We're gonna win E3 this year, losers

we're gonna win E3 this year, losers

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nobody believes this. Not even you.

you already lost lmao

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this but unironically

B-but we still have The Last of Us 2! Death Stranding may be getting ported to PC, but who cares, that game was shit anyway. The Last of Us 2 will make up for all the games Microsoft is going to reveal from it's 15 first party studios this e3. R-right bros?

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whose we? you're the only xbox person left

what's the point of buying an xbox when even fucking halo makes its way to PC?

>the last of us
>death strading

what a fucking joke normie tier "games" kek

In case you missed the memo, Death Stranding isn't even a PS4 exclusive anymore

Well yeah you're the only company still going lmao Nintendo and Sony don't give a shit any more

people still console?

why do xbox fanboy threads always get to stay up?

Xbox won E3 last year though. Unfortunately none of the exclusives they showed were worth a shit. I'd bet the same thing happens this time.

high positive winner energy

They don't have any games to play, so the janny feels bad for them.

>its not exclusive anymore
And neither is any Xbox game

>when you're the only person running

>death stranding
lmao you guys lost before the show even began

chad bloomer genes

As long as they show games and not movies, I don't see how they could not.

>death stranding

what a pathetic joke, another walking simulator movie

Can't wait for E3. This is going to be our year. Phil won't let us down I can feel it!

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Repent, Yea Forums

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last year was our year as well








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*Also on PC

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fact, but only because everbody else fucked up. This year is going to be big. Really big

Except it actually is literally gonna be on PC. Sony quietly removed all references to it being a PS exclusive


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>State of Decay 2 and Crackdown 3 were so mediocre no one even cares to shit post about those games

Back to the Microsoft board meeting Ranjeet.

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just get rid of the xbox meme and make it windows 10 and win10box

they already won

It's actually gonna be a really fun E3 in general
A shame it's the last one
>Sony showed some Death Stranding stuff already, giving enough speculation talk for at least a week
>Nintendo is throwing in some Pokemon news next week to carry discussion till Friday
>Microsoft Conference is TWO HOURS long, with tons of third party surprises and potential new exclusives and potentially new console announcement
>Bethesda will make a fucking mockery of themselves for our enjoyment
>Ubi might have some cool things
>Nintendo's is an hour long
>Treehouse throughout the week
max enjoyment

It's the other way around for gaming. The Xbox brand is a lot bigger than the Windows brand. No one fucking uses the Windows store.

I sold my PS as soon as I heard about them censoring games. Plus I don't want anymore cinematic walking simulators
>inb4 buzzwords
Last of us is minimal gunplay, with lots of walking and a ton QTEs. Garbage. Horizon ZD was lots of walking with nothing but stealth and ubisoft towers.

> the last one
What did he mean by this?

Xbox has zero fucking games.

"With the huge success of The Elder Scrolls Online, we have decided to make The Elder Scrolls 6 a sequel to the groundbreaking MMO. TES VI will be an online only experience, due to the massive positive feedback we have gotten from Fallout 76 and TES Online."

I'm watching this for Halo Infinite and watching Nintendo's for Metroid Dread. Death Stranding is the first time in a long time Sony had an exclusive with gameplay, they really should just let the Japanese make games for them, Sony's western devs suck.

Stay mad Snoyboi, next gen PS5 will have keep it's current schedule of two cinematic 30fps movie games while Xbox is pumping out revolutionary exclusives one after another

E3 isn't a competition you child, there is never a "winner". It is all one big advertisement.

>Xbox is pumping out revolutionary exclusives one after another
Xbox is not Nintendo

I got 218 games on mine

And that's without a lot of the games from the Game Pass and without some of my physical games.

You're telling me that I'm playing nothing?

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It barely looks exciting right now, the trailer was just OK even if we ignore the gameplay part

>Gears of War
>Forza Horizon
>Sea of Thieves
>Sunset Overdrive

Phil can't even get Travis Strikes Again on Xbone. What a fraud.

>Only 218 games
Come on, step it up.

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You either posted this exact picture yesterday or you're larping. I have 3 TB of storage and 264 games on my Xbone

> Nintendo
> Revolutionary
Nintendo makes, like, one new IP per generation and everything else is just sequel after sequel.

please fucking god no


I'm an Xbox fan here and the only games on here I care about are Halo and Forza Horizon, Gears got woke, Sea of Thieves is always online, Sunset Overdrive was overrated because at the time Xbox didn't have anything.

Based retard

I have a big family and a lot of friends who all own one. Literally the only reason. Then I have the switch and PS4 if there's any games I can't get on Xbone that I wanna play.

death stranding's comin pc?


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I own a PS4 and Switch, but I only use them for exclusives.
I use my Xbone for everything else

Nice collection. You probably spend more money than I do on videogames.

E3 is the loser gathering Sony ain't there

I can't wait to play all those new "xbox" games on my PC

Probably not, I gameshare with a friend and we both have like 200 games each.

>/r/XboxOne on massive damage control

I'd be on suicide watch if I were an Xboner desu

meant for

If Sony is the winner why did they bend over to put Microsoft servers on the Playstation?

It doesn't has the "Only on Playstation" or even a "play first on PS4" tag

Cause they have nothing to show.

what a fukin cocktease, i'll be willing to wait if its a month after but i might have to get it for ps4 if it takes a year


Never tried that feature. I mainly just get the free games nowadays, with the game pass I have little to no reason to buy games.

OH! So that's why it actually looks like a video game, because it's not a Sony exclusive.

ITT: People excited for a walking simulator for no reason other than that Xbox doesn't have it

Gamepass is a godsend especially when the friend I gameshare with has fuck you money and buys a bunch of games on a whim. Gamepass is still a great offer tho. Used it to play Crackdown 3, and while I would never pay for it, it was still a fun weekend game to play.

Xbros don't derail other threads most of the time. Their system sucks but they're chill people.

Yes, they probably will lose the least.


Applies to most Snoy games. No one would give a fuck if they weren't exclusive

Bridge babies on suicide watch

Microsoft E3 2019
>Xbox Scarlet, two new consoles in same style of Xbox One S and Xbox One X.
>Xbox Scarlet games playing natively on PC
>Many BC titles on PC including Xbox One, Xbox 360, and OG Xbox, expected to launch October 2019
>Xbox Scarlet game development will allow games to be sold on Xbox One/PC at discretion of publishers
>Xbox Game Pass expanded - day 1 first party/second party games, third party AAA games a couple months after launch, indie games all the time
>More studios acquired, expect at least 3 announcements
>Xcloud detailed, stream from your xbox console to your Windows/iOS/Android device. Microsoft will offer streaming from Microsoft Azure by end of year 2019.
>Play Anywhere now applies to everything. If you own it digitally, download it to your Xbox or PC, or stream it to your Windows, iOS, or Android device.
>New Xbox controller variations. Standard, Elite, and Hybrid. Streaming to phones and tablets uses adaptive touch controls
>More Backwards Compatible games from Xbox 360 and OG Xbox announced
New games being shown off:
>Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Fable RPG
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Rocksteady DC game
>Harry Potter RPG
>Killer Instinct
>The Outer Worlds
>Ninja Theory’s Bleeding Edge
>More than 30 games shown off

Meanwhile at Sony E3 2019

I wish they had Fallout 76 there.

Because you keep posting whirrspam you idiot

This same copypasta has been floating around for weeks and is just bullshit and borderline retarded. A lot of the info is just rehashed shit from last year.

True. You get the impression that Sony fanboys think a game being exclusive automatically makes it good. Nintendo fans can admit that there have been bad Nintendo games but not Sonyfags.

Probably gonna be announced at e3 as one of the AAA titles “available right now”.

This, as an Xbox fan I'm not buying Gears 4 or 5 because the series has gotten woke. I'm also happy that Lionhead is no longer making Fable and the reboot is being made by Playground, and I like the Forza Horizon series far better than I do the Forza Motorsport series. I also thought Sea of Thieves, Quantum Break, State of Decay 2, and Crackdown 3 were all crap.

>Microsoft E3 2019
I legitimately don't care about Xbox, that's all.

>Halo Infinite
Haven't played since 2, heard horrible things about 4 and 5, but hey if it's good, that's fine.
>Gears 5
Not interested.
>Fable RPG
I got bamboozled by 2, never again.
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
They've got the Rayman Origins/Legends level designer working on it, so I have high hopes for it.
>Rocksteady DC game
Mixed, we'll see.
>Harry Potter RPG
I liked HP when I was little, but boy, Rowling has made a very stern effort to completely turn me away from anything related to it.
>Killer Instinct
Not holding my breath, but would be neat if they were good.
>The Outer Worlds
I want to like it, because I liked a lot of Obsidian's stuff in the past, but all the memes aside putting a literal Rick lookalike is not inspiring much confidence in me.
>Ninja Theory’s Bleeding Edge
I draw a blank on this, dunno what it is. Does it look fun?
>More than 30 games shown off
I'll believe it when I see it, Sea of Thieves and State of Decay 2 were heaping trash fires. And I rather they go for quality, than quantity.

Back to r/xboxone sub-human xcucks

Would be cool, I need the digital version.

I hope there rumors about Square releasing Shadowbringers on the Xbox are real too

I have a Switch and am somewhat of a Nintendo fan, but I constantly shit on them about the bad games they've released. Nintendo has so much potential but half the time they fuck it up in the dumbest ways

Nintendo will win

Screencap this

Sonyfags, this is called humility.


All on pc

Based Nintendo

>I'm not buying Gears 4 or 5 because the series has gotten woke
Nigger, are you retarded?

I smell you and your damage control, Asher

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>death stranding
>last of us 2
>judgement /judge eyes
>granblue fantasy relink
>project awakening
>granblue fantasy versus
>catherine fullbody
>persona5 royal
>babylon's fall (pc too)
>at least 1 year of ff7 remake exclusivity

Sony has a lot of cool shit, the only question is whether they will be smart enough to market them or they keep being retards and just show some tlou2 teaser, a bunch of indies and some VR games at their state of play.

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You Cannot Lose, If You Do Not Play

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Snoyfags are like the SJWs of Yea Forums. They know only how to respond with smugness and vitriol. Even when their platform is disintegrating, they double down and toxicity increases.
Like these:

Most people who buy Xboxes live in America.

I bought gears 4 on cdkeys for 3.50 usd
Nice blog

People who play games are going to win this year. Just like last year. Since nothing Microsoft ever announces anymore is for the exclusive use of their products anymore.
I'll look forward to the Microsoft presentation for all the Multiplatform games I'm not going to be playing on a Xbox console.

You're both wrong, they're gonna turn XBOX into the gaming brand for both the Xbox and the windows pc. It's gonna be called X store, or something similar to that.

Screenshot this

Does that mean Guts is Nintendo?

Based. Even the most hardcore of Snoybois can sense Sony is falling apart and the PS5 is going to be a disaster. They don't like that feeling so they lash out in anger.

To add: Xbox is gonna slowly become nothing more than a subsidized windows PC with a cool Xbawks skin


You dont need to act like this is a leak. It’s been talked about by Microsoft publicly over the past 3 years.

They're going to bring the Xbox cloud streaming to smartphones.

I think it has potential to be a good feature.

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This. I genuinely like the console but the fans are worse than any other fanbase on Yea Forums, even PC elitists.

>Seething Xniggie

kek enjoy still being the lepers of the industry

Reasonable thinking.

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Just bought an all digital xbox today, just wanted to have all the consoles because why notany exclusives from this gen worth playing?

they are funny and lighthearted

>I draw a blank on this, dunno what it is. Does it look fun?
It's Ninja Theory. Makers of such trash fires as Enslaved and DmC. So no.

Get game pass and they are all available

It's FFVII Remake and nothing else after it
It really is coming to an end

I've got 6 months of it, i'm more wondering which ones are actualy worth my time

Sleep well fellow Xbro
Everyone is almost dead

hi eric

>Gaylo and Queers of War are both dying franchises
>not even exclusives anymore
unironically feel bad for xniggers

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Halo was the best MP FPS of the gen :)

And I'll take being able to play my purchases on my PC and my console over a handful of exclusives anyday

Holy fuck, Xniggies, time for bed. Today's action-packed day has made you very tired and unhappy.

Because we don't haven't any fucking games to play.

>haha of course DS is going to be a movie game because it's a Sony exclusive
>*someone then posts that it's not a Sony exclusive because there isn't a "only on playstation tag on the cover"*
>oh well actually it looks fucking amazing then
which one is it then faggots?

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Whichever serves my shitposting better. You didn't actually think I cared about this game at all, right?

>Halo was the best MP FPS of the gen
yeah, the sixth gen maybe

lmao enjoy Overwatch

Xbox E3 presentation beaten Sony's for the last 2 years. Even though 99% of the stuff was multiplat, at least they were showing games.

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PS4 is zero exclusives now

>Death Stranding isn't even a PS4 exclusive anymore

I don't like Trump but I don't want to see a fucking drumpf achievement in my games. Gears 5 is pushing feminism and blacked shit. Why is the Black guy even in the game, he doesn't have a personality like Cole? It should have just been JD and Kait or just Marcus and the old crew.

>I'm not buying Gears 4 or 5 because the series has gotten woke

What do you mean exactly?
In Gears 4 you play as JD, the girl is just some chick in your party and that's it
If you an Xbone you'd be stupid not to give Gears4 a try on gamepass or something, I beat it over a weekend and enjoyed it, 8.5/10 for me

Also, Gears5 will be the most impressive console title of this generation in terms of graphics (XboneX)

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>if you you don't show up you win
epic leaf post

good, exclusives are bad for consumers.

>can only win when sony isn't participating

everyone knows MS is better at manipulating the audience (at least after the disastrous xbone reveal) with pretending that they have decent games outside of the few multiplats, but only retards like you believe that this means MS is winning anything

MS is better at PR, they are better at making a good show, that's where they put most of their money, this doesn't mean that MS's future presented in their E3 conference is going to be better than the competitors

That's the truth, the xbos fans are the only ones that don't shitpost in every thread
Ranking from most Annoying to less annoying fanbase


Pirates are also annoying sometimes but they only tell the truth

I'd swap PC and Nintendo but I agree otherwise.

Remember last year when Phil went full weeb and showed Kingdom Hearts 3, DMC5, and Tales of Vesperia to a crowd full of dudebros?

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Hello Snoy

Gears 4 had drumpf and your token black guy. Gears 5 is pushing feminism hard. 343 seems to know what they're doing and I'm excited for Microsoft's other games but it's time for the Coalition to learn that no one wants their identity politics in their games. Gears 5 better have a great E3 showing this year because last year was an embarrassment, never did a trailer kill so much of my hype.

Xchad here

Everytime we do a Xbox thread it's always non-Xboners that come and shit all over our thread
I can tell you in all honesty that I lurk some PS4/Switch threads but NEVER reply in them because I don't one, therefore my opinion on em is irrelevant

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>Gears 5 is pushing feminism hard

Kek why because you play as a girl?
In that case then Gravity Rush is also pushing feminism hard

This. All the fanbases should be like Xbox fans.

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This, I just like having an Xbone so I don't waste my 360 collection, my 360 itself is getting old. Plus I still get all the shit Yea Forums plays like Sekiro and MHW

Don't forget Code Vein, Microsoft showed off beeg anime teedee during their conference with no hesitation

No, because Gears 5 is forced, also why is she teamed up with the fucking token black guy? They even ruined the way she looked in Gears 5, she looked great in Gears 4, the more I talk to you, the more you sound like a tranny from tranny era. Halo Infinite shitted on Gears 5 in views, Gears 5 couldn't even break a million views, Microsoft should have left Gears dead and made that new ip when the Coalition was Black Tusk.

ok but who's Casca?


are you fucking retarded? the box art is subject to change. Also alot, and I mean alot of former PS4 exclusives had the "only on playstation thing" and they got ported. The only on playstation trademark is nothing.
DS might get ported but probably like 4-6 months after console release.

You already lost

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lol cope

>the more you sound like a tranny from tranny era

I'm a 37 y-o boomer
The game isnt even out yet, just sit down and be quiet

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what was the last Xbox game?

Gamepass :)

thats not a game

it's a ton of them :)

its 100+ of them

its a service not a game
i dont care about services
what was the last game

A service of games :)

Last Xbone game I bought was Sekiro

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a service is not a game
what was the last game

the future of vidya in one comfy place

That E3 demo of Gears 5 better be good, no identity politics.

thats marketting, not a game
what was the last game

>I don't like Trump but I don't want to see a fucking drumpf achievement in my games.
Are Trump supporters the biggest fucking pussies out there?
People are still make fun of Bush, but god forbid someone makes a Trump joke.

It's a bunch of games on the system :)

>Implying E3 matters
Oh you.

its not a game
its a service
what was the last game

what was the last PS4 game?

They will only be there as long you have the mentality to keep constantly looking for them to fuel your outrage culture.

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Days Gone
what was the last Xbox game

lol cope


what was the last game


Outer wilds. Came out today.

Xbox unironically won last year's E3 desu
>Stole almost every "exclusive" announcement from other conferences like Sony's
>Several "Never Ever" tier announcements like Vesperia Definitive and DMC5
>Indie support
>Conference was focused on the games, like the old good E3s
Then again all xbox posts get drowned out by angry sonybros since nobody plays xbox and most of us just leave the threads after our conference

When you make fun of Trump, you know what happens next, the devs don't stop there, they start pushing political agendas and from there if players hate it instead of blaming themselves being out of touch they blame the players. This always happens. I wouldn't even complain about drumpf and would just laugh at how shit of a president Trump is if SJWs didn't take over every industry in the US, I'm tired of diversity and feminism, it needs to stop.

lmao, the timing of this death stranding shit was too good


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>its most promising games became epic store exclusive

but it's a game on xbox

>caring abut E3
I hate u nigger, im taking this thread

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Gears 5
>I kind of see the Gears of War franchise like Star Trek. There’s an underlying optimism in that world, and that’s something I wanted to have in our world as well. Things like racism, sexism, homophobia, are things that aren’t part of our world. The decision to have Kait become the protagonist was really an organic decision. it wasn’t a forced or contrived situation where we were trying to follow a trend. It was completely natural.

This isn't following a trend, right?

so is pong
what was the last xbox game

The last Xbone game is whatever game(s) came out this year
If you meant console-exclusive, then I don't know nor care as I mainly play multiplats ( last one I bought was REmake2)

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We just told you lol

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why do you have to be a gigantic faggot and post your weed
are you 16?

>DS might get ported
It will never get ported to anything because sony paid for the development and it runs on a sony licensed proprietary engine that is only available on the ps4

what was the last xbox game

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It's like I'm talking to an NPC lol.

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>I'm tired of diversity and feminism
Nigger, Gears has been diverse since the beginning. Out of a cast of 7, almost half are minorities

Hahaha what the fuck

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what was the last xbox game nigger

He's asking what the last EXCLUSIVE was

20 GOTO 10

beep blorp

Gears was proper diversity, not forced diversity. Faggots today don't know the meaning of diversity.

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gamepass :)



>didn't even designate 10
literally kys

>his smile and optimism, gone


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Based SonyCHAD

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Look, people have been saying Gears is always the same shit, I see zero problems in having a girl. The serie really needs something new here


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Gamepass is an exclusive service. What was the last good exclusive game? Crackdown 3? Sea of Thieves? State of Decay 2? Trash.

I know it annoys you Yea Forums role models that lead perfect lives, literally the only reason i do it

Well, that's true but is it following a trend?

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God damn, the Chipettes used to be hot.

Good thing it also has the definitive version of Multiplats and games like Halo 5 that don't get boring after a single playthrough to go with all those prosumer services ;)

I don't like movie games, dumbass. I'm a Nintendo fan, not a Sony fan. Gamepass is for multiplats. What about exclusive games?

sure you are hun ;)

The definitive version of multiplats is what PC is for. You can't really name an exclusive, can you?

>Gamepass is for multiplats
Nigga, exclusives come out day 1 on gamepass.



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>me not believing you makes me right
Holy shit you are fucking delusional.

RDR2 plays best on the X though.

and you're coping hard lmao.

Why does it upset you this much that people have different opinions?

What exclusives?
RDR2 is shit no matter what platform you play it on.

We won it last year, too.

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>tfw only 215 games

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There is a trend in our modern world that pushes feminism and diversity but again no one has played Gears5 yet and I have zero problem in playing as a girl rhis time around. As for the trend, it will honestly only get worse as whites are outbred by shitskins

Plus Kate is way better than fucking cringy picrelated

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cry harder :)

I'm not mad that you have a different opinion than me. It's that ypu are dodging my question. You're coping with the fact that you have no exclusives.

>Killer Instinct
Don't you fucking lie to me.

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Cry Harder isn't an exclusive. You wish your console had exclusives and you're crying that it doesn't by denying that it's a bad thing not to have them.

If you're not mad then what are you crying about?


Well, that's true, if they make it work and the story just deals with the shit happening in their world like the usual, I'll have no problem with it, I'll wait until it releases, I feel like SJWs really fucked up everyone's thought patterns on games, movies, and TV shows.

But there are exclusives on xbox, and before you say PC, ignoring that it is not interchangeable with a console, crossbuy, another prosumer exclusive xbone service :))

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>The definitive version of multiplats is what PC is for

Oh I didnt know that
I played picrelated at 4K25-30fps and honestly wished my $400 XboneX could push 4K60 for that game
Could you post a link for a desktop PC that would run all games at 4K60 and costs the same as my XboneX ?

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>"Only on Playstation" is art

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I said I was mad that you're dodging my question, not that I'm not mad at all.
>but there are exclusives on Xbox
Exclusives you apparently can't name.
Are you implying the Xbox One X has better performance than a PC?

Since Microsoft is doing the heavy lifting for most 3rd party games, what are you hoping gets announced? I've been waiting on a Sonic Adventure Remake for about 5 years now.

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>Exclusives you apparently can't name.
but I did in that very post :)

and he's saying it has a better performance per dollar, silly boi.

>Post a picture of an exclusive
>inb4 that doesn't count
have fun trying to get it to play on an non MS computer.

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currently replaying entire series of games over the next few months. currently working on ME trilogy while trying to finish up Nier.

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>heavy lifting
They're showing off third party trailers at E3 and that's it, Nintendo and Sony have actually helped third parties out while MS is too cucked to do anything

Probably, but less because of Microsoft own merits and more because Sony dropped out so any game that had to chose between being at a Microsoft or Sony conference has to go to Microsoft.

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>No Apax

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You said they were Microsoft exclusive, not Xbox exclusive. Can you name a game (not service) that you can play on the Xbox One, but not PC, PS4 or Switch?

Halo 5

Respawn's current ideal for their game doesnt align with my personal views. They are punishing people for playing differently, especially those that dont want to play Squads. This on top of a ridiculous xp grind system for the only unique items attached to their battle pass made me quit.

seethe harder lol :) The one or two exclusives on the snoy are no match for xbone's superior hardware, services, and yes handful of xbox exclusives like Halo5 on it.

The only current gen consoles I have are Nintendo ones, but I still enjoy watching Xbox at e3. They do actually have nice looking games and its always an entertaining watch, and not for bad reasons. Cheers to you Xbros!

>Death Stranding may be getting ported to PC
The game is made with Decima engine, a PS4 game engine made and owned by a Sony studio. It's not getting ported to anything.

That's kinda what I meant, but whatever.

Xbox 360 BC titles

lol cope

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When did I say that the PS4 had a good library, dumbass? I think the SWITCH has the best library.
Not exclusive. Must only be on the Xbox One.

Not him but the fact a game is a microsoft exclusive and not a Xbone exclusive is a GOOD thing since it allows more people to enjoy some great games.

I mean if Sony came out with some expensive powerful new Vita that could handle PS4 games, no one but autistic shitposters would then claim the PS4 suddenly had "no exclusives"
Exclusives are bad anyway. I main Xbox and only got to play a monster hunter game for the first time last year because it wasnt available on my console of choice

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Have a good E3 fellow Xchads! Hope you PCbros and Nintenbros have a good one too. Feels like I'm forgetting someone though...oh well.

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and what is your point exactly? It's not like the switch can run recent multiplats lol

That's a sensible stance and one I'm not gonna argue with. You're not pretending it has exclusives, you're open about it.

Right. Multiplats are another thing, but I'm asking about exclusives. The PS4, Xbox One and PC basically have the same multiplats so you need exclusives to sweeten the pot.

Dont worry, user. Sony has efficiently padded their console sales numbers this gen by selling mostly to third worlders who only play FIFA.
You shouldnt feel obligated to buy any product because some shitskin from a foreign country tells you to

This you can't lose when no one else is completing
So you bought a xbox one for no reason

Right, exclusives like Gamepass, crossbuy and BC alone with great games like Halo 5 :)


Fuck i meant competing
Not exclusive
That's great
>great games like Halo 5
You mean babies first fps?

>ask for a exclusive
>but that one doesn't count
Also why do people try to use the "babies first" as insult. Mario was babies first platformer and that shit is still lively 40 years later.

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lol I didn't know gamepass was on another console

>You mean babies first fps?
name a better arena FPS that came out this gen I'll wait :)

Okay, so Halo 5. Wasn't that hard to name an exclusive was it? I'm not trying to convince you to sell your Xbone for a PS4 or PC, I just wanted to know what an Xbone exclusive was.
The BC is probably the best thing you mentioned because the Xbox and Xbox 360 were great consoles.

>conference filled with multi-plats as always
>two new exclusives that will either be mediocre or barren as hell

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lol cope

Gamepass is exclusive but it's not a game. By your logic GameStop is a game.

I never said it doesn't count i said it's babies first fps something that has been said for a long time on Yea Forums
I can't but that doesn't mean it's good

don't you get tired of whining?

I just said BC was good and accepted H5 as an answer. How is that coping? And coping with what?

Sony has won already, dipshit

>I can't but that doesn't mean it's good
doesn't mean it's not :)

Not an argument. Then again neither is anything you said. You must be 18 or older to post here.

keep coping

I don't know you tell me lol

Tell you how it's coping? You're the one that said me accepting your answer is coping.

That's because we beat them into submission. You fags forget the 360 days when every halo gears xbox fag was a huge cunt. Now they have to be humble because MS was exposed.

Of course but it isn't good :^()

whining isn't much of one either haha


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Ugh I hate stinky sudaca monkeys so Damm much

>whining = anything I disagree with

the making of a long, high-pitched cry or sound
He isn't he whining user

because you are for some reason. why?

Yeah, it's great :o)

>we're gonna win E3 this year, losers
What does winning E3 do for me as a gamer and a consumer? Oh absolutely nothing especially when Microsoft has been last place for 3 gens straight. At least you got a winning strategy there.

>bribes everyone to show multiplat trailers in their conference
>as a result sony doesnt have any multiplats
>makes sony look bad
Fuck microsoft!

now THIS is cope

Actually it's because most of the xbots last gen moved to sony pc or nintendo

>the last of us

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Jesus, I forgot the original dreamcast version of Sonic Adventure looks amazing compared to DX on the gamecube. What the hell happened?

I'm not coping with anything. I told you that I accept your answer, that's it. What do we even disagree about?

Microsoft is going to make every 360 game backwards compatible (with a simple warning like Playstation has with Boost Mode), all Xbox One X enhanced and Xbox One Enhanced because they figured out how to make the 1.5x scaling work on all games. Xbox wins BABYYYYYYYYYYY

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>because you are for some reason. why?
>Yeah, it's great :o)
No i meant atrocious |:{ )

cope harder lol

>Name an exclusivve.
>Halo 5.
>Okay, thank you!
How is that a cope?

Sony isn't dven at e3 dude
Mircosoft only has to compete with nintendo who's gonna btfo the competition as usual


Why did you post you and your brothers
Im pretty sure he's saying he's coping not you

Only in your delusional mind is accepting someone's answer a bad thing. Are you 13? Cope.

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>just ordered a Xbone
can't wait to play NGB

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Nice selfie you really look horrible

I missed the memo

Good luck fellas, lets show some games

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we all know you backed off because you realized your meme points had no sway but keep crying :)

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>whose we? you're the only xbox person left
Doesn't really matter
They be doing their own thing but are forced to mention the "competition" because journalists can't live without controversy. All Nintendo wants it to make Mario & Zelda games and pushing hardware gimmick consoles/controllers.
Pushing graphics, big screen TVs, etc because they are on a high that every consumer desires in terms of "technological" progression. Sadly they have forgotten the "technological" part of progression and are currently just doing progressive shit which is way off what they originally meant it to be. Also 3rd party and journos might have played themselves yet we don't know who the Jedi is here that did the mind trick. Yet most likely some idiot Jedi mind tricked himself and we are all suffering because of it.
Play monopoly in the easiest setting but suck so hard when playing against others. All they can do is buy out the board but it means nothing if no one is playing. Also they tried to be an imitation of the competition when they already had an image going for them that made them stand out as unique. Literally go from having something to bad to worse to straight up FUCK YOU I WILL BIG BROTHER YOUR FAGGOTS HOLY SHIT YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW levels of chilish tantrums.

I mean at this point we might as well bet that a soccer player will make more points than a football player and those two will make more points than a basket ball player.
Literally this level of stupidity is where we at.
Microsoft - soccer player - 2 point average
Nintendo - football player - 29 point average
Sony - basketball player - 90 point average

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>T-those Xbox games don't count because their on PC too!
Not my fault your shitty PC runs Xbox software.

>now watch me whip
>now watch me 4k

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Xbone chad here. Don't talk to me.

who the fuck is this guy

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>not having a 4k .png
you're not getting any (you)'s from me

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What the fuck?

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It's like a work of postmodern art

>Halo (also on pc tm)
>Forza Horizon (also on pc tm)
>Forza Motorsport (also on pc tm)
>Sunset overdrive (also on pc tm)
>Gears of war 4 (also on pc tm)

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Here, I try

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Crossbuy and playing at the couch :)