This is your law and chaos fags in death stranding

This is your law and chaos fags in death stranding

Attached: SMT Death Stranding by Hideo Kojima & Kazuma Kaneko.png (682x530, 303K)

why does he wear the mask?

Forgot neutral

Attached: Neutral.png (681x264, 156K)

might be an antagonist idk

what was his name again..?

Attached: AB68AFDF-3E7C-43A1-B635-BCD6DD2850FB.jpg (2000x2000, 163K)

for you

Butt Sniffman

well it's similar to what troy was wearing so there could be a connection and troy is definitely a bad guy in the game

Attached: Fragile.jpg (676x252, 26K)

I want to break her.

real actor likenesses in games is tacky as fuck. i don't like it.

maybe if you have sex you will stop caring

The positive is if they manage to perfect it, which they clearly have not, it will improve facescanning technology and reconstruction as a whole. Then again, knowing how the world works, that might not be a good thing.

If Refn is in the game then there better be neon shit all over the place

I didn't care who he was until he put the mask on.

Is she fragile?

The irony is heartman is the chaosfag.

literally Darth Icky tier


with my benis

that would be a good plot twist

If I take the mask off will he die?

Cringe Basedman


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Chuck Sneedman

>t. shamalayama

Perhaps the real chaos was the laws we made along the way.

I really hope Refn isn't playing himself. I don't think he can act.

>bringing Refnkino to vidya
Absolutely based

Kojima needs to flex his Hollywood friends someway, user. Who cares if it's distracting and ruins your suspension of disbelief

Of course Kojima had to put his butt-buddy Refn in there
god damn it

>Name character Quiet
>She doesn't speak
>Name character Fragile
>She cries
Brilliant as always, Kujoma-son.

Big Gayman

>the men all get badass sounding names ending in "man"
>the woman is called "fragile" and she cries

Attached: uhhh racist and sexist much.gif (245x245, 722K)

Are those their actual names in the game?

>name character Vamp
>he's a gay vampire

>name character Fortune
>she's lucky

>name character Fatman
>he's a fat man

>name character Running Man
>he's a man that runs

>name character Machine Gun Kid
>he's a kid with a machine gun

>name character Shootgunner
>he shoots a gun

>name character Big Boss
>he's your boss

Attached: vGqISRq[1].png (610x462, 347K)

Man Womanman

Literally all the characters in the trailer were crying you dumb nigger

is this cobra squad form MGS?

Short Baldman

Is that Denny?

Attached: italy.jpg (1680x1050, 165K)

Wet-Dry World

Everyone in this game cries. It's a reaction to the BTs.

>lol look at me I am such a movie buff with my movie references

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