Why is priestess so adorably rapable?

Why is priestess so adorably rapable?

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That's how they tend to work.
It's why Japan has a boner for Joan of Arc and priestesses in games: they're pure but also corruptible.
Try some h-games to see what I mean.

Reminder to protect your healer

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The purer something is, the better it feels to corrupt it.

Priestess classes are used to it.

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Because you are a sex starved incel that can only think in terms of rape to achieve sexual satisfaction.

Vulnerable and cute

>that face

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You wouldn't do an innocent little Priestess, would you?

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I prefer the healer who can defend themselves

t. gobbo

Based. Occultist from Darkest Dungeon is the best healer.

This. Edgefags are as irritating as every other fetishfag that clings onto one single element of a work then constantly whines about it forever more.

I would totally play a Goblin Slayer game.

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How about the healer who heals by beating his enemies

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Can't she use Wall spells to crush things to death?
Didn't she once use Purify Water to turns all of the blood inside several goblins into water and kill them instantly?

>every Diablo 2 physical character ever

No, that's fucking pathetic. Plus she'd kick the asses of every single Yea Forumsirgin in existence, trivially. She's only "weak" by the standards of more serious actual combat types and monsters in that world, but merely having the strength and stamina to walk around through forests/caves/dungeons for days on a typical outing puts her by itself in a different league then the fatasses here. She has real, nasty combat experience too, and some basic training. She could probably demolish most of us just with her staff and rocks without even needing to resort of spells.

Yeah, under GS' guidance she's gotten a lot more creative about spell use, her protection miracle is pretty powerful and she can absolutely use it offensively (and has) against single targets, even strong ones, or multiple targets with proper environmental setup.

I never got far in the LNs so I don't know if she ever gets any light based direct offensive powers or whatever, or starts wielding some sort of mace, but plenty of priests in D&D settings absolutely can have a significant level of offensive power.

What is this from?

Some Fate doujin, but damned if I can remember which one.

>her protection miracle is pretty powerful
Anything that changes terrain is called a "control" spell, referring to the archetype "battlefield controller", this includes creating walls. This is actually by far the most overpowered character archetype in D&D.

The reason /tg/ complains about wizards and druids is not because they can throw a fireball at enemies and do basically "what the rogue was doing but in AOE", but because they can substantially break encounters.

Basically, Priestess OP

it was by PNO Group, "Factory 8" if I recall right. silly dumb comedy porn

Yeah, in practice they're often weak because it takes actual imagination to use it well, and lots of players, particularly those new or used to vidya, do in fact play them as artillery and that's it. And speaking of vidya this remains one of the real problems that is yet to be solved in translating D&D to computers, the whole creativity aspect. I can't think of a single D&D game where you could really do stuff like that, even as simple as using a wall to crush an enemy, or cause environmental alteration in any real way. And without that you're really nerfing an enormous amount of what makes magic so interesting. I'd love to someday see a D&D game with a lot more physics, including full terrain destruction/modification with some level of material basis (ie., rock treated differently then soil/gravel).

>Basically, Priestess OP
Particularly since she has a medieval master of creative ways to kill things as her leader.

You're completely right, it is indeed Factory 8 by PNO Group.

Wtf so a priest can just turn my blood into water and kill me? Why do we need wizards, or any other class for that matter, again?

It's D&D user, not a mana system. There are set numbers of miracles per day, once that's exhausted you're mostly done, can't just drink a mana potion or whatever. So magic has to be used more tactically when it really counts not spammed. And front liners are critical. You can still easily die to ambushes and traps. There is spell protection. There are times where it'd be valuable to have AOE, or all sorts of utility stuff.

Battle priests are sometimes very powerful and relatively viable small party or even sometimes solo builds, but they'll still have major weaknesses and no great (or any) way to fill them. They don't have a lot of the true bullshit wizards get either.

>D&D with magic geo-mod engine
>some sort of visual interface showing modifiable wireframe of magic effects

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Priestess' where made for anal

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Are mods sleeping or what?

Fuck front liners, give every priest the heaviest armor you can since they don't have casting encumbrance and load up on those turn blood into water spells
imagine a party of 6 priests just killing everything in sight, ez

Yes they were.

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Thats still not invincible.

There are plenty of nasty monsters that don't actually have blood though. Or that have high spell resistance and shit like time stop. Granted some of the ones will be undead which priests are also good at but you better have some smites ready, and it won't help vs automatons or slimes or elementals or tons of other crap. There is a reason people usually go for balanced parties, one trick ones can sometimes be amusing for a bit but they tend to wipe pretty fucking hard before much time passes.

>t. Never played D:OS2
Eat shit. I love covering my enemies in a sea of necrofire

That doesn't sound like what I'm talking about at all.

>occultist marking shit for my bounty hunter and houndmaster to hit
>lowering proc and crit healing 23
Occultist best support holy shit