NiOh 2

Was the alpha that shitty that it doesn't warrant any threads on Yea Forums?

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Damn, I guess so

well it looks pretty much identical to Nioh 1 so what is there to talk about really?

Inseminating hime preset

That and Kojima posting is in full swing now, so good luck trying to get any form of discussion going on.

I did it!

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Good job person.

I can't believe they straight up copypasted the UT mechanic from Ninja Gaiden.

Its a closed alpha so not many people played it.

few people got access to the alpha, and it isn't that long, pretty much just one level

also there is little to discuss aside from mentioning that the alpha is pretty much fucking perfect. Not sure if the whole game will be like this, but so far every complaint about nioh1 seems to be greatly improved upon. Constant variety in level designs both visually and gameplaywise, very healthy enemy variety, tons of new cool weapon abilities, and the youkai abilities are fucking creative, the transformations look cool.

the only thing that needs some tweaking is the summon system, which just like in all souls-like is still kinda OP. I think there should be some kind of penalty from just summoning an OP player who can steamroll through the game for you, or at least warn newbies that this is pretty much easy mode, and not a legitimate strategy.
Still, I with someone would finally implement a proper coop experience for these kind of games, like give a lot more stamina, maybe even speed for the enemies when there are other players around.

you say that like that's a bad thing

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New Skill system sucks
-90% of Skills suck/worthless
-10% of skills are mandatory
Oomnyo and Ninjutsu leveling with ninjutsu/magic use is a great change.
Weapon balance is abysmal
Odachi is disgustingly overpowered. Has the range of spear, speed of katana and deals heavy damage. Has zero trade offs unlike the other weapons. Katana is a jack of all master of none. Spear trades damage for range. Hatchets trade damage for speed and ability to throw from mid to far range, generally a safe weapon.
Yokai Core mechanic seems useless.
Spirit Weapon felt better than Devil Trigger


Pretty much all skills are useful. The yokai form is a step up from LW.

>Closed beta

>Yokai Core mechanic seems useless.
how is it useless you absolute retard, it's literally working on a different meter, it's just occasional free access for some strong abilities, it's not even like you have to sacrafice other, stronger abilities instead

you not understanding this shit already discredits everything you wrote, you are just some pure brainlet material

I already beat the missions multiple times and yeah, there's just nothing left to do now.

it was closed. no one got to play it. last time they were open and you got rewards for killing the bosses.

I agree with the skills being useless.
Like for the most part you only need 3 or so skills per weapon, an additional 3 for weapons you main for the additional KI

It was a bad thing in NG, that's why it was changed.

There's not a lot to discuss since it's in closed alpha. Also retards think "more of the same with more stuff to do" isn't a best-case scenario after the first one was already really polished.

I finished the Twilight Mission after killing the snake boss. I take it that I beat the demo, so do we not get anything for beating it like when we beat the first Nioh demo?

Why bother doing a yokai attack when i just use my odachi o_O

yeah it's the same game we played and hated years ago
sigh what a waste

so you didn't play it

Odachi was OP in Nioh 1, this game is a 1:1 copy of that. So of course its going to still be OP

What yoki attack are you using to make you think its the best mechanic ever? Im using the magatsu warrior attack and its not that impressive. Id much rather odachi combo.

try using a better one then

because youkai abilities are fucking strong?

have much bigger range, safety and speed than trying to land a combo with an odachi

not even mentioning that you greatly overrate odachi. It's probably the best weapon for the most basic kind of enemies since they are staggered easily, but nioh1 already had tons of hard to stagger enemies, and they are much more efficent to fight with quick pokes and dodges

Cool, keep on being a dipshit. If anyone proved they didn't play the alpha its been you asswipe.
I never played NiOh 1 DLC to ever try the Odachi. My experience is only of NiOh 2, and everything in the alpha was obliterated by it.

Yokai skills give several different powerful new moves and tools to use, cost no Ki, can be cancelled into from attacks and the cores themselves come with stats and effects.

I had fun with it. The snek boss has some sketchy hitboxes though. Youkai abilities are pretty great but I didn't need to use them much outside of the bosses. Skeleton archer is great for the ko-umi-bozu too.

kinda sounds like a description of the first level of the alpha/beta for nioh1

that didn't really end well later on

you are retarded

it was a bad thing in NG because you could charge UT fully even without collecting orbs, by just holding it down long enough. This meant that you could do a lot of cheesing in some areas, where you just kited some enemies, ran away, charged UT fully and unleashed it on them.

You can't do this shit in Nioh2. You can only unleash an "UT" if you collect orbs. Also you can only use this when you are in youkai form, when your meter is draining, meaning you don't have time to cheese enemies with this.

Yeah this. Yokai abilities are cool but i never found myself using them.

The magatsu one is good though. When you ki break Enenra, you'll get a few attacks in before he back ups. That's when I use the magatsu one at the end of my combo. His core (the fire tornado) is also very good for the snake boss and quickly taking out the smaller snakes. I've also been using the skeleton archers to quickly and easily explode the dwellers with barrels on their backs. They're just fun to use.

nah, I played the nioh1 beta, and it alrady had these issues

everything looked very samey, a big dark forest and village with samey wooden houses. It also didn't have a lot of enemy types.

in the nioh2 alpha the environment is much more varied, and there are at least 2 times more enemy types here. There is a lot more care to make each little section feel more varied with different enemy placement and level design.
Not sure if the whole game will end up this good, but the Nioh2 alpha is a huge improvement on the Nioh1 beta when it comes to the things people complained about in nioh1.

One high strong -> mid weak -> high strong takes out both smakes for me with odachi

I can't remember if Nioh 1 was like this but could you always link skills after quick attack and heavy attack combos without ki pulsing or fluxing? Because in 2 you can do this.

Okay, good for you. Not everyone uses odachi and for me, the fire tornado did a fantastic job of both taking out a snake while also damaging the boss and making me temporarily invincible.

>I never played NiOh 1 DLC to ever try the Odachi. My experience is only of NiOh 2, and everything in the alpha was obliterated by it.

everything obliterates enemies, you just got a strong odachi and got too comfortable with it
like there are only 4 weapon types in the alpha, and just like you said, spears also obliterate enemies with their big strange, and hachets also do this with their huge utility. Haven't played much katana because I was focusing on the new stuff, but as you said it's pretty much the "balanced" weapon between speed, range and damage, some people prefer this kind of shit.
It really isn't that hard to kill enemies in Nioh, and every weapon has so many skills, it's more about which one you want to get cool at (or have to use because you just got a drop with fucking good stats)

Okay good for you?
But isn't NiOh suppose to be hard?

Redditors are hyped about new spicy kojima game sorry


Its boring like NiOh 1

killing enemies is easy since they die so fast, but you can also die fucking easily

speed and just being able to dodge or block a few frames earlier is just as important in nioh as the range of your weapon

the only thing that matters is if the game has more than 10 enemies

Nioh 1 has the yokai realm that actually lets two people play levels together and it adds more spawns and scales the enemies for 2 people.
It's a blast.

I hope it's the same in Nioh 2.

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God you're a fucking idiot. You managed to pick the one single thing that was not wrong with that whole mechanic instead of all the rest.

It was bad in NG because it could be charged instantly AND because it gave you more essence to charge instantly again AND because it multiplied the essence dropped. It was the most effective thing in the game with the lowest execution. It was broken hence why the instant and replicable charge was removed.

I also didn't mention if it was bad or good at all in Nioh, i just said i couldn't believe they copied just like that.

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I'm probably going to get it, but I'm disappointed that they really haven't add or really changed much.

There are at least 5 completely new enemies in the alpha and they'll probably re-use the enemies from the first game and DLCs so that's a pretty healthy variety, let's see if they do more.

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>but so far every complaint about nioh1 seems to be greatly improved upon
I generally agree, but there's a few things they can still do.
>give ability to do quick bow attacks and triple shots Muneshige-style, it's piss easy to implement after high stance rolling and it will improve archery viability considerably
>give female player model a unique set of walking animations because right now they are just re-using the male one
>make passives on weapons stronger, 1% damage to yokai is fucking laughable
>Courage is a very weird choice for a new stat since it essentially splits ki into two stats while removing Spirit which was a far more interesting stat
>fall damage seems to be hilariously high
Other than that, yeah, the demo was fantastic.

Gonna ask this again. So we don't get a Mark of the Conqueror or anything like that this time around?

And lets not forget that new enemies are all really fucking well-designed.
Those babies eating each other to grow large and strong are fucking terrifying and if you don't fight them correctly you will end up facing the strong version which will rape your face off

Honestly it's weird how hard the fucking two missions fluctuate in quality so hard
The first mission is almost fucking perfect in terms of pacing, boss fight and level design whereas the second is kind shit with it's layout, pacing and boss

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No one got to fucking play it. All the streamers they sent a code to had no fucking idea about even the most basic shit. I don't know how many times I saw someone that "totally beat the first game", but didn't know how to ki pulse or even change stances.

No because its a closed alpha