just look at this

Attached: 1559149313121.webm (640x360, 2.1M)

Not enough Paths.

Nah just making an educated guess only based on every game that man has ever made. Its made in the Horizon Zero Dawn engine. Yes medicore at best.

>this means its good

cucked and faggotpilled

>being excited for a game means your a kojimadrone

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Top fucking kek, looks like a f2p meme game

death stranding isn't an action game dumbass, that looks like a bunch of rubes flailing around like idiots because it's literally supposed to be a bunch of rubes flailing around like idiots. it's literally deliverymen and resource gatherers getting into a stick fight.

but hzd unironically had a good world, what sucked was the human AI

Soo you call a game you haven't played "mediocre", just because of the engine it's made with?

Is your head that far up your ass?


Untrue obviously.

Woah, so this is the power of Sony and Kojima together

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Neato exploration mechanics but shooting and melee mechanics that you can tell from the trailer is gonna be dogshit. Environments also look bogstandard and uninteresting, with only a couple being more than just Unreal Engine asset test environments. There's also still little that can be divined about the story, and while I'm sure he wanted it to be that way so it can be all subtle and artsy, it also means it's pretty hard to get invested and excited for it.

It's not bing bing wahoo.

LITERALLY MGSV in a different setting, also less guns and more walking


What is wrong with this?


You have too much sense for this place, leave for your own sake. The fools here cannot appreciate art.

Unironically looks like a mobile game tbqhfamalam

Its called a prediction, but with all predictions we can use patterns to determine to degree of certainty. So I don't know for a fact that will be mediocre but everything I've seen up to still point only reinforces that idea it will be.

Amazon really wants to put Fedex out of business.

At least you can deliver babies

Is it PlayStation exclusive?

this game will toast your precious "basedmachines" by overheating.

kinda like anthem.

Where did I say that in my post?

Nothing at all.
Playstation is literally the only relevant platform.
Don’t reply to me fat virgin losers

This is how you know that the gameplay is real


So now that the dust has settled, this game was shit.

It'll be on youtube too.

>kojima himself put that shit in the trailer

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The fuck is this johnny quest shit?

So much for reconnecting humanity Kojima.

Yea Forums

i cant stop laughing holy shit

imagine being so butthurt by a trailer. lmao it looks fun and after all if its not fun, why bother.

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my 8 years old nephew writes less retarded stories


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>snoy cinematic experience

Thos humans enemies .were half the game unfrotunately.

Why the fuck put that in the promotional material then? It looks goofy as shit

Kojima knows the real mafia is on shipping companies.

>its supposed to be bad

Fuck Me... I thought it was going to be First Person.

WTF is this?

>cinematic as in better graphics than games on PC

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it's so far mostly walking around

kojima = george lucas

All of the comments I read online are about the story. Not one post about gameplay. Just make a movie next time Kojima

dude least make it a little less obvious

I preordered the 200 dollar collector edition that comes with the baby pod.

>walking around looks fun

They made me pre-order it whoops, what now?

t.Gachafag or JRPGay


thanks for conceding



How is it about hating America?

>Game is about a character unifying America by carrying packages and building bridges between isolated cities
>Named Sam Porter Bridges

>Feat. Die Hardman


Maybe watch the trailer retard


Whatever you say ryan

Wait it is?
I’ll pre-order then. America is a fucking garbage shithole that should be nuked and nothing of value would be lost

ok kid

Exactly dickhead

feet or gtfo

>Bad guys are called homo demons
Subtle Kojima, subtle.

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Tell me why you're excited for this game without using a prase that could be used for a movie.


4channers are chronically cynical and the only way they can be happy is when they are right.

Name one game that looks and plays like Death Stranding.

Yea Forums has a disdain for Sony

Looks like another Sony masterpiece GOTY

You can't answer a question with a question, you jew.

Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain
>plays like
Pretty much any action game released the past generation. The 8 minute trailer didn't show much in the way of gameplay systems beyond walking and shooting.

>guys in yellow stand still during the last part when two of them could've easily hit him
Tlou2 trailer had the same problem, but at least it had the excuse that it was scripted, this is just awful ai

This game will be the proof that Kojima needed Konami to keep him in check.

please someone edit the benny hill theme


And for good reasons.

>Objective: RUN
What's wrong with that? The trailer also shows that that's not always the objective.

>tell me why you're excited without using anything that may be construed as a reason

>what went wrong?

stealth crouch walking

Talk shit about Crazy Monkey games again and we'll have a problem you little shit

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>8 minute trailer
>30 seconds of gameplay
It's a Kojima "game" alright. Might just play this one on Twitch.

Is this the power of PC?

>can literally think of no reason this game shouldn't be a movie instead

That Koji is a pop culture whore.

I don't know... I can see how it appears that way in the beginning... But I have a hard time believing Norman would be apart of something Anti-American.

So I'm still going to hold out hope. This game still looks like it could be pretty bad ass.

im not sure if this is a valid complain or not but fuck, my problem with this game is that it looks like a step down from MGS and for the lack of a better term term its forgettable, MGS is an icon of video games, the giant robots, conspiracy theories and grizzled men in bandanas fighting super powered terrorists all of this is memorable and help the sereis stand out from everything else around it, death stranding so far looks like the kind of game that will be forgotten within 5 years.
also kojima is the only person retarded enough to waste yoji shinkawas talent and go for mocapping instead.

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Now what?

Did anyone else notice the bit where the protagonist is transported back to World War I?

It must be World War I due to the tank design. And you even get to shoot motherfuckers in a WWI battle as well.

This game must be pretty expansive if it's got fucking time travel in it.

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What are the chances that isn't AI but other players who are supposed to be attacked him for some reason?

You’ll go to the moon too by the way

rusemaster will not let us down and you will all be ashamed of your words and deeds

you will rike it

Too much creative freedom. Kojima needs someone to reign him in.


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I actually think this game might be a thinly veiled dig at Trump.

>The world of Death Stranding seems to focus on America in the wake of some kind of collapse. Cities are scattered across the country, but the countryside is full of bandits and a supernatural force that appears to drag Sam into the past

Attached: donald trump.jpg (808x1023, 169K)

I trust Kojima.

That could have just been a figure of speech when he said that. And even if it isn't, that doesn't necessarily mean you'll experience it in the game.

>white people still chasing *iggers around Circa 2040

that game will get the 25%

So? Trump is a fat manlet

BASED, fuck trump and fuck wh*Te """"people""""

Konami was right all along, Kojima is a hack.

It's on the verge of collapse because people won't reach out and connect to each other, which is why the theme of the game is forming connections with others. Not an attack on Trump himself but the fractured state of American politics and culture.


>gameplay unironically looks like fucking shit

Lefty cuckold detected.

you're pretty fucking dense to be speculating, like wow you're dumb af

Why not?

Orange man good!

is this supposed to look fun?

Not OP

He hasn't really let me down yet. He's had missteps sure but overall he's consistently my favorite director.

Think the real issue is that a woman was president.

why do americans think everything is about them?
touché, but you must admit navigating hzd's map was fun

I appreciate this post.

He's good unless you're China it seems, nice try chang.

You really think Neil Cuckman is better than Kojimbo?

I don't think it's anti-American or specifically anti-Trump. I think it's more a social commentary about isolationism.

>He's had missteps sure but overall he's consistently my favorite director.
You have tremendously low standards, His shit games are filled with b movie dialogue and desperate attempts to replicate hollywood magic.

Why are europoors so obsessed with the only country that matters? Oops, redundant question.

Sure they are. And I appreciate that.

Go ahead. Change my mind.

Silence NPC

The meltdown this game is causing us glorious keep it up

I fucking love b movie dialogue and corny cinema tropes.

why do muricans build their houses on wood sticks?

Isn't it funny how the left can literally NEVER come up with their own memes and always has to use those from the right? Makes you think.

To fit the mcdonalds stash

>DS was the sole reason I kept that piece of shit console
>Gameplay looks like fucking trash
Thanks snoy

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It was the "bandits... [that] drag Sam into the past" bit which made me think of it being an analogue for Trump.

no really pls tell

>The left
>Any post that makes fun of me is THEM
Fuck off election nigger

Because memes are good social rapport and an appropriate way to engage in worthwhile debate.

You got me. I'm going to go back and destroy those good memories I have of Snatcher and Metal Gear Solid.

I can't believe I would waste my time slogging through a game I enjoyed like that.

it's... a game

Something went wrong? It looked pretty great to me.

Nothing went wrong because nothing happened in the trailer.

>Nigga it ain't even out yet
and yet faggots itt already saying that it's perfect. niggas looking for kojima's shit to love. kys

Because we're the only place in the world with the infrastructure necessary to replace or rebuild entire homes in days anyway. Shitty clone homes will just give contractors more work in a few decades and that is why our economy, especially construction, is very self-sufficient and towers over literally anywhere else in the world.

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It seemed ok but Kojima seems to be appealing to the wrong crowd with this game. I know the storytelling will be heavy handed and ridiculous like his previous games but it is being marketed as some blockbuster arthouse film like inception.

>kojimafags will defend this

>the left can literally NEVER come up with their own memes
fucking dumbass. The left's memes are babys are a clump of cells and guns cause violence. a fucking frog isn't changing anyone's political stance but the left's memes are

but your houses are shit mate

small wind and they fly like crackers

D3leT3 THis

I'm going to get it and like it and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop me.

>babys are a clump of cells

>clump of cells discovered on Mars
>This is Life!

>clump of cells discovered in uterus
>This is nothing!

Really makes me think.


I just watched the trailer and I still have no idea what the fuck is going on with this game.

>Actors waxing philosophical
>More walking
>Beat up some dudes with basic-ass cqc
>More waxing philosophical
>WW1, WW2 segments because ???
>Even MORE waxing philosophical
>Some more walking and shooting a dude

Kojima is such a goddamn hack, its amazing.

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The combat in this game is looking intense

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With what? You not being able to have sex?

>I dun undrstend so Kojambo HACK!
So easy to spot a brainlet

>its deep because it doesn't make sense

Never said that

Can't say I'm interested in buying Kojimbo's Hollywood circlejerk

Is this true?

That's exactly what you said because Death Stranding is entirely nonsensical.

>implying it won't be a giant unskippable cutscene
It will be a movie

Why don't you explain to the class just what the fuck is going on with this game, then?

Im not gonna talk to you if you keep being retarded, dont twist my words. Its not nonsensical, you can string whats happening pretty easily. If you arent interested in the game, dont play it. If you are, buy it and find out. Its really that simple.
Seems like Death Stranding is the explosion that Sam talked about, it torn the world apart and created the death dimension where Mads is stuck with the skeleton army in WW1. Sam is just a blue collar worker who tries to deliver supplies to cities and settlements and reconnect everyone. Higgs is part of the terrorist group who wants to prevent it and he has some connections to Mads character. Not sure about the woman in the red dress.

goddamn you /pol/ faggots are so annoying trying to shoehorn your victimization in everywhere, fuck off already seriously


a japanese videogame developer who has been working on a passion project for half a decade doesnt care about petty US social justice shit, get your head out of your ass

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This looks awful.

Shut up ryan

No one understands it.
Only Kojima, because the game is made for him.
He's a narcissistic hack.

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Looks like fun. Did you see that ladder shit? Blew my damn mind.

It was the "bandits and a supernatural force that appears to drag Sam into the past" bit that just made me think of Trump. As if those "bandits" are Trump voters, trying to drag the player into the evil, racist past.

was that really your conclusion? fucking retarded man jesus christ

>as a girl
game literally shows hillary as president. what more could you want?

Do they have ladders like that rl? I want one

You unironically, non-facetiously Don't Get It

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you're seeing all media through the lens of political twitter and imageboard drama user, its time to unplug

Can someone remotely speculate what the fuck the plot of this game is

that dude is crazy, he/she just wants something to bitch at

>stealth/action choice
>crazy kojimbo realistic-supernatural genre flip flopping bullshit
>mgsv gameplay
Nothing, it's Kojima Unchained.

Attached: hideo-kojima-ideo-kojima-en-21-sep-with-dante-that-1994601.png (500x525, 115K)

Another battle royale game? Oh, great...

You are mentally ill

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jesus christ, your brain is a fucking mess dude

Thats how it goes with Kojima games ever since MGS4
>some 2deep4 confusing trailers
>finally get to play it
>it's all tied together with some retarded explaination.

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Its been there since MGS2, skipped 3, 4, PW and V

See that wherever you want? You can go there.

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Where can I buy it? I'm getting the collectors edition. Two btw, one to keep it sealed.

Might as well go straight to rebbit and retardera

>watch trailer for any game
>2 mins long
>know what you're doing, why youre doing it, who the baddies are

>watch trailer for kojima game
>9 minutes long
>know less than i did from the first trailer


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>hype up game with years of literally nothing
>muh walking dead celebrities
>gameplay comes out
Great game guys.

Seems pretty good. Actually thinking of buying a PS4 just to play this game even if it's literally the end of the gen

MGS2 just had the Snake swap ruse with all the demos and trailers being snake in the tanker, not much confusing shit in the trailers.

For once idk and I love it. So tired of being able to figure out everything before a movie or game comes out.


Well yeah. It's fucking great. It hate when trailers tell you every goddamn thing about a game before you even play it.

You will be ashamed of your words & deeds


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know that feeling, everything sucks so much

hold hands


Attached: console gamer.png (1287x854, 95K)

wtf. I didn't type this gay shit, I typed hold hands

>it's another game where amerinsectoids flood it with their shitty politics

Attached: Screenshot.png (1176x869, 95K)

For fuck sakes, don't tell me mods filtered it.

hold hands
Hold hands
h.ave sex

reset era tranny btfo

No way

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>hold hand
How lewd!

i see you never played metal gear 1 through any.

have sex

>h-hand holding is l-lewd!!! >w<
Back to discord tranny

fucking based

I can't wait to have sex

We made hand holding lewd before discord even existed!

>It’s not about America, s-shut up
Then why is the game set in America, with America’s social and geographic division as a literal main plot point, you hare-brained dipshit?

hahaha fucking retards, you fell for my ruse.

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It's not exactly a stretch is it? Kojima has said his whole point for the game is for people to recognise their connections to each other or some shit. Fine, don't see the enemies as "Trump voters", but you could see them as an analogy for anyone who tries to drag people back into the past.

That's what you get for using memewords excessively

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Please user turn off the computer and seek help. The media and internet is hurting you. You're damaging yourself.

have sex

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damn i'm retarded

fuck off you faggot, kojima just has a thing for professional women. its why he includes hot scientists in all his games

At least the entire game wasn't given away like MGSV.

if the president sam was talking to even midly resembled trump, and if this game was developed by a western studio you might have a point, japan has their own shit to deal with, they dont care about trump