Longer than the first (without the DLC the first game is 3-4 hours)

>Longer than the first (without the DLC the first game is 3-4 hours)
>Doesn't need DLC to tell a complete story
>Actual recorded footage system
>Bandage system
>A more complicated story, a voiced protagonist and actual variety in what the monsters can do
>Yea Forums still doesn't like it as much as the first


Attached: outlast 2 bad.jpg (738x708, 76K)

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dude religion is bad lmao (except Islam which must be protected at all costs they are a peaceful people and we should respect that!)


I like Outlast 2.

should i try it again?
>got to some fields where you can't see anything
>like the gameplay halted because of this
>took a break
>come back with no fucking clue where to go and get frustrated
>quit like the loser i am

Attached: 1545716821847.jpg (600x600, 194K)

>Stealing your opinion from a s o y boy cuck who hates white males

Implying I care about some faggots politics

Attached: tenor-5.gif (480x480, 2.49M)

You have to find wooden palettes that build up to steps over a fence - def not as hard as you think

He's still wrong about Outlast 2 even without the politics, you s o yboy worshipping cuck

>Science makes folks crazy and kill people in the first game
Oh so spooky!
>Science makes folks crazy and kill people in the second game, but there's mention of christian mythos