8/10 first game

8/10 first game
10/10 second game
2/10 third game

How did this happen? How did Rockshit fuck up this badly?

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third one is like 8/10 too my man

Yeah for real, you cant listen to Health in the Airport level and not think its an 8/10


Sasuga MP2 brainlets



Attached: alanwalk.png (422x528, 211K)

Only ever played the modern game, it was a decent shooter. Don't care for the boomer trash. Most people don't.

I'd say first one is a 10/10 and the second is an 8, the gameplay is improved in every possible way but the story just drives right off a cliff

Good taste lads

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u do u brother, don't sweat the petty things n stay tru to urself

Bet you didn't know that Mona is actually naked with drawn nipples and everything in her shower scene if you noclip over there.

Attached: Cml6jOlWAAA4XG1[1].jpg (471x580, 51K)


3 is not a MP game, it's dogshit
Inferior ""gameplay"", story, setting and characters

max payne 3 is literally boomer trash: the videogame

must be pretty awkward to be standing in that pose at the bottom left for like 5 minutes while the cameraman moves around for the perfect picture

>when it has unskippable cutscenes even in arcane mode and expect you to play multiple time to unlock higther difficulty
Don't tell me you're a fucking normie and played it once.

Just download the mod tools bro

>Max payne 2
>Baseballboy mission

ok my guy

how can it be an 8/10 with that garbage level design, endless barrage of cutscenes, and completely forgettable story and characters?

Max Payne 3
>level stars
>5 minutes of unskippable cutscene
>2 mins of walking and listening to quirky Rockshit™ dialogue
>5-10 bad guys rush in the room, next to eachother in a nice straight line
>cutscene of max jumping out of cover
>forced slow-mo
>popping some heads

The pinnacle of game design seriously fuck anyone who defends it

Second game is just MP1 with physics.

Will I ruin the story of 1&2 if I start with 3?

don't start with 3, 1&2 might be older but they are superior in every single possible way to 3

Then I want to start with the weakest one

well okay, 3 won't ruin anything story wise because 3 is not a real max payne game, it's a classic Rockshit movie game

Never played 3 (despite owning it on Steam for years lmao), but there's LOTS of story in 1 & 2, I'd imagine you would understand jack shit if you start with 3 right off the bat.

You forgot the amazing gameplay like 'hold forward to limp very slowly out of the burning building while stopping to cough every 10 feet', because we all know max payne is a total bitch when it comes to buildings exploding and coming down around him.


you don't need to play 1 or 2 to understand 3. 1 and 2 have almost zero bearing on anything that happens in 3. it's almost better to have not played the originals because that way it's much less tonally jarring and contradictory.

And OP bullet time

>arcane mode
wait there's spells n shit in MP3??

nice troll

7/10 made me reply


Take everything that was good about the setting and throw it out. Take everything that was funny about the tone of the writing and ruin that, too. Take the parts that are meant to be serious and emotional and make them funny. Take the funny throw-away noir lines which are meant to winks, nods, and homages to the film genre as well as a bridge between the medium of film and video games and then let an edgy millenial dude-bro who watched 'The Crow' on repeat write all the dialogue. The only redeeming factor in this game is actually the gameplay itself, which was of course the driving factor in the series success- but even that is ruined by unskippable loading screens and constantly pulling the player out of the game.

3 is literally just "wah wah wah my wife died I'm an alcoholic now and working as a body guard for some Brazilian millionaire"
Max acts nothing like Max Payne he acts like John Mclane knockoff in the worst possible way, you don't need 1 or 2 to understand the genius story of 3

>Yea Forums hates MP3 now
Since when?

>I had a dream of my wife. She was dead, But it was all right.
I honestly think rockstar werent even aware of the alternative ending you get when you beat mp2 in dead on arrival.

They refer to the second game as "the mona business" and pretty much retcon the shit out of it
Fuck rockstar


>my 970 can't max MP3
Nice optimization, Rockshit.

What's wrong?

when it came out there were already a lot of complaints about the lack of comics, excessive cutscenes, constant dance scenes, and cover system

>waah why is it all sunny and not grimdark like in my boomer games
literally the only criticism against 3


Yeah because depression is cured just like that and you can't ever lapse back.
MP1 ends with Max smiling and saying Woden better keep his word (about getting him free), then in MP2 he's all "I should have been punished for what I had done! This inner circle shit is so scummy!" Sam Lake, more like Sam HACK


Except 1 & 2 were story heavy too and that was the fucking appeal of the franchise.

You're literally just looking for excuses to hate on 3.

They were story heavy with a lots of fucking actual GAMEPLAY
3 doesn't have that

you could skip through the comics in seconds which made it replayable. MP3 is fine for the first time through, but on replays you bump into load after load and cutscene after cutscene. Also in MP the comics mostly were at the start and end of a chapter, with pure shooting action in the middle.

maybe thats because max was high on vengeance in the first game. its a great character arc for max to go through depression in 2 and in the end he gets over his past. 3rd game is more or less 2's arc repeated for no apparent reason.

I don't think 2 has a worse story, just a different tone. I'd even say the narrative is improved.

story heavy =/= bogging your game down in pointless cutscenes every few minutes, turret sections, and "hold W for the next couple minutes while Max slowly limps forward and don't worry we'll do all the turning and stuff for you" segments
there are so many fucking cutscenes in MP3 that consist of Max just walking into the next room and saying "if I didn't move fast, so-and-so would be dead" for the ten millionth time

I just can't agree with the logic of any of the characters, they all act in a way that's unthinkable for the way they were portrayed in the first game, except maybe Max, but even in his case the idea of "I've avenged my family, but now I'm horny" doesn't resonate too much with me. Only narrative parts of 2 I really like were the TV shows.

I didnt like how they turned ivan in a villain. In 1 he was a bad guy, but he was supposed to be one of the old guard, someone who made money the old fashioned way, not with designer drugs or government dealings. Then in 2 he suddenly is balls deep in some conspiracy ring

>Scort mission
>NPC dies anyway
Is Remedy formed by trolls?

Don't forget the turret sections and the poor level design.

Not really. They're very different story-wise. Max doesn't even feel like Max.

>this game's shit
>played it more than once
you've got issues

>MP3 2/10
Your opinion is invalid.

>cant shoot enemies before they shoot vinnie
sit down baby boy

>t. casual
You have to finish a game at least 7 times in order to form an informed opinion on it.





dead space did the same thing

ds3 is nowhere near as bad as mp3 tho

Why do you want to be like most peoplr