Maya > Mia

Maya > Mia

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No shit, a cunny is always better than used goods.

Pearl>>>>>>> Everyone

Are they a canon couple by now?

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Imagine having such shit taste in females

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Women >>> Girls

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>Diego Armando's sperm repository
eww dude gross

If you tell Maya to channel Mia and then fuck her is it like fucking both at the same time?

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You would be fucking Mia, but that doesnt mean Maya wont feel what was done to her body after the fact. I just had a gross idea, what if when Maya channels Mia, she loses her hymen during that time since Mia was clearly not a virgin, and then it regrows back when its over?

>it regrows back when its over?
I don't think so, if wounds recovered after channeling Misty would be alive.

but she is not wounded, her hymen magically dissapears when she channels Mia is what im saying, and then it goes back..

Sorry, but I'm a Trucy guy

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Nicole > who cares

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Nicole is just a Lotta Hart redraw to make her fuckable

she's so awful looking in AA5&6, there's just something about that 3D model and when you have to watch her shifty eyes with the bracelet

Her SoJ model is just fine, I dunno what happened with the DD one though

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Lana > Ema

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Maya's a bit too old to be called a "cunny", though.

You think Apollo is agitated being around her knowing what she did

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What did Athena do?

Sleep with witnesses to secure positive testimony.

Murder his best friend.

"fixed" her mother

>all those qts who are lost forever since their games weren't localized

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Karma > all

I Agree

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