I got an ad for Unravel 2 on Switch that provided a link to the Smash Bros website. This is the second time this has happened and I’m really starting to think it means something.
Potential Smash Ultimate DLC leak?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yay another fake lea... oh shit this is actually real
This might actually mean something
I could honestly see this being legit.
The shitstorm would be glorious to watch.
Go back to circlejerking your movie made by the biggest hack in gaming sonyscum.
Everyone knows the next codename is Brave, which is DQ Hero in the same vein as Bowser Jr., where it'll be a bunch of the DQ protagonists as different skins for the same character.
Character after that is codename Buddy. It's Banjo and Kazooie.
Both will be revealed during the E3 direct.
Screenshot this.
I’m not at all a sony pony.
It would be yet another character no one leaked or shilled...
I know about Brave, but where did Buddy come from?
This is so out of the field that it might actually happen, just like Piranha Plant
I just fucking realized the word "Brave" was the theme for Unravel
And Joker
mite b cool tbqh
>But everyone thought that meant Dragon Quest...
uh oh
not the first time this has happened according to this comment on the nintendo UK youtube
I guess the real question is whether or not other Switch ads can also bring up the link.
link to the comment btw forgot about it. switch to newest comments in order to see it youtube.com
yarrrr.....this doesn't do it matey
arrrrr......there we go
That’s actually my comment from when it happened to me the first time.
imagine all the screaming Erdrickfags and ESPECIALLY Stevefags will do if we get Unravel in Smash
yarnchads where we at
This would be so out of left field that it would actually be fucking hilarious. Just seeing this fuck in smash would be ridiculous. It would definitely BTFO every rosterfag on this board.
Unravel was unironically good so they deserve this slot
This is interesting but there is literally no way Nintendo adds literal yarn as a character - if this SOMEHOW is true, then Banjo is almost definitely out, as why would 2 DLC character be buddy-duos, I know Duck Hunt is already a duo character and you can have multiple duo-characters in a game obviously, but doing it for 2 DLC characters out of 5 would be a weird decision and one that I couldn't imagine Sakurai doing
>We get an EA rep
>It's not Crow from Def Jam Fight for NY
Well, that's disappointing.
I'd still appreciate an Unravel rep, though
>where it'll be a bunch of the DQ protagonists as different skins for the same character.
Can't care about DQ, but I wouldn't be mad at all if that's true
They're gonna pull this shit three times now? characters that nobody expected or cared?
Imagine how Smash fags will react to this if it is real.
Someone actually discussing video games on Yea Forums triggering you or something? Go outside.
There's also Ice Climbers, Rosalina and Luma, and maybe Olimar if you think he counts. Or Joker, I guess if you want to stretch it a bit.
Fair points, won't disagree. I still think Unravel is hard to believe, but if it happens then literally every fake leaker will be BTFO and Erdrick is pretty much toast
It's not going to fucking be unravel
who the fuck is unravioli
Do people still give a shit about this game?
>Go online
>Just dedicated players that never play any other videogame
>Literally hasnt been populated since late January
How the fuck do you faggots care so much about DLC at this point? The game is already done like every other Switch release within the month it releases. Unless you are still in High School, who gives a fuck?
>yfw erdrincels get BTFO by a EA character of all things
We only allow non s o i shit on Yea Forums now
you do realize that most of the erdrickfags are people falseflagging and haven't even played a single DQ, right?
god imagine all the porn of him
You also do realize a bunch of insiders bet their entire credibility on brave being erdrick right
This would end literally everyone in one clean sweep
>Yarny from Unravel
>the codename actually referred to his creator whom despite his nervousness, was"BRAVE" enough to stand in front of a large crowd
Yes, and it would be glorious
>which is DQ Hero in the same vein as Bowser Jr., where it'll be a bunch of the DQ protagonists as different skins for the same character.
Would rather slime, but better this than it just be only Erdrick
>yarn guys
That would actually be pretty neat. If this were true though, we are for sure getting 2 character reveals at e3.
>based yarnman blowing everyone the fuck out
If this is true I need to buy unravel
I'm convinced 90% of Yea Forums just wants to shitpost, falseflag and start fights because they cannot stand rational discussion and think everyone needs to constantly be angry and fighting and outraged over some sort of imagined enemy. Y'know, like all the internet. Fuckers have fallen for the drama trap, that inherent need to always be in with the latest gossip or movement.
Shit, I think I really want this now.
Now you understand Sports fans
I feel both enlightened yet tormented, like I have gazed into the abyss.
>character codename buddy
Since when? Is that real?
It's all so tiresome. No more epic troll kids please.
He's bullshitting
So uhh...is it actually a good game
his name isnt unravel
it's yarny you degenerates
do you call samus "metroid"
do you call yoshi "super mario world 2"
do you call captain falcon "f-zero"
Is this the laugh at Arsenal thread
LOL, if it's really Unravel, I'm glad I avoided buying the season pass
Joker seems cool enough, but I'm not forking over that money without knowing at least 3 of the fighters are great additions
That'd be such garbo I'll be glad I saved the money and waited
LMAO at idiots that bought the fighter pass is this turns out real
I didn't play either Unravel. Does Yarny have anything extremely unique for Smash gameplay? Music? Has Sakurai said he likes it?
Nintendo is probably doing the ads and accidentally linked to Smash; since, that's what all their ads have been lately instead of Yoshi
Ooor maybe it's because there's ample evidence pointing to him being in and you're just an addle brained conspiracy theorist?
lol the game will die if this is true