>it was delayed for this
Metal Wolf Chaos XD coming to Switch, PS4, X1, and PC (Famitsu)
Chase Fisher
Jonathan Carter
Cool. Now everyone gets it so hopefully the game can just shine without any stupid console warrior bullshit.
Juan Martin
Finally I'm going to play this.
Colton Harris
Go back to youtube comments.
Isaac Miller
I'm OK with this.
Xavier Hall
Remaster is a remake of the original
Joseph Parker
What's up with the Switch getting all this mecha kino lately? Bangai-O remake when?
Christopher Reed
Inb4 EGS exclusive
Not that I give a damn since I plan to play this on my switch
Brody Scott
Who cares, its not like it was an xb1 exclusive. Shit, be glad its happening at all, we could be the timeline thatbis wondering what if.
Daniel Allen
wake me up when switch gets an A.C.E. game