GOTY - baba is you

Attached: babauwu.jpg (560x560, 34K)


I agree OP.


>not baba is not win
Some of these puzzles are stupid

I think i would appreciate this game way more if I was not a comete retard. Once i got to the puzzles withe the robots that move when you do it was over for me.


Attached: baba.jpg (367x1046, 50K)

Attached: babaishung.png (1280x1046, 531K)


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what am I looking at

hes big fat cock!

Attached: baba is bump.gif (496x398, 92K)

Baba hugging it's lover. duh.

How can you even tell the picture is like rorschach inkblot

Because BABA is HUNG

>BABA is YOU threads are now only memes
Well I guess this is the fate of all FotM games.

Sorry user but this thread says differently

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Keke is stuck! What would Baba do?

Attached: WWBD.png (855x480, 22K)

I swear I don't know how I solved this shit but I did.


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It's not a question of what Baba would do.
It's a question of what Box would do.

oh yeah

Break BOX has Love.


Found it, just bumrush it
Box has keke keke is box box is you
Prison was 100% bs though


uwu is unironcally cute! CUTE

There's actually a better solution.
Box is You, Box Has Box

baby don't hurt me
baby don't hurt me
no more


My formal logic sucks, brb kissing my sister myself

Attached: Baba no.png (857x477, 31K)

Should I get this for switch or PC?

>realize I pushed words into a wall where I can't push them anymore halfway through the solution

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I bought the game on launch date.
That stage filtered me out.
Then I found out that's still super early game and I've been depressed ever since.

Performance is mostly the same. PC because your Steam profile is more likely to outlast your Switch.

Attached: push.jpg (78x172, 7K)

>humanity managed to reach the moon
>can't do word puzzle
Puzzle games are a constant reminder I'm retarded, antichamber raped me hard.

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Lads I need help

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should I wait for sell or just get it now?

Wait for sale. You missed out any on forms of community that might have gathered around this game.

what the fuck

>not solvable
How lame.

redpill me on baba [/spolier]

Self-esteem destroyer simulator.

>tfw the game makes me feel both stupid and smart at the same time

I look at this and I understand what it is to have an aneurysm

>move into empty
>turn into ghost and spawn a rope
>push words
>can go through the door now
>reach anni safely

>Baba is not ok
Damn, he’s really going through it...

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A puzzle game about rule manipulation.
There are a fixed set of specific rules that can't be broken no matter what (Cursor is You and Level is Stop) but everything else can be altered depending on words strung together.

>kill yourself to become a ghost and then get revenge on KEKE to get your waifu
Wew lad

Attached: anon trapped baba in eternal suffering.png (849x478, 30K)

>TFW level editor still isn't done
I'm fully waiting on Baba is Kaizo.
>Levels within levels just to solve that level
>Solving them in the wrong sequence can potentially lock you out of winning and you can't get back in


Yeah I figured how to give me infinite keys. hurray! Enough puzzle for today.