Any mobile games that take advantage of AirPods functionality?

Any mobile games that take advantage of AirPods functionality?

Just bought a pair for $200

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Pokemon Sleep.

Uh no. You'll need to buy the Pokeball Plus Plus for that :^)

Kys simulator

These things look like the most accident prone, easy to lose things ever.
Why not just get regular wireless headphones

>Why not just get regular wireless headphones

everyone laugh at this poorfag that can't afford to buy apple

"Hey Siri, find my airpods"

problem solved

>tfw never ever unless you buy a silly dongle.
Why Nintendo, at least Apple its just for wired shit.

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You sound like one of those Instagram niggers

You sound like a jobless basement dweller that has to use fucking android

because those are EXPENSIVE so you can show off all day how much you are dedicated to support the brand's honor.

I have them since almost 2 years now. I travel a lot with them, use them while running and hiking and yet I still have to lose them. You have to be a literal brainless to lose your AirPods.

What's the android equivalent?

statistics exists to prove most of that low grade luxury items are mostly bought by wellfare peasants who refuse to live "poorly" because of their pride.


apple blows lagdroid shit out of the water when it comes to accessories

The one Samsung makes.

kek poorfag

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they should make these in neon so its easier to find faggots to lynch

They seem good for workouts but that's it.

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*tips fedora*
*unsheathes katana*

No better than consolewar kids

Some people have ears that make the apple earbuds fall out, but for me they're the only comfy earbuds in existence and I use them even if I don't own any other apple products. The conventional type of earbuds hurt my ears no matter how much I change the cover on thems, I hate them so much.

Why would you buy these now? They are already going out of fashion.

Huawei ones have noise cancelling, better bass, and are cheaper



How does it feel to get brain cancer by the invicible signals user?


It feels convenient.

They're actually bad for that. There is nothing that really secures them into your ear well, so excessive movement makes them fall out. Even reviewers who normally suck apple's dick complain about it.

>not paying 400USD for the deluxe edition

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>He can't afford and Exclusive 200$ Bag of Shit

I never actually see wealthy people with airpods. It's usually teenagers in cheap online fashion brands. I always see suited financial types wearing large sony headphones, or bose.


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Is that Vergil?

Jesus Christ, it's Vergil.

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well i live in central london and see many suits wear airpods

>buying apple products

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Why do these things have such a reputation? They're just wireless earbuds. Did people make fun of people for owning a wireless computer mouse back in the day, too? I just don't get why airbuds are THE douchey thing to own now

>bought jbl 400bt
>it's too tight for my big head
What do? It's really painful to use this headset for me more than 5 minutes.

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Imagine spending money on shitpods when the Jabra Elite 65t exists, literally the best pair of true wireless earbuds on the market

>$400 buttplug

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because Apple makes it, like every other shitty product that got trending

return it, unless you bought it from some shit place

>actually shoving shit into your ear
Superior bone conduction master race coming through.

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Can i kinda expand it?
Thing is, i literally bought it because my coworker have them, and i had no problems with them.

>buying the inferior product just to prove a point

Just because someone is wearing a suit does not mean they are wealthy. Apple products are like designer purses with logos all over them. Only people trying to appear wealthy flaunt them, actual wealthy people do not need to and just buy quality,

I bought airpods cause I don't know of any other earbuds that had that small and convenient of a charging case.
Recommend me some alternatives, /g/

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>Buying the Apple product because you let pop culture make your decisions.

Literally every other electronics brand.

Should've bought some TidePods so you could've eaten them instead.


>put a name on it
>sell it for double the price
How does apple get away with it and a fuck ton of defenders?

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This, let zoomers and retards go deaf

For $200 you could have gotten a regular pair of headphones that was really high quality instead of a pair of shitty wireless earbuds
You could be rocking a pair of Grado SR80es or something and still have saved cash

Nintendo does it.

by defending a product they've bought they're contributing to its value

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>Just because someone is wearing a suit does not mean they are wealthy
But that's exactly how you described them? Stop thinking rich people don't fall for the apple meme

But you need to be a literal brainlet to buy an airpod too

For me it's the Mee Audio and MMCX cables

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Not me. Apparently multiple people think you're an idiot.

>AirPods deliver an industry-leading6 5 hours of listening time — and now up to 3 hours of talk time

Boomer here
What a useless fucking product Jesus Christ...

>buying a pair of wireless earbuds that will last you a year at best
Yeah no thanks

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I bought airpods and while expensive as fuck "it just works." I use it for outside listening and taking phone calls as well as for the gym. I use a set of ATH CKS1100is for actual listening or my HD58X.

I'm not a fan of fags who are appledrones and audiophiles who don't see the usecase for them.

>don't see the usecase for them

We see a use for them. That use is done better by products that cost half as much while working better. Unless the use is showing off in public that you buy Apple products.

I got my titanium trekkz, a little bit cheaper than the tidepods they put in their ears, while mine doesn't even touch my ear canal. Trekkz are using bone technology to send the music through the skin and bone to the ear receptors or whatever.

when I was selling my useless piss4 some nigger offered me earpods for it.
I dont care what the price on those things says thats an awful trade and apple retards get ripped off hard.

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So how long until Wired headphones and earphones get phased out?
No one seemed to have really followed in Apple's steps of removing earphone jacks

Tell me alternatives then. I'll be waiting.

Why does Yea Forums take such obvious bait?

Central London was the area I was referring to. Large over ear headphones seem more popular than airpods. I do see more airpods around Kensington than say, Liverpool Street.
Actual rich people do seem to fall for the bose meme though. Can anyone explain that one to me?

"it just works" is an absolute lie. Every apple product I've had works and feels like a cheap piece of shit about 5 months after purchase.
Buying apple products has made me desperately not want to be an applefag ever again.

Yea Forums always hates on anything popular while not being intelligent enough to make an opinion on a product despite their brand.

Has console war threads taught you nothing?

No, it literally just works. Do you have them?

I got galaxy buds for """free""" for upgrading to an s10, they're pretty handy, but the charge time is pretty bad. No worse than regular wireless headsets though when you account for the little charge case, and significantly less bulky, obviously.

As for OP, no. maybe a rhythm game I guess? You could separate audio tracks to different ears but that seems pretty counter-intuitive.

My wired head set style headphones cost more than twice your dumbass ear pods poorfag. Not to mention that they dont sound like they are gargling balls

>Yea Forums discusses off topic stuff instead of video games
What do you expect

Not airpods. I've had two macbook pros and an iphone and since moved away from apple products, so I'm not going to find out about airpods. I also have goofy looking sticky out ears and buds don't really stay in them so it wouldn't be for me anyway, not that I'm knocking them for that.

For me "it just works" has been "it just breaks"

And he'd have enormous ugly headset that he has to drag around in a fucking case because they don't fit in his pocket.

same here, apple shit is the only stuff that fit in my ear comfortably, all the other stuff falls out or just hurts

So you're trying to contradict what I say despite not even owning the product? user...

Have at it. There is nothing special about Airpods. They are made with the exact same components as the cheap Chinese knock offs. Want a "premium" brand? Buy Samsung, Panasonic, or any other brand name you recognize. They are all the exact same thing. It is only once you start looking at full size headphones that there are actual differences between models.

shit looks like someone came in his ear and it's pouring out LOL

Instead he gets tiny little headphones that look ugly and sound like shit

Audio Quality
Talk Quality
Ease of Use
Charging Case

user. Airpods are a good balance between all of these categories. Are there better alternatives? Yeah sure. Some earphones will sound better obviously. For the everyday office worker, this is probably the best allrounder though.

Sorry I meant it more as a general meme. Didn't mean specifically airpods but if that's what you think about them, that's fine.
It's just not 2000 any more though and I think competition has made "it just works" irrelevant, especially considering apples reputation for shody products at the moment.

this looks more a thread to start appleniggers vs whateverelseniggers shit-flinging thread

I have quite a few set of audio stuff and while I do agree airpods do sound like a mid $100 wired headphones, they aren't a bad choice for people. They aren't intrusive and sound pretty good.

However, I'm pretty open minded, and I don't enjoy Apple products because you're stuck in their ecosystem and I'm not a huge fan of Apple's greediness and annoying bugs that they won't even bat an eye at.

>I just don't get why airbuds are THE douchey thing to own now
Because the design doesn't provide any benefits over a cord and it's only bought as a means of showing how much money you have