Quick! Post your western Waifu!

Quick! Post your western Waifu!

Attached: r6-operator-ela_301980.png (830x710, 219K)

She ruined Rainbow 6 Siege

Attached: 1558717833623.jpg (3840x2160, 1.05M)

The closest I'll ever be to a woman

Attached: sshot_196.jpg (3840x2160, 2.13M)

>nerfed as fuck
>barely picked

Attached: D4hn3DkU8AEf7mV.jpg (863x1200, 90K)

>leave then forget traps
>50 rnd mag
>highest rate of fire
>in a game where 1 shot to the head is fatal from all distance
Everything that this green haired dyke stood for was fucking wrong

>highest rate of fire
Why do you have to lie?

closest I'll have to ela sitting on my face

Attached: ElaBooty.png (1400x792, 1.02M)

Last time i played this clusterfuck i think it used to be the gun with the highest rof maybe the SMG-11 was a bit higher but it doesn't really matter it was one of the highest rof gun in the game
But it doesn't change the fact that siege is shit and its balanced for faggots