How can we stop them?

how can we stop them?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>stop them
They're already doomed user

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No need, they're killing themselves.
Like trannies

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Preventing them from making Ape Escape 4

>virgin manchild complains about his naked drawn japanese people getting censored
have sex

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Please stop posting this criminal. Thanks.

They do a good enough job undermining themselves I doubt anybody could do it better.

The PS5 price point will make or break the system. We will either get a reasonable price (PS4) or we will get an insane price (PS3).

Can Sony/gaming industry learn from their mistakes? Obviously, no.

No one needs to stop them when snoy ends up by fucking themselves over
Hey pal, I know we buried you in sales, and decimated your entire console generation with a single promo. Can you host all of our future cloud gaming? Thanks, bye!

If you join them no one will be above you and you win!


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Nice falseflag, tranny. Only S0yb0ys are triggered by titties.

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I don't know. I stopped playing ps4 since when they started their puritanians bullshit and started censoring shit left and right. Got it collecting dust.
Been thinking on selling it. It has the P.T demo on it too.

Fuck Snoy. I don't support censorship. No matter if I spent 7 years on that.

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Join the winning side faggots.
You don’t want to be handsome and have sex?

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you need to learn the difference between revenue and profits

By deleting all their threads on Yea Forums, it's the only way

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sony already won 2019 and 2020

You can't because they are imploding because new management.