>for the uninitiated
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Lea
It just looks so fucking good
I'm not impressed.
>actually putting that chinless autist Refn in the game
how long will you all let Kojima piss on your faces and ask for more?
This "game" looks like a flaming trainwreck, can't wait to see it crash and burn in november and see Kojima exposed as the supreme hack fraud
Metal Gear Solid on the PS1 is the only good Hackjima game. It had everything in perfect balance. Story, atmosphere, music, voice acting and gameplay.
This. The game looks completely boring
Kojima spent too much time with hollyood celebs. It all went to his head. It will be another God of War. Decent acting/story with shit gameplay. Look forward to several awards and GOTY. This is supreme GOTY bait material. People will lap it up.
Kojima you won't full me, this was silent hills all the time.
It had shit story, good atmosphere, mediocre music, ok voice acting, shit gameplay.
I just woke up
The trailer looks really fun!
I've always appreciated Kojima's dumb humour
and FUCK the military industrial complex, I'm glad Kojima still goes on about it, game after game.
What's everyone's thoughts?
I even thought the gameplay look decent; exploration, stealth, good old CQC, vehicles, etc.
Kojima is a hack. I'm not falling for this shit again. MGS5 was garbage.
gameplayfags are homodemons now
I love it
Mads look so fucking weird in this scene like he was mo-capped by someone else.
>surrounded by guys with long electric batons
yeah its not gonna be that easy
What are reused assets?
how did Todd get away with it?
This board truly is full reddit and was like that for a while. All these kojima game threads full caps hitting bump limit in minutes. Redditors praise him like a jesus christ.
>implying anyone who has been looking forward to Death Stranding expected anything else
We all want Kojima's movie game and your whining isn't going to change that.
>What's everyone's thoughts?
My thoughts are that Pokeyman is gonna rape the shit out of this movie LARPing as a video game.
Do you have the respective Apocalypse Now fragment?
>No only on playstation logo
>latest trailer also doesn't have it
PC version next year boys
Stop trying to discuss video games on Yea Forums. Ironic shitpost or get the fuck out of here and go to reddit for that shit or something.
God damnit November can't come fast enough, thankfully I'm pretty busy this year. Thoroughly hype though trailer was great and there's plenty of mystery.
How did Kojima manage to afford so many A-list actors for mocap performances? What was his budget for this game? At least half of it must have gone to paying actors, right?
hey dumbass they are the same game just a different name
they even have fucking PTs and enemies
even though there have been a lot of threads, the posts defending this complete shitshow of a "game" are the minority, user
Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important.
If you're honestly gonna play for the story and not the gameplay, congrats you're the reason video games are dying.
Armstrong prequel confirmed
I had no hopes for this game until today.
Kojima proved me wrong.
Praise be
post mama
grow up
you could also enjoy the same movie on youtube without spending a cent, but it looks like you're too stupid even for that
i going to ask the same question i did for no man's sky and everybody shat on me for asking
what do you do in this game?
But half of it is salty faggots shitposting trying to change opinion on kojima and Metal gear. Give it a rest, nobody gives a flying fuck what you think.
im not really a fan of SCHUT gams but im happy for kojima, what do you guys think kojima will make next ?
Imagine being so based you have merchandise made and wear it already despite the game not being out.
Lol leave your hugbox more often my man.
>everyone involved in this shit including Kojimbo are laughing to themselves knowing that they'll probably get a good amount of money out of suckers who will fall for his mediocre bullshit yet again
It's like nobody learned anything from MGS5. Wanna take bets on how many games it'll take for retards to wisen up?
This is my favorite photo of Uma Thurman.
MGS5 was goty and the first good Kojimbo game since MGS3.
If you read them you'll see all of the threads are almost 100% kids and transvestites playing the TORtanic meme game.
Where were you when Sony won?
porn doesn't claim to be art
For the most part
Die-Hardman has a LUDEN text on his mask. Im trying to figure out the connection between that, and the Luden trailer with that dude on the moon, which in the end of the trailer, Mads said "even the moon".
he literally spams one button to epically beat up one of them while none of them help. its for fucking babies.
That's it. You walk.
>he doesn't like cute girls being posted on Yea Forums
Are you gay?
he's gonna have to sell his asshole to pay Sony back after the """game""" flops
looks fucking kino
>never heard about death stranding even once in the past year or more
>all of a sudden in the last 2 days its plastered all over youtube and people won't shut the fuck up about it and Yea Forums threads left and right
>random game literally materializes out of thin air over night and has more hype and discussion than smash ultimate did
>see for the uninitiated in OP
>fine lets see why this new IP game that just appeared spontaneously less than 48 hours ago is suddenly the most popular game in the worl-
>kojima productions
the truth hurts
>*whistles for magic motorcycle*
>autowalks on road to quest marker
>*Pinwheel vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a BT™, gotta be"
>"Come on, fetus"
>*follows pinwheel*
>guys in BT™ costumes appear
>"President of jack shit" ALALALALA but on cello *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic walk and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm.... Hazmats™ pretending to be BTs™......better tell the post office head about this"
>"Come on, fetus"
>*autowalks on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as BTs™, here's proof *shows ladder*"
>10 packages received
sure is summer in here
I have the money to support the people whose creativity I enjoy.
You're acting no different than a stalker who masturbates to pictures of real women who are probably MARRIED OR ALREADY IN A REAL RELATIONSHIP.
It means he's above being a homo sapien and is a a certified homo ludens which is why he wears the skull face and why the homo demens wears a gold skull face. They're trying to say they're above being human which is why Sam hardly ever wears a mask since he's human.
Who else has that violin song stuck in their head
Then you're a newfag because every single time there has been any type of news or we thought there was going to be, it was just like this.
Watch the trailer, you deliver stuff
There's combat
There's shooting
There's stealth
There's vehicles
There's navigation and exploration using ladders and ropes and whatnot
Stop pretending we don't know that yet for fucks sake.
A fool and his money will soon part.
You must have been living under the biggest piece of rock known to man
>what do you guys think kojima will make next
a movie
I love witcher and am hyped for DS but this always makes me laugh
You run around an empty world for some reason, and you're chased by guys in yellow suits, and occasionally you shoot stuff.
Very innovative.
The implied boss battle or encounter in the TGS teaser in OP looks really interesting, especially now that we've seen some hand to hand combat and vehicles.
how dare any other game compete for attention with smash?
Can't believe it took this long for one of these to surface.
well no shit pokemon is gonna sell more
its a popular franchise thats had a game every couple of years for like 20-30 years
a weird niche game
no one here is arguing about sales just whether the game looks good or bad
>action game like uncharted
First for my wife
Played college ball you know
>posting images of one of the actresses for a game that just got new footage is the same as being a perverted stalker
Have sex.
This makes sense, but the homoludens on the moon did look like Sam, even tho it's not him supposedly
This garbage isn't even out yet and you're already asking this? Fucking kill yourself. You people are literally sheep.
But what does that have to do with the whole Whale moon luden trailer released a long time ago and the whole idea of Mads talking about going to the moon?
who said that?
>Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important.
>all games are DOOM
The medium has evolved a little over the last 20 years, fuckface
Do you not support creators you like? You're a disgusting freeloader then.
What the fuck
>Nicolas Winding Refn
part 1
part 2
Been lisening to it for an hour now
You're a retard with shit taste.
A new way of saying kys.
Her irl teeth are godawful
kojima like 3 years ago
Final US boxart gonna be Reedus holding a gun while facing the camera.
____ ____
You first you fucking creep.
No, the "medium" has been dumbed down for TV/movie obsessed idiot children. Fuck you and fuck the industry for ruining videogames.
>masturbates to pictures of real women who are probably MARRIED OR ALREADY IN A REAL RELATIONSHIP
I mean if she had a problem with that she would've probably refused to shot that fully naked lesbian fisting scene in blue is the warmest color
>WW1 tank
now I'm hyped desu
Exactly my final thought.
If it's well structured, it could be an amazingly great game.
By far the most interesting gameplay I've seen in the last 4 years.
Why are her eye so red
She's crying.
why are "gameplay-only" autists so insecure? It's like watching dogs barking at a lion walking past them kek
>By far the most interesting gameplay I've seen in the last 4 years.
Does anyone else think this game seems like it cares more about different ways of navigating than combat?
It looks like there are indepth climbing systems and tools for travelling across different terrain. It's interesting to see more depth in open world travel than just PUSH FORWARD
I don't actually care about sex at all. You obviously need it though.
how the fuck did you get all that out of this trailer
holy cringe
you what?
Gets me every time.
What a fucking fuckface. Some of the most iconic games had shit gameplay. They were appreciated because of their atmosphere, their art direction and story. People like you are the reason why games became dumber and dumber: To please low-IQ edgelords who just want muh fun without any substance.
You can always play your basement d&d or doom games, it's no longer niche medium and there is nothing you can do about it
ok but when pc
>"Come on, fetus"
I won't be buying this shit. Nothing to cope.
>having a ladder item
>the most interesting gameplay you've seen in 4 years
Holy shit Kojimadrones are mentally ill
Are you okay?
wasting my time on an taiwanese butterfly research forum while watching hours of a no show twitch stream. you?
So far the main thing interesting to me is the focus on exploration. I like how you have to actually use climbing equipment as opposed to something like BOTW that just lets you climb whatever the fuck you want. Everything else looks pretty generic just from looking at it but it could still end up being good. Really, really hoping the weaponry we get is more than just, "Dude real world guns lmao." I wanna use cool shit like the lighting spears the dudes in the trailer had. Even though I think the story is probably going to be a trainwreck it seems like itll be a really entertaining, batshit insane one. Really looking forward to it tbqh.
Because they're immature dumbasses. They probably skip the cutscenes from any games they play because muh gameplay.
>expecting anons to be intelligent
>expecting anons to understand that video games can have a wide variety of genres and games that do different things
>expecting anons to accept a game that isn't for them
Are you new?
nazi aesthetics are kino
>Game is about the importance of making connections
Will it have gay shotas ?
Make games you want to play instead of complaining then, you stupid cunt. People don't have to make stuff that caters to you specifically.
have sex
Predict its metascore.
>he doesn't like cute girls being posted on Yea Forums
how about you start to do so. Lea is an ugly little bitch with awefull teeth and way waaaaaaay past her prime
>why are "gameplay-only" autists so insecure?
soon bruda soon
Get this shit in your head. You are wrong. Period. You've fucked over gaming by supporting shitty companies being LAZY by making poor games with 99% fucking story. You're contributing to the DEATH of videogames. Don't be stupid.
The face of a gook swindler.
But do his balls shrink in the cold?
Not really too crazy about Kojima but this looks very interesting.
ok but it might take awhile. I'm waiting till things get so bad that I have the motivation to actually do it
>a cardboard box was an item for 20 years and now a ladder is a problem
you wot
>editing by hideo kojima
oh no
>By far the most interesting gameplay I've seen in the last 4 years.
That absolute delusion.
Why is she so perfect bros?
>Some of the most iconic games had shit gameplay
so even seething kojidrones have already admitted this game will be shit
>I don't care about sex
>obsesses over women he will never meet
It doesn't look like a bad game at all, but it certainly doesn't seem like the 11/10 game of the century that everyone is earmarking it as. The cast is more impressive than the gameplay imo.
Am I jmissing something or are the Kojima shills just in full effect?
>not one single nigger or shitskin in the entire trailer
Not too sure how to feel about the gameplay shown in the trailer desu.
Story shit (which is probably going to be the whole game) is as confusing and intriguing as ever though.
>he doesn't know
>has to pull off toenails even though he could just kill himself and revive
Yeah, probably.
>By far the most interesting gameplay I've seen in the last 4 years.
You cannot be serious.
peaked in Blue is the Warmest Color. What is she now, 35?
Nazis in ww1? Those were american paratroopers not germans
It's interesting and intriguing to you because Kojimbo is purposely cutting and pasting parts of the story, then when you actually play the game you'll find out it's not as deep as you thought it was.
So Cliff is the main character's father and the bridge baby is literally Norman from the past, I'm guessing
They were suckers (now dead suckers) who fought and died for Israel. Good riddance.
The game is about paranormal and the ancient underworld ? Interesting and very impatient to see his essay about it. I hope it'll be well structured.
Look past the masks user
read between the verses
Yeah. Way past her prime.
It's almost like Kojimbo slapped this random shit together after Silent Hills was canned.
>Muh Nintendo boogeyman
Christ almighty.
Who the fuck are these people? They look cool.
I'm smiling and the seething on Yea Forums makes my dick rock hard. That looks excellent.
stop typing like that you fucking sperg retard
the story seems pretentious and the gameplay looks boring as fuck, the hype will kill the game
Prime what?
>the only negro in the game had to cover his face
Bravo Kojima
Can't make MGS
Can't make Silent Hill
He is forced to come up with something new huh
I think they're Mads' minions.
>It's interesting and intriguing to you because Kojimbo is purposely cutting and pasting parts of the story
Wow, it's like he's making a trailer for his game or something.
It's MGS5 all over again. Even if MGS5 wasn't released half finished it still would've been shit off of the plot alone.
Fuck off brainlet
this fag might be the most overrated (((regisseur))) ever. Drive was fine. rest 100% dogshit, i see why Kojamble loves him
Mad's character and his WW2 squad, now dead as you can see
this, no way it will live up to the hype
It's a shitty tactic to make your game seem more deep than it actually is. You'd think faggots would know how Kojimbo operates by now.
So... what the hell is this game, exactly?
I guess there's like, a connection between Hell and Earth, and the two are like, overlapping, and getting touched by hell-shit drags you into the other side?
So your job is to, what wander across America with a backpack full of HL2-tier physics puzzle pieces and a gun and I guess try to stay alive?
It's visually impressive and I'm curious enough about the story to listen to Yea Forums talk about it when it comes out, but what exactly is the gameplay supposed to be?
The gameplay looks identical to MGSV which was fine. This game will live or die on its story and map/mission design, which was where MGSV flopped.
Actually, is it a violin or a cello
prime kino
MGsurvive is a proto DS confirmed, made by Konami devs using ideas of Kojima :
storywise :
>Big US organisation working to "save the country " (bridges= wardenclyffe section)
>Protagonist is almost forced to work with them, don't have a lot of faith in the US anymore : Sam = Captain (remember, captain is an MSF soldier, he has no nation anymore.)
>Protagonist is sent to a different world
>Things from the past collide with the future (Survive world is an alternate distant future )
>Rain from DS = Fog of Survive : Can kill you if you stay in it for too long. (fun fact : the sky in survive looks like inside the sea, there's actually even some weird fishes in the sky from time to time.)
>Black goo probably will be similar to the sentient nanomachine. (the nanomachine goal is too "link everyone together, uniting the world as one.)
>there's some strange creatures and modified humans with strange powers.
>futuristic and weird tech
Now let's talk gameplay-wise
>Heavy focus on exploration
>Heavy focus on melee
>Ability to build things to help you like ladders >and all on the go
>able the drive some vehicules
>survival aspect with you treating your wounds and all (seem like that in the DS trailer from last year.)
The nanomachines corpses were probably chosen because zombies are still very popular in Japan + to make the thing not too obvious since they probably knew Kojima was going to work on DS (who was only revealed 5 months after V.)
The dude chasing you felt weird, and there's no digital whales anymore, but the whole presentation looks promising as fuck. Kojima is a gameplay master, that's for sure.
Visually it's cool, but I'm not keen on buying it yet, I want to see more gameplay. Looks at least intriguing and doesn't exactly lay all of its cards in front of you, we still don't know what it's exactly about aside from the main "connection" theme of the game. I just hope that whatever he's shown so far isn't ~70% of the game's story like it was with TPP.
What's wrong with her eyes
A mish mash of reused assets and random shit.
Seethe more. Let the hate flow through you child.
Did you even pay any attention?
Venom IS big boss just like John is.
Big Boss is a persona or even a title not a single individual
it's a walking simulator with celebs.
dont forget to pirate your copy by watching the entire game on youtube dot com
Go back to your RE2 speedrunning or touhou weebshit or whatever it is you git gud faggots are into these days.
>All strong characters are male
>Girls are cute
>All women are weak or or damsels in distress
>No niggers nor minorities
>Looks extremely fun
Is Hideo Kojima /ourguy/ again?
What was going on through her mind as she filmed this art scene in a critically acclaimed art movie?
>My BTs shall be the thread by which all countries are bound together, in equality. No words will be needed. Every man will be forced to recognize his neighbor. People will swallow their pain. They will link lost hands. And the world will become one.
You're a fucking retard.
2020, probably.
Gonna be tough to avoid spoilers. Not that I ever finish games fast enough to avoid spoilers anyway.
I agree. Kojimbo should've just dumped all of his cutscenes into one giant trailer to avoid such shitty tactics instead.
Mads promised to show us what its all about soon at the end of the trailer
She's been crying a lot
Seriously? That's what you have to say about it? That shit barely even made me raise in eyebrow of curiosity.
Okay, someone has probably mentioned it before me but what the fuck, why does Higgs like Vinny from Vinesauce?
Fucking newfag MGS has always been very popular here.
>Some of the most iconic games had shit gameplay
the absolute state of snoyboys
A Silent Faulty Feeling
She's done interviews about it, so why not just look that up?
very nice
>this game is good because it aligns with my politics
>fucking SJWs need to stop bringing politics into games!
Based and incelpilled
So far absolutely. Definitely reminds me of BotW in that sense. With that being said we've only seen one gun.
why is everyone fucking crying? god damn pussies
He should make it clear what the fuck his game is about instead of just beating around the bush.
Finding "breaches" between the two worlds, to enter hell and remove some dangerous spirits created by humans (since a long time) to unbalance hell (so bad events (ww2, ect...)))
>America is finished
Holy fuck Kojima I'm not ready for this shit, God damnit.
I unironically liked Skull Face.
Everybody is fucking crying in this.
It's either normal pussy bitch tears, japanese black goo tears or tears of blood.
I dunno but its amazing how much better Ikuhara is at making the "connections" theme interesting
because they are in a shit game
Did anybody hear the classic MGS alert sound when Sam got spotted by those guys?
what was his name again?
America died a long time ago. It belongs to Israel now.
Those MGSV dayd were indeed to worst days in Yea Forums it was the only time i used filters
never change, Yea Forums
Nigger McBlackfuck
PC "gaming" = watching games for other systems on YOUTUBE, and waiting ten years to MAYBE be able to emulate it with glitches
The absolute STATE of Pc ""gaming"
ps4 isn't even expensive, nor are games., you actual peasants!
Am I the only one who immediately thought of that god-awful "indie style" reimagined Sonic the Hedgehog with the backpack full of shit for getting around the level?
have sex
Yeah, its there, just like the second part of the trailer is full of mgs references
Why does he wear the mask?
Yup, or at least something reminiscent of it anyway. Guess he couldn't bring himself to get rid of everything.
Waiting till PC version so I can pirate.
>why does Higgs like Vinny from Vinesauce?
in this pic Higgs actually looks like an young Gary Oldman
Token Black Man
Have sex.
>non-leftist consumer is the same as all the producers and developers imposing their shit in cultural products
Cope, marxist corporate boot licker.
What do you expect from gameplays/streams kids
to hide his huge lips
>implying I'm not an idort
jokes on you retard
>Just two second of screentime in the trailer
What his role is going to be?
That doesn't sound like what the president was talking about. It sounded like what the president was talking about was trying to reopen human communication across the gaps left by the demon invasion.
>Death Stranding is the story of a technician rebuilding the internet after the events of Doom II.
why are you hypeing yourself up just to be disappointed again Yea Forums?
OK, but only if you take a shower first.
it's some kind of superscience experiment gone wrong. if i had to guess it was involving immortality, souls or trying to find the afterlife. and it worked, but the results were catastrophic.
again just like RE2 threads these virgin manchildren obsessed with literally "untouchable" girls who these can never meet in their life do not stop posting their fap objects and forever ruining threads
talk about video games, moron
I haven't been hyped for a game in years, I'm just here to enjoy the trainwreck
What if all the crying resembles the pain Kojimbo went through after being booted by Konami?
I don't think you are in any position to call other people obsessed lad.
It's gotta be something more supernatural than that, since there's hell-anchor-babies and you can see that when he gets a flash/ping of the hellscape that overlaps his own, the world geometry doesn't match.
>game is all about connecting with other people
>coming together building bridges for other nations
>still stuck on one platform
>walling off other people and cutting off connections.
so when's Jeff Bridges
I don't know who any of these people are aside from Del Toro and Troy Baker. Even then, I have no clue what Troy Baker looks like.
there is literally no video game to be talked about here, user. Just a movie.
All these face scanned actors made the trailer feel like it was for some cheesy netflix show. Im getting MGS 4 vibes from this story and its killing the hype. When kojima steps away from awkward humour and into serious territory it gets cringy.
absolutely unironically SEETHING
Can you expand on this please?
Join the 40%
Nah, it's CERN making particles crash with each other
Stop being gay and learn to love the hotties of the opposite sex, faggot.
all the cards are on the table so hopefully Kojima will stop being a nigger and actually show us more around E3. i know Sony wasn't going to attend or something but that doesn't mean they still won't release info around the same time as the conference.
i think that's what it is, though. there are scientific reasons for everything. but when science gets to a point the results seem supernatural. we're talking about highly advanced quantum physics and shit like that. it's also possible we pulled some kind of 4th dimensional being(s) into our universe doing this and this is also why time and space seem to be collapsing or converging.
>loli reaction image
Nevermind, there's no hope for you.
The idea is to connect people? Holy shit, Nokia predicted this game, based Nokia.
So what was all that shit Kojima was going on about with the "stick paradigm" and moving past it to the "rope paradigm"? Because this still very much looks like a game about beating the shit out of dudes.
>If you don't own a ps4 you are not a person
Didn't hear the vid, so okay. But what/where are the 5 flying bodies? Demon kings? Humans trapped in hell?
but i enjoyed the trailer, you little faggot
Holy shit they butchered her in the game
what flying bodies?
this is an anime site you dumdum
He said something about how covering the world in cable didn't end war or suffering. Judging from the BRIDGES symbol, whatever happened spread outward from NYC.
Figuring out what the hell is going on will be 50% of the appeal and I got distinctly different impressions from the two trailers and teaser than you what with the WW1/2 trenches and Vietnam war vibes at the end.
It's quite possible that dying will be a central mechanic of the game, possibly resetting or snapping the player back to 'reality' or another realm or pocket of spacetime. But given that the suits worn by Bridges and the orange hazmats deflect bullets there probably won't be a whole lot of shooting other than maybe in the "nether realms" stuff we've seen, or maybe against the Homo Demon(i)s or whatever. Principally it looks like traversing environments safely and avoiding different factions in different ways will unironically be the core gameplay loop.
kys nintendo crying wojak
BING BING WAHOO motherfucker
Whatever you say, Elliot. Just don't squirt me with orange juice.
he's probably jealous that the women look prettier then he does, the little homo
>troy baker
Its a no from me. This faggot ruins everything
Jesus and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
From the game description I've seen killing dudes can have consequences later.
lmaoooo back to the 1980s tranny lover
more like sony is going to make him beg konami to let him make MGS6 and then beg some more to make it a PS5 exclusive.
>all the cards
I mean in a sense that it doesn't spoon-feed you with all of its narrative premises.
shining diamonds, even in death
Scrubs was good, why is it almost forgotten nowadays?
He's referring to this
these are weebs obsessed with Japanese games and generally Japanese games' story are terrible compared to the western ones while their gameplay are better than the west. look at DMC5, whose the story was kind of written by 12 year old.
I literally, un-smartassedly think that's a reference to the internet. Covering the world in cable the first time didn't end war or suffering; his point being the internet (or telephones, whatever) allowing all humans to instantly connect with one another around the world didn't really change the way we interacted in a fundamental way.
I'd guess that Bridges is some sort of "internet of actual shit", like teleportation technology or something like that, and the idea is that laying the groundwork will allow outposts of human civilization to reconnect into a functional whole (restoring "America" as it was) despite them being stranded in an ocean of demon-tar-shit. And Reedus is basically saying "the last time humanity interconnected itself totally, it didn't save the world, and doing the same thing again won't change anything".
>Mediocre Music
No, you just have mediocre taste
Yet it's okay when Japan makes a no gameplay movie game, even when Kojima stories are worse than ESL Harry Potter fanfiction.
Never would I've imagined listening back to Apocalyptica while watching a Kojima trailer. It was an odd choice and I had to hold a laugh at the intense cello/metal score while Reedus was putting down a ladder.
But a complete absence of any kind of story isn't necessarily a good one. If DMC5 just put me in random levels with zero context I'd enjoy it less, even if I didn't find the story as a whole to be particularly satisfying.
Looking at the thumbnail on the catalog the pic looks like Killzone's Helghast.
nigga are you 12?
The vast majority of japanize games are bearly playable grind fest, the story is the only redeeming quality about them most of the time
(you) made a funny, thanks.
> Covering the world in cable the first time didn't end war or suffering; his point being the internet (or telephones, whatever) allowing all humans to instantly connect with one another around the world didn't really change the way we interacted in a fundamental way.
And just like that, write it down, Kojima BTFOs Lainfags in one fell swoop.
Dudes T-Posed in the air happens in other places in the trailer too, it's not just these 5 guys. In the scene in the forest where he pings to see the demons, you can see dudes sort of floating in the air just before the black tar groundwater gets mad and swallows him.
Arranged in that way makes them more visually striking but I don't think those 5 are especially significant.
>no ps only logo
>ps exclusive content implying it will be on other platforms
They are not even trying to hide it are they?
It still applies to today you twat
>globalist, open borders propaganda
Don't have enough of that these days.
>knock out a group of those cattle prodders
>piss on them
I though it was a good choice. Never listen to Apocalyptica but I might check them out after this.
also only in this trailer baby wasn't in pod
off yourself you dumb fuck
>plant your roots in me
Instrumentality Project turns The east coast into a crater and tore a hole between our reality and the Greek realm of The Dead.
>look at DMC5, whose the story was kind of written by 12 year old
>why doesn't this game about over the top action have a deep mature story for mature gamers such as myself
It's better then all that steam-epic shit developers make nowadays
Still, I'm ok with games coming to PC after some time.
But what does YOOOOOOOOOONGyea have to say?
>missing the point this hard
Good. The fucking dumbass hack chink of a cunt deserves all of the sorrow that he got.
Without Konami, he wouldn't have even been able to make his shitty stealth movies.
The "PS Only" logos are weird. Games like Yakuza 0 and Nioh had them despite coming to Steam.
The characters looking like the actors is uncanny as fuck.
He's saving his voice so he can star in the next-next Kojima game
Oh god no. Now zoomers are gonna start listening to Apocalyptica. What next, Burial?
what is this even supposed to mean at this point
Feels great to have money
I can't wait for P&S to come up with some crazy theory
>we want the fortshite audience
>>Looks extremely fun
i'm so grateful he only does this at the end of the video, not at the start. his content isn't too bad for youtube standarts
Why did they cover the face of the only minority character?
This is racist
Nobody is going to mention the gimped gameplay graphics?
Their first two albums are mostly covers and purely 4 cellos, they later added drums and vocal guests though I can't recommend any of them since I haven't listened their music for almost a decade.
I feel like they learned their lesson not to keep putting it on game they are not to stay on PS only.
So games they know will be on other platform wont have the logo anymore but certain ones like The last of us 2, and ghost of tsushima will have it, even days gone has it
I will never understand the autists that shit on Konami
>give a guy a job to manage budget of your new game
>he pisses it away on flying him and his waifu around the world
>game releases noticably unfinished
>fire him for being bad at his job
don't do that
you don't do that
at least wait for the release, don't buy a promise of a game
Game looks kinda boring. Just running around in plains or a dark forest. sometimes you punch sometimes you have gun. Whats so special about it besides the "whoa were using babies?!" cutscenes.
Big guy
Archangel wouldve been a FANTASTIC song for a DS trailer
>tfw you realize youre gonna climb a strand into space
i watched hannibal and it made my pee pee hard, so i made up some bullshit and hung out (rope joke) with my celebrity ''friends''.
holy shit, how did the cute autismal girl from The Leftovers score this job?
>sometimes you punch sometimes you have gun
Based Xbot
>a race of hidden creatures creates a rift in western society
What part of the gameplay looked interesting? The walking or the pressing x?
So a generic person shooter with lite sandbox elements is an interesting gameplay mechanic? Fuck off even the Soul Reever esque multi dimension shit looks half assed.
Is it the bing or the wahoo that your prefer?
t. seething boomer
It was made by Kojima!
If you pre-order like a month before release development has pretty much wrapped by that point, so it's not like you're paying people for nothing that late on.
These are clearly from hell. Dead souls. He dark oil is clearly related to hell. Reedus in the previous teasers looked like he was born again being associated with the baby. I hope it's a mental state of mind after crossing the first time the boundary between worlds. I think previous trailers are still relevant.
>posts wojack
not much better there shill
Who the fuck plays a video game for the story and not the gameplay? If you want story watch a movie or read a book.
Wow, it's like a video game music video from 2004.
Probably the only reason for this game to exist is Kojima got to spend time with his favorite actors and directors
He is just pushing forward
The ladder and rope all seem sostaright forward and unimaginative.
If its resource based and there is a limit to ladders and rops is gonna suck.
Vehicles are vehicles indont see thebreason why not use them unless there is sone weird rule with the ghost people and that my worries, that the story elements will put limits to players creative ways to get objectives.
Why Mads is so hot? no homo
I don't think there will be a straight judo-Christian hell, It seems more like the egyptian/greek afterlife, not necessarily evil, just different and alien
Or the internet disconnected humans from nature, and as spirits are within trees, from hell. So the hell grew without anyone noticing it, until a major breakdown.
>Whats so special about it besides the "whoa were using babies?!" cutscenes.
that's the gimmick. Its the cutscenes/story. The joke "snoy movie games" are a meme for a reason.
Fuck off and kill yourself. Story, atmosphere, and gameplay can all coexist however the way hacks like Kojima and Naughty Dog push it is terrible. I hate gameplay only games because they become outdated quickly. Story and atmosphere is the only reason you would have to revisit an old game that has inferior gameplay to newer ones.
I do, ever since ps1 era
pure gameplay games are good for 20min
Basically every CRPG is played for the story. The gameplay in these is so shit you're encouraged to make the minmax build and enjoy the story.
shocking lack of giant hand monsters in this final trailer
>muh console wars
homo-demon detected, let's keep our distance
>I hate gameplay only games because they become outdated quickly.
zoomer as fuck
only if you sleep during the trailer.
Can't wait to play half a game, but this time with a bunch of shitty celebrities made by a Hollywood cocksucker reject who got mocked by a translator for his horrendous writing.
With the emphasis on the hands in all the trailers, its weird the only part with them was in the spooky forest and its very quick. I was imaging just seeing big ass random prints everywhere
I'm only here to say
the game seems to do the same mistake as MGS5: its just full of empty sand-box fields where you do not have meaningful interactions. if you try to make AAA open world game, then you need enormous parts and interactions to be filled in the game, not just large limit-less fields, but I guess Japanese developers still do not have assets or talents to make AAA open world game. even FF15 failed miserably due to the same reason.
it even looks more boring than metal gear survive.
Uhh, that's not the reason.
1. the release is 5 months away.
2. reviews aren't revealed until about the day of the release (main reason you would want to wait)
also the pre-order benefits are not that great.
Yeah can't wait to climb those mountains with my ladder express and run across wastelands
>I hate gameplay only games because they become outdated quickly
Kojimadrones everyone.
People actually thought this would be Silent Hills. Kek my god it's just a generic action gane with over the top villains.
>who got mocked by a translator for his horrendous writing
Sorry bro
But breath of the wild is simple compare to Sony's new game
It's too hard for an idiot to be invested in a book because you have to use imagination and force yourself to read words and movies aren't interactive enough, therefore the only way for them to consume any sort of cohesive narrative is through playing a videogame. I know because I used to be that person, I still find it hard to concentrate on a book.
Yeah, te underworld, holding dead souls, powrful ones or not.
But the golden skull guy shows some clear competence to use it, while holding modern technology of connection (suit, ping wheel). So that's hard to determine who's troubling hell, and since when.
dunno but its awesome
Because MGS was a fun game, I dont know what the fuck is MGSV supposed to be.
they're all homodemons bro
Shut up faggot we still remember how you haters shat all over MGSV despite it being pure ludo just because of MUH STORY. You don't get to pretend you care about gameplay
Homo Fat-Man
This board was dead long before mgs5 you dumb fucking nigger.
>Whoa Hooaa! Whoa Hooaa!
>lootboxes confirmed for Death Stranding
>yong makes a rant video about it
>"That's all for today's video everybody! YOOOOONG OUT!"
>yong ends the video with him blowing his brains out
There used to be a source, until Kojima got so mad he sent lawyers to take it down.
I've played maybe 3 games in the last year. One was a moba and the other came out 7 years ago.
But I am very much looking forward to this and may even get a ps4 for it
How exactly do you know that?
screencapped, see you in november
>have a story and cinematic focus gane
>make it a.sandbox
Why repeat the same mistake of 5?
Just make alinear game
there was a motorcycle you could ride on too. And you could make ladders to climb on. and stealth too, you hide from the ghost things.
Why not just youtube the fuck out of those games then? If the gameplay is shit and the story is the only good aspect then why even bother wasting time gnawing through that "shitty" aspect of a game.
Yeah but you still dont know if itll be anything like they promised or not.
>Come on, fetus
I love this fucking pasta.
Are you upset
Seriously how does Kojima not understand his strengths and weaknesses at this point? Stick to linearity, atmosphere, attention to detail and easter eggs FFS
Don't be such a /pol/ die hard, man
If we can name the kid, I'm calling him Fetus
>you hide
You run, or if its like the other trailer you activate yor baby sensor camuflage which wasnt showcased well here
The other console it's coming to is PS5
Am I suppose to know who this, the nig in the mask and the dude with glasses are?
A lot of it comes down to common sense. You can usually tell if something's going to be wrong with a game leading up to release. Days Gone for example was looking rough all the way through development, so it wasn't exactly surprising when the game ended up being underwhelming.
its funny how they try to brag about having literal who actors on board
>still not known if PC release will be at the same time
Exactly what you'd think he would say
>Nicolas Winding Refn
Kojima has god tier taste in film
>35 meters ladders coming out the pocket
>umbilical cord baby connect you to ghosts
>nerd girl is uglier than the villain one
Kojimbo confirmed for melted brain
Will not
V's story was absolute dogshit, as was 4's. Kojima cannot write by himself, it becomes a jumbled mess.
Seven days after my birthday
[Spoiler] :^) [/spoiler]
that's illegal in the us
>what an insane trailer
>There's just nothing like it
Buying for Mads.
That was honest to god the worst state I've ever seen this board in. It went on for a fucking MONTH and it was literally 4/5 of the board the entire time. Way worse than Smash shit.
dumb europoor
>Americans are going to finally face their history of conquest for oil
I'm ready
You're legit retarded
4 and V had several writers, not just him.
as much as I hate it, you are right, Kojimbo needs people to check on him
Vehicles in mgs V felt like shit to drive so im not excited for that, stealth looks less focused than MGS. Traversal could be fun but in general it looks kinda dry.
Why did one of the actors and del Toro get special appearance under their names? Are they going to be there for about 5 minutes and that's it?
holy shit spider man was so fkn bad...
why is constantly someone chewing my ear off in that game !? its so fkn anoying i dropped it like a hot potato.
>why is constantly someone chewing my ear off in that game
because Sony and MUH MOVIE brainrot
pls no booly
Tbh the only ones I really know are Reedus, Mads and Del Toro. Maybe I'm too much of a zoom zoom to remember Lindsey Wagner or she's not as well known outside of the states, I don't know.
>psn account item
>means its only exclusive to ps4
>ps5 account cant use it
that just sounds dumb
The game has been further ahead in development that he'd let on. He could have shown gameplay ages ago but he choose not to, and that's a good thing.
kill yourself
Del Toro's not doing the voice acting, the character just has his appearance. Probably the same deal with Refn.
incredible conversations all around
you got more than you get in most games' trailers you retard
you deliver some sort of shit and explore barren wastelands
there was a huge disaster that started making supernatural shit appear
the supernatural shit has some link to the past
countries are broken up
>dying in the game seems to send you to 'hades'
>you have to fight your way back
>these sequences seem to be more action oriented while the main game is more stealth
>if you die in those sequences you probably just get sent to another level of hell
>reach a point where you intentional kill yourself just to go to hades
>that's what Higgs has become
I hate the direction the playstation brand is going but damn that was a good trailer
exposure to ACfag
>homo demons
by looking at the button masher gameplay.
What the fucking point of having them look like them so?
For me, I’m just impressed that he’s actually going to ship it, much less this year. We’re dealing with a man who seems to be endlessly creative, and has been given a blank check to do whatever the fuck he wants. The end result will either be something beyond incredible, or he will go full George Lucas.
Either way, it will be fascinating to witness...
But IMDB has him credited as a voice actor for the game.
>still no "featuring skulls unit from the metal gear solid series" edit
post the leaked plot
So it's a assumption on your part then. a likely assumption given the melee in mgs5 but a assumption regardless.
>butthurt nintendo mods start moving threads to /vg/
I don't hear anyone bitching when a book author has a theme or a problematic around his stories
Why wouldn't they? Just look at the OP and tell me that shit doesn't belong on /vg/
This show was the most gay shit I've seen in years.
Well you're welcome to trust IMDB over what Kojima and Del Toro have actually said.
isreal didnt exist then, owned dumb yuro nazi larper.
phew thank god for that, we wouldn't want the 30 smash threads or 20 e-celeb threads or all the /pol/ threads to get pushed off the board
you're right, why should anyone actually discuss video games on Yea Forums? we need this valuable thread space to talk about how some literal nobody twitter tranny thinks video games are problematic because pee pee poo poo drumpft is in smash.
The worst part about this is that it's coming out before PS5 releases. I wanted to buy a PS4 for this(and BB) like a year ago.. now with PS5 so close I won't
>tfw I'm not really excited for the gameplay
seething so hard KEK
is snoystation worth buying? I'd only ever consider buying it for bloodborne and rd2 but is it worth now?
its an assumption based on hackjimas history of button mashing melee (ie all of mgs) and the gameplay shown.
let's bring in an expert analyzer to analize the shymbols
If you don't want your threads to get moved or deleted don't use the typical /vg/ format with "edition" bullshit.
All who want to further talk about the lore and the game, see
A fucking jew
>at the very top there are stars
>Space Knight imagery
>Cliff talking about the Moon
We're going to space, baby.
poor mutt had to backpedal kek
He looks like spider on a web there.
fuck you I'll be making a new thread talking about the ladder mechanics here on Yea Forums whether you like it or not
space race!
Why are the actors for Deadman and Heartman listed as "special appearances"? Does it mean their work is more like a cameo and won't have as much impact on the game compared to others? Or is it they just scanned their faces but the VAs will be of different people?
Also, the names themselves are either plain retarded or just bland. The Golden Mask guy was ruined for me and I don't think Troy Baker's voice, much less his face is a good fit for the mystery and threat the character brought initially in previous trailers. Those would my biggest complaints so far.
>if you don't want video game threads to not be removed on the video game board don't put info relevant to the video game to be discussed in the OP
based jannie bootlicker
literally all of mgs had the shittiest gameplay ever though, what the fuck do you mean.
V wasnt even that good gameplay wise and in comparison to the others its a masterpiece
Do it, make a disguised general and link it back here
Probably their agents demanded it. Just like how some actors are credited "And Fag McFag as Dr. Boon" in TV shows
This. Mads is the main one carrying this for me both in lore and performance so far. Everyone else feels like it's Kojima going full ham with his Metal Gear style writing/directing and it's not working for me with the visual tone so far.
>you now remember those floating figures from the first trailer
failing to see the problem...? does every game have to be the same?
b-but a new smash character is confirmed!!
>spider on a web
> this image has spiderwebs at the bottom
Found a comfy thread that won't get deleted
Kaya is a mom now.
go to bed, George
>Kaya is a mom now.
a hot MILF you say? based