>completely out of stock everywhere
>being scalped on ebay for a $100 markup (idiots)
>Valve Index sold out until September
VR is a dead gimmick.
>completely out of stock everywhere
>being scalped on ebay for a $100 markup (idiots)
>Valve Index sold out until September
VR is a dead gimmick.
Other urls found in this thread:
they sell em at fucking walmart, just go to your local walmart
fuckin sold out there too
Anything can sell out if you make an obscenely small amount of them, which is what's going on here. A slightly larger than expected number of people than expected fell for their gimmick. Maybe they expected a million and they actually sold two million. Either way, still a flop compared to any other major platform.
Is this the purest form of coping?
Why the fuck would you buy that thing? I know the average retard buys into VR, but you're an even bigger retard for going for an even worse model.
>muh hardware
what are some great VR games?
VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over. When you think of VR you are reminded of nausea and vomiting.
thanks for the bump
>muh hardware
what are some great VR games?
Why are people saying VR is a gimmick when the concept is great and legit changes how video games are played? Anyone reasonable will say something along the lines that the technology is not fully there yet and the software has a long way to go. VR is not a gimmick, it's just not fully realized yet.
They are the same people that are still saying "PS3 has no gaems" so they can fit in
>sold out
>VR is dead
Weak stomached pussy.
It's a matter of convenience for me these last few months. Had a kid, and new house and don't have the time to play anything more than RPGs on my phone.
Reminder that TOR is alive and well today.
I just want one as a 3d video porn machine. Which one is best for that right now that I can get for relatively cheap? Will the Quest play 360 porn videos?
I meant to type more about how getting I to a game is a hassle in VR due to space requirements etc, but my kid is crying.
Quest is really cool, I wouldn't want to replace my rift with it and the gimped vr chat is kind of outputting
But having a completely wireless standalone experience with no real set up sounds really appealing
Refer to It's a gimmick. It changes the way games are played, but not in a good way. The same could be said about Kinect. Part of the fun of games is the abstraction. When you try to make games perfectly realistic you lose what makes video games fun in the first place. The same shit could be said of RDR2. The clunky controls and animation made the game more realistic but not more fun.
>sell out your entire stock
Eternal cope
Rush Of Blood
Blood and Truth
Everybody's Golf
Astro Bot
Borderlands 2 VR
Wipeout VR
Mobile is the VR red pill.
>trade off graphics for ease of access and complete untethered movement
>can bring it anywhere
>normies love it
It really isn't a gimmick, and I'm dubious of people who say it is.
Depth and scale alone make it mind blowing let alone the tracking and motion controls
That said i wouldn't say it's "there" yet, better fields of view, higher resolutions, eye tracking, better lenses, all need to be improved before it does
Have you even played vr
daily reminder the oculus quest is shit
Nope, I'm not about to pay a thousand bucks for shitty stereoscopic 3d. My 3ds already does that and I don't even need to strap it to my face
Pavlov* is shit.
So why do you feel the need to share your opinion when you haven’t even demo’d the equipment? Are you trolling right now, and if that’s the case, what are your motivations?
it is ouya all over again
soccer moms will love it for maybe a whole week and from there it will die a slow death
>buying a quest
I'm spreading the word that it's a gimmick so people don't waste money on it. You don't get to try an obvious gimmick to see it's a gimmick. Everyone could tell that Xbox One Kinect was a gimmick before it came out, and the same is true of the latest Valve money sink VR headset.
Implying soccer moms even knew what an ouya was
It can but I read a few articles that there was stuttering issues, that might've been a software issue though
your shit
better than arm waggling garbage amiright
I feel a tinge of pity for your poverty level friend.
You'll be able to afford vr some day
the ceo of ouya was a soccer mom
even males who bought into that scam were soccer mom with a penis
>I'm spreading the word that it's a gimmick so people don't waste money on it.
Lol consumer advocatefag. Adorable.
You’re free to have your opinion but nobody is going to take you seriously if you’ve literally never worn a headset before. There’s probably a vr arcade near you that will let you demo for free, pretty sure Best Buy does vr demos. If you try vr maybe you will see that your internet crusade against it is pretty pointless.
>oculus quest
>not poverty tier
user, soccer moms don't know or care about a kick started video game console
Lol I already have a PC that costs way more than a headset and could easily run VR, I just don't want one. If someone gave me a VR headset the first thing I would do would be to sell it and buy some actual games, or a new keyboard or some shit like that.
yea they don't care and that's why they will buy literal shit to their kids, it is cheaper and they think it is the same thing
Nej, it's not
Poverty tier: mobile phone based vr
Low tier: WMR, Oculus go, PSVR
Mid tier: Rift s, quest, vive
High tier: Index, vive pro, pimax
Sounds like you’re speaking from experience.
Wow user, you have a 500 dollar pc? thats impressive, how long did you save up
Imagine telling people to boycott a thing you've never used for no reason other than to be a contrairian fuckboy.
At least visit a VR Arcade or find a Best Buy demo to try before you spew shit about something you know nothing about.
Equating expensive = better is hilarious when the rift has been the best headset on the market for years now.
user, my sole VR is a rift, I love it, it's the best all around deal for VR right now
But it is absolutely not as good as the index, vive pro, idk about pimax because that thing looks like jenky chink shit
nah sounds more like you're a retarded discord tranny kek
Imagine actually needing to try VR to know it's an obvious gimmick. I bet you fall for online scams too
Quest is literally shit tier you retard, get a PC with actual hardware if you want to play games.
I have a vive pro and the rift is way better because of the controllers alone.
kys cucklord
It's objectively not shit tier, by spec and price its mid tier, and while games like robo recall are going to look like a blurry mess, the majority of vr games play just fine one it.
VR is literally a screen glued to your face with 2 lenses and some motion sensors. Only a retard would spend $400-1200 plus rebuy VR edition of his already owned games to play for a couple of hours.
Sounds like I struck a nerve lmao
It objectively is shit tier because for $400 you can get a Vive or a very high res. Pimax headset to use with your PC. The Quest is barely better than a $150 PC, how do you think they can afford to make a VR headset with hardware and sell it for 400?
and a pc is just a bunch of silicon and plastic
got a Rift S and I’m half disappointed half fucking amazed. This tech will be awesome in 10 years, but right now it’s pretty undercooked. BUT as someone who loves horror, light gun games and pornography it’s pretty cool so far. I’ve barely scratched the surface.
It’s literally glued to your face? How much glue does it use to stick to your face then?
I can play pavlov, beat saber, rec room and VR
There are other good games like Moss, Robo Recall, Vader Immortal, Job Sim etc, Onward is coming soon too. Anything relevant is coming to quest.
Unlike PCVR there is no waiting for the PC to start, starting steam VR, forgeting that your sound is set to your external speakers and having to take the headset off again, tripping over wires.
I just put on the headset, instant start up (it actually leaves standby by sensing someone is wearing the headset, no need to push a button.)
Frictionlessness is what VR needs, that's what the quest brings
No Blade & Sorcery? Blade & Sorcery.
Any word on if Quest Beat Saber will be moddable? My buddy is looking in to getting one since I've been raving about my Oculus for a while now. He doesn't want to need to buy a whole new PC is the problem.
That actually works, yes. The Quest is the equivalent of a $150 PC, how do you think they can sell it for $400 and still make profit? Rather buy a shitty Vive to pair with your midrange PC.
wtf are you talking about
A basic bitch vive is like 600 dollars unless you want someone else's sloppy seconds and even then 400 would be a good deal
Plus the price of a PC, yes obviously if you have a good pc get wired VR, that's why the rift S exists at the exact same price point sperglord.
And the pimax is like 800 dollars.
Imagine forming opinions on things purely based on Yea Forums shitposting. Seriously go find a VR Arcade and try it yourself, you're just making yourself look like a dumbass
What if you don’t want to buy chinkshit like vive/pimax or don’t want to invest in a gaming computer?
Half a fuckton.
Apparently there is a modding team working on it
The B&S dev has said that he is interested in a Quest port
sounds like youre a schizo
VR works unless you have retardo eyes
If you believe the experience is just that of a screen right next to your face you've clearly not tried it
it’s working off of a mobile processor fucking retard. You can’t take a 150 dollar pc with you anywhere.
Most things as powerful as the Quest phone or tablet wise go for thousands of dollars. They’re selling this at a loss or to break even.
>alpha build
questlets win again
was this message supposed to make sense
I didn't form my opinion based on Yea Forums shitposting, I knew VR was a gimmick before I even started using Yea Forums. It's obvious to anyone who isn't a kool aid drinking fanboy
Then get a PS4/Pro and the VR thingy for it, no need to buy a closed off snapdragon headset owned by facebook.
Eh I dunno. I'm fine just playing it on my Rift, but Quest tracking would make it a pidge better.
>map that is not supposed to be played right now has visual glitches
At least my mom didn’t buy me an Ouya :)
yeah in the final version he will remove the truck entirely kek
>Borderlands 2
Every time. I'll never understand why people play BL let alone wanna try it in VR.
Oh right they came out with the built in level editor, I forgot. I guess that solves the problem either way. That's good news then, thanks user.
Beat Saber dev just announced official custom song support on Quest coming soon
>>completely out of stock everywhere
That's just amazon. Newegg still has them. I'm sure other places do as well.
For me? It's Blood Trail.
its not closed off, only the store is. you can sideload anything you want, including porn apps already
Why? The psvr is uncomfortable, tethered, and Sony refuses to upgrade its tech at all. Worst controllers, worst tracking. Some good games though but I mean the Quest also has good games.
One of the infinite amount of games that cannot be played on a Quest.
idk at the time it almost felt like brainwashed sheep who behaved just like you wanted to buy an ouya for me
there were some obviously retarded narratives being throwed around, coming from people who apparently didn't even actually game, kinda like with the quest
they're just hardcore memers
they would have to take out the dynamic shadows and some of the nicer effects, but there is no reason whatsoever that game couldn't run on quest if there is demand for making a port
Screen with lenses. Learn to read, Pajeet.
>wanting to play with the VR toy in public
I am sure they sell for a loss or barely break even lmao. Get yourself a proper PC or laptop and a Vive.
Porn apps at 720p15fps, so this is the power of VR huh..
there is no way on earth that game would run on such a shitty hardware
keep dreaming
Imagine thinking that psvr comes close to a quest at all
Yeah user, just spend 400 dollars on a 3 year old headset that is tethered to a 5 year old console, that will surely be better than an entirely wireless all in one solution that launched this year, has a higher resolution, refresh rate, field of a view, etc.
if you had ever actually tried vr for yourself, yes it makes perfect sense
Pic related is a fun Quest exclusive I wish was on Steam and it's ridiculous that it's not it's mobile that should be easy to port. MP and matchmaking is janky and a bitch to get working.
why dont you go back to the hole you came from you obvious shill
I'm starting to think you are a depthlet with retardo eyes
In which case yeah don't get VR, it's not for you.
It actually has games and EVERY game, from what I know, can be played using it. It's not gonna be great with some, like trying to play CoD with it, but it's doable. GL playing CoD in VR on PC and getting insta-banned by VAC because it doesn't allow VorpX.
Can people really wear these for extended time without becoming really uncomfortable?
>d-don't make fun of my $1200 p-purchase!
>retardo eyes h-haha, gottem..
It's literally a screen glued to your face with a pair of lenses, repeat after me asshole.
Maybe I just like having fun, and vr is fun
I got a rift on sale for like 320 which is less than I've spent on storage you desperate urchin.
Go back to your fat 3ds
Yes and no. Depends. That shit's gonna sweat up the fucking foam piece of shit headband that comes with it. It's builds up more sweat than the Rift does which is saying something.
porn apps at 5k resolution stereoscopic 60fps
>shitty hardware
If it was made by valve you’d be praising it. There’s nothing out like it currently. 1600x1400 per lens, accurate inside out hand tracking, 72 FPS.. all on mobile processor.
I can wear my CV1 headset for hours with no discomfort at all, if the Quest strap is similar at all I don't see why it'd be an issue.
the cooling fan intake is directly between your eyes inside the headset, so it draws in cool air across your face
>obvious shill
but user, actually had some valid complaints. why dont you prove that there's more fun in VR? rather than spouting obvious bait lines?
>400 dollars
>3 year old headset
>on a 5 year old console
>a console that is outdated within the next year
Mad snoy
What the fuck are you talking about?
I have a friend who sleeps every night in VR
I don't see how he does it personally, but yes the more you wear it the more you get used to it unless you have motion sickness issues
and do you know how *i* start my headset?
i grab both my controllers and hit menu at the same time
pcvr is such a torture isnt?
No thanks, lol.
Very much so, on your snapdragon headset.
Autistic faggot.
Because wearing a bulky pair of 400 dollar goggles to play Wii shovelware-tier wagglan games and watch porn will never not be fucking stupid
>works unless you have retardo eyes
wow so inherently, VR is only for people without visual impairments. how ableism in THE CURRENT YEAR- i should start an anti VR campaign.
>a screen right next to your face
but it literally is. You have a screen attached to your face. when you physically move your head/screen, the game registers the gyro, or whatever component, as moving the field of vision in game.
you cant tell me its anything more than that. I have a samsung vr headset
>I knew VR was a gimmick before I even started using Yea Forums
oh sweet summer.
you have no understanding of optics. as far as how the light travels, the screen is effectively about 10 meters away from your eyes. try putting your phone right up to your eyeballs without the lenses and see if its the same
>how ableism in THE CURRENT YEAR- i should start an anti VR campaign.
Uh could you hold off on that? I don't want it to harsh up the vibe on the violence against women in VR campaign I'm cooking up.
>I don't need evidence or firsthand experience to form a conclusion
who keeps making these webms on their parents' 10 year old dell laptop? this game doesn't need a lot of power to run at framerate
Sure, but what it is is irrelevant to the effect.
Like I said, a computer is plastic and fuckin sand
no thanks what, do you not like your 3ds?
If it's out of stock I doubt it's a dead gimmick
>dead gimmick
>flying off the shelves
pick one
>:entire desktop costing 1400 plus USD vs headset costing 400
>shocked the quality is lower
Nono you see? They uh...made limited bundles to simulate the supply and demand with and artifical shortage! What? Give you proof!? Pfft, yeah okay DON'T see the righting on the wall.
Game? I want to try it out.
I think it's VAM made.
Virt-a-mate. not a lot of built in content, its currently a toolkit you can use to make porn, though there is a lot of community stuff out there
Neat, thanks.
VR is the right step to take for many genres. The issue is't the concept of VR itself, is how companies managed it.
The price is way too high for the current market, on PC you also need a proper rig that at least doubles the price (Assuming you're going for headset + controllers) and on consoels/Quest is just a fad that barely works.
I still don't know why they still charge +400 for hardware that's pretty common and even less why they don't manage shipments properly. Like seriously some countries get +150 in shipping fees. What the actual fuck.
Add that on top of the fact that because the above the market isn't that big, so not many devs are focused on developing for it.
For less than a headset you get entire consoles or even decent desktop PCs, no wonder so many people is not interested in it. Don't expect the VR industry to grow much until prices drop.
I wanna buy a headset but first I'd need to get a new graphcis card and CPU and while I'm up for it will take some time since it's a lot of money to save and dump.
>sold out
>failed gimmick
nono user, that's not how it works
the ouya being in huge unsold piles
that's a failed gimmick
Lmao what a fucking idiot!
>that feel when i've been reloading bolt action with my left hand all this time like some kind of dumb monkey
I don't want to say "rent free" because of how much it's been coopted by pundits but there sure are a LOT of threads every single day talking about VR for something that's such a shitty gimmick.
>this dumb gimmick will die any time now...
>says man 5 years ago
>PC you also need a proper rig that at least doubles the price
Minimum requirements nowadays is not that expensive. If you have more than a 970 GTX, 8gb of ram, an I5 and higher in specs you will do much greater than usual.
>on consoels/Quest is just a fad that barely works.
The main issue is the lack of basic VR headsets that work on Steam. Vive and some WMD work well. But I find it sad Quest can not be used on Steam unless you go through a complex process of programs etc.
There is literally nothing left to do in gaming except for haptics and VR. Everything else has already been done. VR is the only new hotness to get excited over, all other alternatives are descending into castrated hardware (nintendo/tablets) or streaming consoles (stadia) which are just as castrated.
I choose VR.
is this webm supppsed to make vr look good? how is he aiming? why is he not using the sites? surely that would be the first thiing you would look for in a military simulation
Nothing angers Yea Forums more than people having unsanctioned fun. You are only allowed to enjoy things that are on the official approved list.
that video was captured through the left eye. don't ask me why but somehow that is the standard
>go on vr chat
>too shy to turn on my mic and talk to people
Are you a leftie? I am left hand left eye dominant, and use my hand to shoot and bolt. I hate being left handed
>"Miss me yet?"
Pavlov (and most vr games) records flatscreen footage through the HMD's left eye.
Since user is right eye dominant, we don't see through the RDS
no I just prefer keeping my right hand on the stock for pretty much every action, but this trips me up with bolt actions using the left hand while turning the gun sideways to reload because the lever doesn't consistently return to its starting position
You never know until you try.
depends on the person really.
i played a mixture pavlov and beat saber for like 5 hours straight and didnt have any problems.
>Minimum requirements nowadays is not that expensive. If you have more than a 970 GTX, 8gb of ram, an I5 and higher in specs you will do much greater than usual.
That's still at least a 600 bucks rig, which is around the same price of headset + controllers.
>The main issue is the lack of basic VR headsets that work on Steam.
That was my point about the market. Right now there's only like 3 decent headsets with incredibly high prices and 1 affordable option thats not consumer-friendly.
We all knew the first gen of VR would be shit but at this rate we won't be seeing a proper, cheaper but more stable second gen.
Same. I just go on there to listen to other people so I don't feel completely alone.
Do you also LARP a gondola? Are you me?
does..... vr chat allow you to choose furniture as your avatar? can people sit on you? I am asking for a friend
Yes I am you.
Quality VR is never going to be budget tier ever and people will eventually capitulate to that just like they did with their gigantic 8K TVs and grossly overpriced sound systems. Normies blow $100 on gold plated HDMI cables, they will spend $1000 to jump on the VR train.
Also a reminder that even consoles are not targeted at an audience below middle class. That's why all the demonstration material/advertisements feature people living in million dollar homes with expensive furniture and clothing.
Assuming that entertainment hardware needs to be even remotely accessible to the poor is a fallacy.
Yeah if you really wanted to
I wish I could get so immersed that I forget I'm looking at a fucking videogame.
there's sofa avatars and a couple of them you can actually sit on, yes
Havent tried furniture but I turned in a ant sized man once and had a giant anime girl stepping on me and playing with me once.
>That feel when you will never be a poorfag who hasn't played H3VR.
And poor people still spend more than 400 on things like TVs and game consoles already anyway.
based pervert friendly environment
should i get this one ? or not got the 970gtx
I currently have an nvidia 3d setup but they are dropping driver support this month.
I want to sit in my chair and look around in vr while I move with a keyboard. I dont give a flying fuck about full body waggle bullshit. I want to be able to click a button and enable vr mode for normal games, just like I could do with nvidia 3d. Is vr worth it for me?
quest doesn't use pc. you could get the rift s tho, it will run all oculus games on a 970, as long as you are not talking about the laptop version
Vorpx can do this, but its very hit or miss.
Guess Ill wait then. Wish they would drop the standalone waggle games and try to sell it as an enhancement for normal games
>Below Rift S
They're the same fucking thing, idiot.
hey hey hey no one invited Craig
even at best, that ends up being disappointing. early vr was like that and nobody liked it. there are too many ways flatscreen games just don't work in vr, unless they are like cockpit simulators
no. WMR has dogshit tracking and high latency
In what fucking world does it have high latency? I've been using a WMR and a Vive for a year now, and they feel identical. The only difference is the tracking jitter in low light, with the WMR.
vive pro is mediocre at this point, it was only ever just a hair better than the original vive with a stupidly high price
guess all that usage has given you low standards. the rift s tracking and responsiveness is worlds better in every way
in this world
There are no waggle games lol
and yes I also own a samsung odyssey. every once in a while I break it out to see if I can tolerate the tracking to take advantage of the slightly higher resolution, and immediately toss it back in the closet again
The quest is literally a glorified cell phone powered headset.
You have numbers to back that up, or is it just you being an elitist snob?
What are some Yea Forums sanctioned things I’m allowed to have fun with?
you dont seem to understand the difference between shitty gesture recognition emulating button presses and actual tracking
There are none. That's the point.
>muh hardware
what are some great VR games?
Mutes in vrchat are the most pathetic human beings. You've got no self respect running around as loli cat girls how hard would it be to just fucking talk in a social "game"? Fucking disgusting.
I hope real women will become obsolete in my lifetime
Undertale maybe? Devil May Cry 5 is borderline. Thats all I can think of off the top of my head for games that are not considered meme fads.
There’s literally nothing else like it.
More creativity and exploration apps would be great. Something like fruity loops music making software or abandoned buildings exploration software. That drawing software looks already amazing but im not that much into drawing. Honest to heart, most if not all games look like total ass. I can get most of that gaöary shooters from playing my wii
lol and 3d TVs are here to stay
have you ever tried on vr? just because everyone looks like anime girls doesn't help if you're already shy in real life
>sold out
seething, coping, and in needing of dilating
can you actually name one? all I see in that pic are tech demos, shovelware and ports
>VRchat is overheating my headset
Either way, all of this is useless with voice changer technology currently being where it is. It just sounds so fake.
your definition of "shovelware" seems to be "game I don't have"
can you give me the name of a great VR game or no
Stormland, Defector, The Unspoken, Lone Echo
asked and answered dumb shit, all those games are great
It's not out apparently? Seriously? Your great VR games aren't even released yet? Fucking kek
I played vrchat every day and the cesspool of shit that it's become is hilarious. Sleep worlds, giant mirrors, glowing tattoo cat girls, grown men running around as lolis, ddos/crasher kids and mutes are what ruined the experience and now the devs are pandering to quest users and digging an even deeper hole to bury their dead game into.
how dare they have good games in the future as well. all development should cease this moment
Also not out lol.... noticing a pattern here
can you give me the name of one (ONE) great VR game that is currently released?
It’ll be out this year sweetie.
Except for it's controllers, inside out tracking, 6 degrees of movement, and game support I guess
And the lack of requiring a phone, and the higher resolution,
AKM ace on Dust2
Modded weapon (Tonfa) gameplay
Gameplay from third person camera
Came out two days ago and is packed full of content
Lone Echo
Take your pick.
you were given literally dozens, neatly divided into categories by whether they are out yet or not. do you seriously need daddy to read the words in the picture for you?
Astro Bot
If you aren't a puss and can actually play
I'm so frustrated because i find it fun and im very curious about the story and vr bunny but I cant stand to play
>Maybe they expected a million and they actually sold two million. Either way, still a flop compared to any other major platform.
two millions sales in the first month would be STELLAR performance in comparison to ANY other console. neither Quest nor Index are likely anywhere near that, more like 100-200k for Quest and 25-50k for Index. Which is still fantastic.
Cope harder.
is the spoon we are feeding you with too big? do you need us to blow on it to cool it down for you?
Seems like a neat little tech demo but doesn't VR have any actual games?
Seems like a cute little tech demo but doesn't VR have any actual games?
If it's sold out it's the exact opposite of dead, retard.
so can you name one (ONE) great VR game or no?
Windlands (and Windlands 2)
The Lab
the Serious Sam games (all have had amazing native support added by the devs)
Duck Season
>name multiple good vr games
>wtf why are there no good vr games
contractors is pretty fun
I wish gookmoot would enable flags on Yea Forums
see , it's nu-Yea Forumss version of tortanic. except Yea Forums never actually made tortanic fail, it was shit, and the devs later reworked it and it's actually come back to modest success since, and /vr/ has never been shit like SWTOR was and like nu-Yea Forums memelords proclaim it to be.
3 hour singleplayer game and 2 extremely fleshed out multiplayer modes Echo Combat and Echo Arena. How is that a tech demo?
I haven't played some of these, but GORN was probably my worst VR experience to date, it's an absolutely garbage game that would only interest a child.
B&S does a similar concept a million times better, despite being janky as all fuck and a blatant tech demo.
Duck Season is hot garbage, the lab was awful, and H3VR is the closest thing you've got to a playable game, just a shame the dev is autistic and can't make a single decent gamemode to save his life.
Contractors might be alright if it had more than 2 players, and if those players were in the same region as you. Pavlov is currently the only option as far as online shooters go, and it's a janky cut down version of CS.
I have can and have named many. You apparently can't read those names.
>3 hour game
>not a tech demo
What planet do you come from?
>I can only read the first three words of any paragraph
Can't wait for B&S to add multiplayer. That's when it'll finally be fun.
Melee multiplayer in VR sounds like the worst thing ever. I don't think people understand how fucking dull it'd be to just run into people spinning swords at the speed of sound over and over again.
So a 3 hour sp campaign means it’s a tech demo and we are just gonna ignore the multiplayer because..?
vox machinae needs some love from the devs. it had a pretty good launch but they stopped adding content and did some shitty patches that increased TTK in stupid ways
you havent played B&S then. that shit doesn't work
Small brained post.
>Duck Season is hot garbage, the lab was awful
yeah, ok, tortanic faggot
huge fucking brainlet.
melee in vr hasnt been abusable like that for years.
Velocity and swing arc are extremely simple to check for
So game = tech demo if there’s not a 7 hr campaign
Don't get too comfortable in B&S
>tfw want to get knuckles and index hmd as upgrade to vive
>tfw can't sell vive and wands cause I need them for checking gamedev shit
>tfw can't sell old gpu cause I need to be able to test performance on a potaterpc
youd unironically tire after a while
Just do the Early Access scam to get enough money to buy a completely new PC and Index. Are you even trying to gamedev in 2019?
and unironically get healthier
Still waiting at least three years until i try one.
I just want the dungeons they talk about in the roadmap. I wanna dungeon crawl dammit. Monsters would be cool too.
Can you expand the storage in a Quest, or are you stuck paying +$100 for fucking doubling the onboard storage?
usb storage was promised at some point for video. but really you don't need a ton, mobile VR games are not gonna be tens of gigs.
Blade & Sword has character-driven physics swings based on your 'suggested' movement from your motion controller. Eg. If you're holding a heavy weapon but try to do say, and overhead strike as if you were holding a pen, your character would be doing barely anything as a result.
how does oculus get hot chicks working for them?
you mean to tell me these girls really have advanced engineering degrees? get the fuck outta here
VR is pretty fun and for 300-400 dollars it's worth the price. Not so much at the 700-1000 range because of the lackluster game library, that's enthusiast territory. It's hard to regret the lower end of it though. Porn is pretty good.
You forgot the part where it's facebook: the company
it is rumored that those guys have some money
>what is marketing
What is that and why can't I play it?
why would they bother paying marketing models for a demo of in-house testing processes
fuck im so lonely bros
So you have shots of attractive women using your product that you can put into your slideshows.
It's really fucking simple.
And 400 gets you good headsets on PC too. Index is nice and all, but only marginally nicer than stuff that costs half the price. And in a year or two, the 400 stuff will be better than the index.
but its catered towards developers who already own and use the product
you're not "winning" anyone over here
index gets a big nope from me for the fact that you still have to set up cameras
VR is in 2nd gen now you can't pull that first gen tech bullshit and expect people to pay twice the price of more advanced offerings
No your horny there's a difference
More like Gen 1.5
>sells out
>vr wont sell its a gimmick
What cameras? Have you tried understanding what you are posting about first?
it has more accurate tracking you poor fag
just buy your 400 dollar toy sweetie
Inside-out is fine 90% of the time but I'm looking forward to not having to worry about that other 10%
Only holding off on the Index right now because it's my personal rule never to buy the first batch hardware.
>yfw you walked into best buy on release day and got one without a preorder
How do you like it user
>muh hardware
what are some great VR games?
i hooked it up wirelessly to my pc and was playing blade and sorcery in the living room on the floor beneath. its the fucking best headset on the market because of its wirelessness. I fucking played superhot in a parking lot the other day. it's fucking awesome and you're blind if you can't see that.
>tfw I did too but now I'm considering just getting a rift s instead
Three of the games he listed blows everything so far on PC out of the water.
There aren't any. I wish there was at least one, but instead all that's available are a few fun tech demos.
>it has more accurate tracking you poor fag
the 10% boost in tracking isn't worth the hassle or money of setting those sensors up
also inside out tracking is only going to get better from here on out, outside camera tracking is literally a dead man walking
You realize they hire more than just engineers right? They could be part of the marketing or HR teams.
Inside out tracking has some fatal flaws that will never be solved in the current iteration and I say this as someone who defends it constantly
Additionally it is not as hassle-free and foolproof as brainlets meme and by propagating this myth people end up having more problems with it than they need to.
What's hilarious is that I find lighthouse tracking fairly mediocre. I cannot fucking believe there are people who actually use setups that are worse than lighthouses, it's the saddest fucking thing I can imagine.
Drilling a couple of holes in your walls is not difficult.
>more accurate
yeah, nah
the accuracy of the rift s/quest is basically perfect. the only downside is it can't see the controllers behind your back. it doesn't need such insane spatial resolution for your hands because they never get more than about 4 feet from the sensors, and the quest can handle tracking volumes much larger than the Index's paltry 15m squared.
its really great. being able to play it anywhere is awesome. I've played it outside a few times and every time im amazed that a thing like this is real.
i figured out how to hook it up to my pc yesterday so now it works like a regular pc headset. but wireless. i really think its the best headset on the market.
steamvr library access
the headset looks better
you can playback 5k,6k+ porn
So what is the advantage of this thing exactly?
you can hook the quest up to your pc you know.
you don't need to hook it to a computer, it's all self-contained
its a wireless self contained vr headset thats $400
Why is self contained an advantage? How do I get games on it?
So that you wouldn't have to plug it to a capable computer and you wouldn't have a tether on the back of your head at all times.
Other than that, fuckall really.
>How do I get games on it?
there isn't a single VR device that can't play 6k porn. quest got it in like a single day after launch with the sexlikereal app
you literally pick up the headset, put it on your face, and are in VR, anywhere, instantly
>still watching VR videos
>How do I get games on it
180-degree fisheye video =/ vr video
>Why is self contained an advantage?
Rather than wiring it up, turning on the PC, ensuring the VR drivers/services are running, then loading Steam/Oculus/whatever, 'then' loading the game, you just put the bloody thing on and pick the game. No wires, no hassle.
>How do I get games on it?
Half of it is trolling/contrarianism/sour grapes, but half of it is that people completely misunderstand vr vidya. People who haven't played vr games want to replay their favorite vidya in vr, they want skyrim vr, doom vr, quake vr, they want to watch vr movies in vr cinemas, oblivious to the fact that it absolutely doesn't work this way. VR demands very heavy focus on interaction, different leveldesign, entirely different ways of telling stories, you can't just slap a vr support on top of flatscreen vidya and call it a day. That causes flatscreen normies to feel like technology genuinely isn't appealing, because
>beat saber? it's just a noname rhythm game, i'd rather play guitar hero
>pavlov vr? is this indie? i just want to play counter strike
>i don't get boneworks, what's the big deal? it's some generic shooter
enjoy 1 hour battery life in museum simulators on ps1 graphics at 24 fps
only normalfags bought the quest
180 3D porn is amazing, though certainly a lot of studios get it wrong with bad camera setups and motion. fortunately sites like sexlikereal let you sample everything first
there is not a single game on the quest that doesn't run at 72 fps, it is an absolute requirement for being on the store, and the battery life is about the same as a switch
are you speaking from experience or what shills who are advertising the product on their youtube channels tell you?
They're allowed to run at 36fps w/ ASW to 72hz.
To be honest I'm more interested in the non gaming potential of vr.
>"oh no I have to drill a total of four holes and then screw in the base stations one time where they'll remain for the remainder of the set's use this is such a dealbreaker"
>VR is in 2nd gen now
And what makes you say that? There has been zero actual changes to VR asa whole other than higher-resolution panels in some devices, and more folks jumping on the inside-out bandwagon which comes with too many caveats and less expandability w/o hardware refreshes.
Also the only setup for launching a game is plugging in the two a/c adapters and launching steam VR
why do people fuss over wires when you literally have to run everything ONCE?
What changes do you feel would make it 2nd generation?
Shit that fixes the flaws present in all headsets, but that would require foveated rendering and varifocal lens, the former of which only a non-consumer high end headset has as of currently.
That and more points of tracking, be it body, or face.
Damn VR people are seething faggots huh?
3DOF is shit my dude
>People who haven't played vr games want to replay their favorite vidya in vr, they want skyrim vr, doom vr, quake vr, they want to watch vr movies in vr cinemas, oblivious to the fact that it absolutely doesn't work this way.
Eat shit dumbass, VR is absolutely fine for all of this unless your some casual nigger who will only settle for casual tier party garbage that has motion controls shoehorned in
Until VR gets some real substantial games which as of now it has zero, yes zero, ports are where it's at.
your "fine" is shit compared to what vr has to offer
Yeah all of lighthouse's setup is upfront. Inside-out skips that and in return you have ongoing small issues and annoyances forever along with lovely shit like controller occlusion and cutting out when they get too close to the HMD.
Also having to play VR under full ceiling lights at night gets warm.
What VR has to offer is the ability to enhance 20+ years of game design and unparalleled immersion in addition to actual gameplay depth, instead you retards obsess over VR fruit ninja guitar hero garbage "wow its like I'm actually standing in an inky black void with glowing shapes flying at my head." Get fucked.
one day you'll try out vr and see what i mean. until then, i guess you can keep barking at random people on the anonymous internet forum, who am i to stop you
The facts are facts. VR is a gimmicky fad that will fade out. Even I, someone who has never touched VR in his entire life, can tell this based on basic fucking logic.
>says increasingly nervous man
Nice try no true scotsmanning me. How bout you head back to your tranny discord since you clearly hate video games and only enjoy casual mobileshit like games journos.
woof woof
I said this for years, and then I picked up VR because it was cheap enough to buy in.
My opinion hasn't changed one iota. If anything, VR was actually less impressive than I thought it was going to be, because it's mediocre for literally every genre right now.
In 20 years, VR might have one or two decent games. Right now? Not a hope in hell.
>scroll through the entire thread
>like maybe 5 posts about actual games
>same reposted webms
>10000 posts arguing about sales numbers
yeeeep not a good look
>It's going to die
>But still be around in 20 years
Why do people STILL fall for the
>Out of stock? That means the demand is so high that they just cant keep up :) successful launch!
marketing gimmick?
>still no games
I am speaking as a developer who has worked with oculus, if your app drops frames more than like 1% of the time outside a loading screen, they reject it immediately.
There is no such thing as AWS on mobile. It does not exist at all, and mobile GPUs are not fast enough to perform it.
It's pretty successful...for VR
But then again Zuck is losing hundreds on every unit sold and most of them are ADHD normalfags who are going to get bored and wander off instead of dropping serious cash on the oculus store
It's the Wii all over again, this is all being propped up by Rift shills and Oculus cultists. VR is stable and slow and will continue to be that way for another two years at least.
"VR" in 20 years is obviously going to be the evolved form, which is AR. Wearable tech is the future, but strapping massive goggles to your face isn't really wearable tech.
I don't think VR is going to die out, despite companies losing millions on it, because they are all hoping for a return to the glory days of the Wii.
Mainly for three reasons
>underage memers
>Crab mentality
So you're basically stuck doing games the equivalent of PS2 visuals but in HD, at 72fps, give or take a couple modern shader tricks.
This, so much this. They underproduced because this was all part of their secret business plan to not sell headsets.
>tfw VR porn made it all worth it
It's so good, anons. Playing SuperHot and Beat Saber is icing on the cake, too.
>"VR" in 20 years is obviously going to be the evolved form, which is AR.
They're vaguely parallel technologies you dunce
Are you the same retard who shows up to every thread babbling about AR while barely having a grip on either tech
>out of stock everywhere
fucking kekles
Hey now. It's at least Gamecube fidelity, lets not sell VR short
Oops, forgot the main reason - butthurt poorfags.
Nobody has found a way to make AR fun or useful yet outside of like industrial design companies. Once the novelty of having dinosaurs and strippers on your coffee table wears off, most people stop using it. Even the high profile games that use it like Pokemon Go are better with it turned off.
They aren't parallel at all. That's like saying PDAs were parallel to smartphones.
The tech isn't realistically there yet for AR. When it is, it'll be the only option anyone cares about.
We're still at the fucking stage where you buy a headset that isn't sized, with lenses that aren't even capable of being set to a basic prescription. VR has a long, long way to go, we're still using fucking OLED and LCD screens.
they are probably never going to be personalized out of the factory because that will never make economic sense.
It think it's envisioned to become some shitty social media HUD broadcasting ads and your friends' dumb comments into your face 24/7. Mostly ads, hence why it has so much commercial backing.
funny how these are the only threads where Yea Forums thinks that graphics matter
Someone post cute headpat webms with midgets
Why the fuck is there no VR MMORPG yet. I just want to live the .hack life
The biggest AR thrust is from MS' WMR which includes AR and VR and yes many of the technologies feed into eachother yet they're both very distinct: you don't need an all encompassing sensory deprivation headset for AR and you literally cannot do VR in the lightweight low power glasses that are designed for dedicated AR, to do so would be retarded
You're probably more retarded than deep dive faggots because at least while their expectations are completely ridiculous, they make sense
>Not enough install base->no mmorpg
>no mmorpg->no install base
Plus you can play MMOs just fine without VR.
There is Orbus VR, but I suspect it is shit.
There is one, don't know if it's any good though, looks really simplified
to answer your question though, not enough supporters and mmos are an expensive genre to develope
They're not though and graphics do matter, retard.
Video games are a fusion of a number of things which all matter and right now VR is failing hard on graphics AND gameplay. But that's okay, we're still in first gen and I'm enjoying myself.
There's barely enough of a playerbase to support basic ass multiplayer games (not that it deters anyone from making more) and the sort that would play MMOs are all fagging it up in VRChat.
A MMORPG is way too high effort for your average VR dev.
>all those particles and complex polygons
Not a chance.
Wasn't Wii successful?
With the hype over VR growing in Asia it's likely there will be soon.
why are anons like yourself so threatened by oculus
you cant even use stream games on it or pirate games
but how did they mange to put a 1500 euro gaming pc performance in it
Wii wasn't groundbreaking, it was luring in normalfags for shallow janky party games with an actual gimmick that was so cheap to manufacture, Nintendo made bank on units sold unlike say the first gen PS3...or the Quest.
Quest is also shallow but not nearly as shareable or normalfag-friendly and its "gimmick" is overkill. And Oculus has to deal with being a hated brand unlike Nintendo that can reliably output rehashed dogshit and half-baked gimmicks that its cult eats up. Meanwhile Oculus with the full might of Facebook's brute force marketing struggles against HTC which is just lol.
Because we actually have been following the behind the scenes going-ons since the start, kill yourself cultist.
is vr worth it
You really need to try it yourself, it's a very personal thing and no amount of testimonials or screenshots can do it justice.
Nice avoiding the issue there.
worth it for beat saber IMO. with the custom maps the modding community have made it really is that good.
there are a lot of good game beyond that. a lot of escape room type games like i expect you to die, they are kind of 'tech demo' ish.
pavlov and onward are pretty good.
vrchat is surreal but at the same time really interesting. but you don't need vr to play it... but it is very different in vr.
then there are all the existing games that are beginning to support vr like skyrim etc.
If you need to ask the question... probably nah, unless you've got money to burn. If the idea appeals to you, it's very well worth it.
I can't believe they bothered to port VRChat to Quest, given how bad it already runs on modern PCs, even with the Quest-specific limits enforced.
what are the limits enforced? i imagine vrchat needs a lot of storage space on quest to download models and rooms
Your avatar basically needs to be something a Playstation 2 can handle.
some of the avatars in that game are beyond absurd. like i saw avatars that would take control of my fucking camera and fill the screen with emojis, truly bizarre stuff. there are some wizards making those avatars, it's like appreciating people's cosplays but online
I hope all Questlets are ready for The Basilisk
They just did the bare necessary minimum, find a cut-off point at which it runs and made a hard limit.
They absolutely killed public rooms over the year(s). I'm never even sure if people see me anymore, or am I blocked because I'm not a Trusted User, meet their avatar criteria and now if they're not Questlets.
It went from being alternative to socializing for spergs to being even more stigmatizing than real life, can't wait for an alternative which is never coming seeing we're playing Pavlov still well into 2019.
Oh yes, I'm sure you mr "I've never touched VR before, its just like a 3ds" definitely are more knowledgeable on VR than people who actually use VR on a daily basis.
My coping mechanism is not being a stupid goyim and spending money on expensive hardware that has no playerbase and thus no dev interest.
Maybe you need it spelled out for you:
>no devs no games
Enjoy your indie 'experiences' lmao
>strawmanning this hard
Seek help, I give it a month before you faggots are literally insisting that anything that isn't oculus branded isn't true VR
opinion discarded.
>"Expensive" hardware
We're not discussing Porsches here. Look at any semi-decent sim rig, be it car wheels or HOTAS. Those are expensive, you literally can only use them for one thing (you can also do in VR)
They've enforced clamps on particle spam and ban people who use shaders that use screenspace effects like zoom scripts.
yet you feel this strong need to convince other people that they are not actually having fun with their magical technology and great games, that they are just being tricked into thinking they are having fun by evil jewish people. sounds super likely user
The playerbase killed public rooms by using abusive/unoptimized avatars. Partly the dev to blame for not being far, far stricter on avatar requirements, and not obfuscating the avatar package so it's not a complete joke to rip people's creations.
well the put in strict guidelines for the quest, no reason they can't also put in slightly less strict restrictions for pc
>no standardized game-agnostic virtual keyboard
>no apps to access your phone/texts from within VR
>closer to smellovision than convincing haptics or 1:1 locomotion solution
That too. The only way to use it is to go world hopping solo or have a group of friends already, shit's fucked hard.
while true, racing wheels are not exactly mainstream either
SteamVR Home is a fucking joke. I can't remember one improvement since I bought it Vive in May 2018.
>muh hardware
what are some great VR games?
>my vr asbergers isn't working
>Change tactic! Try divide and conquer
Goodluck, all brands work towards the proliferation and advancement of VR, a rift quest doing well is only beneficial to vive, index, and any other vr user.
Facebook has been the single most disruptive and insidious influence in VR you absolute cunt piece of shit
I'm glad people are getting more and more pissed off at you Oculus cultists for getting so agressive with the shilling and shitting up every place where VR is discussed
>haha divided platforms and exclusivity is good for VR :^)
>Onward is coming soon too
Not a fucking chance. If you think you can play any of those games on a smartphone graphics card you are out of your gourd.
their software is still pretty bad. its like gaming on linux
what am i looking at?
Xbone running on win 7
Do you even understand marketing?
> If you think you can play any of those games on a smartphone graphics
moss, robo recall, beat saber, pavlov are already on the quest, what are you talking about?
>Not a fucking chance
pic related
let your nerd rage out
Literally just you, if it werent for occulus we'd maybe have the vive and htc is not doing so great right now.
I hate faceberg but i see literally no reason to complain about mass marketing vr.
Does anyone think Pavlov ever looked good?
The Power of The Cloud©
>you have received 2 facebucks for this post
>manlet rage
my sides
no, but if a single autist can port pavlov to a the quest with minimal effort and get it running at a consistent 72fps so can the Onward dev team with 17 employees.
>Ah shit, i cant think of a way to spin the proliferation of VR as a negativ
>le reddit wojak
Speaking of, how is the Switch VR. I know there aren't many games and all, but im kind of curious how terrible it is.
Unless you're a mega poorfag, 400 bucks isn't that much for a novelty thing.
Onward isn't a mod of a 19 yr old game.
>your social credit score has increased by three
>you are now allowed to operate bicycles within .5 kilometers of your living cube
Pavlov isn't either, brainlet.
I don't think that's how it works but okay
>If you're anti-facebook you're anti-VR!
>Quest port plz!!
>[Racing to the bottom intensifies]
who are you quoting
got em
Woah how do you spin the weapon like that?
>just got into vr chat last night
>told someone it was my first day playing and I was just running around collecting cool avatars to use
>he swaps to a custom anime girl swordswoman avatar and lets me copy it
>It had custom dab and fortnite dance emotes
>notice later it's literally named "DoNotShareThis"
I still find it funny
this shill campaign is painfully obvious
It's about time for a new thread innit
We can make the exact same posts all over again and as usual avoid talking about actually playing VR
The dev is literally teasing about an upcoming announcement regarding the quest on their discord, what else do you need retard?
>game that requires desktop pc and high end graphics card to play will suddenly be playable on a phone
Sounds so plausible.
I have severe social anxiety
>I'm so excited to play severely downgraded ports of 2 year old games, but in my bathroom!
The absolute state of VR, oi vey. Still first gen and we're already Nintendo Switch tier.
>but in my bathroom!
Make sure the lights on are.
So do a lot of people on VRChat. Just do what they do and bully people with even worse social anxiety.
Social Darwinism VR.
Did they solve the problem of inside-out going completely insane around mirrors and reflective surfaces like chrome?
>dev working on graphics overhaul
>with 17 developers, many specifically hired for optimization
>for a game that averages at a 60 daily playercount
>1 developer for 4 players each
>totally not porting to a new platform
stop inhaling gas user
I tried , but I can't hold a conversation don't know what to say most of the time, sometimes I freak out and just close the application.
>>dev working on graphics overhaul
If it's going on a phone app that would be graphics underhaul.
>>for a game that averages at a 60 daily playercount
Well it's surely going to attract more people by having less features!
>while their expectations are completely ridiculous, they make sense
Stop comparing the quest to a phone.
A processor actively cooled is an entirely different thing to it being stuck in a 5 mm thin case
hard to understand I know, but PCVR is dead
You can get that way by also being lonely...
>but PCVR is dead
Even the phonelets don't have their own memes.
>development alpha
>buggy gameplay
wow, who saw that coming?
The active cooling does help, but the Snapdragon 835 is literally a 'smart'phone processor, so calling the Quest by extension phone tier in performance is hardly much of a stretch.
>hurr durr how does vr work? hurr durr
Not him but do you mean one of the two programs that stream to your headset through wifi? I heard its kinda problematic.
More Blade And Sorcery
You haven't tried VR.
>mobile phone processor
thats literally what Carmack envisioned back in 2012...
Anyone use their VR to watch 3D versions of movies, or just movies in general?
How is it? Nauseating? I get motion sickness, but monitors never have induced it, but I assume VR headsets might for me.
>can't even preorder the index in my country
haha, thanks bro, I need to save money anyway
Inside out is garbage compared to Lighthouse tracking. There's nothing "2nd gen" or advanced about it. You can't even aim down sights properly.
There's nothing nauseating. People do it all the time in Bigscreen VR. Problem is screen resolution isn't ideal even now. Maybe with the HP Reverb it'll be ok but for most headsets you're basically watching things in SD res.