Kojima just went in!

Kojima is a fucking genius. Enjoy your mario kart shit nintendo fags

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>people have built "walls" and become accustomed to living in isolation

so just go outside

Rent free

Rent free what? Entire v is pasted with DS. Sony won nintendofag.

>going outside in Mexico
That's gonna be a big yikes from me dog

Can't wait for you guys to bend over backwards trying to explain how this game "totally isn't political"

Sonyfags on here can't even post about their exclusives without mentioning nintendofags

The MC isn't a woman and there's not a black in sight and that's all that counts as political for these retards


So DS is going to be the solution to the themes of MGS2?

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All games are political, but very few have actual propaganda on it.

>there's not a black in sight

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I can't wait for people to use this game to justify their retarded politics

the way people on Yea Forums seem to react to it any political message in a video game is "propaganda"

>always online

>Sam Porter Bridges

I just fucking got that. That is so goddamn cheesy.

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>somehow forgot about this between falling asleep and seeing this thread
So PS4 will have, what, two exclusives worth bothering with, now?

>even more pretentious garbage

kojimadrones please neck

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They're game players, not seasoned politicians, that suddenly get some really shitty low tier politicis shoved down their throats from nowhere.

imagine owning a switch
how much of a soiboy can someone be?

>Homo Demons
Did I hear that correctly?

True men only own a sega mega drive and a beaten up thinkpad.