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Free for only as long as you keep paying for the subscription.

Yes retardo, we all know how ps + works

That's actually bretty gud.

fuck this shit man
last month even worse
what the fuck

Those are good though.

Sonic mania is good

>giving memelands again
It's like they're desperately trying to insult us at this point

PSPlus: What games do you own? Good! Cause those are the same games we're giving you!

>Not giving Sonic Mania Plus with PSPlus.

Should I hold off on buying Sekiro since Bloodborne was a PS Plus game?

Its fucking dogshit

Get mad.

>check that handsome Jack collection
>apparently is the second game and some prequel
>not the first game
What. How the fuck am I supposed to get into that franchise? What a retarded fucking bundle

First game got a remaster last month.

bro borderlands 1 was so fucking long ago

Doubt it, bloodborne was ps exclusive. That doesnt exactly stop sekiro from coming to ps plus, but I dont recall any of the dark souls games being on plus either
And if it comes, it will be in a year or two anyway

Useless fucking wankers. I haven't played any of the free PS+ games in months. The last one I actually cared about I had already bought and before that Mad Max was the only one I actually wanted.

It's because the first game only just recently got rereleased (i.e. long after the handsome collection existed)

It's so you buy the DLC.

I heard good things about Sonic Mania.

Memelands can fuck itself since it's 2 and TPS

I know they tried to give us Tales from the Memelands but did they give anything else?

>pay for ps plus
you can make infinite 14 day trial accounts.

Did anything ever come from that European investigation over mandatory PS Plus subscriptions to play multiplayer games? Also they were looking into the higher prices for less games per month.

>just pay us for the first game too goy, why would you expect us to put it in the bundle?!?

Get mad.

TftB is the best Telltale game made and I can well enough recommend it to anyone. Even the guys who haven't played Borderlands.

>a fucking fps on a fucking console, and an abomination of a game that shits all over actual quality 2d gameplay

yeah and? ill most likely be done with both games as soon as my sub ends.

On different accounts, yes, faggot...
Not on the same


>TftB is the best Telltale game

that's sad when a fucking MEMELANDS game is the best Telltale game

Me and the boys can play borderlands 2 without giving gearbox money fuck yeah story might be shit but co op shit is better than siege

It's not, because Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People exists.